Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1972)
THE BATTALION inuary 18,: Tuesday, January 18, 1972 e Station, Texas Page 3 iENCf NCE 'al Loans noN 846-3708 ’ONDEROSA INN AND RESTAURANT Bryan - College Station Newest and Finest erving Homecooked Lunches Daily $1.49 :ent lA.ll You Can Eat—Catfish ,er Friday Evenings $1.79 New With Us, After Church Sunday Buffet. 3 Entree, 12 Salads, 10 Desserts. $1.79 Alacarte Dining, erving the Finest Sea Foods and U. S. Choice Steaks. Introduction to Fine Foods. Clip This Ad. acarte Except Friday Even- ngs. Buy One and Get the j Second One For '/z Price. | This Special Good Thru Feb. 15, 1972. Have five-game win streak Aggie cagers improve season record to 8-5 By JOHN CURYLO Battalion Sports Editor The A&M basketball team im proved its season record to 8-5 with two victories last week, mak ing five games in a row the Ag gies have won. An 82-74 loss to Athletes in Action, an adjunct to the Campus Crusade for Christ, will not count on the records for A&M, since the game was classified as an exhibition. AIA demonstrated a great amount of ability in a game that proved to be an interesting con test. A&M downed Trinity last Thursday night, 98-58, and South ern Methodist, 79-71, Saturday night, leaving only conference games on the Aggies’ schedule. A&M led most of the first half, the biggest margin being twice midway in the period. Athletes in Action tied it at 24 with 7:11 showing. It jockeyed back and forth, with the Aggies taking a 37-36 advantage into the locker room. It was more of the same at the beginning of the second half, with the score being tied seven times. Walding's Texaco Service Center * Provides You With One Stop Auto Care. No need to worry about where to get reliable auto repair. We have the equipment & men to do the job right. Across From The New Engineering Bldg. — 846-9455 IMPORTED 3 & 10 SPEED BIKES Sales - Service - Accessories • GITANE • KALKHOFF • RALEIGH • ATALA • PEUGEOT CENTRAL SUPPLY 715 S. Main Bryan 822-2228 Closed Mon. Then, with 12:32 remaining, Clint Hooper hit a layup after two follow-ups to go ahead to stay, 56-54. They upped the margin to 13 with 3:38 to go, with Hooper putting on a crowd-pleasing dis play of ball-handling, agility, sharp-shooting and body control to pace the visitors. The Aggies hit on 50.8 percent of their shots from the field for one of their better floor nights. The difference came in the re bounding department, with AIA getting 43 to 39 for A&M. Jim Soft led the Athletes with nine, followed by Hooper with eight and Matt Parker with seven. Mario Brown led the Aggies with 12 rebounds and nine assists. A&M hit 10 of 14 free throw at tempts to 14 of 24 for AIA. A crowd of 2,158 was on hand to listen to the religious testi monials given by the former col lege stars after the game. The scoring: A&M—Wayne Howard, 16; Jeff Overhouse, 12; Mario Brown, 11; Bobby Threadgill, 10; Randy Knowles, 10; Rick Duplantis, 5; Bob Gobin, 4; Charlie Jenkins, 2; Bobby McKey, 2; and Joe Arcini- ega, 2. AIA — Clint Hooper, 22; De- Wayne Brewer, 19; Jim Soft, 17; Mike Basarich, 11; Steve Niems, 6; Matt Parker, 2; Ed Brown, 2; and Tom Raabe, 2. The Aggies completely domi nated the Trinity game, even without the services of Mario Brown, who was attending his uncle’s funeral in Chicago. The Tigers didn’t make a field goal until five minutes into the con test. The tough A&M defense held Trinity to six of 33 field goals and five of 12 free throws in the initial period. This 18.2 field goal percentage limited the Tigers to 17 points, with the Aggies getting 47 on the 12-point first half out put of Wayne Howard. Bobby Threadgill and Randy Knowles added eight each. In the foul-fest, three players from each team fouled out, with a total of 59 violations being called. A&M dominated the boards, 74-42, while stretching the second half lead to 41 twice after the intermission. The rebounding mark set a new school record, and the 98-58 mar gin was the largest since a 94-53 decision over Rice in 1960. Brad Pauley led A&M rebound ers with 15, followed by Knowles with 12. Jeff Overhouse and Joe Arciniega had eight each, with Howard hauling in seven and Rick Duplantis and Charlie Jenkins six each. The scoring: A&M — Randy Knowles, 21; Wayne Howard, 16; Bobby Threadgill, 14; Charlie Jenkins, 13; Brad Pauley, 11; Jeff Over house, 8; Rick Duplantis, 6; Bob by McKey, 6; and Bob Gobin, 3. Trinity—Bob Murphy, 16; Ran dall Pugh, 12; Alan Kirkes, 10; Bill Brower, 8; Bob Brower, 7; Jon Morris, 2; Duane Henry, 1; Steve Tipton, 1; and Dennis Wer ner, 1. Saturday’s conference opener against Southern Methodist marked the first time in six games