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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1972)
Page 10 College Station, Texas Wednesday, January 20, 1972 THE BATTALK Defense gives Fish impressive 86-57 decision j HENRY his point output of the past three to a 35-point lead with five min- the visitors. For the entire game, rather rely on junior college tal- t Sports Editor games. Isdell Birnbaum, who took utes remaining. TCU could hit on only 17 of 73 ent than on their freshmen,” he 5 tenacious defensive at- over for injured Mike Floyd, play- Eddy Fitzhugh led the Wogs in shots for 23% while A&M hit 36 added. V XyA By BILL HENRY Assistant Sports Editor A&M’s tenacious defensive at tack kept the Texas Christian Wogs away from the basket as the Fish coasted to their second straight SWC win, 86-57, here Tuesday. TCU’s loss leaves them 0-2 in conference play. Cedric Joseph was the man of the hour as he hit nine of 14 field goal attempts for 22 points and grabbed 14 rebounds. Dale Donaldson also had a hot hand as he hit for 18 points, well above his point output of the past three games. Isdell Birnbaum, who took over for injured Mike Floyd, play ed by far his best game in an A&M uniform, hitting 14 points and leading the team on the floor with his hustling play. With only three minutes gone in the first stanza, the Fish took the lead for good, 6-4. By half time, the Aggies had gained a 26-point advantage, 42-16. Coach Jim Culpepper liberally laced the lineup with reserves during the second half and the Fish raced to a 35-point lead with five min utes remaining. Eddy Fitzhugh led the Wogs in total points with 14 while three other TCU players, Dickie Walk er, Sonny Cason and Chuck Elsey, had ten. Rebounds broke the back of the outmanned Wogs with the Fish taking a 65-44 advantage in that department. A&M also held a hot hand to dismiss the Wog threat by hit ting 43% of their field goal shots in the first half to but 15% for the visitors. For the entire game, TCU could hit on only 17 of 73 shots for 23% while A&M hit 36 of 71 for a 51% clip. “I was real impressed with our inside play tonight,” Culpepper said. “But I would also say that the weakest part of their game was to the inside.” Culpepper also singled out Birnbaum, Jerry Mercer and Jo seph for fine play in Tuesday night’s game. “TCU doesn’t stress their fresh man program much and would rather rely on junior college tal ent than on their freshmen,” he added. TCU’s overall record drops to 1-6 with its only victory coming over Temple Junior College. The Fish’s record now stands at 5-2 and return to the hardwood on Saturday against the Baylor Cubs here. Bill Allen, G; Jerry Mercer, 5; John Vaughan, 4; Ronnie Cornel ius, 3 and Lee Billingsley, 1. TCU — Eddy Fitzhugh, 14; Dickie Walker, 10; Sonny 10; Chuck Elsey, 10; Jess Mini 8; Gary Cannon, 4 and John! coff, 1. Date set for 1972 All-American The scoring: Texas A&M—Cedric Joseph, 22; Dale Donaldson, 18; Isdell Birn baum, 14; Webb Williams, 13; LUBBOCK, Tex. <A>)—The date has been set for the 1972 Coaches All-America football game which has drawn record crowds here the last two years. Officials for the game set June 24th in Jones Stadi: as the date for the game. Vol. Read Battalion Classified WE GIVE iSfi I ORccrsi is WE GIVE M Gtteers stamps I WE GIVE Ipllliiip budget minded? MIX OR MATCH ORANGES APPLES 8 99 POTATOES 15 99 SUNXIST g LEMONS 6 39 TANCERINES2S99' RADISHES 2-25 CARROTS 2*29 PEANUTS 5 99 AVOCADOS .39 US*t Valencia 2«99 OMremuir 2 99 USDA Choice II Beef GUARAIttEE H rmt a fartlma af HCeiV WtGGLT MEATS h* to yaa far inf rattan wkattoMar, Jart Lat at. Wi *»# RERJHD TOUR MONEY PROMPTLY, COURTEOUSLY Thart't no ntal to return tha maaL Tenderized U.S.D.A. 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THREE GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER 4300 TEXAS AVE. 3516 TEXAS AVE. 200 E. 24Hi ST. BRYAN & COLLEGE STATION VJq Give Double fi&H Green Stamps every Tuesday wrth^Z^Oor more purchase. I Shoul I the W; 2. Shoul servic< 3. Shoul be sel< only? 4. Shouli [ activit , Shoul ( be ren parkin Shoul < on Mo Are th hospit !. Would an A& THE IN also its or yell< ORCCN I stamp a J; An open l°eds interes pega Phi. Jn’s service fuesday i n t Tenter, TAMU De Jtoart L, si F rush tea ^ sessions loom. Coeds whs vith“A'-th] lt 6 p.m. o ^PA actives art said the a ^e more in ( University "°n the S i,