Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1972)
Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, October 25, 1972 THE BATTALION Bulletin Board Nixon’s Chief Of Staff Connected With Secret Payments TONIGHT Student “Y” Association’s Drug Abuse program will be presented in the MSC Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. Ray Martinez, a narcotics officer for the Department of Public Safety out of Houston, will speak. DeWitt-Lavaca County Home town Club will meet in Room 203 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. Sports Car Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the old College Sta tion City Hall, 110 Church St., to discuss future events. Marketing Society will meet in Room 2A of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30 p.m. The Public Relations man for Lone Star Brewery in San Antonio will speak. Bonfire Coffee Truck Girls will have an organizational meeting in the Assembly Room of the MSC at 6:30 p.m. Aggie Blood Drive sign-up tables will be located in front of the MSC post office and Sbisa all day. San Antonio Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the Physics Building. Panhandle Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 of the Physics Building. Beaumont Hometown Club will meet in Room 3C of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. New officers will be elected at this time. THURSDAY Cepheid Variable Science Fiction Committee will meet in Room 304 of the Physics Building at 7:30 p.m. Day Care Center Community Meeting will meet in the Art Room of the MSC at 7 p.m. TAMU Skeet and Trap Club will meet in the Seminar Room of the Recreation and Parks Building at 7:30 p.m. A&M Student Civil Liberties Union will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 123 of the Academic Building. The meeting will consist of a lec ture on the first amendment. Brazos County A&M Mothers’ Club will be at 10 a.m. at the Hillel Foundation, 800 Jersey Street, College Station. Charles Powell, dean of men, will speak. Members are asked to bring one or more items for an auction sale which will follow the meeting. WASHINGTON (A>)_President Nixon’s chief of staff, H. R. Hal- deman, has been identified by fed eral investigators as one of five Nixon associates authorized to approve payments from a secret Nixon campaign fund, The Wash ington Post reports. Haldeman is the highest-rank ing White House official so far linked with investigations of an alleged espionage and sabotage operation carried out by the Re publican campaign. The secret fund, the Post' said, financed the alleged spying and sabotage. Deputy White House Press Sec retary Gerald L. Warren declined comment on the report in the newspaper’s Wednesday editions. He referred newsmen to a state ment issued by the White House press office to the Post, saying that “the reference to Bob Halde man is untrue.’’ The Post, in the report Wednes day and in previous accounts, identified the other four who con trolled payments from the fund as former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, also former chief of the Nixon campaign organizatii Stans; Jeb Stuart Magrudet, former White House aide andu deputy director of the Nixonci; paign, and Herbert Kalrak: Nixon’s personal attorney. Ag Stumpers LETTERS IN ASTERISKED BOXES SP ELL THE NAME OF THE VERY OLD SPORT PLAYED WITH A BALL THAT AGGIES EXCELL IN. SENIORS AND GRADUATES Picture Schedule for 197.3 Aggieland Oct. 23-27 . . . Oct. 30-Nov. 3 . N-S T-Z Pictures Will Be Taken from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. At UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 N. Main North Gate (Bring Fee Slips) 846-8019 (last 7. ACROSS: 1. Great Issues speaker Oct. 24th name) Initials of Film Series to present “The War of Fools” Oct. 27th Human part Marc Antony was ob viously short of Symbol for Christmas Elevated railways Abbreviation for railway Shuttle ” : a Student Gov- 12. DOWN: 1. His wife turned to salt. 3. To irritate 6. The opposite of far 6. Not hard 9. "The Chamber Orchestra” Town Hall, Artist Showcase pre- The Post said it based its story on talks with federal investigators and from accounts of sworn tes timony before the grand jury probing the break-in at Demo cratic headquarters in the Water gate building. The break-in led to disclosures by the Post and other publications of an alleged spying and sabotage ring oper ated by Republicans and directed against Democrats. The operations, according to the Post, were financed by a secret cash fund kept in the safe of Maurice H. Stans, head of the Finance Committee to Re-elect the President. The General Ac counting Office, in a public re port, has questioned