Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1973)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, January 23, 1973 THE BATTALION Yietnam Cease-Fire Could Be Truly 4 At Hand’ PARIS (A*)—Henry A. Kissin ger arrived Monday night for what may be his final negotia tions session with Hanoi’s Le Due Tho on a Vietnam cease-fire agreement. The U.S. presidential adviser made no statement after his flight from Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, and went direct ly to a meeting with Foreign Min ister Tran Van Lam of South Vietnam. In Washington, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird hinted to newsmen that a ceaise-fire agreement would be initialed Wed nesday. American officials said Kis singer would confer with Lam again Tuesday morning prior to his first meeting with Tho in the International Conference Cen ter near the Arc de Triomphe. The center was the site of the four-year-old public peace talks, which were suspended indefinitely on Jan. 18. Kissinger’s current trip to Paris is his 24th mission in search of peace in Vietnam. He and Tho have met 21 times for a total of more than 93 hours since Kissin ger indicated on Oct. 26 that “peace is at hand.” Their last meeting, on Jan. 13, concluded their most intensive week of secret bargaining, when Wide-Ranging Program Presented By Briscoe To State Legislature (New Gov. Dolph Briscoe swept into office last week laying down a wide-ranging program to the Legislature his second day on the job. Briscoe emphasized the need for cooperation with legislators and other officials and said he intends to be “the most persis tent lobbyist” lawmakers will see this year. Tone of the Governor’s inaugu ral adress and initial legislative message (several supplements are promised to fill in specific de tails) appeared to impress legis lators favorably. Most criticism centered on Briscoe’s get-tough law enforce ment program which includes re storing the death penalty for mur der of policemen or firemen, le galization of wiretapping as per mitted under federal law and ad mission of oral confessions in criminal trials. Briscoe’s assertion that lower ing of first offense marijuana possession penalties to misde meanor status should await gen eral revision of drug laws also brought some complaints. He planned to present his narcotics law revision to the Legislature this week. Among the Governor’s priority proposals: Strengthening the lobby regis tration act and adoption of a new code of ethics, early creation of a constitutional revision commis sion, penal code revision, laws to curb “fences” of stolen property and give courts power to deny bail to dangerous offenders, re quiring convicts to serve more of their sentences before becoming eligible for parole, more emphasis on vocational education and a re quirement that spending bills be accompanied with long-range cost estimates. they were said to have established the broad outlines of an accord. After dedicating a Pentagon corridor to the memory of an Air Force general, Laird was asked by reporters for informa tion on the return of prisoners of war. “We’Ve told you all that we can until after Wednesday,” Laird replied. It was perhaps the firmest clue yet that Wednesday is the target date for initialing an accord. The same day also was cited as the initialing date in Commu nist high-command documents re ported captured in South Vietnam Sunday. These were among the bits of evidence cropping up at home and abroad to reinforce reports by sources that Nixon has set a timetable of concluding a Viet nam agreement this week. Kissinger, Nixon’s national se curity affairs adviser, smiled and waved at newsmen standing in the rain as he boarded the blue, silver and white jet from the presidential fleet at midmoming after conferring for an hour with Nixon. He made no departure statement, and the White House continued its steadfast refusal to discuss any aspect of the Viet nam situation. Even as Kissinger was flying across the Atlantic, experts from both sides continued 1 their tech nical talks in Paris, presumably working out language of the final accord proclaiming a cease-fire, arranging for the exchange of war prisoners and setting up ma chinery to reshape the South Viet namese government. White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen that Kissinger, after his late- night arrival in Paris, would con fer with South Vietnamese For eign Minister Tran Van Lam, who reached the French capital Monday for what he called-the “final phase” of the negotiations. Ziegler said Kissinger would talk with Lam again Tuesday morning before the presidential assistant meets with Hanoi's ne gotiator, Le Due Tho. Lam’s Viet Cong counterpart, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, also is in Paris and has said the Com munists are ready to “do every thing possible to achieve a quick settlement.” Presumably, Lam and Mrs. Binh would participate in the for