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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1972)
THE BATTALION Wednesday, January 12, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 3 ! Vi J'ect is desigJ d< -‘l for other I have need < ,r the Project® \ I able through I Education i® I he Communit; p lining Educi- ' the Higher i ‘ *h. TAMU h 1 matehing k |v ^ ? (ItKWMKN TOSS A FOOTBALL around to keep in shape during a quiet moment on the click of the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea off the coast of Vietnam. The crewmen nlaintain and arm planes flying missions over the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos. The Coral is one of two carriers now on station off the coast. (AP Wirephoto) BUSIKK-JONES AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 TTI staff to give physicscolloquivun Four Texas Transportation In stitute staff members will give the A&M physics colloquium lec ture Thursday, Jan. 13. The 4 p.m. lecture in Physics Room 146 is open to the public. A TTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE |>nti used refrigerator $30. Call 822-3980 5 M'O p. m. 46-0Z. CANS 50’ mobile home. Carpeted irpeted, mii. Excellent condition with 8’ x 12’ len attached. Central air/heat stor- Near campus. 823-3875. 60tl iilubile home. 846-3320 after 5 p. m. 60tl ifur track car tape players, $9.95 players, origin $3.96 record albums now «c'l home tape players, FL. N. i nally $86 — 8 track tapes now only $1.99 new factory 8 track tap lar $6.96, now $3.99 each. 4 trai ow $17.50 nlv nly ‘J'.'i' each, i'll Brand new factory 8 track tapei >es ck 99(‘ each. Party record albums $6.95 , now $2.95 each. Double Geo Har- 8 track tapes $17.96 list, only $8.96. }!.■ Jesus Christ Superstar $11.96 8; now $<i.95. Cue sticks $69.95 values, ily i '.S. Girlie pocketbooks and magazines ill 1 ,., price Aggie Den—North Gate. 59tfn ■ I’l- ter ■'tors, Posters, Posters, Posters, Posters, Biottest posters in town—Aggie Den. 7 i v J $ I 69tfn [09 New Moon mobile home, tied. Contact 823-2146. Air-con- 41t20 OFFICIAL NOTICE Of icial t oti ^■tudent Pu > p.' • of the d ;y ces mi; ibiicati arrive in the Office ons before deadline of proceeding publication. TIIK GRADUATE COLLEGE Examination for the Doctoral Degree jf fi/lanio; Durham, Donald Lee fine Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography s issei tat ion ; ESTIMATES OF DIURNAL DAL VOLUME TRANSPORTS 1 ROUGH THE YUCATAN CHANNEL. jim< January 19, 1972 at 10:00 a. m. l la e: Room 309 in the East Bizzell Bldg. I George W Kunze § Dean of the Graduate College dore dupon for REE Sludents wishir bd in their high (n the Student Wtm io<ig !, ZID 33tfn ^onfor Huvoline, Amalie, £E j Conoco. 35c qt. S Jrrestmie—$1.(59 Gal. glo-coat m -™EV1SK¥DAY— 2 ^Wo stock all local major brands. ^lYhore low oil prices originate. 1 B Quantity Rights Reserved %V Ctv eel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, - ft Qi Water and Fuel Pumps. A ' B\kr.ost Any Part Needed 1 25-40 ^ Off List rles r, m <E4, 0 AUA 1 /? !N CA^ C OF LON^I jfljl|rake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $18.95 Exchange y arters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts E. 25th Hryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan WANTED Roommate wanted. Two bedroom, two api $150 month. Pref« Roo: bath ground floor After 6, 822-7927. Iroor partment. Colony Oaks, graduate student. Girl roommate wanted, at work; home, 846-0628. 21-27. Contact 846-5661 Between ages of 59tfn FOR RENT For young man or couple in graduate school, military, or faculty—one bedroom furnished apartment. Bills paid 1 Quiet, beautiful surroundings. 822-6668. 60tl Two bedroom homes for married student couples with or without children—no pets 1 $70 and $75 rent per month, respectively. 846-8020. 