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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1972)
Pagre 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, November 16, 1972 THE BATTAUQ Ranking American Official In Vietnam Resigns In ‘Sheer Disgust mderos* DA NANG, Vietnam (^—Wil lard E. Chambers, a ranking of ficial in the American pacification program in Vietnam, has resigned his $42,000-a-year job “in sheer disgust with the leadership and the philosophy being applied" to what he calls a much-maligned cause. tient with the parade of over ranked nonentities whose actions reflect their own ignorance of Vietnam, of the peculiarities of a people’s war and of the require ments of counterinsurgency.” Although protest resignations have occurred occasionally during the Vietnam war, veteran observ ers here can recall no other U.S. official as senior as Chambers quitting under such circumstances. After more than six years as a civilian official in Vietnam, Chambers said in his final report to the pacification agency: “I am no longer willing to remain pa- Chambers, 65, of Columbus, Ohio, holds the title of assistant deputy for CORDS in military region 1, meaning he is the No. 2 official in the pacification pro gram for the northern quarter of South Vietnam. Chambers, a retired Army lieu tenant colonel, said in an inter view that he has always supported the U.S. policy of trying to pre vent a Communist takeover of South Vietnam, “but we just don’t know how to do it.” Both politically and militarily, he said, the Americans have been unable to carry out policies cap able of defeating the insurgent forces. “After all these years of war,” Chambers said, “I read the news paper and think, ‘This is where I came into this war.’ Binh Duong, Hau Nghia, Cu Chi, Bien Hoa — the same names were were fight ing over then we’re fighting now. We’re bombing the same places all over again.” onstrated how inept we can be at this kind of war here in Vietnam, certainly our enemies will give us the chance to be equally inept somewhere else.” There were three things that had to be done if victory were to be achieved in Vietnam “in any acceptable time frame at all,” Chambers said, and none of the three has been accomplished. “The first is you’ve got to give the people a dream . . . something to fight for; the second is military reform, and the third is you've got to give hope,” he continued. Chambers said the only dream or ideology offered by the Saigon government has been “in the neg ative terms of anticommunism. And to the uncommitted, a nega tive value isn’t a very good sales pitch.” In terms of hope, he said, “the only thing that we offer the sol dier out there in his outpost is, ‘If you’ll fight hard enough and aggressively enough, you’ll be able to keep on fighting until someday, somehow, in God’s own time—and we don't know how or when—the other guy is going to get tired and go home.’ “The soldier is not dumb, and he knows that what that really says to him is that if he keeps on fighting long enough, later he’s going to get his on dark night in some misera| paddy. And more important it says to him is that the aggressively he is the i that’s going to happen." “Now that is a very deg course of action,” Chamber) “but it takes years and yen carry out an effective tion program.” It is disturbing, he added to contemplate the future because “your enemy always poses for you that type of war where he figures you will be at the great est disadvantage, and having dem- Dies Victim Of Fatal Heart Attacl LUFKIN <A»)—Funeral services will be held here Thursday for Martin Dies Sr., who for seven years was chairman of the contro versial House Un-American Ac- ives. tivities Commission and once Dies died Tuesday night from accused President Franklin D. an apparent heart attack. He was Roosevelt of protecting subvers- 71 and suffered an earlier attack Sbisa Hall, Duncan Hall & Commons Meal Schedule Week November 19 Thru. November 22, 1972 Master Menu No. 3 SUNDAY Breakfast BEVERAGES ‘Grange Juice, Coffee, Milk *Ass’t. Dry Cereal ■"Grape, Strawberry & Peach Jelly ■"Chilled Apricots *1. Fried Eggs Sausage Links Toast - Oleo "2. Blueberry Hotcakes Syrup - Oleo Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea, Cola, Sprite ENTREES AND SOUPS ■"Roast Boneless Pork Loin 3 oz. and Seconds ■"Brown Gravy ■"Red Apple Sauce Lasagna 4 oz. and Seconds VEGETABLES AND FRUITS *Tri Taters *Fresh Frozen Mixed Vegetables Br. Fruit Compote TAMU 4 3 oz. Dinner SALADS, RELISHES, DRESSINGS