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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1971)
, I BAHAUON LI0(' i—— Wednesday, December 15, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 5 ored Club 0 J ls rw y Heir best to society. The reminder was offered by base o| many en dug. ut 1,(IC() > l) r jf, T. Harrington, who con futed his best to A&M during half century of service during theTjfcb be progressed from in- Joaquij, razillai or, aa ( Conn, Explor. the de. Renovation of a modern lan- piage laboratory has been com- estion ij y canoe, ietly de- i P i pulation a dirty he said. •Is, sens- ;ve even schools t Texas Graduates should contribute their best to society, Harrington says ^M's mid-term graduates ere reminded Saturday they an obligation to contribute structor to president and chan cellor. Dr. Harrington, named presi dent emeritus this fall after re tiring from the university as coordinator of international pro grams, was presented the uni versity’s Distinguished Alumni Award following his commence ment address. The award is jointly bestowed by the univer sity and the Association of For mer Students. Harrington earned his B.S. de gree at A&M in 1922 and mas ter’s in 1927. He addressed a record mid term graduating class of 996, Renovation of modern language labs completed >ns may a primi. So bacli jieted to provide A&M students froup of improved conditions for study of ■chaeolo- Czech, Russian, German, French and Spanish. Improved acoustical character- iatics, new equipment and more iscewere obtained in the $30,000 apansion project. Vance and Thurmond was general contrac- Modern Languages Department Dr. Jack A. Dabbs said additional space for one of its two Academic Building labs will enable addition of 11 sound tooths, for a total of 74. The department enrolled more than ,000 students this semester. The renovated lab acquired about 30 per cent more floor space, carpeting, new acoustical tile, light and airconditioning ductwork, tape storage shelv ing and 32 new DuKane Monitor dual-track tape playback-record- s. Students will use the renovated of Agri- lab for classes and exams,” Dabbs laid. “Former facilities in an- mists to other lab are available for stu- g fertil- dent-free class preparation, air and Language labs are open from he asked to find ing sys- on. ave the * plenty use our jollutioi he com- 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays and at special weekend hours. Class use is scheduled at 15-minute intervals from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Department - prepared master tapes enable students to hear the language individually in recorder- equipped sound booths, record sentences, playback for compari son with correct pronunciation and make corrections. A new master console from which class-quantity tapes are pre-recorded enables an instruc tor to monitor a student selec tively. Dabbs pointed out that for examination purposes, the lab allows a student to record responses at his best. “Acoustics are much better,” the department head added. “Our people relax a little more and talk calmer. New earphones cut out adjoining booth sounds.” A workshop utilized by tech nician Earl Wiehausen was re located and gained space from the renovation. Besides test and repair facilities, it contains a tape duplicator for student con venience or reproducing open reel or cassette tapes for other TAMU departments. )ceanography initiates second [ear of ‘natural pollution’ study A&M’s Oceanography Depart ment has initiated its second year of Gulf of Mexico studies of the jonsored occurrence of natural hydrocar- Texas tons—often considered “natural Servicf pollution.” ral Exf/ Q r Richard A. Geyer, depart ment head, said the research is sponsored by the A&M Sea Grant Program and 11 oil companies. The firms are Atlantic Richfield, Chevron, Cities Service, Conoco, Gulf, Humble, Marathon, Mobil, Phillips, Sun and Tenneco. William E. Sweet Jr., research associate coordinating the project, said particularly prolific tar seeps occur in the Gulf south of Brownsville. He noted research ers aboard the university’s two larger research vessels, the Ala- roinos and the Orca, have found floating in that area tar lumps which were not refined products. High dissolved gas anomalies have been detected in areas of the gulf over shallow salt domes, and traces of oil have been found at these localities, Sweet re ported. Faults, which are cracks in the bottom sediment caused by 1 \ the rising salt, allow oil and gas which has been trapped below to migrate to the surface, he ex plained. Tar lumps have been found within the sediments and stain ing shells at many sites. Three years ago tar was found in a core taken from the Sigsbee Knolls. Since all of this hydrocarbon material that has been found in the sediment is lighter than water, Sweet emphasized it could not have sunk down from the surface but must have come up from a natural pool from below the sediments. He said the major purposes of the project are to locate the source of the seeps, determine the nature and the amount of seep age and the chemical composition of the escaping material. Drift cards are being used to determine current movement from the seep site in order to determine what happens to the oil once it is in the water. Sweet said some cards have been found along the Padre Island Beach and north ward toward Louisiana. sy perfect dry martinis Spray a martini ?nasterpfecn with ; Prf~iik tmsmm iff an one . * ‘ % un- sst*- / with in fh >r * • 1 * ~ ’’ ^ jgif r;- Open Till 8:00 P- m. Until Christmas jg Country Squire | Each modern languages course requires from 4 5to 50 tapes re produced in class quantity. including 71 students receiving doctoral degrees and 198 earn ing master’s. In later ceremonies, 125 of the graduates received military com missions and were addressed by Gen. John G. Meyer, Air Force vice chief of staff. The Army commissioned 85 of the students, the Air Force 36 and the Marine Corps four. “All of you have, built in, a practical obligation to yourself and a moral obligation to society to contribute to society the best that is in you,” Dr. Harrington told the A&M graduates. “This pays off in many more ways than one.” He pointed out a selfish per son is motivated by desires that concern his own welfare, while an intelligent person learns that the best thing he can do for him self is something good for those around him. “If your opportunities have been greater, your experience more varied, if your horizon is thereby broadened, your percep tion keener, your vision and in sight more clear, then your re sponsibility and obligation to give the fruits of your life is greater,” the former A&M pres ident emphasized. “Great gifts should make one humble and aware of his obligation to others.” General Meyer told the newly commissioned officers that one of the reasons this nation has not been involved in a world war since 1945 “is that we have rec ognized the very real role that military strength plays in keep ing the peace.” “We now know that wars are prevented with strength and re solve — not weakness and wish ful thinking,” emphasized the top fighter pilot in Europe dur ing World War II. The general took issue with the “social hypochondriacs” who see this nation as a “sick so ciety.” “I see us as a healthy and growing society, responding to the many challenges of the times,” General Meyer remarked. “I know there are those who find it far easier to destroy than to build,” he concluded, “but I refuse to accept that our society —young and old alike—will ever stand still for the destruction of our institutions, imperfect though they might be.” ■■ oieys 45 |1 JOE COLLEGE © Q Go * YOUR NAME IS WORTH A LOT AT FOLEY'S! Give yourself credit I’d like a Foley's charge account. First Name School Address:- Initial Last Name Phone No.: " Age MarriedQ SingleQ Wife's Name: — School Status: Jr.D SrJj GradQ Fac.Q University: Ma|or: I bank at: Checking^ Parent's Name: SavmgsO LoanQ Parents Address: My parents have a Foley's account: YesQ NoO Date: Signature: Offer to U.S. citizens only. 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