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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1973)
ii BATTALiON Thursday, March 1, 1973 College Station, Texas Page 3 Return From Florida Contests With 5-2 Record Aggie Baseballers Open Home Season Today The Texas A&M baseball team lens regular season play Thurs- and Friday against Iowa tate following a surprisingly iccessful spring training trip to lorida. Coach Tom Chandler’s Aggies lent six days in Sarasota play- ig the Kansas City Royals Base- ill Academy. A&M won five of ic seven games. It was the first the Academy had lost a ries to a college team in its iree-year existence. "I was very proud of our play- ts both on and off the field,” handler said. “It was a great jperience for our team, and I think they learned a great deal. The Royals’ people treated us very well and were very generous with their time and experience.” The scores saw the Aggies split the first doubleheader, winning 6-3 and losing 7-4, sweeping the second twinbill, 9-5 and 5-0, split ting the third, 3-1 and 1-3, and winning the seventh game, 9-1. The Aggies hit for a .332 team batting average in the series against a team which had posted a 28-4 record previously. Right- fielder Jim Dratsen, a sophomore from LaMarque, was the leading hitter with a .444 average and 10 runs batted in. Leftfielder Jim Atterbury hit .407, second base- man Sandy Bate .381, center fielder Gene Reinarz .375, first baseman Paul Miller .370, third baseman Jim Hacker .348, catcher Tommy Hawthorne .333 and shortstop Mike Schraeder .240. Utility infielder John Woods hit 1.000 on 5-for-5. “We still don’t have an abun dance of power hitters but we are doing a good job hitting behind the runners and forcing in runs,” Chandler said. The pitching was led by junior lefthanders Jackie Binks and Jimmy Juhl. Binks pitched seven ^ebut Due For Batgirls oday In A&M-ISL Match The All-America Diamond Dar- ngs will make its 1973 debut nth the Texas Aggie baseball earn today with seven new faces nd eight returning lettermen. An extremely large aggregate f batgirls is expected with the 5from A&M and eight traveling dth the Iowa State Cyclones. “It looks like there will be a at girl for every player for lese two days,” baseball coach ora Chandler said. It’s not surprising that Iowa Itate has brought its batgirls own south as the Cyclones were he first team to initiate the joup. Chandler, in fact, got the iea when watching Iowa State’s ladings perform at the Collegi- te World Series two years ago. The new Aggie batgirls are udy Macha, a sophomore ac counting major from Hunger- ford; Beverly Collins, a junior pre-med major from Beaumont; Marilyn Adams, a sophomore political science major from Bryan; Johna Grohn, a sopho more P.E. major from Beeville; Roberta Real, a freshman animal science major from Kerrville; Marcia Yaws, a junior education major from Dallas, and Cynthia Frazier, a freshman sociology major from Houston. Returning from the 1972 squad are Pam Schifelbein, a senior zoology major from Floresville who was elected captain of the 1973 batgirls; Susan Cummings, a junior P.E. major from Bryan; Kathy Wolfe, a sophomore biology major from Richardson; Becky Upham, the current Aggie Sweet heart who is a junior zoology major from College Station; Linda Todd, a sophomore educa tion major from Bryan; Merrill Mitchell, a sophomore manage ment major from Bryan; Penny Ball, a junior pre-med major from Tulsa, Okla.; and Gwen Flynt, a sophomore political sci ence major from Bryan. In their first year of existence in 1972, the Diamond Darlings were chosen All-America Batgirls by Collegiate Baseball Newspaper in competition with some 60 simi lar units from colleges and uni versities around the nation. The young ladies perform various duties at Aggie baseball games such as taking care of the bats, chasing foul balls and making player introductons on the public address system. Sponsor of the group is Mrs. Tom Chandler, wife of the A&M baseball coach. innings without allowing a run, and Juhl pitched 5% shutout innings. Junior lefty Bobby Fal con had four scoreless innings. Freshman David Lockett allowed one run in seven innings and Clint Thomas 3 in 8 