60t5 Corner Foster & Francis across from new city hall, furnished one bedroom upper southeast apartment. Plenty of closet space. Adults only. $76. No bills paid. 846-6031. 60tfn AGGIE SPECIAL: Two bedroom apart ment with one bath, kitchen, dining room and living room. Perfect for 4 Aggies. Great access to downtown Bryan and easy route to campus via 29th St. or Finfeather. For more information and tour, call 823- 0081. 59t6 Suitable for couple, roomy one bedroom furnished apartment. Vented heat, air- conditioned, mile from North Gate. $70 plus utilities. 5:30, 823-0635. Call 822-1669 ; after 69tfn ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: One and two bedroom furnished apartments ready for occupancy. I 1 /, miles south of Campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on mds. Country i Cain Co., 823-0934, 822-6135. after 5, 846-3408 or 68tfn as 1 for NEW COLLEGE STATION UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS — New brick apartments now available for family units. Only y> mile south of Kyle field. Rentals low as $115, $127, and $138, respectively two, three and four bedroom apart ments. All bills paid. Central air and heat. Fenced patios, laundry facilities and major appliances all included. Hurry 1 Only a few of the original 200 left. Call 846-3702, or visit "SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS” rental office at 134 Luther St. in College Station. 45tl6 VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS 1 ! Need A Home P iol and Private Courtyard ited Number of Vacancies nd Summer Semester Limite »r Spri 401 Lake St. Apt. 24 40tfn SPECIAL NOTICE i: 1957 GMU 2% stake truck, books, kitchen machines, lab equipment, desks, chairs, chest of drawers, radio tower, electronic equipment, double bunks, dressers, study desks. Bid Forms will be available and sealed bids received in the office of the Inventory Supervisor, available and sealed bids received in the office of the Inventor: )ry Supervisor, Sur plus Property Warehouse, Asbury St., College Station, Texas until 5 :00 p.m. Jan uary 19, 1972. Bids will be opened Jan- 20, 1972 8 :00 a.m. This property may n. x- ic upervisor at tne above address ; for information call 846-7419. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. uary 20, 1972 s :U0 a.m. This proper be inspected between the hours of 8 :00 a.m. hr »g Inventory Supervisor at the above address ispected between the hours c and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday ex cept holidays by contacting the Office of the THE AQUARIUM 1005 Windowmere 846-4697 Tropical fish and supplies Weekday afternoons from 6 to 9 p. m. Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 7 p. m. Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south of tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6 :30 846-9733. p. m. 82tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 57tfn HELP WANTED ry, hve- nished apartment, meals, utilities, plus sal ary. 822-1290, 846-3603. 60tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 • Watch Repairs ® Jewelry Repair ® Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 EXCELLENT MONTHLY EARNINGS $1,000.00 INVENTORY RETURNS $2,700.00 WE SECURE LOCATIONS , PART OR FULL TIME FOR EXTRA INCOME \AU ATTOIw; L"liable man or woman wanted as dealers in this area to service route for the m | V OKU) FAMOUS ALKA-SELTZER, ANACIN, BAYER ASPIRIN. TUMS, BUF- —— “ 7 | ERIN, DRISTAN, etc., in pocket packs, sold through our new type vendor, in U ■‘cations such as restaurants, bowling lanes, motels (HOLIDAY INNS) etc., IMocned by this Corp. Will not interfere with present business or occupation, "■ollect and refill in your spare time. 1 MINIMUM CASH INVESTMENT of $1,250.00 is required, also car and 6 to 8 ! mrs weekly. 50% FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE AS YOU > XPAND YOUR BUSINESS. LVft myou are qualified for time and investment and are sincerely interested, 'IB' JU J U TODAY, include phone number for personal interview, lill\\m MARKETING DIRECTOR DEPT. E. I) ™ | HEADACHE-BAR VENDORS CORP. [mmP IL 7821 Manchester Road ^ Maplewood, Mo. 63143 PART-TIME Meat Cutter With Retail Cutting Experience. Evenings, 6 days a week. Apply In Person Skagg’s Albertson’s 301 S. College CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. S23-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn WORK WANTED Give control, safety Wings for an ejection capsule Typing. Symbols. Notary Public. 822- 0526 or 823-3838. 132tfn Typing near campus, erienced. 846-8965. Electric. Ex- 135tfn SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV AH Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables Lift surfaces have been pro posed by a student for aircraft ejection capsules to give crew members an additional safety fac tor. Airplanes such as the B-58 and F-lll have escape capsules, says Michael J. Rangel, senior aero space engineering major of Friendswood, but sufficient alti tude is required for the system to provide an adequate safety margin. In a typical ejection sequence, pyrotechnic cords cut the module from the fuselage and a rocket motor boosts it away from the plane, Rangel reviewed. A small brake parachute then deploys to slow the capsule for recovery chute deployment. The large parachute completes deceleration. Flotation bags in flate to cushion landing and keep the ejection module afloat, if touchdown is on water. A minimum size wing to sup plement lift by the rocket motor would be of benefit during low altitude flight. “It would be particularly bene ficial in an ejection before an an gular impact,” Rangel stated in an “idea” course report to Dr. Charles A. Rodenberger. The course, required for seniors in the seventh semester of aerospace engineering studies, encourages divergent, creative thinking among student engineers. Rangel’s idea is to turn the kinetic energy dissipated by the initial brake chute into a poten tial energy asset, such as altitude. He calculated that a total wing area of 45 square feet would be to provide an initial 2G (“G” meaning one-gravity force) pull- up at 25,000 feet and Mach 1.2 speed. The Air Force ROTC cadet officer assumed a capsule weight of 4,000 pounds. The wing would enable ejecting crew members to gain altitude after separating from an air craft in a steep dive. The added altitude might make the difference In the recovery parachute becoming fully deploy ed, or the capsule following the crash trajectory of the aircraft. Rangel, a member of the Corps of Cadets, noted a prototype of the design is under study for the B-l bomber. These inflatable spoilers and fins serve only as stabilizers, however, not lifting surfaces. Rangel’s preliminary design in cludes a pair of wings that pivot into the airstream immediately after capsule ejection. He believes pilot adaptation to the “mini- plane” configuration would in volve no difficulty. ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue Bryan Sbisa Hall & Duncan Hall Meal Schedule Week Beginning Jan. 17 Thru Jan. 22, 1972 SUNDAY Breakfast Tang Ass’t. Dry Cereal Chilled Apricots Fried Eggs Sausage Links Toast-Jelly-Oleo Blueberry Hot Cakes Syrup Coffee-Milk Dinner Roast Boneless Pork Loin L-81 Brown Gravy Apple Sauce Tri TPcttGTS Shoe Peg White Corn Buttered Buttered Green Peas Rainbow Salad Tossed Green Salad Bleu Cheese Dressing Cherry Pie Bread-Oleo-Ice Tea MONDAY Breakfast Tomato Juice Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Blueberry Muffins Pan fried Bacon 2. Jelly Fritters-Oleo Pan Fried Bacon Milk-Coffee Sbisa-Plus Hotcakes, Fried & Scrambled Eggs Dinner Beef & Vegetable Soup Ass’t. Cold Cuts-Ham, Cheese Piemento Loaf # Potato Salad M-40 * Baked Beans Q-2 Steamed Rice Chilled Tomatoes Shredded Lettuce & S. Tomatoes Mayonnaise Mustard Ice Cream