that the staunch Aggie defense had allowed over 71 points, but A&M’s 79 stood above it for a clean league slate. The Aggies jumped out to a quick eight point lead two and a half minutes into the game. SMU whittled away at it until they tied it twice inside of the five minute mark left in the half. A&M retaliated with another eight point lead with 1:56 remain ing to make it 39-31 at halftime. The Mustangs were held to only 10 field goals in the first half for a 32.3 average. The Aggies were good on 16 of 42 tries for a 36.1 mark. A&M hit 11 of 25 in the second period, compared to 14 of 31 for SMU, but fouls and rebounds made the difference. The Mus tangs went to the charity line 32 times in the game, and A&M shot 44 free throw attempts. The Ag gies dominated the boards again, 66-40. SMU got close several times late in the game, but A&M came up with clutch free throws or gutty defense when they needed it. Overhouse was the leading re- Intramural meeting announced for Wednesday afternoon A meeting of all athletic of ficers of all units and teams will be held Wednesday, Jan. 19, in room 232 of G. Rollie White Coli seum. The 5 p.m. meeting will be compulsory, and volleyball sched ules and intramural certificates will be given out. Spring intramurals will be get ting underway Monday, Jan. 24. Volleyball will begin in all classes and several sports continuing from last semester will start again. These include Class C bowl ing, Class B football, Class B horseshoes, Class B handball and Class A basketball playoffs. Teams are reminded that Jan. 24 is the deadline for wrestling entries. Feb. 18 is the deadline for softball entries. Wrestling will begin in the first week of February. Team pictures will be taken Thursday, Jan. 20, in DeWare Fieldhouse at 5 o’clock. Any team which won a championship in any sport in any class during the fall semester should have their group picture made. Also, all-star play ers named to the all-intramural Oakridge Smokehouse Restaurant Welcome Back Aggies (& All) Noon Buffet. 7 Days A Week 11 a. m. — Till 2 p. m. Come See Us — .“YOU be the Judge” 809 Texas Ave. C.S., Texas BATTALION CLASSIFIED OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office Student Publications before deadline oi fc.m. of the day proceeding publication. Schd MTENTION MAY GRADUATES! You order Graduation Announcements be- ninK Jan. 17 — Feb. 16, Monday - Fri- 9-12—1-4, Cashier’s Window, MSC. 61tl7 Students wishim? to place a 1970 A(?i?ie- and in their high school, may pick them P in the Student Publications Office, 216 ices Bldg 33tfn HELP WANTED RN for school infirmary, live-in. Fur- utilities, plus sal- 60tfn hed apartment, meals, 822-1290, 846-3603. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone—$1.69 Gal. —EVERYDAY—- We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40/4 Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $18.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrick Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan FOR SALE 1962 Volkswagen. Clean, .$495. 846-4070. 61t4 Leaving country. Very well kept 1969 Plymouth Fury II, 4-door sedan. w tires. Phone 845- 61t2 3131, er, air, , 10:00 New tires. — 4 :00 p. Tape recorders, tape players, radios, cameras at give-away prices at AGGIE DEN! 61tfn ers, igina track home tape players, originally $85 — now $17.50 — $3.95 record albums now only 99d each. 8 track tapes now only $1.99 each. Brand new factory 8 track tapes regular $6.95, now $3.99 each. 4 track tapes 99d each. Party record albums $6.95 values, now $2.95 each. rison 8 track tapes $17.95 list, only $8.95. Double Jesus Christ Superstar $11.95 Double Geo Har- ipes $17.95 Christ S value, now $6.95. Cue sticks $69.95 values, only $35. Girlie pocketbooks and magazines all ‘/j price—Aggie Den—North Gate. 59tfn Posters, Posters, Posters, Posters, Posters, the hottest posters in town—Aggie Den. WORE WANTED Typiag. Symbols. Notary Public. 822- 0526 or 823-3838. 132tfn Typing near campus. Electric. Ex- erienced. 846-8965. 135tfn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south of tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6 :30 p. m. 846-9733. 82tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn LOST Please return gold Cross pen with initials room 225. CRB to Dorm 845-3495. Reward 1 61t2 Mineola High School Senior ring. Re ward! Call 845-4170. 61t4 WANTED Roommate needed. $33 plus food. Contact Don Hodge, 210 W. 24th Apt. 2. 