innings. The Aggies outscored the Royals, 37-20, and out-hit them, 72-43. “They were quite impressed with our team. But you can’t use these past games as a criterion of future success. They had about the same amount of talent as a good college team but were made up of younger players. They wouldn’t win the Southwest Conference title. “Their pitching was on about the same level as college but their hitting wasn’t as good. Their speed and defense were superb. “We were just grateful to get to go and it was great for our program. It really helped sell A&M and it’s a tremendous tool in recruiting. We certainly hope to go back next year.” While finding definite talent in the season’s opener, Chandler found some holes that need to be mended for a championship run this season. “We’ve got to have improve ment from our catchers,” he said. “It’s not the problem of the two we have back there but just the lack of experience they have at their position. “We also need to improve de fensively in our outfield. They are hitting the ball well but not making good, consistent plays on defense. “I was pleased with our infield and our pitching. Both areas are strong and should be a big strength for us. We’re really looking forward for the season to begin.” BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 0n< da? of per word Ic per word each additional day Minimum charge—75e Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication WORK WANTED Typing. Electric. Experienced in term papers, theses, resume correspondence. 846- 5291 after 1 p.m. 221t8 Experienced typing, electric, near campus. 846-6551. 209tfn FOR SALE {•month white face P. m. 822-3 9 80 it A-1230 open reel stereo tape deck, >d $5 hotg pric mra, direct import. Call by ape old. Guaranteed $225, not $360. tgun, 5#. Also can beat any price on any new year 12 8 luge double shotg excellent. March 6. 223t3 Typing’, electric, pus. 846-6473. experienced, near cam- 168tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. 135tfn HELP WANTED Students needed immediately to act as representatives for a Houston research company. Plenty of money to be made in spare time. Inqi Blvd. No. 213, Houston, Texas 77006. 224t2 ime. Inquire at: 3303 Montrose Salesgirl to work part-time hours at ai mer’s Marke* T> 11 ~ : ’ perience desired. Farmer’s Market Bakery. Retail ex- esired. 822-6417. 224t2 bull. Call after 966 Rambler American. Standard trans- (sion, 2-door hardtop, air, reclining seats, iter. 232 cubic inch engine. 24 gallon. Good condition, S560. 223tfn las per 1-5003. 1911 Volkswagen Super Beetle. s-4164 after 6 p. m. $1500 Call 223t8 itrin? “Deliverance” Special. Bacon "Belmont” njo. Long neck. Only a few of ese around. Good condition—ready to IJ-6100. Call Danny at 822-6897. 223t2 Kotice to Grad. Sr. Army ROTC Cadets For sale U.S. Army officers uniforms Iress blues, greens (light & heavy wgts.) tropical worsted summer (Igt. & hvy.l. All trousers size 33 waist, 31 length, jackets and coats. Size 40 R. For in formation call, 823-8683, Bryan. To * anytime at 2320 Bristol St., Bryan. Like new 14’ x 78’ mobile home. Three 1, 1% bath, shag carpet, CH & A. ilk equity. Call 272-8731 after 6 weekdays. 222t3 61 Chevy Impala, 4-door hardtop, V-8, steering, factory air, automatic ansmission, heater, radio. Call 846-8647. (1 Plymouth Valiant, $250. 400 Boyett Apt. 5 See after 5 p. m. 222t4 1912 Honda SL 350. Very low mileage. M216. 214tfn GIRLIE MAGAZINES, GIRLIE POCKETBOOKS. 6MM Color Films, 8-track Party Tapca. Open 3 p.m. to 12 p.m.—7 days a week Tremendous Selection CENTRAL NEWSSTAND SSS'/o University Dr. — C.S. 209tfn PERSONAL Typing near campus. Electric. Ex- erienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Hath by. tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION. All Jun iors and Seniors in curricula of the College of Science who have not completed the re quired English Proficiency Exam must take this exam on Wednesday, March 21, 1973 at 7:00 p. m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula — Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula — Room 308 CHEM MATH Department Curricula Room 207 ACAD PHYSICS Department Curricula — Room 233 PHYS guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the For information and departmental secretary. Completion of this examination, a requirement of the College of Science, is a prerequisite for candidacy for a degree. 