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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1971)
IH£ battalion another o’s! (Tamil. Jr. ’72 a ns Wednesday, November 17, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 3 administration has failed to enforce Ml rights laws, commission its! any iuse '.M. *hul2 WASHINGTON <7P> — The ton administration has failed Intake a firm and continuing in- 1st in the enforcement of civil rifhts laws, the Civil Rights Commission said in a report re lied Tuesday. . . In addition, the commission said, only a few federal agencies bave made any real effort to up- ^de the hiring or promotion of blacks, Indians, orientals or Spanish-speaking Americans. A bulky 217-page report en titled, “The Federal Civil Rights Enforcement Effort: One Year Later’’ concluded: "Unless the bureaucracy is given to understand that civil rights is a matter of personal toncern to the President, it is unlikely to alter the status quo.” The commission cited remarks says on various civil rights issues by President Nixon over the past several months as doing little to provide optimism for minorities. The President has opposed en forced busing to achieve integra tion and has said he is against an active federal role in the courts to integrate the suburbs. “The net effect of the Presi dent’s statements has not been to provide a clear policy direction necessary to encourage the fed eral bureaucracy to step up its efforts to enforce civil rights laws,” the report said. “Chief among the inadequa cies is the failure to develop and to communicate to the public a sense of urgency over the need to end discrimination. “The President’s posture, as gleamed from actions over the last six months has not been such as to provide the clear affirma tive policy direction necessary to assure that the full weight of the federal government will be be hind the fight to secure equal rights for all minorities.” While acknowledging that a presidential statement on hous ing emphasized the need to cor rect past patterns of discrimina tion, the commission criticized a distinction Nixon made between segregation resulting from in come and segregation resulting from deliberate discrimination. The net effect may “serve to reinforce the racially exclusion ary policies and practices of many suburban communities,” the report added. Much of the report is devoted to an evaluation of how well the BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 64 per word ord each additional day One day 4; per wo; Minimum charue Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion FOR RENT SEW COLLEGE STATION UNFUR- SBHED APARTMENTS — New brick S»rtmenls now available for family units. Oily 1.', mile south of Kyle field. Rentals slow as $115. $127, and $138. respectively [or two, three and four bedroom apart- srats. All bills paid. Central air and M. Fenced patios, laundry facilities and njor appliances all included. Hurry 1 Oily a few of the orifrinal 200 left. Call MH102, or visit "SOUTHGATE VILLAGE IPARTMENTS” rental office at 134 lifter St. in College Station. 45tl6 Two bedroom unfurnished apartment to A&M, $75.60 monthly. Married raple, children welcome ; sorry no dogs, fcposit required. Phone after 5:16 p. m. M29. p. m. 37tfn ATTENTION STUDENTS: Two bed- som furnished duplex. Ready for occu- pity. IVj miles south of campus. Lake :> fishinc. Washateria on grounds. Coun- nj atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co. 823- m or after 5, 846-3408. 9tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I 1 Need A Home Pool and Private Courtyard Limited Applications For The Spring Semester 822-504 1 401 Lake St. Apt. 24 No Vacancies GOOD LUCK TO THE AGGIES! 40tfn FOR SALE Contemporary couch-bed, shi"— ^— J rubber cu 2190. ions. Good condition, $30. 846- 46t3 Sailboat, Must sell. 846-6588. Blue Ja Best offer. class, with trailer. 1712-A Lawyer. 46t3 A complete set of Rogers drums, cases, etc. 1970 Yamaha 175 Enduro., Petri 35mm camera, lenses and accessories. Call after 2 p. m. 846-8268. 46t3 Early American couch and chair. Good condition. >/, ton air-conditioner. Graduat ing. Cheap ! Call 846-9189. 46t4 Registered quarter bourse, five year old iare. 822-1449 after 5. 45t4 8 x 32 mobile home, air-conditioned, plenty of storage space. Perfect for one or two persons. Call 822-4870. 46t3 60 x 12 mobile home on country lot. Nine miles east of Colle; port and other extras. Station. Car- 2-1449 after 6. 45t4 Harley 74 Chopper, 1953 pan head, lots f chrome. Call 822-0947. 45t3 1971 Triumph Trident 3-cylinder motor- lectric brakes. Excellent condition. $1400. Electric 846-2782. Ask for Chris. 