the purpose of some $350,000 kept in Stan’s safe. Ranger Company Plus One (Continued from page 3) is traced back to 1756 when they were organized by Major Robert Rogers. Nine companies of Amer ican colonists were recruited to fight for the British during the French and Indian War. Ranger techniques and methods were in herent characteristics in the fron tiersman in the colonies, but Major Rogers was the first to capitalize on them and incorpo rate them into a permanently or ganized force. The history of the American Ranger is a long and colorful one starting with frontiersmen marching through the Revolution ary War, Civil War, World War II and into present day history. It is the saga of courage, darti and outstanding leadership, Value is placed on tough realistic training so thattheEs ger can successfully completel mission and stay alive. Emphs is placed on developing indivii leadership qualities such prompt obedience, discipline, cn fidence, resourcefulness and termination. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED 23. from the hair of 31. 34. 39. 43. 45. 47. 49. 52. 56. ernment service A popular breakfast food; courtesy of chickens The fruit of knowledge Prefix; not Sound of laughter, joy, or sometimes doubt Abbreviation for small To have identity with A wing or wing like anatomic pro cess or part A 6-centime piece To be stranded 26. 29. 30. 32. 38. sentation A fabric woven camels or goats A famous rat Last name of new Aggie Sweetheart “Health— A cailor Old name for Humble Gas (Now BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 46. 54. name Exxon) not used in Texas Black stuff you used to get on your feet when walking on hot streets Sound a cow makes Not; opposite of; prefix popularized by a soft drink One day o# per word — 4c per word each additional day Minimum charge—75c Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE 1966 Plymouth Fury II, air conditioned, power, radio, automatic, V-8, 846-1547 after 6:30 p. m. 171t3 WORK WANTED Typing, electric, experienced, near cam pus. 846-6473. 168tfn Typing. Electric. Experienced in regular and scientific papers. 846-0051. 154tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. Typing near campus. Electric. Ex perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. 124tfn Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathy. 62tfn HELP WANTED Relief checker, manager for Drive-In Grocery. Saturday night and Sunday morn ing. For appointment 822-4386. 168t5 1969 Pontiac Firebird, will sell for blue- book value. 40,000 miles. Power steering, automatic transmission. 822-0763. 171t3 1970 half ton chevy pick-up. Camper cover, standard 307. $1,296 846-7685. 170t4 Triumph 650 Bonneville, extended forks, custom built, 822-6942 after 5. 170t3 '68 Malibu sports coupe V-8, AC, power steering, automatic. 846-3331 after 6 p. m. 16815 Good learner’s piano, $250. Call 846-6957. 168t5 1969 M. G. Midget. Low mileage. Good condition. Will talk price. Call 846-3606 after 6. 168t5 1970 VW Bus. 7 passenger, excellent condition, converts to camper. 846-2640. 165tfn 1967 Triumph Bonneville. Best offer. 846-4574. Excellent. 146tfn 1972 Honda SL-360, only 1100 miles, ex cellent condition, 846-0216 142tfn Housewives or students for full or part- time work. 10 a. m. to 2 or 3 p. 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. and weekends. Hours can be arranged. Openings at both stores Apply in person only at Whataburger No, 43. 1101 Texas, Bryan. 161tfn Need 4 waitresses. Day and evening, Apply in person at 807 Texas Ave., Oak ridge Smokehouse Restaurant. 138tfn Married student or graduate student Evening hours. Representing NATIONAL HOME FOODS. Pleasant — good pay. 823-0869. 136tfn PERSONAL How do you speak without a voice box? How does a woman live without a breast? To , the students and personnel of TAMU Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 601 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Employ ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni ture Co. 136tfn To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in resi dence and credit for ninety-five (96) semester hours. The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on October 16, 1972 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the ring clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She. in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the ring clerk starting October 30. 1972 , and continuing through December 12, 1972. The rings will be re turned to the Registrar’s Office to be delivered on or about January 22, 1973 The ring clerk is on duty from 8 :00 a. m to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, of each week. 158t38 CHILD CARE Babysitting in home — full time, part- time, drop in, games, other activities. Near campus. Reasonable rates. Experienced, references available. 