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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1972)
Page 10 College Station, Texas Wednesday, November 1, 1972 THE BATTALION Godfather Simonini Faces Challenge Of Hogs By KEVIN COFFEY Assistant Sports Editor Ed Simonini is The Godfather. The similarities between Simo nini and Vito Corleone are almost uncanny. Simonini has lived in Las Vegas, Nev., and Naples, Italy, was brought up on homemade Italian food, is from a large family and he will become the godfather of his sister’s first child this Sun- Simonini is the starting strong side linebacker for the A&M foot ball team, and he faces the chal lenge of his short varsity career Saturday in Joe Ferguson and the Arkansas Razorbacks. That’s the way he likes it. day. WE GIVE Am STTAMPS J WE GIVE K Qt9KeKI WE GIVE WE GIVE WE GIVE \M WE GIVE po WE GIVE WE GIVE WE GIVE WE GIVE WE GIVE \M WE GIVE WE GIVE w “The great thing about football is the challenge,” Simonini said. “I don’t have any personal bat tles on the field, but just work toward a great team effort. The real challenge is lining two teams up against each other and hitting. That’s football.” Simonini was a high school star in Nevada when the Aggies upset Arkansas last year, but what a star he was. He was an all-state linebacker for two years and his team’s most valuable player both of those years. In 1971 Simonini was voted the MVP of Nevada schoolboy football. He was a state champion wrestler for two years and the MVP wrestler of Nevada in 1971. Simonini said the team isn’t looking at last year’s win over the Hogs. “Now is the time to think about. Arkansas will be tough and we will have to play well to beat them. We can’t rest on last year’s victory,” he said. Simonini is the baby of the family, having four brothers and a sister all older than he is. He had to make a big adjustment in coming from Las Vegas to College Station. “Las Vegas is moving 24 hours a day. Even the Safeways are open all the time. That was the biggest adjustment I had to make.” But it’s easier to study in College Station because there aren’t so many distractions, he noted. coaching staff in football. Nobody knows more about defense than coach Robertson.” M Simonini had scholarship offers from such national powers as Ne braska, Notre Dame, Colorado and Texas, but chose A&M be cause “We have the greatest Water holds a fascinating ef fect on Simonini. He wants to get a degree in oceanography or some related field, and is consid ering a master’s degree. But until Thanksgiving, football is the main thing on his mind. At any rate, Simonini is likely to make Arkansas an offer they can’t refuse. 'Shop PIGGLY WIGGLY FROZEN FOOD DEPT. CREAM WES f’T’! COBBLERS*™ 1 * • • 14-oz. $ Pigs. % 89* HoastfrRlenill CORN on the COB flT !F YOU EVER HMD THAT WE ARE TEMPORAIRLY OUT OF ANY AOVERTISEP SPECIAL, ASH FOR A RAIN CHECH Ed Simonini WE Red Del. Extra Fancy APPLES ea SUNKIST LEMONS ..e-c 5c BANANAS ^ 10c CUCUMBERS U. S. 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