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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1972)
THE BATTALION Pag-e 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, December 13, 1972 Bulletin Board 65 Haitian Refugees Land In Florida Corpus Christi YMCA will con duct a one week course (Dec. 18- Dec. 23) in life saving during the Christmas break. Students living or visiting in that area are invited to take the course. Intramural Athletics: All class es of horseshoes and volleyball entries close Dec. 19, 1972 at 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY Texas A&M Sports Car Club will meet at 7:30 in the Mimosa Room, Old College Station City Hall, 101 Church St. THURSDAY Brazos Ornithological Society will meet in the Texas Room, Distinguished Honor Awards Presented Distinguished Honor Awards were presented Thursday to 14 graduating A&M students in the College of Education. Education Dean Frank Hubert presented the awards based on scholarship and leadership. Re cipients posted a 3.0 or better grade point average in TAMU’s 4.0 system. Recipients majoring in educa tional curriculum and instruction axe Jane Ann Bronstad of Bryan; Elizabeth Hairgrove, Burnet; Kara Sue Krafft, San Antonio; Barbara L. Noe and Patricia Parker, College Station; John L. Payne, DeSoto; Lynn Francis Peoples, Odessa; John P. Rouse, Weimar; Rebecca L. Sharp, Hous ton; Laverne Siemsglusz, Bren- ham, an$ Carol Stock, Cameron. Physical education majors Gar ry D. Patterson of Fort Worth and Chaidotte Ann Potter of Bryan are Distinguished Honor Award recipients. Industx-ial education major Michael F. Kozelsky of Winters was also named for the award. Masonic Lodge Celebrate^ ,25th Anniversary The Sul Ross Masonic Lodge will celebrate its 25th anniver sary with a banquet pi-ogram in the Memorial Student Center ball room at 7 p.m. Thursday, Bob Edgecomb, worshipful mastei', has announced. Dr. Ralph Steen, president of Stephen F. Austin University at Nacogdoches, will deliver the an niversary address. He is a fox-mer history professor at A&M and was depai’tment head when he left in 1958 to take his present position. A charter member of the Sul Ross Lodge, he is author of 15 books on Texas and American history and government. The program will also feature “A Tribute to Gibb Gilchrist” by Joe J. Woolket, charter member past master and present secretary of the lodge. Gilchrist was presi dent of TAMU when the lodge was organized on the A&M cam pus in 1947. He and Woolket were charter worshipful master and senior warden, respectively. Wool ket was honored last week when he pi'esented his tribute to the late Mr. Gilchrist at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas in Waco. BUGGE’S PLUMBING REPAIR and Emergency Service Master Plumber and TAMU ME STUDENT Call 846-9355 195tl PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center A JLLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Bryan Building and Loan Build ing- at 7:30. Dr. Robex-t Fleet will discuss “Tropic Birds on Kure Atoll” with color slides. FRIDAY Texas Society of Professional Engineers will hold their Christ mas Social beginning with a so cial gathering at the home of T. J. Hirsch at 6. The party will leave there for a supper at the A&M Methodist Church and a social gathering at the home of Conrad Dudek later that evening. POMPANO BEACH, Fla. <A>)— Hungry but happy, 65 Haitian refugees drifted ashore Tuesday after sailing to Cuba and the Ba hamas in a three-week journey aboard a leaking 56-foot sailboat. The 42 men, 20 women and 3 children jumped ashore at dawn after beaching the craft in three- foot surf some 40 miles north of Miami. Yvon Bruno, the captain, said the refugees included 12 “political prisoners” and their families and friends. Bruno, who said barge operator in the Haitian capital of Port au Prince, said his father bribed the captain of the guard at a Haitian jail to free the prisoners Nov. 23. The refugees boarded the an cient sloop and sailed first to Maise, Cuba, where they were forced to trade all their posses sions, including their shoes, for food and water after refusing to embrace communism and ask fox- asylum, according to Bruno. Bruno said the refugees sailed from Cuba Dec. 5 and landed Dec. 11 at Bimini, a tiny Ba hamian island 50 miles east of Miami, where local residents gave them food, clothing and water. The group included several elderly women suffering from malnutrition and a 22-year-old woman who is five months preg nant, Bruno said. One of the old er women was admitted to a lo cal hospital. Bruno said Haitian jails under the administration of President Jean-Claude Duvalier “are full of political prisoners. I was in a cell holding eight men, and one night three of the others were taken out and were never seen again. We decided it was time to leave.” Duvalier, 21, was named pres ident for life on the death of his father, Francois “Papa Doc” Du valier in 1971. Most of the Haitians were re luctant to talk about the flight from their homeland. One man, was asked why he left Haiti, an swered, “Because they wantexi to kill me.” Bruno, the only member of the French-speaking group who was fluent in English, said the vessel leaked during the trip and that one hand pump was manned eon. stantly while others aboard bailed. Residents of a condominim, spotted the craft, called po]j Cf and then turned out to set up a beachfx-ont kitchen for the arriv. als. “How they got here is by th e wind and tide and the grace o| God,” said Mrs. James C. Stot- lar, who turned out at dawn with a box of crackers. “That boat looks like a garbage scow.” i#i BAIT/ i&M’s Firer m 0 , ■ 10 ol has startec j ar expansion ] iDgive municip .fighters the i ly of its kind three-ph; s funded ! appro ,,1—ions at , by Chief 1 ;h and his b said the ample ted, Ibe : i jjslature m b&Ecrnic HAl * CURLER $ CURL yOUR HAIR minutes nut goodies \\ 01. TUB OF FUESU 111 TOM scon MIXED HOTS FRESH 13 0Z. TIN OF MIXED NUTS A WONDERFUL PARTY MIX .-'.-■■■■■■■oiimiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllHIII NUTS AND BOLTS SET $ GIFT SET OF AFTER SHAVE LOTION AND COLOGNE - 8.50 SET ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TIL MIDNITE SUNDAY 9 A.M. TIL TO P.M. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlliiiminiNHim •'Vw.v Mnoinm. cmwes TiTT CHRISTMAS TREE FANCY TABLE TOP 2 FOOT TREE WITH STAND WHITE OR GREEN. $ 0 Hilll LIONEL. WABASH CANNONBALL CO*ff>trT£ fLirCT RtC S£ 7 ’ • 3 - LIONEL WABASH CANNON BALL COMPLETE ELECTRIC TRAIN SET $ STEAM LOCOMOTIVE TENDER GONDOLA OVAL TRACK SET CABOOSE FLATCAR TRANSFORMER THIS HANDSOME AND RUGGED SET DESIGNED FOR LIFELONG USE KICKAP00 VALLEY & NORTHERN SET ALSO AT SAME PRICE CHRISTMAS CARDS BOX OF 25 ASSORTED SCENES 11 ill J0HHNY LIGHTNING CARS TREMENDOUS SELECTION ENGRAVES permanently INTO METAL PLASTIC WOOD AND MOST NARD SURFACES sss mt CK; y SPEEDY ^ rt|| aUT0-F^ TO S 12 MOLT $ MINI COMPRESSOR ^ OPERATES FROM TOUR CARS CIGARETTE LIGHTER OUTLET (ft HERSHEY BARS GIANT BLOCKS OF MILK CHOC.,, ALMOND, KRACKLE MR. G00DBAR OR DARK < l&COL%g s J tB - 8 °X OF QUALITY CHOCOLATES PANGBURN HOME OF LOW, LOW PRICES B SPE TH I