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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1972)
Barcelona RLSLRVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL REN i AL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik Call 846-1709 for Information Student Section, Tennis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball Courts, T.V. Lounge, Pool Table, Club Rooms. Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet ^Professional Management. Security Guard. • ' The Newest in Apartments In College Station/Bryan Area. Student Platt $62.50 per month. We have separate Girls’ Dorm. THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Friday, November 3, 1972 Bulletin Board TONIGHT A&M Sports Car Club will hold a registration for the Post-Hal loween Rallye at Parking Lot 50 at 6:15. Association of African Stu dents will meet at 6 p.m. in Room 2A of the Memorial Stu dent Center. SATURDAY Brazos County Democratic Headquarters will be open from 9 a.m. Saturday until 9 p.m. Sunday. Refreshments include coffee, cookies and beer. ....A&M Rugby Team I will play Dallas Red after the A&M-Ark- ansas football game on the pa rade field. A&M Rugby Team II will play the Houston Eagles on the pa rade field at 11 a.m. Victoria Hometown Club will meet under the dome in Hensel Park after the football game. Guests are welcomed. SUNDAY Unitarian Fellowship will meet at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, 305 Old College Road. “Man and Woman,” an adult board game in which players find out if they “know their place” in a sexist society, will be played. All College students are welcome. MONDAY Industrial Education W i v e s’ Club will meet at 1303 Langford. Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Wives’ Club will meet at the home of Dr. Brian Cain, 1803 Sabine Court. For a ride or more information call 846-3402 after 6 p.m. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED TUESDAY Ag Eco Club will have a wiener roast at 5:30 p.m. Check maps on the bulletin boards in the Agriculture Building for the location. ii MISTER SAM*’ RAYBURN DIDN’T DO IT- In 1952 and 1956, the Republicans had a man of honesty and integrity. But this year, it’s Nixon not Ike they’re asking you to vote for. The Republicans are trying to scare regular conservative Democrats into believing they should vote for Richard Nixon. Mister Sam didn’t scare that easy. Why should you? and America’s better off because of it! Nixon has presided over a period of corruption in government unmatched by any previous period in our history. The bribe has become the way of life for big corporations seeking favors in Washington. Nixon has doubled welfare rolls and unemployment. He’s created a budget deficit of $80 billion. Spies and burglars working for his campaign have sought to destroy the American political process. Here's your choice.... The years were 1952 and 1956. A war hero was running for President on the Republican ticket. Some people thought then that the Democratic Party had been captured by liberals. Even then, the Republicans were trying to turn Democrats against each other. Senator George McGovern served in Congress under Mister Sam’s leadership. Perhaps that’s where he learned to talk straight and not duck the tough questions. He knows you might not agree with everything he says, but on the big issues, on the things which have made the Democratic Party your Party, you and George McGovern probably see eye to eye. Mister Sam knew it was nonsense and said so. And Mister Sam, who held the office of Speaker of the House longer than any man in history, knew this: a conservative Democrat is at home in the Democratic Party no matter who the nominee is...but he’s just being used by the Republican Party when he goes to them. If a great American like Sam Rayburn saw fit to stick with the Democratic Party in 195~2 and 1956, can’t you see how much more important it is for you to vote Democratic this year. Vote Democratic Vote McGovern-Shriver pol adv., Texas McGovern-Shriver Campaign Committee, John White and Bob Armstrong, Co-Chairmen, Austin, Tex. 78703 Nixon Got $1 Million Secretly WASHINGTON <A>)—Chicago insurance man W. Clement Stone secretly contributed $1 million to President Nixon’s re-election cam paign earlier this year, records disclosed Thursday night showed. Stone, head of Combined In surance Co. of America, who contributed more than half a million dollars to Nixon in 1968, was the biggest donor named in a list of contributors released by the Finance Committee to Re elect the President. Release of the list of those who donated to the Nixon campaign before March 10 was the result of an out-of-court settlement of a suit brought by Common Cause, the self-styled citizens lobby. Nixon fund raisers had refused to disclose the names of contribu tors of more than $10 million donated before a new federal elec tions law took effect. Other big contributors included Leonard K. Firestone of Los Angeles, $100,000; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guest, of Virginia, $150,000; John Humes of New York, $100,000; Mr. and Mrs. John Mulachy of New York and Ireland, de veloper of a steel blast furnace, $255,000; John M. Olin of New York, $100,000. Richard M. Scaife, of the Mellon banking family of Pitts burgh, contributed $800,000. The 283 contributions to Nixon during the Jan. 1, 1971 to March 9, 1972 period totaled $5,006,333, thus accounting for about one- PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Caah Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center Here comes motion picture excitement J the / greatest r—____ / adventure going' VrrfJftJ. Mm M«vc by RALPH CAMDCHALL / Decut.