846-5814. 169t4 LOST, Lost on A&M campus or C.S. vicinity. Ladie’s white gold Lecoultre watch with diamond band. Liberal Reward! 846-5981. 170tfn SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 You go into a cancer operation and all you care about is coming through alive. And you come through. You’re alive. . u Now there you are, facing the hard part: How do you live with this d That’svfhen you need the kind of help you can only get from someone who has been through the same thing. A woman who has had a breast removed reassures another woman who has just had the same operation. She teaches her special exercises. She helps with her clothes problems. She knows how shattering it can be, and helps her pick up the pieces. A man who has lost his voice box helps another man to speak again. Instruction, yes. But more important, encouragement; the example of someone who s lived througn the same thing and overcome the same problem. ‘‘How can you possibly know what it’s like?” “I’ve been there.” That’s our program for rehabilitation. It’s not just enough to save your life; we also care how well you live it. I So if you need help, if you know someone who does, please call our local Unit. We can help. Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. FOR RENT 1 bedroom furnished apartment, ill 1 paid. Two blocks from campus, IS. bedroom furnished, bills paid $110. lli room furnished. North Gate, 402 ft) Apt. 2. $50. 846-0692. Travel Trailer Storage. Six foot tl* link fence. Safe and convenient $11 month for self-contained trailem ilmi 23 feet. 24 feet and above, $15perSB Pop-up or tent-type trailers, $5pertK Yearly rates available. Inquire it Royal!. Bryan or call 846-4391 afterH weekdays and all day Saturday. 11 Efficiency apartment, $85 month, bills paid. Call 846-5711. lil ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES,! and 2 bedroom furnished apartment!. Us for occupancy. IYj miles south of cuw Lake for fishing. Washateria on tma Country atmosphere. Call D. It. Cliiti 823-0934 or after 6. 846-3408 or 8M Ml NEED STORAGE? U-STOW & GO At 2206 Finfeather Rd, Bryan, Texas Hobbies—Antiques Housewares—Workshops- Commercial Many, Many More Six Sizes to Fit Your Needs 822-6618 IWi Two bedroom brick house unfurnishtii East 32nd Street in Byran, $100 nos Call West at 822-1615. IB Nice bedroom air conditioned. Girl /erred. 823-6876. II SPECIAL NOTICE TROPICAL/MARINE FISH AND AQUARIUM SYSTEMS the 3620 E. 29th r £ E F 846 1332 167tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn FOUND 2 pairs of glasses—1 gold-rimmed, I gray plastic. See Student Publications Dept. 154 tfn Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 T R A V I S Itsn&i H O U S E FREE BUS SERVICE TO & FROM A&M CAMPUS Welcome Students Children Pets Dishwasher & garbage disposal All elec, kitchens 2 swimming pools 2 laundry rooms Covered parking AM bills pd inc. TV Cable FROM ^140 STUDENTS $E a f43 SPECIAL 3 #EAtH Ph. 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 College Sta., Tex. FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS 2 blocks from A&M. 1 or 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Pool and Laundry Facilities. Roommate needed to share apartmeil Call 846-8981 lllli BROADMOOR ARMS APARTMEOT 2 Bedroom Furnished or UnfurniiW All utilities and cable paid. All electn central air & heat. From $135. Fk Students $33.75 each. From Manor bs Shopping Center take Villa Marii first light, turn right on Carter Crak go 3 blocks and turn left on Broil moor. Office 1411 Broadmoor, minutes to campus. 846-2737. Unfurnished Available Oct. 1. ISItii H HICKORY HILLS Mobile Ho® Contmunitj Bryan’s Newell & Finest Spacies & Mobil Homes for rent Phone 822-6912—823-5701 2001 Beck Street Also entrance on Hwy, 2818 at Industrial Park ^ TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED American Cancer Society THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BV THE PUBLISHER AS A PUBLIC SERVICE This is Livin —EVERYDAY- Premium grade Douglas Tire. 1 mounted and HIGH SPEED balanced for no extra charp Priced below the so-callei “Sale” prices on most tires. Just check price with ant others. We sell only Premia® grade tires, and gladly invite comparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 8 22-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan By BILL Three highlighte ly press ernoon. Ricky i left tack! guard r< Christoph replaced i er two w at left ta r y Tracy, a reserve Callaway ‘‘These inability ‘‘This is K««p‘ Dot 212 N. Bar mei An pin Jus anc