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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1973)
. V THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, March 7, 1973 Watergate Study Upsets FBI Head WASHINGTON <A>>—L. Patrick Gray III warned senators Tues day they run the risk of drying up FBI sources if they continue to spread details of the Water gate investigation on the public record. He also said he would have preferred that White House coun sel John Dean III not be pzesent while FBI agents interviewed White House personnel in the Wa tergate case but that he acceded because the information was need ed. Gray said the senators, mem bers of the Judiciary Committee, had reached the point in his con- firmation hearing for director of the FBI where “I may be impact ing upon national security, con stitutional due process and the right to privacy as I respond to questions.” Gray, who has served as act ing FBI director since May 3 last year, asked the committee’s guid ance “in order that matters of national security are not discuss ed in the public forum.” “People will talk to the FBI,” he said. “The proof is here in this Watergate investigation. They will and they did furnish information one-on-one with our agents at their own request, but they will not continue to do so if we continue to spread this in formation on the public record.” FBI summaries submitted to the committee while it was in recess Monday showed that Dean sat in on interviews which the FBI had with White House per sonnel about the bugging of Dem ocratic party headquarters at the Watergate last year. At the White House, deputy press secretary Gerald L. War ren said the White House staff “completely and thoroughly co operated” with the FBI investi gation. He pictured Dean as hav ing been helpful to the FBI in expediting scheduling of inter views. Dean headed a White House probe of the Watergate affair. The FBI summary of the first month of inquiry, made public Monday, mentioned the Nixon campaign committee. It quoted an unidentified source from within the Committee for the Re-election of the President as telling agents that campaign officials “were sending FBI agents on fishing expeditions to keep them from getting the truth.” “Unless you . . . become like children, you shall never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Aw c’mon, J.C., can we really be like children ? Not now, es pecially since we are big, frown ing adults. Like Ms. Helen Red dy said in her dumb little song, “I know too much to go back and pretend.” Well, I don’t think it will cause any sort of rush on the Pearly Gates by the populace of America, but I just listened to something that made me feel like I was close to doing it, close to becoming like a child. It was “Holland,” the Beachboys’ new album. The trick in becoming like a child is to do this without losing any knowledge or under standing. In fact, the trick is to do so by gaining, not losing. “Holland” was recorded in the lowlands of the same name, but don’t worry, the songs are still about Southern California. Ex cept for “Sail on Sailor” (the radio song that was composed by Van Dyke Parks in the pre- “Surf’s Up” days) all the new album’s songs are Beachboy orig inals. And except for “Leaving This Town,” the weakest cut on the record, they’re all by the three Wilson brothers and their cousin Mike Love. When you listen to “Holland,” play side two first. It opens with five year-old-Wendy Wilson’s “Hi!” which leads into “Trader,” my favorite track. Except for one brief drag (“Leaving This Town”) the whole side flows un interrupted, smooth and familiar yet always complex just under the surface. Most of the other side is taken by a three - part “California Saga.” The first and third parts are two more additions to the B.B.’s endless chain of tributes to Sunny California. The saga’s third part, called simply “Cali fornia,” runs through so many snatches of near-identifiable mel odies, that afterward I felt like I had listened to two or three old B.B. albums, rather than just one song. But the second paxt of the saga, “The Beaks of Eagles,” is the one; the one that concerns so much more than eagle beaks. It is a song interwoven with a poem by Robinson Jeffers. “The Beaks of Eagles” is filled with seemingly clashing thoughts, but they’re only splinters off the same log. I don’t usually try to interpret songs, since everyone has their own views and no one is all right or all wrong. But this one is too easily overlooked in its beautiful package. A few weeks ago, one of their fellow Californians, Dr. Paul Saltman, a genetics prof at the University of California, spoke here at A&M. Though his speech was science oriented he began by stating some acts of faith neces sary for undertaking any in depth scientific study. Basically, these were: there is order to the universe, and secondly, it is good for man to know this order. This is the subject of “The Beaks of Eagles.” In order to believe the song when it says, “Man’s needs and nature are no more changed in 10.000 years than the beaks of eagles [are changed],” one has to not only accept an exact or derliness of a largely unknown universe, but also one has to disregard as superficial all the changes civilization has brought about, both good and bad. This acceptance of a lack of under standing, is the key to becoming like a child. And I can’t help thinking of this book I read about a philoso phy teacher who lived around 2.000 years ago. When some dudes asked him where the King dom of God was, this teacher told them not to bother to look around, because it was “within you.” And I can’t help seeing Siddhartha sitting on the river bank, hearing all the sounds of his life in the deep voice of the river. And then I listen to the last line of “The Beaks of Eagles,” “A whisper of the word will let you soar with your soul.” And I feel like it was I, not Wendy Wilson, that said “HI!” Read Battalion Classifieds Star Watch FAMED OPERA SINGER Beverly Sills also takes pride in her role as National Mothers’ March Chairman for the March of Dimes. The goal: prevention and treatment of birth defects. 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