* Producer FRANK It JACOtSOR Written end Directed by JAMES f C0UKR You are invited November 5, 1972 6:30 p. m. in the Auditorium of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station Just off campus North Gate Vote for the Man and Not the Ticket Vote For Congressman Teague “Congressman Teague has proved to be an invaluable asset to many Aggies through the years. He has direct ly helped students with military commissions, scholarships, and veteran’s benefits, as well as providing indirect aid through strong support of A&M programs. He will attempt to move mountains in response to a request for help and welcomes your opinions on issues as evidenced by prompt, personal replies. No one living person more exempli fies the kind of Aggie and American citizen I Wish to be than ‘Tiger’ Teague.” Dale W. Foster ’72 President, Brazos County Young Democrats, 1972-73 President, Alpha Phi Omega, 1971-72 Paid Political Adv. third of the reported $15 million the committee raised before the new campaign reporting law went into effect April 7. Thirteen of the contributions were six figures or higher and an additional 35 ranged from $10,000 to just under $100,000. The average contribution from the elite group was $17,690. Other six-figure contributors were: Kent Smith and Thelma G. Smith of Gates Mill, Ohio, $122,000 each; Jules Stein, Los Angeles, $117,822.95; Trust for Agricultural Political Education, San Antonio, Tex., $187,500; Elisha Walker Jr., New York, $100,000; Arthur K. Watson, then Ambassador to France, PARb $300,000. | Donors of $50,000 and up j eluded J. Paul Getty, reputed: be the world’s richest mu $50,000; Thomas Pappas $70,572.37; Lillian B. Phip|Miamese New York, $51,000; Valerej $1 be Potter, Nashville, Tenn., $50,(1 ^jth Joan W. Payson, owner of li the Uni' New York Mets, $80,000; Ts a sig , n> 1 Schreiber, Los Angeles, $55 ( 1| nent. Dewitt Wallace, Mt. KiscoJ), publisher of Reader’s $64,000. Earlier in the day, incompl^alled reports in the final pre-electij failing t round of campaign finance counting showed that 18 reels tion committees for Nixon raij $191,000 in a 10-day period month. %iiCong sp. admi 31, the < The Si at the ;he peac •efuse h Ratliff Ordered To Pay Damages For Allegedly Stolen State Money will. AUSTIN (A*)—Former Senator David Ratliff was ordered Thurs day to make restitution within 90 days of $25,149 he allegedly stole from the state. State Dist. Court Judge Mace Thurman told Ratliff his proba tion would be revoked if he was unable to make the restitution. Ratliff was sentenced Wednes day to a 10-year probated sen tence on a charge he stole a si paycheck made out to a woi who testified she never knewj was carried on Ratliff’s Sets payroll for 20 months, Dist. Atty. Bob Smith said) $25,149 was made up of all! money Ratliff allegedly took paychecks made out to ginia Moser and also frorajs checks to other Ratliff relate carried on his payroll In foi jetween delegate ihow th: issinge ;ional s. week. 10 reasons why we need Nixon-Agnew now more than ever 1 VIETNAM: The President has brought 400,- 000 Americans home from Vietnam. He has reduced American ground combat involve ment by 90%. He has reduced casualties by 95%. He has reduced spending by two-thirds. He has laid the foundations for a lasting peace in Southeast Asia. THE ECONOMY: President Nixon has taken strong steps to flatten inflation, change the tax structure, and avert an international money crisis. He created 125,000 more jobs, caused $1.5 billion to be loaned to small business. He initiated a 90-day freeze on wages and prices. Housing starts are up 42% over last year. WELFARE REFORM: The present welfare sys tem strips the recipient of dignity and prom ises no end to the vicious welfare cycle. Presi dent Nixon has proposed a major change in the system. His program provides training and work incentives, and it would prevent the break-up of families and relieve the mounting burden on taxpayers. THE ENVIRONMENT: President Nixon is the first President to really do something about our environment. He has proposed 25 sep arate bills regarding our environment. He has initiated plans and programs that are working against air pollution, water pollu tion, waste disposal, radiation and noise pollution. 5 6 YOUNG AMERICANS: President Nixon has given 18-year olds the right to vote by sup porting the bill and signing it into law. And he has overhauled the selective service to ward the goal of an all-volunteer Army. REVENUE SHARING: The President has pushed through Congress a dramatically new program that will cause power to flow back to local officials away from the Federal Government. The program features the shar ing of Federal tax revenues with State and Local governments, with no strings attached. 8 OLDER AMERICANS: The President has. de veloped a strategy to increase Social Security benefits to the nation's elderly by one-third. He has advanced programs to enable more of the elderly to live in their own homes, to improve nArsing home care, and increase jobs for older people. HEALTH CARE: President Nixon’s proposals will make health care available to everyone, with the emphasis on keeping people well as well as taking care of the sick. He is leading the fight to eliminate cancer and sickle cell anemia. DRUGS: President Nixon moved early to go after pushers of hard drugs, stop internation al smuggling of drugs into the U.S. and find new ways to rehabilitate and treat drug addicts. He has stepped up arrests of pushers. He is spending 6 times more for rehabilita tion and 5 times more for drug education than ever before. 10 FOREIGN POLICY: President Nixon is the first American President to visit China. The talks were the first between leaders of the coun tries since 1949. As the first President to visit Moscow, he signed historic agreements to limit arms and reduce tensions. His adminis tration has brought crisis diplomacy to an end and begun a new era of partnerships and cooperation with our allies. That’s why we need President Nixon and Vice President Atynew- Now more than ever North on greeme Nguyt ex; 'rop NEW law alk heir tei payment jnconsti federal The 5 Pond< • Frii F • Sun • Spe for I PAID FOR BY THE TEXAS MEDIA COMMITTEE FOR NIXON. '"Sam Kinch, chairman’ G< Ter Wh Cai Wh 80 See Wh 80 Car Wl 86 Be 6 B Be 6