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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1971)
BATTALION Wednesday, November 3, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 3 cries i n 1 out of, while eatj] ^he CorpsJ 1 no onej this the militj 1 feel | ^rps andj agg® to a coi veryone pate in one is his im proi ini just ie days wl ny. tlein 75 amp us briefs lass of ’41 to hold 30th reunion this weekend ipproximately 300 members of [M’s 1941 class will hold their reunion here this weekend. Jjje Friday and Saturday pro- lam includes attendance at the iM-SMU football game Sat- jay afternoon. L spokesman for the A&M As- •iation of Former Students re ports the 1941 class is one of the most successful groups ever to graduate. Membership includes a long list of successful business men and public officials. Activities begin Friday with a social-buffet at 6:30 p.m. in the Ramada Inn. Special guests will be A&M deans. Saturday’s pro- TAMU Artist Showcase Presents . . . U. T. COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Music of the medieval, renaissance, and (baroque eras performed with minstrel harp, harpsicord, organ, and lute. Wednesday, November 17, 1971—8:00 p.m. MSC Ballroom Town Hall season ticket and activity card holders ad- Imitted free. No reserved seats. A&M Student Date $1.00 Faculty, Staff, Patron $3.00 Other Students $1.50 Tickets & information — MSC Student Program Office 845-4671 gram has a brunch business meet ing, student speakers, class pic ture, campus tour and observing the Corps of Cadets march-in at 12:20 p.m. ★ ★ ★ A&M Professors present paper A paper concerning water pol lution control and use of water resources was presented at the annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association in Washington, D. C. recently. The paper, entitled “Integrated Man agement of Quantity and Quality of Urban Water Resources”, was authored by Dr. C. S. Shih, asso ciate professor, and Dr. W. L. Meier, Jr., professor, both of the department of industrial engineer ing at A&M. The paper presents a total wa ter quality-quantity management approach to the use of water re sources, including cost factors. The paper will be published in the Water Resources Bulletin, the journal of the American Water Resources Association. ★ ★ ★ McCandless to attend orientation conference Dr. Charles E. McCandless, as sociate dean of liberal arts at A&M, will attend the 24th annual National Orientation Directors Conference Nov. 7-9 at Oklahoma State University. The theme is “Orientation and Today’s Student.” Participation is expected from more than 200 college administra tors. Program highlights include a discussion of student orienta tion programs, including an all student panel, and reports on ideal programs designed to bring personal feelings into orientation. ★ ★ ★ Darby receives award for best paper A professor of chemical engi neering at A&M has written a paper which may be of importance to ship hull manufacturers and possibly to fire fighters and waste treatment plants. Dr. Ron Darby received an award for the best fundamental paper of the year from the South Texas Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for his paper entitled “Transient and Steady State Rheological Properties of Very Dilute Drag Reducing Polymer Solutions,” published in the Transactions of the Society of Rheology. ★ ★ ★ Engineering receives assistantship The Department of Engineering Graphics at A&M will co-spon sor the mid-year meeting of the engineering design graphics di vision of the American Society for Engineering Education, with Rice and the University of Houston. The meeting will be held in Houston Nov. 4-5. Seven A&M faculty members will attend along with about 200 others from indus try and other universities. Attending from A&M will be S. M. Cleland, L. E. Stark, P. M. Mason, George Raczkowski, N. B. Bardell, Jack Brown, and James Earle, all from the College of En gineering. ★ ★ ★ Williams to address Washington club A&M President Jack K. Wil liams will address the Texas Breakfast Club of Washington, D. C., Thursday. The club, which meets in the Sam Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill, is primarily composed of Texas congressmen, administra tive assistants and other govern ment officials with Texas ties. Dr. Williams is expected to in clude in his remarks a briefing on the university and the A&M University System. He will he introduced by Rep. Olin E. Teague of College Station. ★ ★ ★ McIntyre to speak at physics colloquium A&M physics Prof. John A. McIntyre will lecture on “Nuclear Two-Body Forces in a Three- Body System” at the university physics colloquium Thursday. The public lecture begins at 4 p.m. in Physics Room 146. FUTURE CPA’S Learn Now About the next CPA Exam. Becker CPA Review Course HOUSTON 713/223-6902 OUR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS REPRESENT 1f5 OF USA NEXT COURSE BEGINS Dec. 2nd. BUSIER - JONES AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAYINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL UiM CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue ■*— Bryan . AF personnel receive awards Decorations have been awarded Air Force personnel assigned to A&M for degree work. Capt. William S. Powell of Buf falo, N. Y., received