Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1972)
Record number enrolled the battalion for industrial firefighting Werfnmday, July M, 1972 Colley* Station, Texas Pays 3 A record 1,001 industrial fire men, instructors and equipment manufacturer’s r«prr*«*ntatiu»- reyistered Monday for the start of the one week Industrial Fire men’s Training School at AAM. Industrial workers enrolled as students hit 817 Monday after noon, up 76 from last year’s rec ord. Two 38-hour industrial flre- fiyhtin* courses are offer* with hoary emphasis on the use of new chemical agents to extin- guish fires quickly. The annual industrial banquet is Thursday night. A special fire demonstration and equipment display for industry k scheduled for 8 a.m. Friday at Brayton Firemen Training Field, added. ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas An — Bryan EXPANDING SOON!! 100 More Units -M 1 Larger Units — More Smaller Ones Reserve Yours Now! A-A Action Self Storage 2206 Ftnfeather Rd. K22-6618 n - St. Thomas Student Episcopal Chapel and ideal Cent nter 888 Jersey Street (southern boundary of campus) Telephone: 846*1726 Summer Schedule: Sunday, 8 and 9:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. The Roe. Jamas Moore. Chaplain The Rev. W. R. Oxley, Rector THE ACADEMIC BUILDING houses classrooms for several of A&M’a departments, but its biggest contribution to Aggie life is as an observation post. From the upper floors, male students have watched coeds in the rotunda ever since females were admitted to AAM. (Photo by Boh Leitz) VACATIONS at CAPE ROYALE on Lake Livingston — 90,000 acres of fresh, unpolluted water — 86 min. from AAM. in TOWlVUni 2 or 3 Bedrooms Beautifully Furnished 3 Days - 2 Nights—$40.00 5 Days - 4 Nights—$75.00 Golf, Fishing, Skiing, Swimming Pool, Dining Room, Tennis, Parks, Picnic Areas, Volleyball, Etc. Call 846-2890 After 5:00 p. m. Journalism prof edits New York newspaper Dr. David R. Beware, AAM journalism professor, served as managing editor of the Glens Falls, It: Post-Star,and Thus* Xlihf sumnier. Dr. Bowers supervised the news staff of the 27,000 circulation morning daily while a permanent editor was being sought. The newspaper is owned by Howard Publications of Oceanside, Calif., A wh6l!tJfcrfa>y£ etfpfcyAt Dr. Bowers as editor of Ha Chester, Pa., and Pocatello, Idaho, news- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Om <i*r pm wo*4 MMJttonftl*d«r lEialWi »S*m* TM ClanifM Dtaslar •1 00 pm •ohoan , tack OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR SALE Official not teas must airtc* Hi tfe* Offtc. <4 Student PuMtcatkma before deedlioe of I *.m. of tbe dor proceodioa pobWeotioo. SfSS. S4S-71M or *4*474? ISMS KKMODELING SALE Twu Pr«4eHck window oir-eunditiooei.. 11,404 HTU. *ood coodKioo till oocb.*e attic faa with new olaatauai aiwater 141. Oval t k II braided rum MS. Soar, table aaw S4S. Aleo Venetian blind, and foe wall heater Gerald Smith. 114 Helena. S4S411* after h lilt] THK CKADt’ATB COLLEGR rinai Examination fur the Doctoral [Verve Name; AMtaoeeb. Kryadb J. Dmrroet Pb.D. la Environmental Dvaien Dieeertatioa: A PROPOSED PLANNING EDUCATION PROGRAM POR THE UNIVERSITY OP KUWAIT; ADAP TIVE TO OTHER ARAB NATIONS. Timet July *7. 1*71 at l p m Place; Room ISI la the ArvhHectare HWbi Georee W. Kunae Dean of the Graduate Colive. off Mun- >rive near Coileee Hilla Etomrntary re let. Phuae WlndMI Ktt-UH be- 4-S p. m ( 11114 Call m-Slll or te aew. Coat 1104 Will beat offar. Will deliver. mme by ltO» Thnmpeun. HSt4 View Will t carpets aad I h C-IS-Y Cottas* I11U Ife a steal — 1*47 Mm malic floor ahtft. G«tad v-s. Call 1S7S IP Soper Sidewinder Ski Boat. It# h.p. Chrysler, custom trailer, used lea* than M bra Call Stt-tM# after 1:0#. Gu Jl Brancua ball for Call 1M MSI after h Have several 1 aad S bedronm new mobile home* Move la at SIS down approved credit. Sea m ot HI NEIGHBOR MOBILE HOMES. CS. ISStfa —EVERYDAY— Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Thillips 66, Gulflube — 86c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C, Champion, Autolite 69< Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters • Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign can at dealer price Year Lawabey sad Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freexe and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 228 B. 35 *- 332-1889 Giving Better Service For 38 Yean In Bryan THE GRADUATE COLLRGR Piaal Examination for the Doctoral Desrve Name; Sawyer. David Ernest Decree; PhD. la Industrial Education Dlaaertation: DIPKKRRNCM IN VOCA TIONAL MATURITY AND SELECTED HKHAVIORAL TENDENCIES BE TWEEN PART - TIME COOPERATIVE EDUCATION PARTICIPANTS AND NONPARTICIPANTS | N SELECTED TEXAS SECONDARY SCHOOIA Time: fair *k. 1*7* «l 1 :SS p. m. Plaee: Room WI-D la lioitna Hall • Georpe W. Kunae Dean of the Credacts CuOepe THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Piaal PhamtaaHia for the Doctoral Deprve Name: GaiBot. Frank Samuel Daereei PK.D la Patamnlopy Dlaaertation THE ROLE AND PUNC- TION OP THE HYMEN OPTERAN iar *od uct i v e accessory CLANDS IN THE HOST-PARASITOID ASSOCIATION Time: Aacuet 4. IS7* at *:M * m. Place: Ream tSS-BSB la the Biokicy Hide I Old I Georpv W. Kunae Dran at the Graduate Coileee CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- I Irene!il *714474 Virvlnla D. Jones. ***• SStfa WANTED LVN wanted. Contact Mew Mr< ill berry r Mm Seely SSS-44S1. lilt* ATTENTION AGGIRS. Pvrmaacot na- Stataaewt. Evmiae work. Ttam eaa be erraaecd to amet arhedatat 1171 per wash puaraatevd after oem weak train las Apply SSI Varied Hide hetweea 1*4 dally This is a aalea position. 11*14 SOSOLIK’S TV ft RADIO SERVICE Zeaitk . Color A BAW • TV All Makes BAW TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 833-2133 Apartment Dwellers Join the Gulf Coast Sailboat fleet and enjoy special low rates for storing your boat in' our warehouse. GC-M's in stock. Go sailing this weekend. Financing available. ’ SPARCO — 846-6544 Gulf Const Sailboat* HELP WANTED * Help *44-4410. Motel. Call or see ISTtfn Need I married student part-time. Good commta Burn. '74 KXS-SM*. will work Call Bill 11714 Kxpvrirnrvd beauty operator needed. *77-4407 or 877-41M IWHfn SPECIAL NOTICE np payment.. *7*-47*l or *77-477* llltfn leaann* In fWxIblc tin painting, oar borne. Group llltl Graduation Aammnr.mrnU may be plrhed up la the Cashier's off lev - NOW I Ham* Moo. - PH. S :## - 4 :##. llltl Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Paiatiag Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Raise aad Service Mace 1*77 1411 Texas Ava. — SM-Slll ITtfa TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb ; Farmers Insurance Creep S4SS B. Coileee SSS-SNI MOBILTOWN PARK Mobile Homes and Spaces For Rent Spaces $26 - $36 per mo. Natural gas—Pool—Near AAM Stables—$15 per mo.—Working pen aad riding area availabla. TV Cable Available Local Moving Service 480 Ehlinger Dr—822-5358 Rcntals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal aad Victor < alrulators A Addiag Mackiaes Smitk-Ceraua Portables CATES TYPEWRITER OO. 989 S. Msia 822-8088 WORK WANTED Phat and export typing. Jails. S4S-Stn ventage. ItIUS Typing. Call >44-1441. Ash for Rath FOR RENT t hedrnam house with acreage foe rent. 4 mUm from eampoe. Ideal for 4 Vet etodeato. Call Troy Dona *71-4*0* or *77- •>«A 11714 Bedroom for rent. Air conditioned. Girl preferred. S1S4S7S. Itttfn Duptae for rent. One b.drB.m- Couples ints New 1 bed too taeatod oa 1 woe • 1*0 par month. I. No pete. 144 m furnished mobile home ded term near University plus Mila. AeeUsMe Rmt- *•41 or m-44tS. llltfn Remodeled 1 bedroom, t bath hoaea. 44S a. MS8. fids per monU. Couple or 4 students. *77-4444 11|U AUSTIN 1 R/R "11M.M - 1144.M". t B/R—1(4 Bath TIMAS . tlTS.M". Stadia Apeilmenle. Shag envpH. dtah- waaHwy. dis(HMiAl, pAtki. pool, lAMVMtry equipment. 444-S74 eg. ft MS R Croolln TSTU-411/444-4*44 or *it/sss-trfs. -Aggie Owned d Operated" UtUS ATTENTION MARRIRD COUPLRSl 'a# aad two bedroom furnished apartments Cain Oa. ■7I-41M OaR Ik or attar t, l4S.|4dS •a. HICKORY HILLS Mobil# Heme CommanKy Bryan’s Newest A Finest Spades A Mobile Homos for rest 1833-8913—838-8781 3881 Back Street Also entrance on Hwy. 2818 at Industrial Park ttntu papers. A member of the TAMU fac ulty since 1984, Dr. Bowers was promoted to fuU professor, ia Iflff. He was aJewUnt^tuhNsb- er of the Penniorlvania papeF prior to joining the university. He previously taught at Texas Tech University. House mi Under New Management Iris McCartney Mgr. Ruth Shelby Asat. Mgr. • Special Coed Section 1 Special Student Section Separate Family & Adult Arena 2 Laundry Rooms 2 Swimming Pools Covered Parking*^ i All BillTP^trPmible Phone 846-6111 Office CASA DEL SOL APTS. Now accepting applications Spring - Summer - Fall *72 One and two bedroom fur nished and unfurnished. Pool - Air-Conditioned - Club Room. 401 Stasaey 1-5 p. m. Phone 846-3455 Being A College Student has many advantages. One important one is SPECIALLY PREPARED Life Insurance, The COLLEGEMASTER. TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED 11 Here Are Some of the Advantages CollegeMaster Offers the Student: e Forced Savings Plan e Options For Increased Protection e Special Rates As You Begin Your Career e Protection Against Uninsurability • Estate Building ; For Complete Information About The CeUegeMaater Contact: The Aggieland Agency Fidelity Union Life INSURANCE COMPANyI 303 College Main 846-8791 North Gate