224til y-f (951 semester hours. The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on March 12, 1973 may be used in satisfying To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety-five (95 I the March 12, 1973 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the ring clerk. Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the ring clerk starting March 26, 1973, and continuing through May 4, 1973. The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office for delivery on or be fore June 14, 1973. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Mon day through Friday of each week. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admission and Records Mrs. H. Brownlee, Ring Clerk 218t38 SPECIAL NOTICE LVN’s wanted at Sweetbriar Nursing Home of Navasota. Excellent starting salary to $400 plus employee benefits. Call Mike Hodge, Administrator at 825- 6463 or 825-7208. 220tfn FOR RENT TRAVIS HOUSE APARTMENTS 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 C.S. Not too early to make reservations for summer. 223tfn R.N. wanted as Director of Nurses at Sweetbriar Nursing Home of Navasota. Excellent starting salary to $800 plus traveling allowance and employee benefits. Call Mike Hodge, Administrator at 825- 6463 or 825-7208. 220tfn ALTERNATIVE PUBLICATION NEEDS PEOPLE Creative, FREE-thinking People Are Needed for writing, illustration, selling, photography, layout, and all phases of production. Small salaries will be paid once publication is on steady basis Great Satisfaction and Ex perience. For Information, Call 846-1372 or 846-8364 After 6. CHILD CARE Experienced child care in my home day or night. Call 846-1501. 222t4 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery To the students and personnel of TAMU. Do you need to buy quality furniture? iscount Furniture sells and offers to you lality and national brand furniture at iitount prices. You must see us befor ou buy. Free delivery. Budget pla ffered if desi: 'exas Ave, iorth Tex ery. Budget desired. Location: 601 e., corner of East 22nd <as Ave. Next door to Emj lent Commission. Phone 822-1227. If plan ion: 601 North and Next door to Employ ee us before you are Co. yo ted furniture, you cannot afford not to i buy at Discount Furni- 136tfn WANTED Carcass Removers Wanted: Dead ele- hants cluttering premises. Contact ’74. 224t2 Cornet Instructor for beginner. 846-0030. 221t5 FAILING COURSES? Reading speed, comprehension, and study skillls inade quate? The successful program on our lesij •opolitan camp: not only minor but serious reading prob- metropolitan campus is designed to correct t i itu ll write P. O. Box 4180, Plano, Texas 75074. only m s. For >ur future academic success: Call Dr. Scott (214) 424-6541, Ext. 40, or 222t8 Have you picked up your 1972 Aggieland? If not, please come by the Student Publi cations office, 216, Services Bldg, and get your copy. 202tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn This is Living* Tennis; Private Club\ Swimming Men’s & Women’s $ Sauna and Exercise Room 1201 Hwy. 30 \ A College Station (713). 846-8561 -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Thru Sat. PREMIUM DOUGLAS TIRES F60 x 15 Glasbelt $39.95 G60 x 15 Glasbelt $41.95 Includes Fed. Tax. Others at similar low prices. All tires mounted and high speed balanced at NO EXTRA CHARGE. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge” Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 27 Years In Bryan Furnished apartment. Free air. Bills not paid. Newly redecorated. Couple or stu dents. Excellent neighborhood. 822-1481. $65. 222tfn Three room modern house. Unfu nished on Hv 6 South, 12 miles south ir- of wy. C.S. $70. 825-2402 Navasota. 211tfn Unfurnished duplex apartments near A&M campus. Call 822-3793 weekdays and 846-6296 after 5 and weekends. 205t30 BROADMOOR ARMS AND PINE APARTMENTS 2 bdr. furnished or unfurnished. Central air and heat, carpeted. From $135.00 per mo. All bills paid, including cable. 5 minutes to campus. Office 1503 Broad moor. 846-1297 or 846-2737. ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 6, 846-3408 or 822-6135. 166tfn NEED STORAGE? U-STOW & GO At 2206 Pinfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas Hobbies—Antiques Housewares—Workshops— Commercial Many, Many More Six Sizes to Fit Your Needs 822-6618 162tfn LOST Airedale terrier, male, black and tan. Lost in Dowling Road, Wellborn area, December 25. 846-5537. $100 reward! 219t5 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call; George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-805 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV AH Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 None of the statistics will count in the regular season averages since the Academy was not col legiate competition. A&M will play two seven inning games each day against Iowa State beginning at 1 p.m. The Cyclones split a twinbill with Houston Tuesday and lost the opening game of their season Monday, 12-3. Binks will start the first game today and Falcon will start the second. In relief will be Juhl and Jim Wallace. Starting in the infield will be Miller at first, Bate at second, Schraeder at shortstop, and Jim Hacker at third. Either Mike Frazier or Tommy Hawthorne will catch. In the outfield will be Reinarz in center, Bratsen in right and Atterbury in left. Golf And Tennis In Meet Action A&M’s golf and tennis teams take to the road this weekend to compete in meets in which stiff competition is expected. The golf team, having defeated Sam Houston State at Hilltop Lakes, 8-1, on Monday, compete in the tough Border Olympics beginning today. The six Aggie golfers repre senting A&M are Bill Schmidt, Tom Johnson, Randy Tickner, Paul Dieckert, Clay Dozier and Dan Bibeau. A&M’s tennis team, with a 3-1 dual match record, will return to tournament action entered in the Corpus Christi Invitational. The Aggies tied for second in the Pan American Tournament and hold dual match victories over Lamar University, Texas A&I and Pan American. The lone setback was to Corpus Christi University. A&M players entered this week end are Dan Courson, Bill Wright, Bill Hoover, Lawton Park, Kermit Smith, Carter Lo max and Mike Mills. Intramural Results VOLLEYBALL CLASS A Squad 16 over Squad 9, 2-1, Squad 10 over Squad 1, 2- 0, F2 over Nl, 2-0, Gl over Squad 11, 2-0, F2 over Kl, 2-1. CLASS B Squad 1 over Squad 12, forfeit. Squad 15 over Squad 4, forfeit, FI over Bl, 2-0, F2 over B2, 2-0. CLASS X Ace Butcher Co. over Wesley Fond., 2-0, BSU over Newman Club, 2-1. HORSESHOES CLASS A Ml over Squad 9, 3- 0, Al over Squad 8, 2-1, Squad 10 over Squad 1, 2-1, D2 over K2, 2-1, Kl over Squad 15, forfeit, Gl over Squad 11, 2-1, Squad 16 over Nl, 3-0. Charlie Jenkins will start the first game Friday and freshman Clint Thomas will close out the series. A&M will return to Kyle Field Tuesday to host the Lamar Tech Cardinals in a doubleheader be ginning at 1 p.m. ECOLOGY HINT TORONTO <A>) _ For the first time in his Canadian province, there will be a slogan on next year’s motor vehicle license plate: Ontario Keep It Beautiful. It was selected from a list of sug gestions aimed at keeping the traveling public ecology minded. COLLEGE GIRL there is a Shop for you! THE CLOTHES HORSE 3801 E. 29th Just off University Dr. Ponderosa Specials • Friday Evening Fish Fry — $2.00 • Sunday Noon Lunch $2.00 • Special Weekend Rates for Parents & Students Call 846-5794 Ponderosa Motor Inn LAKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road Saturday Night: Tony Douglas & The Shrimpers From 9 - 1 p. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nile (ALL BRANDS BEER 35<) Be creative-Plant flowers. HARDY GARDENS • Manor East Mall — Bryan • 1127 Villa Maria — Bryan • 2301 S. Texas Ave. — College Station ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 LITTLE JOHN S 4613 Texas Ave. SPECIAL COUPON OFFER Tues., Wed., & Thurs. Only CHRIST CAME FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE DIF FERENT — WHO KNEW THEY NEEDED GOD’S HELP FOR LIFE. BE DIFFERENT THIS SUNDAY. JOIN US IN WORSHIP AT 10:45 A.M. AND/OR 6:00 P.M. >WiW/ UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main — 846-6687 Hubert Beck Pastor