mal signing of any agreement, along with a ranking member of the North Vietnamese government and U.S. Secretary of State Wil liam P. Rogers. In Saigon, South Vietnamese officials reported that a captured Communist high-command docu ment informed North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops that an agreement would be initialed in Paris at 8 a.m. EST Wednesday. The undated document, the sources said, stated that the agreement would be formally signed Saturday and that a cease fire would go into effect Sun day. Jan. 28 also is the date that Lam told an interviewer Vice President Spiro T. Agnew would be in Saigon. Ziegler said Mon day he could not confirm that such a mission was planned to demonstrate that the United States and South Vietnam are en tering a postwar era shoulder to shoulder. Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr., Nixon’s chief liaison with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu, conferred with the President and Kissinger twice Sunday after his return from a quick tour of five Asian capitals to brief allied leaders on a tenta tive agreement. Indications were that Haig re turned with a personal message from Thieu confirming that South Vietnam accepts major points of the accord. The new round of Kissinger- Tho talks was announced last Thursday when the White House and Hanoi said in a joint state ment the meeting had been ar ranged for the purpose “of com pleting the text of an agreement” to end the war. This joint announcement fol lowed by four days Nixon’s or ders that all U.S. offensive op erations in North Vietnam be halted. And it came a week after Kissinger and Tho had completed an intensive six-day round of Paris negotiations. Teague Has Busy Schedule /4 s Congress Starts Work Cong. Olin E. (Tiger) Teague of College Station started work in the 93rd Congress as one of the top Democratic Party leaders with one of the busiest schedules. His 26 years in Congress give BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ’72 Honda 600. $1,100. Call 822-4701. 203t4 'Sinsrer Zig-zag” used less than 3 months, uttonholes, sews on buttons, patches ing< Makes b and darns, monograms, appliqu' ams, appliques, embroid- >ins and needles. Does :ag twin needle decorative work plus smooth and reverse sewii rranty. In nice wal ers. Sews over pins an< ^ vin everse sewing t cor free home trial call fancy zig-zag tw: plus smooth year warranty. In nice $69 cash or terms. For fr ing tasks. 10 ilnut console. 822-9340. 203t3 ‘‘1972 Stereo”. l ovely red velvet front console model stereo F1M radio, all solid state system. Large li inch turn table, with automatic record changer and shut-off. Split audio speaker system, for great stereo pleasure. Guaranteed. Pay $84.48 cash or terms. For free home trial, call 822-9340. 203t3 Like new 16” IBM Selectric typewriter with Smith syr i C mbol element. 846-3743. $350. vpewriter Call Richard 203t6 Gas burning logs with brass $10. Dining table, round 48 inches, extends to 68 inches—$50. Double mattress—$10. Desk, 5 drawer—$25. Tuner and amplifier, tubes -both $10. Call 846-3943. 202t2 Beautiful purebred black and silvei n shepherd puppies for sale. Six mn old $25. Phone weekends. 23-2144 after 5 an wee ud 1971 Yamaha Enduro, 125 CC, $300. 846-6076. ! 1966 GMC Van, new motor, 823-6183. $500. 1971 Mobile Ho rooms and 1% 9785 after 5 p. m. lome. 64 x 14. bath. CH & A. Two Call Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 —EVERYDAY— Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Premium grade Douglas Tires mounted and HIGH SPEED balanced for no extra charge. Priced below the so-called “Sale” prices on most tires. Just check price with any others. We sell only Premium grade tires, and gladly invite comparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69£ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange WORK WANTED Typing:, electric, experienced, near cam pus. 846-6473. 168tfn of Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 — evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. 135tfn tc it Typing near campus. Electric. Ex- et perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. ft 124tfn v. Typing. Cali 845-2451. Ask for Kathy. .. 62tfn p WANTED p _ ai WANT TO BUY Used stringing machine for Racquet Service of Dallas. Will negotiate price “ upon seeing machine. p Contact Hoover Tennis Service y) (846-9733). 203t3 u Sewing machine repairs, all makes. Work ® guaranteed. Reasonable prices. P. D. Gandy. . 823-0676. 199t8 HELP WANTED PART TIME JOB AVAILABLE College Student — With car to take orders and deliver to established Fuller Brash customers. . Flexible Hours ■ Above Average Earnings. 846-9379 I72tfn Sales person for manufactured housing. ~ Self-starting type person. Maximum 30 hours per week. Interviews only by appoint- ment. 846-3767. 198tfn “ •Ti Housewives or students for full or part- time work. 10 a. m. to 2 or 3 p. m. 