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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1972)
NEW OWNERSHIP SALE • Consignment Center • Gifts for Everyone • Everything Handmade LITTLE DICKENS 804 Villa Maria 822-5823 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 World Scope Program Featuring the Dominican Republic October 20 7:30 p.m. Baptist Student Center Page 4 College Station, Texas l^riday, October 20, 1972 THE BATTALION Women’s Lib Hits A&M By DEBBIE HOLZEM Staff Writer “The nice traditional marriage doesn’t exist,” said Judy Wooten, organizer of the women’s libera tion movement on campus. In a meeting last week to or ganize women lib backers at A&M and to discuss women’s views, the 28-year-old pother of two told students that women nowdays don’t want to be recognized as the weaker of the sexes. “We want to be equalized with men,” she said. “We want to be able to show our individuality.” Women’s lib is really a move ment to liberate both sexes. “My husband and I are presently sepa rated,” the “women’s libber” said, “and we are both in the process of being liberated.” Men and women are shoved in to the traditional marriage con tract, Wooten said. “There’s no thing in the marriage contract that says men have to be the ones who work. Why can’t men stay at home with the kids all day? Why do they have to look forward to a lifetime of support ing a family? The responsibility should fall both on the shoulders of the male and the female.” She added that it is a cultural phenomena that men take out the garbage and women cook the sup per. “There should be mutual respect for each other, even if it means women opening doors for men.” “Women are slaves to home- life. It is unhealthy for two people (husband and wife) to be mutually dependent on each other.” She said a healthy situa tion exists only when two people are mutually independent but would rather be together than apart. Women’s lib backers discussed the history of the movement. In the 1910’s, the first move towards women’s suffrage was made. Dur ing both world war, women were forced into a working situation when the men went away to war. After World War II though, the nation went into a highly domesti cated situation. Women were ready to get back into their homes and males were ready to readjust to a peacetime-working situation. Ladies magazines backed the do mestic situation. Today, this domesticated system still prevails. The “system” says change is bad, Wooten said, and a change in the role of women would be a threat to the family situation. In the state of Texas, it was noted, women literally and legally belong to the husband. “We can not even get a credit card or a loan without^ our husband’s per mission,” Wooten said. She also mentioned wages of women. “Women should be hired on abilities, not on sex,” she commented MS., the new magazine pub lished by womens liberation lead ers, was also discussed. “The magazine was started by women who wanted decent female litera ture. It is a good collection of writings and circulation has been enormous.” On campus, Wooten said, wo men’s liberation has to start with the individual female. “I don’t think there are enough women to really start a movement, but I hope, through more meetings like this, we will be able to let people know exactely who we are and what we stand for,” she con cluded. Economy Rising? WASHINGTON <A>) — The na tion’s economy grew less vigor ously, while still looking strong, but the rate of inflation began rising again, the government said Thursday in a report on U.S. eco nomic output from July through September. The Nixon administration hail ed the report of third-quarter Gross National Product, market Commerce secretary for economic affairs, said the figures make it almost certain that the adminis tration will reach its economic goals for 1972—a growth rate of over 6 per cent and a rise in the rate of inflation in the range of 2 to 3 per cent. The administration had said earlier that it had expected the economy to slow down in the DR. BWANA UBANGI, noted professor of Human Science at UCLA, makes a ment on the state of society today. Actually, this is Old Bob, patriarch of orangutan at the San Diego Zoo. (AP Wirephoto) Polish Foreign Ministry Source Claims Kissinger Requesting Thieu’s Resignation WARSAW <A*)_A well inform ed Foreign Ministry source said late Thursday Henry A. Kissin ger is asking Nguyen Van Thieu to resign as president of South Vietnam to make way for a co alition government as demanded by the Viet Cong. “I can tell you that peace is now very close,” said the Polish source. “It’s 90 per cent in the bag. The rest depends on how Thieu reacts to Kissinger’s pro posals.” Kissinger, President Nixon’s Saigon for talks with Thieu. The South Vietnamese president’s spokesmen issued a statement there reiterating Thieu’s adamant opposition to the coalition pro posals advanced by the Viet Cong as a condition for peace. The Polish source prediction followed closely on the heels of an optimistic statement by the Polish foreign minister, Stefan Olszowski. He told Poland’s par liament on Thursday: “We have the unshakable hope that