Cherry Jello Peach Halves ■"Tossed Salad Dressing: Bleu Cheese, French ■"Russian Catsup DESSERTS AND BREADS Open Ice Cream Bar "Strawberry Pie "Hot Rolls "Oleo "Ice Tea, Hot Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Pineapple- Grapefruit Juice MONDAY "Orange Juice, Coffee, Milk "Ass’t. Dry Cereal "Grape, Plum & Strawberry Jelly *1. Blueberry Muffins Pan Fried Bacon "2. Jelly Fritters Pan Fried Bacon Breakfast Continental Breakfast Blueberry Muffins Doughnuts Sweet Rolls Raisin Bread & White Bread BEVERAGES 4. Scrambled Eggs Fried Eggs Hotcakes — Syrup Pan Fried Bacon Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Tea, Hot Cocoa, Hot Coke, Sprite ENTREES AND SOUPS "Baked Tuna & Noodles 6 ea. "Baked Beans w/Franks 2 ea. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS "Turnip Greens w/Ham Base "Whole Kernel Yellow Com Chilled Whole Tomatoes Dinner SALADS, RELISHES, DRESSINGS "Cardinal Salad Lime Jello & Grape Jello Apricot Halves Dressing: French, "1000 Island Green Goddess DESSERTS AND BREADS Open Ice Cream Bar "Ass’t Cookies & Ice Cream "Beef & Vegetable Soup "Pastrami Sandwich "Grilled Cheese Sandwich "Potato Chips "Frito Chips Reiish: Pickle Relish, Catsup, Mustard, Salad Dressing "Rye, Whole Wheat, & White Bread - Oleo "Ice Tea, Hot Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Pineapple- Grapefruit Juice "Chicken Fried Steak 3 oz. and Seconds "Cream Gravy Beef Turnovers "Steamed Rice Mashed Potatoes "Broccoli Chopped Buttered Supper "Raisin Slaw Tossed Salad Dressing: Russian, French Salad Dressing Catsup "Peach Crisp "Hot Rolls — Oleo "Fruit Punch, Ice Tea, Hot Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice, "Milk, Chocolate and Low Fat Milk at Commons TUESDAY "Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice, Coffee, Milk "Grape, Strawberry & Apricot Preserves "Ass’t. Dry Cereal *1. Jelly Fritters Pan Fried Ham |, 2. Blueberry Muffins Pan Fried Ham Breakfast Continental Breakfast Glazed Doughnuts Blueberry Muffins Pecan Rolls Raisin Bread & White Bread BEVERAGES 4. Scrambled Eggs Fried Eggs French Toast Syrup Pan Fried Ham Grapefruit Juice, Hot Cocoa, Hot Tea, Orange Juice, Sprite, Coke, Grape Drink ENTREES AND SOUPS "Sloppy Joe on Bun "Salmon Pattie w/Tomato Sauce VEGETABLES AND FRUITS "French Fried Potatoes Harvard Beets "Cut Green Beans w/Ham Base Dinner SALADS, RELISHES, DRESSINGS Tossed Salad Dressing: French, Russian, Salad Dressing "Strawberry Jello Orange Jello Fruit Cocktail DESSERTS AND BREADS Open Ice Cream Bar "Gingerbread Cake "Buns "Fruit Punch, Ice Tea, Hot Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice "Beef & Vegetable Soup "Pullman Ham Sandwich "Grilled Cheese Sandwich "French Fried Potatoes "Relish: Sliced Pickles, Mustard, Catsup, Salad Dressing "Whole Wheat, Rye, White Bread "Oleo "Roast Beef w/Gravy Barbecue Spareribs "Dry Navy Beans w/Salt Pork "Lyonnaise Carrots Steamed Rice Squash Buttered Supper "Combination Salad Dressing: *1000 Island Oil & Vinegar, French Catsup Open Ice Cream Bar "Blueberry Pie "Bread - Oleo "Iced Tea, "Milk, Fruit Punch, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Pineapple Grapefruit Juice, Chocolate and Low Fat Milk at Commons WEDNESDAY "Coffee - Milk "Fresh Fruit "Grape, Strawberry & Peach Jelly "Ass’t. Dry Cereal *1. Scrambled Eggs Sausage Patties Toast - Oleo !, 2. Cinnamon Rolls w/Raisin Sausage Patties Breakfast Continental Breakfast Doughnuts Cinnamon Rolls w/Raisins Pecan Nut Rolls Raisin Bread & White Bread 4. Scrambled Eggs Fried Eggs Hotcakes - Syrup Sausage Patties Toast - Oleo BEVERAGES Hot Cocoa, Hot Tea, Cola, Sprite, Grape Drink, Pineapple- Grapefruit Juice, Orange Juice ENTREES AND SOUPS "Beef Pot Pie 1 ea. No Seconds "Com Dogs w/Mustard & Chili 1 ea. & Seconds VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Creamed Whole New Potatoes "Pinto Beans "Buttered Mixed Vegetables Cheese Rice Dinner SALADS, RELISHES, DRESSINGS "Cottage Cheese & Peach Halves Tossed Salad Lime Jello - Cherry Jello Dressings: French, 1000 Island, Italian DESSERTS AND BREADS Open Ice Cream Bar "Chocolate Pudding "Iced Tea, Hot Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Pineapple- Grapefruit Juice, Orange Juice "Navy Bean Soup "Grilled Cheese Sandwich "Sliced Chicken Sandwich "Potato Chips or Frito Chips "Relishes: Pickle Relish, Mustard, Catsup, Salad Dressing "Whole Wheat, White Bread "Oleo "Strip Steak 10 oz. Au Jus 1 ea. "Enchiladas w/Chili, Cheese & Diced Onions 2 ea. "Baked Potatoes w/Sour Cream