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. and weekends. Hours can be arranged. Openings at both stores. Apply in person only at Whataburger No. 43. 1101 Texas, Bryan. 161tfn PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before 1 you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Employ ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni ture Co. 136tfn LOST On campus; ladies gold costume ring 1 contains approximately 12 diamonds. Re ward. 846-7131. 203t3 CHILD CARE Babysitting in home full-time or part- time. Reasonable rates. Near campus. 846- 5814. 200t8 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official Stud notices must arrive in the Office ent Publications before deadline ol p.m. of the day proceeding publication. A reduction in has made it the bicycle registration nade it possible to grant refunds those who registered their bicycles dur- the 1972 Fall Semester, ~ —- bi< i r< lepartment, foi h pe: of $ Therefore, cycle registration $3 is requested to report to the Uni- rson who paid a equested to repon ( Department, Room 017, YM- refund len' eminded $1.50. All persons (students, faculty, staff, em- oyees) are Reminded that all bic erated or parked on that all cami: icycles at the campus at any ime must be registered with the University epartment within 48 hours after i the campus. The registration fee SPECIAL NOTICE Have you picked up your 1972 Aggieland? F not, please come by the Student Publi- your copy. 1 get 02tfn ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! Grad- -‘■"on announcements will go on sale Jan- r 16 - February 16, Monday-Frid -4 :00, Cashier’s Window, MSC. 199 day, 9t20 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn FOR RENT House with S 1 /. acres of land with horse & pens. Call 822-0367 or 822-1328. House, bedroom, fenced yard. Street) Campus walking distance, den, dishwasher, sto Jersey $125. 615 846-3307. Two ve, large Fairview (Off 202tfn Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge” Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan Travis House Apartments 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 C.S. Our 2 bdr. Apts, have 960 sq. ft. 4-Students $57.40 each. All bills paid cable T.V. 2 pools Bus to A&M Ruth Shelby - Mgr. Verda Shelby - Asst. Mgr. Will show apts. anytime. 202tfn FOR RENT Horse stalls for rent, $7.00 per month near TAMU. Large stalls, some pasture. rungs. 845-1511 fcxt. 58. 203tl Will feed mornings. Broadmoor Arms and Pine Apartments 2 bdr. furnished or unfurnished Central heat, carpeted. From $135.00 All bills paid, including 5 minutes to campus. Office per mo, cable. 5 minutes to campu 1503 Broadmoor Ph. 846-1297 COLLEGE HILLS across from new City Hall. Furnished 1 bedroom upper apart ment. Ample closet space. Adults onl spa $75, no bills paid 846-5031. Horse sttalls for rent. With lighted riding 203t8 arena. Call 846-8568. ,wy. 6 north near east bypass. Pasture available. 823-3749. 198tll Casa del Sol Apartments University Terrace “Apartments” Ph. 846-3455 Now accepting Applications 1-2-3 Bedrooms Furnished and Unfurmshed 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO A&M Walk—Bike—And-Or Shuttle Bus Pool—Bills Paid—$140 up. Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery WHY PAY MORE? For $139.00 Per Month you get: New 2 bedroom furnished apartment, central air condition & heat. Owner pays water, sewer, garbage & TV cable. Adjacent to new, modern washateria. No long lease necessary. Try. If you don’t like, you can move by giving proper notice. Vet Med students & A&M couples pre ferred. SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 T ehnis' Private Club\ Swimming Men’s & Womertslb Sauna, and Exercise Room\ 1201 Hwy. 10 1 College Station (713X 846-8561] 822-5236 182tfn ATTENTION^ MARRIED COUPLER One e for fishing. Country atmosphere. 823-0934 or after 6, 846-3408 npus unds ashateria on gn Call D. R. Cain Co., 822-6135. 166tfn NEED STORAGE? U-STOW & GO At 2206 Pinfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas Hobbies—Antiques Housewares—W orkshops— Commercial Many, Many More Six Sizes to Fit Your Needs 822-6618 162tfn the A&M graduate and Distin guished Alumni recipient a num ber of leadership positions in key committees. Among his new assignments is re-election unanimously as chair man of the Democratic Caucus, placing Teague third in the Dem ocratic leadership. He also was elected unanimously by the Dem ocratic Caucus to represent it on the National Democratic Commit tee. In addition, the congressman was elected, to serve on the Com mittee on Committees, which means he will participate in the selection of all Democratic mem bers to various House committee assignments. Teague serves as chairman of the Science and Astronautics Com mittee, a member of the board for the new Technological Assess ment Board and he is the rank ing member of the Veteran Af fairs Committee. His work in vet erans affairs since 1946 has earn ed