the Commen dation Medal; T. Sgt. Larry J. Lawrence of Schenectady, N. Y., the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Com mendation Medal, and T. Sgt. Troy E. Belyeu of DeLeon, the Meritorious Service Medal. Awards were presented for out- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES per per word each additional day iinimui | One day 54 per word :h additional Minimum charge—75c Classified Displa ay inch $1.00 per column each insertion OFFICIAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE toil Examination for the Doctoral Degree [me: Chakrapani, Basavaraju Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering station: AN ANALYTICAL AND experimental study of the be havior OF SEMI-INFINITE METAL TARGETS UNDER HYPERVELOCITY IMPACT. November 15, 1971 at 2:30 P- m. Room 113 in the M.E. Shops Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College P THE GRADUATE COLLEGE M Examination for the Doctoral Degree |j«ne: Davis, Jimmie Ray Wee: Ph.D. in Education Administration station: STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION MAKING AS SEEN BY SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENTS. SUPERINTEND ENTS AND HIGH SCHOOL PRINCI- I PALS OF SELECTED PUBLIC I SCHOOLS IN TEXAS. Fme: November 9, 1971 at 9 :00 a. m. fl*ce: Room 402-A in the Academic Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE ™i Examination for the Doctoral Degree pwe: Evans, Ian ee: Ph.D. in Geology —'rtation: A PALAEOECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE WHITESTONK MEMBER OF THE WALNUT FORMA TION, LOWER CRETACEOUS. TRAVIS *ND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES TEX- F[»e: November 11, 197T at 3 :00 p. m. P«: Room 103-A in the Geosciences 1 “Idg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College IDLE Regalia for the December 1971 H Commencement Exercise jv “Ments who are candidates for the P*?ree of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor f Education are required to order hoods ! w ull as the Doctor’s caps and gowns. W hoods are to be left at the University “Change Store for delivery by a repre- ®tative of the Exchange store to the Wrar’s Office no later than 1:00 P- m., ^ucsday, December 7. The Ph.D. or D.Ed. foods will not be worn in the procession btl 3UC T 1 candidates will be hooded F me stage as part of the ceremony, ptuidatea for the Master’s Degree will “ r Gte cap and gown ; all civilian stu who are candidates for the Bachelor i ramilv ]n .. —w in weux" cut; ttj^rop: ■i’ 01 ' m - All military personnel who are gjjuates for the Bachelor’s or Master’s , too W jn wear t }j e un if orm ; Ph.D. or Kim cant T' < T a *- e8 will wear the cap and Ij' 0 ' uandidates will arrange for rental l.i ca P’ Kown, and hood at the Ex- ■ "Se Store between 8:00 a. m., Monday, ir em u er 8 > and 12:00 noon, Saturday, lay u r 20 - 0n 'y Doctor’s caps, gowns, | b l h0 °d8 will be available on a rental lin/’ Tlle Meter’s and Bachelor's caps Ith 80,Vns may be purchased at the Ex- Itiri, Stoi ' e - Rental fees and sale 1 n!\ ai ; e aa follows: h n C *° r , a ^ ap nnd Gown (rental) $7.88 UocWs Hood (rental) $7.88 B. 8 '-'aP & Gown (sale) $7.61 ■ iii ^aelor’s Cap & Gown (sale) $6.93 IteonE j 8 delude sales tax. Payment is I led at the time of placing the order. L. W. Landiss, Chairman Convocations Committee 33t8 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF To h. . M m SSIONS an D RECORDS iltliww, M e to purchase the Texas A&M "Hist i? lty r * nK > an undergraduate student Mil aave at least one academic year in Hiw Ce v an< * credit for ninety-five (96) Wimf* Pours. The hours passed at the 1 l«|l! ini r l fu ' y tirade report period on October C/vhlPlliietv f- may Tie used in satisfying this ve hour requirement. Students Wp under this regulation may now Boom ? e,r "ames with the Ring Clerk, i® tui-n •?’ Richard Coke Building. She, ting eli'gjb!j-(. C ^ ec k aB records to determine ?. ! 1».'S l a S Janu ° ffiCe ngs will be taken Clerk starting November through December will be returned to ice to be 21, 1972. delivered on K'la'oo Clerkal * 8 on duty from 8:00 a. Ini o noon Monday through Friday, i m.. - noon, each week. L Heaton, Dean ^missions and Records rs- H. Brownlee, R,n K Clerk OFFICIAL NOTICE APPLICANTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM VETERINARY MEDICINE IN 1972. The Veterinary Aptitude Test (V.A.T.) will be required of all applicants seeking admission to the professional curricului admission to the professional curriculum in the College of Veterinary Medicine in 1972. Results of the test must be reported to the College of Veterinary Medicine be fore consideration of any application. Application cards for admission to the test should reach the Psychological Corpo ration before November 1, 1971. These cards are available at the Dean’s Office, College of Veterinary Medicine. Students who will not qualify as applicants in 1972 should not take the test. 19t80 dents wishing to place a 1970 Aggie- in their high school, may pick them the Student Publications Office, 216 33tfn Students wishi land up in Services Bldg. FOR SALE Darling part-German shephard puppies Males, $10, females, $5. See at 706 Wil liamson Dr., Bryan, or call 822-1268. 37t4 1962 Impala Wagon. Unusually clean. Excellent condition. Good tires, air, radio, low mileage. 