45t3 1971 Triumph Triden 3-cylinder motor cycle. 6,000 miles, excellent condition, T50cc. Sacrifice, $1296. 845-2948. Lassiter, 213 Moore. 45 Gary It4 HELP WANTED INTERESTED IN SALES—Local manu facturer desires part-time, or full-time salesman or saleswoman to sell to con centrated mobile home market. Locally and surrounding areas on generous commis sion basis. Phor ane 823-5811. 46t4 my cellent income, good worki 822-1398. Ex- ng hours. Call 39tfn Students needed to service Fuller Brush customers. Flexible hours and above aver age income. Call 846-0378. 31116 WANTED 1969 AGGIELAND Write: Mrs. Don Breech, 2307 N. Victoria, Texas 77901. for Christmas gift. Libert: rty, 16t4 Need a babysitter for 15 month old boy, Monday thru Friday, 8 to 5. $15 a week. 846-2816. 46t2 Wanted, child care after 5. college wife in our home. for part-time 846-3928. Call 45t3 OFFICIAL NOTICE ices must arrive in the Office ublications before deadline of e day proceeding publication. Official notic of Student Pul 1 p.m. of the day proceeding 1962 Impala Wagon. Excellent condition low mileage. 822-1730. Unusually clean. Good tires, air, radio, 44t5 1969 New Moon mobile home, ditioned. Contact 823-2146. Air-con- 41t20 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION ATES! You may DECEMBER GRADU- ly pick up your graduation unouncements in the small TV room in fcMSC beginning November 18, Monday - Way, 8-12, 1-6. Extra Announcements >ill go on sale on a first come first serve |*sis, November 19 in the small TV room • the MSC Monday - Friday, 8-12, 1-5. 46t6 for sale due to death. Contact by writing Drawer E, College Station, or telephone 846-5816. 41tfn Jewelry store FUTURE CPA’S — Learn how to prepare for the CPA Exam. Decker CPA Review Course. Call Collect: (7T3) 223-6902 43t4 Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south 'tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. 82tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 Idll Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn. WORK WANTED Will do typing, im. 823-4579 after 5 46t2 Symbols. W or 823-3838. Notary Public. 822- 132tfn T VPing, electric. 846-7675. 35t20 Taping near car "'fenced. 846-8965. Electric. Ex- 13 5tfn CHILD CARE Hl’MPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- ins’JyOO South College, State Licensed. ^G-6. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone—$1.69 Gal. -EVERYDAY— stock all local major brands. 'Vnere low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved ^heel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Wniost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $18.95 Exchange barters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer , J° e Faulk Auto Parts L. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan 1970 V. W. BUS Air &, AM/FM Beige Excellent Condition 708 Hereford St. 846-2898 4018 1971 Honda CL350. under 4,000 miles. $750. after 6 p. m. Excellent condition. Call 846-7289 43t6 Why pay more 7 $16.50 all sizes; G & N. Interregional No. 78753, 836-5537. Quality waterbeds. L Company, 10707 13, Austin, Texas 34tl6 If you ar books fo: to buy bai ’or ck Lou needs your business, short of cash he will buy your cash—you have the privilege to your sanfie book for the same price in 30 days. No interest, no carrying charges no nothing! He calls it friendship. 31tfn Lou pays cash day 1 for used books evi ery- Itfn Lou needs used books. He buys and sells too. 300 University. He usually pays a little more. rfltm LOST Tape deck after SMU game. Please call again. 846-9940, Steve. Room 38. 45t3 Man’s gold wedding band, outside, Mary Kay. 822-3678. engraved on Call Mike Sheehan at 45t3 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Rentals-Sales-Service typewriters Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES typewriter CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Veterinary Microbiology Name: Bishop, John Philip Degree: Ph.D. in V Dissertations: IMMUNE RESPONSE OF CATTLE INOCULATED WITH IRRA DIATED BABESIA BIGEMINA. Time: November 29, 1971 at 10:00 a. m. Place: Room 107-D in the Veterinary Medical Administration Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College government is carrying out Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which outlaws discrimination in any federally funded project whether the money is spent by private or public agencies. Decorations given to A&M grads Decorations have been award ed A&M graduates for Air Force service in advanced communica- tions-electronics instruction su pervision, flying and aircraft command. Receiving Commendation and Air Medals were Maj. Donald E. Hicks, 1957 