Teague the respect and confi dence of national veterans groups. “All this, together with 6th District work and the sessions of Congress, should keep me busy,” Teague said. “However, I do in tend to get down to the district on weekends as much as possible.” KBCS Resumes Broadcasting Cable station, KBCS resumed operations Thursday at 108 on the FM dial, announced Station Manager, Glenn Marpole. The station moved its signal from 103 to 108 to produce a better sound and solve several technical problems, said Mor- pole. The station still features a progressive rock format, but will have more student participation this year. There are many posi tions on the staff open to inter ested students, Marpole noted. Anyone interested in working should contact the station at 822- 7336 or come by the studio at Sunnyland Shopping Center on Texas Ave. BU3IEK - JONES AGEN HOME MORTGAGEES INSURANCE FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 84 6-3700 BILL HE? talion Spo Welcomed I vd ever (8; - t ^ No. AJ048M — $125.0(1 17 jewel, self-wind, Bell ala -boards 98.2 ft. water tested, day4 ish hopef ^ calendar instant date chai| ir ay nig yellow top/stainlesssteelba bough losi ner one w« I crowd \ SEIKO jieroics as meat of Douglas JewelrjL.J 212 N. Main fcta ‘“ <U ' Bryan 822-3119 Barcelona ’s Bears o §8 per cei field. Ba per cent f ding th ime All srhouse wl tabbed led B Rl SI R\ | \ (ikl \ 1 \|> \K 1 MIM I OK I \|| <1 \ • \1 Ofr K 1 NOW (>i*f \ I OK SI I I ( | |n', I 00 IL.^umK ( all 1 7()‘) 1 ui IiiImi m.iii. aVe playei year as a e said ai Jy got i >s were re >ind us. I y.” ck Ton bench, hi i rebound aggres ike most iates not ting line ‘I was a kr but I 'and could Y Ur e,” (msfer froi * vn Way it f 0 Student Section, Tennifr Courts, Basketball and Vrflkjlfff gettim Courts, T.V. Loonge, Pool Table, Club Rooms, Mh I do Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet -Professional Manigtifay*” Security Guard. The Newest in Apartments •in Student Plan $62.50 per month In College Station/Brm 1 ln . ^ P l . We Have separate Girls’Dr s ,llt for BMPi Kent Ellis, Evangelist “LOST COWARDS” “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as! murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, ft: lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, wki|: is the second death” (Rev. 21:8 RSV). In this passage “thecow■ ly” lead the list of those who are cast into hell. Some versit translate this word “the fearful.” Different kinds of fear are spoken of in the Bible. So: fear is good. Some is bad. The fear of God which is absolt reverence and respect for His person and will is essential to plot ing Him, and is fitting as the attitude of the creature towardtl 1 Creator (Eccl. 12:13, 14; Acts 10:34, 35). The slavish dw | which results from guilt is bad, because being guilty before (i!| is bad. This kind of fear is cast out by love, which does G«i | commandments and enjoys His approval (Rom. 8:15; I John4:11 18; 5:2, 3). I The fear of Revelation 21:8 is yet another kind of f# I which also is bad. It is the fear of cowardice, which causes®! to refuse to do his duty toward God and man because of e&rtt | consequences. It is that fear which desires to please men r | than God, and prefers the disapproval of God to that of« | (Luke 12:4, 5). It makes one an enemy of God (James 4:4). 8 This is the fear which leads one to go along with what | wrong because it is also what is popular (Cp. Exodus 23:2). i is the fear which will not tell men the truth, lest they beW ! enemies (Gal. 4:16). It is the fear which will not stand forrif | because it may mean physical, financial, or social loss. ItisCS fear which motivates men to continue in religious error ^ I they have come to know better, lest they be ostracised by for® 1 associates (John 9:22; 12:42, 43). This fear is manifested i many other ways, all equally unworthy of the child of God. 1 The failure to manifest courage to do right and duty is 4 regarded by God as a justified weakness. It is sin, sin "hrl will cause the soul to be lost. God demands, and pleasing Hi| often requires the courage to do right regardless of consequei TWIN CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 3610 Plainsman Lane Bryan, Texas Phone 846-4515 or 846-0804 CHERTS! orkers at irrey hav« the nr y, a $ ' or - The i building dm, Hen iked dc /‘V . (V, _ ’. ' ' ' -V ! p St Barbara Taylor HICfkORY A 4 HILLS a a Mobile Home bu Mfl Community Bryan’s Nearest ® If & Finest ▼ " Spacies & Mobile Homes for rent Phone 822-6912—823-5761 2001 Beck Street Also entrance on Hwy» 2818 at Industrial Park itztfo What: TEXAS A fir M B S U RETREAT 9MMMW lata JANUARY 26-27, 1 97 3 Plaea: HIGHLAND LAKES BAPTIST ENCAMPMENT IT’S GETTIN’ BETTER'' TOTAL COST: $7.00 PLUS TRANSPORTATION ($2.00 RESERVATION FEE DUE NOON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 241 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — CALL B46 6411 OR COME BY THE BSU, 203 N. MAIN