822-1730. 37t5 Pick-up camper for longbed pick-up. 846-4618. 37t2 1966 Chevrolet Impala, all power and air. One owner. $650. Days, 846-6912, evenings, 846-0165. 37t5 1971 Honda CL350. Excellent condition, under 4,000 miles. $750. Call 846-7289 after 6 p. m. 37t6 Why pay more ? Quality waterbeds. $16.50 all sizes ; G & L Company, 10707 N. Interregional No. 13, Austin, Texas 1971 Corvette Coup. Green exterior, custom tan leather interior. AH accessories. Owner. 350 automatic. 846-0838. 33t8 Lou needs your business. If you are short of cash he will buy your books for cas h—you have the privilege to buy back your same book for the same price in 30 days. No interest, no carrying charges, no nothing ! He calls it friendship. 31tfn Lou pays cash for used books every- Sltfn day I Lou needs used books. He buys and sells too. 300 University. He usually pays a little more. 31tfn 1966 Mustang, about $375. I10-B North Ave., Bryan. (No phone). 37t3 CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 9Jtfn Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: lioyal and Victor Calculators & Adding 3Iachines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 SPECIAL NOTICE Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south of tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6 :30 846-9733. p. m. 82tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn WORK WANTED Will do typing. Call 823-4579 after 6 p. m., or all day Saturday and Sunday. 38t3 Typing, electric. 846-7676. Typing near campus. Electric. Ex- erienced. 846-8965. 135tfn HELP WANTED Wanted experienced person for manage ment position in local retail bookstore to be opened soon by a company with 40 years experience in book business. Paid vacations, holidays, and group insurance. Must be someone with substantial ex perience in book selling. For appointment for interview, call Mr. Henry Carr, col lect. Area code 0817, ED2-2241. 37t2 Students needed to service Fuller Brush customers. Flexible hours and above aver age income. Call 846-0878. 31tl6 HELP WANTED Sales Person To work Wednesday of each week. Call M. Durrant 846-3766 tfn “The Fifth Quarter for The Twelfth Man” after the Rice Game Music by “THE LIBERTY” $3.50 couple $2.50 stag e Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Where Are The REAL Bargains? nelson mobile homes 813 S. Texas College Station Typing. Symbols. Notary Public. 822- 0526 or 823-3838. 132tfn FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished apartment close to A&M, $75.50 monthly. Married couple, children welcome; sorry no dogs. Deposit required. Phone after 5:15 p. m. 846-2929. 37tfn ATTENTION STUDENTS: Two bed room furnished duplex. Ready for occu pancy. miles south of campus. Lake for fishing? Washateria on grounds. Coun try atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co. 823- 0934 or after 6, 846-3408. 9tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I I Need A Home Pool and Private Courtyard Limited Applications For The Spring Semester 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 24 No Vacancies GOOD LUCK TO THE AGGIES! 40tfn SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone—$1.69 Gal. —EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $20.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan standing service on previous as signments by Col. Robert F. Crossland, professor of aerospace studies. Captain Powell, doctoral candi date in mathematics, was cited for service as data base manage ment officer with Task Force Alpha at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai AFB, Thailand. A graduate of the University of Miami and recipient of the M.S. here in 1968, the captain has nine years mili tary service. An information technician for merly at Pacific Air Forces head quarters, Hickam AFB, Hawaii, Sergeant Lawrence was recogniz ed for staff writing and work as command newspaper editor. The 11-year veteran is studying for the bachelor’s degree in journal ism. Sergeant Belyeu received the Meritorious Service Medal for service as non-commissioned offi cer in charge of an Aerospace Defense Command training sec tion at Colorado Springs, Colo. His B.S. degree work at A&M is in computer science. The military men are assigned here through the Air Force Insti tute of Technology (AFIT). 12 EXPOSURE KODACOLOR ROLL Develop & Print $1.97 Limit 1 Roll P/Coupon OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1971. Check Our Low Film Prices CX 126 - 20 $1.19 CX 126 - 12 .99 Super 8 Movie 2.29 CX 135 - 20 1.39 Westinghouse Flash Cubes .86 FREE Album Page With Each Roll of Color Prints Developed. FILM ’N PHOTOS, INC. Manor East Shopping Center In Front Of Kroger’s ON NOVEMBER 24th TAMU Town Hall will present the group that has captured the hearts of the musical world with such no. 1 hits as 64 Windy”, “Cherish,” and “Never My Love” . . . THE ASSOCIATION s^lccfa im eel in the S. and ddurope a.S a hiving hegend in the pop music worhd wihh appear in concert in Q. hdohhie WJhite Cdohiseum at 8:45 p. m. after ddonfirel This is a special attraction and everyone must buy a ticket. RESERVED SEATS GENERAL ADMISSION A&M Student & Date Other Students Patron $3.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Tickets and information — MSC Student Program Office 845-4671