61t3 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms • Diamond Senior Rings Distributors For: Royal and Victor o Senior Rings Calculators & Refinished Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables C. W. Varner & Sons CATES Jewelers TYPEWRITER CO. North Gate 846-5816 909 S. Main 822-6000 FOR RENT Colony Oaks Apts., 200 Rebecca, two bedroom, bath apa and heat, pool. Students 5752. ccn, partments, central air velcome! 822- 61t8 New two bedroom furnished mobile home on 3 wooded acres near University. $110 month plus utilities. 846-8051 after 5 and on weekends. 61tl Comfortable spacious three room fur nished apartment. Good neighborhood. Prefer older student or couple. 822-0668. 61t4 three bedroom, two bath apart- ngl 846-8264. Two ment, $200. Family section. South. Immediate opening. om, secti< api jlewood 61t4 Furnished duplex. No pets. Call after 6 p. Maloney. Married couples only. 822-4201. 2108 Furnished rooms with or without kitchens and all bills paid. 823-0571 after 6. 61t3 for ma t childr couples with or without children—no pets 1 $70 and $76 rent per month, respectively. 846-8020. 60t6 Corner Foster & Francis city hall, furnished c across from new city hall, furnished one bedroom upper southeast apartment. Plenty of closet space. Adults only. $75. No bills paid. 846-6031. 60tfn AGGIE SPECIAL: Two bedroom apart ment with one bath, kitchen, dining room and living room. Perfect for 4 Aggies. Great access to downtown Bryan and easy route to campus via 29th St. or Finfeather. For more information and tour, call 823- 0081. 59t6 Suitable for couple, roomy one bedroom furnished apartment. Vented heat, air- conditioned, *4 mile from North Gate. $70 plus utilities. Call 822-1669; after 6:30, 823-0635. 69tfn ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: One and two bedroom furnished apartments ready for occupancy. 1 i/j miles south of Campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934, or after 6, 846-3408 822-6135. 68tf VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS ! ! Need A Home Pool and Private Courtyard for Spring 'lumber and Su mmer Semester 822-50-41 401 Lake St. Apt. 24 40tfn teams will have a picture made the same day. If any questions arise, come by the intramural office or call 845-2624. Chandler president of coaches’ group Tom Chandler, baseball coach at A&M, was elected president of the American Association of College Baseball Coaches at its 27th annual meeting this week in Miami, Fla. Chandler succeeds Frank Sancet of the University of Arizona. Other officers for 1972 include John Winkin of Colby College (Maine), first vice president; Bill Arce, Plaremont-Mudd College (California), second vice presi dent, and Ron Frazier, Miami (Florida) University, third vice president. Chandler has guided the Aggie baseball program the past 13 sea sons and has a 234-123 record which ranks 22nd in the nation among active coaches. WANT TO TEACH? Any Discipline—Any Level Register with Teacher Placement Services College of Education Telephone 845-7238 Or write for Information Brochure bounder with 16. followed by Knowles with 12, Duplantis with eight and Threadgill with six. The scoring: A&M—Mario Brown, 17; Jeff Overhouse, 15; Randy Knowles, 14; Rick Duplantis, 12; Bobby Threadgill, 11; Wayne Howard, 6; Brad Pauley, 2; Bob Gobin, 1; and Charlie Jenkins, 1. SMU—Larry Delzell, 17; Ruben Triplett, 16; Bobby Rollings, 12; David Miller, 9; Zack Thiel, 9; Clayton Korver, 7; and Jack Trout, 1. The next action for the Aggies is a regionally televised game with Arkansas in Fayetteville Saturday at 2 p.m. A&M returns home next Tuesday for an 8 p.m. battle with defending champion Texas Christian. Attention Students and Faculty THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Again Offers You A Regular Daily and Sunday Subscription For The Spring Semester At i/ 2 PRICE (Holidays Excluded) ORDER YOURS TODAY 822-0082 ROW©® Weekend winner — Levi’s favorite fashion jeans. Styled for active sports of all ages in a rousing range of great new colors. Sta-Prest, so they never need ironing. ■uts. rr V ■ t ?<* t TOM’S LEVI’S Pant Shop 800 Villa Maria 823-8213 The Aggie Special (is back!!) / holiday health Only $8 a month for 4 months Spa MCE V BRYAN For this week only — to the first 50 applicants, (open only to students, staff, ^ 2 BLOCKS EAST OF VILLA MARIA ROAD ) faculty, & their families). 3008 E. 29th Call; 822-1529 For Maggies & Aggie Wives: HOURS FOR WOMEN: “One of the nicest things about being a ^ 0n ’ ’ ^ ^ a x T m ^ m woman is your figure." Tues ' & Thur: 9 a ' m " Noon For Aggies: “One of the nicest things about being a man is your physique.” HOURS FOR MEN: Tuesday & Thurs: Noon-9 p. m. Saturday: 6 a. m.-6 p. m. Hurry!-Be One Of The First 50 To Call. Also ask about your FREE Tour (no obligation attached). FREE BABYSITTING Membership Transferable All Over the World