we will shortly hear opti- and bleeding Vietnamese s I This day will become a pi | holiday for humanity, a trim; | for common sense and a vide I for the idea of peace. “We believe that all prera I efforts of Poland, includingtk t with the highest state repress! I tives who are parties inthisn | will bring fruitful and peact! I results.” According to the Foreign H: istry source, Thieu would beasi I to accept a government headeii | Gen. Nguyen Van Minh, a Sm CASH FOR USED BOOKS Loupot’s buys books for 300 other College Stores Barcelona RESERVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL RENTAL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik - Call 846-1709 for Information Student Section, Tennis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball Courts, T.V. Lounge, Pool Table, Club Rooms. Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet Professional Management. Security Guard. The Newest in Apartments in College Station/Bryan Area. Student Plan $62.50 per month. We have separate Girls' Dorm. value of the putput of the nation’s goods and services, as evidence that the economy is still expand ing and will meet its targets for 1972. According to the Commerce Department, the economy grew at a 5.9-per cent rate in the third quarter, lower than the extremely rapid 9.4-per cent pace of the second quarter. But, the rate of inflation, which had dropped to 1.8 per cent in the second quarter, started up again and averaged 2.2 per cent during the third quarter. The administra tion said that figure is still low. In dollar terms, GNP advanced by $22.8 billion to reach a season ally adjusted annual rate of $1,162 trillion. This compared with an increase of $30.3 billion in the second quarter. Treasury Secretary George P. Shultz told newsmen that the re port was “good evidence of solid, strong expansion of the economy.” He said the administration ex pects continued strong expansion in the next year. Dr. Harold C. Passer, assistant PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center third quarter. top foreign policy aide, was in mistic reports from the worn out Vietnamese military commai | BA TTALION ^CLASSIFIED — WANT AD RATES One day 5c per word 4C per word each additional day Minimum charge—75e Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Pubiications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. FOR SALE Dacor Safety float. $5. Mares-Elton pneumatic speargun, ministen 845-3996, $35. Paul Bird, 5H Law. 169tl FOR RENT OR LEASE 2 bedroom unfurnished house or u ment. Close to college on Foch it Available now ! 846-6774. DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication WORK WANTED Typing, electric, experienced, near cam pus. 846-6473. 168tfn Experienced typist near campus. All kinds. Theses, dissertations, term papers. Call. Mrs. Bob Cullen. 846-4293. 162t8 Typing. Electric. Experienced in regular and scientific papers. 846-0051. 154tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. 135tfn —■«* » Typing near campus. Electric. Ex perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. 124tfn Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathy. 62tfn HELP WANTED Relief checker, manager for Drive-In Grocery. Saturday night and Sunday morn ing. For appointment 822-4386. 168t5 PART TIME JOB AVAILABLE College Student — With car to take orders and deliver to established Fuller Brush customers. Flexible Hours. Above Average Earnings. 846-9379 166t4 Part-time opening for 2 students age 20 or over. Living quarters furnished. Start at $100 a month. Neat appearance. On duty alternate nights and weekends. Con tact W. A. Zieren, Memorial Funeral Chapel. 1515 South College. 823-8125. 166t5 Housewives or students for full or part- time work. 10 a. m. to 2 or 3 p. m. 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. and weekends. Hours can be arranged. Openings at both stores. Apply in person only at Whataburger No. 43. 1101 Texas, Bryan. Ifiltfn COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PRO FICIENCY EXAMINATION. All Juniors and Seniors in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Exam on Wednesday, October 25, 1972 at 7 :00 p. m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula—Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula— Room 231 CHEM MATH Department Curricula Room 208 ACAD PHYSICS Department Curricula Room 233 PHYS For information and guidelines on the na ture of the examination, check with the departmental secretary. Completion of this examination, a requirement of the College of Science, is a prerequisite for registration for the Spring Semester, 1973. 165t6 To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in resi dence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on October 16, 1972 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the ring clerk. Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the ring clerk starting October 30, 1972 and continuing through December 12, 1972. The rings will be re turned to the Registrar's Office to be delivered on or about January 22, 1973. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, of each week. 158t38 PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Employ ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you neel furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni ture Co. 136tfn LOST 1970 mobile home 12 x 60. 3 bedroom, 11/> bath. Excellent condition. Low equity, assume loan. 823-4767. 168t2 Handsome standard poodle puppy. Black male, 3 months old with papers. 846-3121. 168t3 '68 Malibu sports coupe V-8, AC, power steering, automatic. 846-3331 after 5 p. m. 16816 Good learner’s piano, $250. Call 846-6957. 168t5 1969 M. G. Midget. Low mileage. Good condition. Will talk price. Call 846-3606 after 5. 168t5 8,000 BTU Sears Coldspot air condition unit. Also, Italian-made accordion. Call 822-0753 in afternoons. 166t4 1970 VW Bus. 7 passenger, excellent condition, converts to camper. 846-2640. 166tfn 10’ x 55’ Mobile home w/expanded living room. Set up in country, room for horses, private fishing pond. Ideal country living, 10 min. from school $2,600. Central air and heat. Call 846-5711 Mon. - Fri. before 6. 822-5545 M-W-F before 6. 160tfn 1967 Triumph Bonneville. Excellent. Best offer. 846-4574. 146tfn 1972 Honda SL-350, only 1100 miles, ex cellent condition, 846-0216 142tfn SPECIAL NOTICE FOR RENT Efficiency apartment, $85 monti, I bills paid. Call 846-5711. It! I Clean 3 bedroom unfurnished houx 1 rooms paneled. Large fenced bitin § 823-0170. I ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLKi 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apartments Ei I for occupancy. l'/j miles south of <u| I Lake for fishing. Washaterls on tnm Country atmosphere. Call D. R. C«l«! 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3408 or SKI 10 I Available now. 1 bedroom furnii apartment, has air conditioner and ib > heat, >/G mile from North Gsk. monthly. Call 822-1669, 8-6:80. » ' U-STOW & GO SELF STORAGE 120 Units To Serve Your Needs 2206 Finfeather Rd, Bryan, Texas 822-6618 l(i: FALL SPECIAL. Free wiglet with $19.95 permanent at The Lady Fair Beauty Salon, 1921 Texas Ave. Call for appointment 822-1711. 168t2 TROPICAL/MARINE FISH AND AQUARIUM SYSTEMS THE 3620 E. 29th REEF 846 1332 _ Two bedroom brick house unfurniih# East 32nd Street in Byran, $100 W Call West at 822-1616. 10 Nice bedroom air conditioned. Girll I ferred. 823-6876. IK g FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS 2 blocks from A&M. 1 or 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Pool and Laundry Facilities. "IT'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT'' GRAND OPENING Saturday, October 21 College Stations First DISCOTHEQUE the PEANUT GALLERY Featuring Rock Music From the BOURBON RIFF Every Wednesday & Saturday DANCE TO THE SOUND OF STEREO RECORDS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SERVING MIXED DRINKS BEER & WINE STATE LAW PROHIBITS BRINGING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PREMISE. VaMILE SOUTH OF KYLE FIELD 813 OLD COLLEGE ROAD 846-9978 AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE PARTIES Need 4 waitresses. Day and evening. Apply in person at 807 Texas Ave., Oak- ridge Smokehouse Restaurant. 138tfn Married student or graduate student. Evening hours. Representing NATIONAL HOME FOODS. Pleasant -—- good pay. 823-0869. 136tfn FOUND 2 pairs of glasses—1 gold-rimmed, 1 gray plastic. See Student Publications Dept. 154 tfn —EVERYDAY— Premium grade Douglas Tires mounted and HIGH SPEED balanced for no extra charge. Priced below the so-called “Sale” prices on most tires. Just check price with any others. We sell only Premium grade tires, and gladly invite comparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan Lady’s Wittneauer watch. Vicinity of library. Reward. 845-3163. 165t5 CHILD CARE Babysitting in home — full time, part- time, drop in, games, other activities. Near campus. Reasonable rates. Experienced, references available. 846-5814. 169t4 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery Service For All Chrysler Corp, Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 T R A V I S H O U S E It's!**; #eicon«*b Dishwasher garbage disposal All elec, kitchens 2 swimming pools 2 laundry rooms Covered parking All bills pd inc. TV Cable FREE BUS SERVICE TO » FROM MM CAMPUS Welcome Students Children EROr*140 STUDENTS SPECIAL Ph. 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 College Sta., Tex. Roommate needed to share apartmL Call 846-8981 W- BROADMOOR ARMS APARTMEW | 2 Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnislui | All utilities and cable paid. All eieclri | central air & heat. From $136. F« | Students $33.76 each. From Manor Ei' \ Shopping Center take Villa Marii' | first light, turn right on Carter Cnd ' go 3 blocks and turn left on BW* \ moor. Office 1411 Broadmoor. 1 | minutes to campus. 846-2737. Unfurnished Available Oct. 1. 13# | HICKORY HILLS Mobile Ho® Communit! Bryan’s Neve* & Finest Spacies & Mott Homes for rett Phone 822-6912—823-5701 2001 Beck Street Also entrance on Hwy* 2818 at Industrial Park i# AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call; George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80S1 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000