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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1973)
HE BATTALION Tuesday, October 16, 1973 College Station, Texas Page 6 •red to as rnal undera i*very Tuesi t our feelis we wanted ’ Schwab ss •ew on us ake situati® np we coui dded. civilian, ibout the pi told to IK' oms and (S) County People’s Festival Blended Fun & Folks Photos by Lynn Kennedy Batt News Summary A JL.L.EN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center When in Dallas/Ft. Worth IPs the TUPINAMBA Restaurant for ‘Mexican Food Supreme” Open 7 days weekly EDDIE DOMINGUEZ CLASS OF ’66 JOE ARCINIEGA CLASS OF ’74 3071 W. Northwest Hwy. Dallas, Texas Near Bachman 1 m ibject to ithorized iture mod? 1 however, back in pl« )N Schfil AGGIELAND CLASS PICTURES! Seniors & Graduates: G - K . OCT. 15 - 19 L - O . OCT. 22 - 26 P - S OCT. 29 - Nov. 2 T - Z NOV. 4 - 10 Note: Students needing pictures early, may come ahead of schedule. Call University Studio for information. 115 College Main — 846-8019 — P. O. Box 2 College Station, Texas 77840 before &ft 2708 moloney VV^I began, texos 77301 Young Jeff Windsor listens to the musical bear he won in our door prize drawing. Jeff’s proud parents are: Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Windsor, Bryan. We’ve got a lot more toys. WE’RE BEHIND DENNY’S! By The Associated Press State BUFFALO—The AVM Corp. of Jamestown offered to plead no contest Monday to federal charges of bribing public election officials in Texas and Arkansas. Judge John O. Henderson of U.S. District Court in Buffalo called the plea “one of the most abused pleas in the world,” but agreed to consider it. David K. Floyd, attorney for the automatic voting machine firm, said the company has reor ganized its hierarchy with new officers and directors who “hope to remove the ominous and dis astrous cloud hanging over the company.” Robert C. Stewart, head of the Justice Department’s Strike Force on Organized Crime, which pre sented the evidence that resulted in the federal grand jury indict ments against AVM, said he had no objection to the company’s pleading nolo-contendre-no con- test-instead of pleading guilty. three bodies had been recovered and were being brought to the hospital by ambulance. State Police headquarters said a resident of the area had reach ed the crash scene and reported seeing three burned bodies. An eywitness who lives in a valley below the mountain said she saw the Air Force plane crash into the mountain, explod ing on impact. RAYMONDVILLE, Tex.—Gov. Dolph Briscoe combined empha sis on strong local governments with a tough stand on law en forcement in a speech here Mon day night. Briscoe spoke during dedication ceremonies for a $137,000 public safety building in Raymondville. Briscoe said he was impressed by the number of South Texas area legislators and other elected officials participating in the cere monies, saying it was a sign of strong cooperation between local citizens and their elected offi cials. National FORT SMITH, Ark.—A C130 cargo aircraft with six to 10 crewmen aboard crashed into Su gar Loaf Mountain Monday night, State Police said. A spokesman for St. Edward Mercy Hospital here said that WASHINGTON—The Cost of Living Council Monday gave the go-ahead for many gasoline re tailers to increase their prices at the gasoline pump, effective im mediately. The increases will range up to 1.5 cents per gallon. The council also confirmed it was all but abandoning its sys tem of rigid gasoline price ceil ings, which had caused some gas oline retailers to close in protest and had brought congressional action to force an end to the ceil ings. The council said that effective Nov. 1, it planned to allow gaso line retailers to increase prices automatically to reflect higher wholesale costs. Charles L. Binsted, president of the National Congress of Pet roleum Retailers, said the coun cil action met the dealers’ major grievance under the phase 4 con trols. ST. LOUIS — Vice President- designate Gerald R. Ford once acknowledged a peripheral role in getting a government job for con victed Watergate burglar G. Gor don Liddy, the editor of the North American Newspaper Alli ance said Monday night. Sheldon Engelmayer, in an in terview with television station KPLR, said Ford admitted the role during a previous interview with NANA’s bureau chief in De troit, J. F. Terhorst. Ford, according to Engelma yer, was contacted by Duchess County politicians in upstate New York while campaigning for Pres ident Nixon in 1968 and told to get Liddy “out of their hair.” Despite being appraised that Liddy had caused trouble for the county’s regular Republican party organization, Engelmayer said, Ford assisted Liddy in obtaining a Treasury Department job. mm HARRY DISHMAN Sales & Service 603 Texas Ave. C’.S. across from campus — 846-3316 XEROX COPIES 5c EACH OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday thru Friday 9 a. m. - 10 p. m. Saturday & Sunday 10 a. m. - 10 p. m. MSC BROWSING LIBRARY 2nd Floor New MSC James R. Rid well has a gift for life for you .... and a gift for living .... from THE GENTLEMEN’S QUARTER Call him at 846-7714 for information . . . We protect America’s most precious gift - life free from financial care! Di I iM| PROTECTIVE LIFE® Bi IIMSURAIMCE COIVIPAIMY MOIVIE OFFICE - BIRIVIIIMQMArVI, ALABAIVIA ^v> % MSC SNACK BAR OPEN Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a. m.-10:00 p. m Sat. & Sun. 5:00 p. m. - 10:00 p. m. Hamburgers — Cheeseburgers Soft Drinks —Fruit Juices Coffee-Milk C X X