Bread-Oleo-Ice Tea Supper Chicken Fried Steak L-12 Cream Gravy Q-17 ♦Steamed Rice E-5 ♦Field Peas w/Salt Pork Mashed Potatoes Q-58 Broccoli Chopped Buttered Raisin Slaw 1,000 Island Dressing Peach Crisp Hot Rolls-Oleo-Milk WEDNESDAY Breakfast Tang Fresh Fruit Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Scrambled Eggs Jelly Sausage Patties Oleo Raisin Break Toast Duncan Cinnamon Rolls w/Raisins Sausage Patties Milk-Coffee Sbisa-Plus Hotcakes & Fried Eggs Dinner Barbecue Beef on Bun L-18 ♦French Fried Potatoes *Pinto Beans w/Salt Pork Buttered Mixed Vegetables Steamed Rice E-5 Cottage Cheese & Pineapple M-13 Chocolate Pudding Bread-Oleo-Fruit Punch Supper T-Bone Steak 10-Oz. Au Jus * Baked Potatoes w/Sour Cream ♦Buttered English Peas Buttered Carrots Steamed Rice Russian Drs. Ice Cream Milk-Coffee FRIDAY Breakfast Tang Fresh Fruit Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Scrambled Eggs Home Fried Potatoes Toast-Jelly-Oleo 2. Coffee Cake Pan Fried Bacon Coffee-Milk Sbisa-All Plus Hotcakes & Fried Eggs Dinner Fried Jumbo Shrimp 6 each Cocktail Sauce Q-ll ♦French Fried Potatoes Q-28 ♦Buttered Peas w/Whole Onions Buttered Rice E-5 Buttered Succatash Grape Jello Peach Cobbler Cornbread-Oleo-Fruit Punch Supper Grilled Beef Cutlet Au Jus ♦Snowflake Potatoes ♦Scalloped Corn Q-23 Steamed Rice E-5 Garnish Spinach Q-60 Tossed Salad French Dressing German Chocolate Cake Bread-Oleo-Milk-Coffee TUESDAY Breakfast Pineapple & Grapefruit Juice Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Jelly Fritters Pan fried Bacon 2. Blueberry Muffins Pan fried Bacon Coffee-milk Sbisa—Plus Hotcakes, Fried & Scrambled Eggs Dinner Beef Pot Pie ♦Creamed Whole Potatoes Harvard Beets Q-8 Green Beans Steamed Rice Strawberry Jello Dutch Apple Pie 1-8 (1) Bread-Oleo-Ice Tea Supper Roast Beef L-5 Brown Gravy 0-16 ♦Dry Navy Beans w/Salt Pork Q-5 Parsley Carrots Steamed Rice Squash Buttered Bread-Oleo-Milk Coffee THURSDAY Breakfast Grapefruit Juice Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Cinnamon Rolls w/Raisins Finger Steaks 2. Scrambled Eggs Finger Steaks Raisin Toast Duncan Only Jelly-Oleo Milk Coffee Sbisa-Plus Hotcakes & Fried Eggs Dinner Chicken & Dumpling ♦Buttered Rice E-5 ♦Green Beans Buttered Mashed Potatoes Brussel Sprouts Buttered Mixed Fruit Salad M-35 Ind. Tarts Bread-Oleo-Ice Tea Supper Baked Meat Loaf L-35 101 ♦Buttered New Potatoes Sauce ♦Mustard Greens Steamed Rice E-5 Carrots Buttered Health Salad Apple Pie Hot Rolls-Oleo Coffee-Milk SATURDAY Breakfast Pineapple Juice Ass’t. Dry Cereal 1. Coffee Cake Grilled Ham 2. Scrambled Eggs Grilled Ham Toast-Jelly-Oleo Coffee-Milk Sbisa-Plus Hotcakes & Fried Eggs Dinner Roast Beef L-5 Brown Gravy 0-6 Mayonnaise Potatoes ♦Pinto Beans w/Salt Pork Q-5 Buttered Carrots Steamed Rice E-5 Sliced Tomatoes on Lettuce Leaf Salad Dressing Honey & Spice Cake Bread-Oleo-Ice Tea Supper Spaghetti & Meat Balls Spaghetti Sauce L-51 ♦Cut Green Beans Spiced Beets & Onions Q-9 Steamed Rice E-5 Tossed Salad Russian Drs. Ice Cream Sandwich Toasted Garlic French Bread Coffee-Milk MEAL SCHEDULE AT SBISA Monday through Friday: Breakfast—7:00 a. m. to 8:00 a. m. Continental Line—7:00 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. Lunch—10:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Dinner—4:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. Saturday: Breakfast—7:30 a. m. to 8:30 a. m. Lunch—11:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Dinner—4:30 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. Sunday: Breakfast—8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Dinner—11:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. MEAL SCHEDULE AT DUNCAN Monday through Friday: Breakfast—7:00 a. m. Lunch—M. W. F.—11:15, 12:15 and 1:15 p. m, T. Th.—11:30 and 12:30 Dinner—6:30 p. m. Saturday: Breakfast—7:00 a. m. Lunch—12:15 p. m. Dinner—5:00 p. m.