lea. "Buttered English peas w/Gran. Onions Golden Corn Buttered Steamed Rice Supper "Tossed Salad Dressings: "Russian, French, Bleu Cheese Catsup "Ice Cream "Ass’t. Cookies "Hot Rolls "Oleo Iced Tea, Milk, "Fruit Punch, Hot Tea, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Orange Juice, Grape Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Sprite, Cola, Pink Lemonade, Pineapple- Grapefruit Juice, Chocolate and Low Fat Milk at Commons, "Chocolate Milk MEAL SCHEDULE AT SBISA & COMMONS MEAL SCHEDULE AT DUNCAN Monday - Friday: Breakfast Continental Line Dinner Supper Saturday: Breakfast Dinner Supper Sunday: Breakfast Dinner - 7:00 A.M. to - 7:00 A.M. to -10:30 A.M. to - 4:30 P.M. to ■ 7:00 A.M. to ■ 11:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. to 8:30 10:30 2:30 6:30 8:00 1:00 6:00 9:00 1:00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Monday - Friday Breakfast Dinner Supper — 7:00 A.M. — 11:15 A.M. to 12:30 P.M — 6:30 P.M. (except Frida is at 5:00 P ay when Supper .M.) "Items served at Duncan Hall. Breakfast 1 and 2 served in opposite wings of Duncan Hall. Due to limited equipment it is impossible to serve the same break fast varieties in both wings at one time. All items served at Sbisa and Commons. A different schedule may be arranged for Friday Supper with the manager of Duncan Hall by the Corp Commander. Saturday: Breakfast — 7:00 A.M. Dinner —12:15 P.M. Supper — 5:00 P.M. Sunday: Breakfast <— 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Dinner —12:45 P.M. five years ago. For more than two dect Congress, the burly, cigar- ing Texan voted against ill eign aid bills. Probing bothS ism and Communism, hefraj Friday E Fry — Sunday I Special V [or Pareni Cain Pon< Mot* ly commanded newspaper lines during the early yen his investigations. President Roosevelt aid others openly disapproved tactics, but he gained pribl port when the world wei| plications of the Russo-I non-aggression pact of 1! “Communazis,” Dies calld unnatural bedfellows. Son of a congressman East Texas, Dies was a rutin Colorado City in West Tew the time of his birth, his pn were living there because id father's poor health. After graduating from I mont High School, Diesiti at the University of Tew was advised to give up kig courses because of weakeya moved to Washington site went to night school, nafe daylight when his eyes Soon after earning his In gree at 19 in 1920, Diesiti! the former Myrtle Adams first practiced law in Mini then returned to Orangete his father’s law firm. Dies entered Congress u youngest member in of his close friends was tb John N. Garner, then spew the House. He gained a M the powerful House Rules mittee before becoming chairman of the Un-America! tivities Committee. During the early yearsof became known as the Dies! mittee, Dies tangled withk Hudent Se dent Roosevelt almo/st daily! Courts, T.V even accused the Presidenl Student Ra his wife of protecting known ' Kur '*J r Gu versives. The Newes When Dies read into hill lu ent * mittee record the names o government employes who on the mailing list of the can League for Peace and racy, the President called sordid procedure.” Dies new the 565 were linked with! munism but he did league was a Communist ft “Hell yes, I’ve made mil he said in a 1939 interview, could get hold of a beat this without making misl In the 1950s, he was amoi 100 congressmen who sigl Southern Manifesto, coni the Supreme Court school regation ruling. He claim have “helped extract the of the so-called civil rights; which passed in the Houi died in the Senate. Dies retired in 1945 aftei tors told him he had cam the larynx. There was s| tion then that his invest! committee might be dissolvi instead Congress made it manent body. Dies remained a storm even after leaving Congrei returned home to practicelai til he won election as a ci man-at-large—an additional allowed Texas under the cel I E Making fewer headlines t his second stint, he retired I in 1958 after an unsuccessful^ against Ralph Yarborough fori U.S. Senate seat which Daneil had left to run fori governor. XXXX RATED ADULT LIBMRr M Direct from Hollywood 2 Full Color Sound Featuresol the Hottest, Uncut, Un censored. No Holds Barred Adult Films. 272 Seats - Air Conditioned OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 p.m. fil Midnite ESCORTED LADIES h PRICE. Mondays - Bring dale or friend absolutely FREF Sundays - Ladies Free. Clip This Ad For «l I Discount. Features Change Thurs. For Membership Infor. Contact ADULT LIBRARY