graduate of Fort Worth; Maj. Harry C. Hamby, ’59 of Waco, and Capt. Arturo Esquivel, ’67 of Eagle Pass. Hicks earned a second Com mendation Medal for service in the Communication - Electronics Officer Department at Keesler AFB, Miss. An industrial tech nology major and First Group Staff adjutant at A&M, he is now at the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Ala. Hamby’s decorations include two awards of the Air Medal and his second Commendation Medal, for service as a B-52 Stratofort commander at Ramey AFB, Puer to Rico. The former Squadron 19 cadet and civil engineering ma jor is now a Strategic Air Com mand instructor pilot at Castle AFB, Calif. Six awards of the Air Medal went to Esquivel, who majored in management and was in Squadron 2. Now at Dyess AFB near Abilene, he was cited for C-7A Caribou tactical airlift mis sions in Vietnam. LEGGETT HALL SUPPORTS THE MACHINE that is digging a 20-foot deep trench di rectly in front of their dormitory. The trench is for steam pipes, electrical conduits, etc. that will run underneath the mall when it is finished. (Photo by Joe Matthews) House rejects resolution to continue federal programs WASHINGTON UP) — The legally penniless foreign aid, de fense and antipoverty programs were kept in limbo Tuesday night when the House rejected a Sen ate continuing resolution for them and insisted on a House- Senate compromise conference. House leaders tried to accept the Senate resolution to extend temporary spending authority until Dec. 1 to put the programs legally back into business im mediately. But this required unanimous consent and two House members refused to go along. The House finally decided by voice vote to send the Senate Dec. 1 date into a House-Senate conference with the original House resolution to continue the programs until the end of this year’s session of Congress. Spending authority for de fense, foreign aid, antipoverty and the District of Columbia le gally expired at midnight Mon day and the Senate approved the Dec. 1 extension Tuesday after noon. Thus far there has been no appreciable effect on the opera tions of the affected agencies where employes are continuing to work on the assumption that Congress will work out some thing in the near future. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Nichole, George Vernon, Jr. Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Education Dissertation : AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF THE CORRELATION AMONG SE LECTED PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS AND THE UNSAFE BEHAVIOR OF STUDENTS, IN METALWORKING. Time: November 23, 1971 at 9 - 11 a. m. Place: Room 8-E in the M.E. Shops Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Dudek, Conrad L. Degree: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Dissertation: A STUDY OF FREEWAY OPERATIONAL CONTROLS. Time: November 22, 1971 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 106 in the Highway Research Center George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To be eligible to purchase the Texas. A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on October 18, 1971 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the Ring Clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, nil check all records to determine DIG INTO OUR APPETIZING 1971 14, 197L rings will be taken by ting November 1, through December in turn, ring eligibility. Orders for the the Ring Clerk sta nd continuing The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office to be delivered on or about January 21, 1972. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 :00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, of each week. H. L Heaton, Dean Admissions and Records Mrs. H. Brownlee, Ring Clerk 17t37 Students wishing eir high up in the Student Publications O Services Bldg. ftRMOOR TOATURKEyS land in their hig o plac chool. lace a 1970 Aggie- ’ may pick them Jffice, 216 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 e Watch Repairs a Jewelry Repair a Diamond Senior Rings a Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Where Are The REAL Bargains? nelson mobile homes 813 s. Texas College Station DR. PEPPER SPRITE or COKES 6 BTL. CTN. $1 mm& 10 ikes & REDEEM THIS COUPON FOR 50 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With Purchase of McCORMICK NEW ROAST-IN-BAG SEASONING MIXES Coupon Expires Nov. 20, 1971 REDEEM THIS COUPON FOR too EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS « With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) Coupon Expires Nov. 20, 1971 UQO\C> JOY Tltvchihltc i ihcr. «P im n mm iiimi ■ mm m i ■ mm