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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1972)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 12, 1972 THE BATT^B: ^ Association for companion animals headed by Dr. Ellel ?ii_ inpotiitv. small animal fields, full voting $3 for a junior member- ’ A group of small animal own ers and breeders have formed a new state-wide organization to offer information, provide edu cation and sponsor research bene ficial to all companion animal lovers. The non-profit group, Texas Association for Companion Ani J mals (T.A.C.A.), will benefit owners of small pets normally kept in the home, such as dogs, cats, birds, fish and some do mesticated wild species. Dr. E. W. Ellett of College Station was selected president and board chairman of the or ganization by the 14-member founding committee meeting in Austin early this year. Dr. Ellett is chief of the Small Animal Clinic at A&M’s College of Vet erinary Medicine, yet his involve ment in T.A.C.A. is strictly as an interested individual. T.A.C.A. is the first organiza tion of its kind in the nation and is offering charter memberships Wirasnik rejoins EES Charlie J. Wirasnik will rejoin the Engineering Extension Serv ice’s Police Training Division Monday after serving as chief of the Wharton Police Department the past two years. Chief Instructor Ira E. Scott said Wirasnik will be an exten- •sion staff instructor, conducting law enforcement training courses throughout the state. The police division, a part of extension pro grams offered by A&M, has seven full-time staff instructors. Wirasnik first joined the train ing program in 1967, after serv ing as chief of the Irving Police Department for eight years. He is a 30-year veteran of the U. S. Navy Shore Patrol and a former police chief in Kingsville. MCAT-DAT Home Study Review and Testing Program For information write: {--Graduate Studies Center P.O. Box 386, N.Y.. N.Y. 10011 A ti LiE N Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 XXXX RATED ADULT LIBRARY CLUB Direct from Hollywood 2 Full Color Sound Features of the Hottest, Uncut, Un censored. No Holds Barred Adult Films. 272 Seats - Air Conditioned OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 p m. til Midm le ESCORTED LADIES V 2 PRICE. Mondays - Bring date or friend absolutely FREE. Sundays Ladies Free. Clip This Ad For $1 Discount. Features Change Thurs. For Membership Infor. Contact ADULT LIBRARY CLUB W nivi-i *,i tv < Ups ti it •.) 8'J6 9990 MONEY Loaned on Anything of Value Sports equipment Stereo equipment Guitars-Amps Jewelry-Tools Guns-Cameras No credit record required! Come to see us. Get a pawn loan of $30 and receive $2.00 free on your first loan. Texas State Credit 1014 Texas Ave. Weingarten Center during 1972, Dr. Ellett reported. The founders believe there are many reasons for joining T.A. C.A., including a growing and desperate need for an official organization to benefit small animals and their owners. . Therefore, the committee de veloped a state-wide membership campaign, with all major metro politan areas assigned to volun teers for charter year enroll ments. Dr. Ellett said applications and brochures that fully explain T.A. C.A. should be available from most pet stores, grooming par lors, veterinary offices and local Chamber of Commerce offices. Potential Texas membership in T.A.C.A. was estimated by Dr. Ellett at nine million persons. This means a one per cent mem bership would bring a substantial 90,000 members, he pointed out. Individuals presently in dog, cat, kennel and exotic pet clubs are encouraged to join T.A.C.A., plus individual n - wners with out club affiliation “If you have a pet, you belong in T.A.C.A.,” is ( .he organiza tion’s membership drive theme. One particular interest of the organization is small animal dis ease research. The state at pres ent does not directly support small animal research and money from other sources is very lim ited, Dr. Ellett noted. T.A.C.A. members will devote substantial effort to alleviating this inequity, he added. The T.A.C.A,. president said activities will Include educational programs for young people in prudent selection and care of pets, owner-breeder assistance m current trends of health prac tices and o dedicated effort, to alert the public to animal abuse. T.A.C.A. membership benefits include a monthly newsletter to each member, an annual sym posium featuring experts in ■BH small privileges, eligibility to hold office and an information service if funds permit. T.A.C.A. is not responsible to any other animal or professional group. Organizers hope to aug ment other programs In the state, Dr. Ellett said. Membership drives are ex pected to begin in late June in the large urban areas. Memberships are $6 per adult, $10 joint adult membership and a junior member J J ore ti 18. In addition, there aJfeif onnol taining membership* f 0 , iial >n an< more and contributing vi! make ships at $25. . a j t: 1 i f AM contributions overtbB ''yh A' membership fees are ta* Blm ible as contributione to i'o v numb profit organization, I), jp? nisli sp said. j§ ' , f^Mhrld nl Any person interested I?'!tf'mien 1 C.A. should contact: Tmain c 4909 Tomahawk Treil, B'-.v cons Texas 78761. ra iling •'<: |aJ SKAGGS ^ ALBERTSONS k DRUGS & FOODS m Id .|llllllllll»HIH || l |lllim111111 iiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiaiiii —^^erythinp you need to' run: $ BEACH TOWELS HEAVY ABSORBENT! LARGE VARIETY OF DESIGNS AND COLORS! “DELUXE” «IIIIIIMIIIIIil|U» al AUTOMOBILE | TTfTTe SNACK TRAY FITS HUMP IN CAR LIKE A SADDLE! CLINGS TO CARPET ELECTRIC EDGE TRiMMER % I PARAMOUNT V 4 H.P. motor] /DELUXE MOD.| I P-50- D CHAISE LOUNGE t COLORFUL 3“ FOAM FILLED PAD WITH STURDY FRAME! ON WHEELS FOR EASY MOVING! =l\: j TRAVEL! NGSPRINKLER S WILL FOLLOW UP TO 200 FT. HOSE! JUST LAY HOSE OUT THROUGH AREA TO COVER! t* QT. SIZE K00L-IT V prevents engine OVER HEATING! HIGHLY E F - FICIENT FOR AIR CON DITIONED CARS! -THATCH-AERATOR- LAWN GROOMINi 01 BLADE $ LOOSENS DEAD GRASS TO THE SURFACE ALLOWS THE LAWN TO BREATHE & MOISTURE TO PENETRATE! FITS ALL SINGLE BLADE MOWERS! —1 i SOIARCAWII ’OlARCAIS! 1 SPRAY >; UNBUr.N Sb'miPi'l JSOURCAIHE SPRAY $ Hi THERMO-TOTE .v 1 JOHNSON CENTURY SPIN-CAST REEL / K»)) MODEL 100-B CLOSED FACE WITH SELECTO DIAL DRAG! COMES WITH APPROX. 300 FT. 6 LB. TEST LINE! 4 OZ. CAN STOPS sunburn] PAIN FAST! ANTISEPTIC FOR FAST PAIN RELIEF TWO-SECTIONED CANE POLE 9 FT. POLE REINFORCED MOD. 3161-W $ waterproof bag IN COLORS INSULATED TO KEEP HOT OR COLD! DOLPHIN 9 CRAPPIE RIG DOUBLE NYLON RIG WITH EXTENSION ARMS TO KEEP HOOKS AWAY FROM LEADS! HOODED l BAR-B-QUE GRILL H&H SPINNER LURES 3/8 OZ. SINGLE SPINNER LURE ASSORTED COLORS iiiiiiiiililiiilllilillllllllllllllllllllllllll. DRUGS & FOODS STORE HOURS: MON.-SAT. 9 A.M. -9 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A M. -7 P.M. CHROME PLATED GRILL! STURDY FOLDING TRIPOD STEEL LEGS WITH 'WHEELS ELECTRIC SPIT 3 POSITIONS! UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE «VE. bJ