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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1971)
TAlllfHE BATTALION Wednesday, October 20, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 5 Brinkley backs government scrutiny of broadcast news am to sj WASHINGTON <dP> — Many KeclauMmplaints against broadcast news in in thA me from Americans unfamiliar p aiutes’fl|jth serious journalism who * eno « Net’Eiink television exists to enter- on fepleri Ifein and not inform, NBC com- kee Rivet, lontator David Brinkley said ’ b y toe!! iuesday. And he supported con- m Iressional scrutiny of broadcast ’ s flow at Jews. lake’s In I "There are never any com- i8t royingj |i a ints about bias and slanting ' d > a fistafy'hen the news is good,” Brink- ley told a Senate Judiciary sub committee investigating freedom of the press. “They appear only when the news is bad, and now adays it often is.” News broadcasters are on the same tube as a succession of “comedians and jugglers,” Brink- ley said, consequently, “when a face comes on that is not wearing a toothpaste smile and says there’s been another riot and more war casualties and taxes I are going up ... it looks even worse by comparison.” Brinkley said every time tele vision airs pictures of urban ar son and looting, for example, he gets hundreds of letters ask ing why the networks “glorify and dignify this kind of unspeak able conduct” by televising it? Brinkley said many in the au dience want to know about the bad news “or ought to know about it” while the complainers i i are mainly “listeners who have never until recent years been exposed to anything like serious journalism.” Brinkley told Chairman Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C., and Sen. Roman Hruska, R-Neb.,— only subcommittee members pres ent—that he does not think there is any intimidation of broadcast news by critics even though some witnesses have testified in the past that the government is in timidating television news pro grams. Brinkley said he supports the contention of Rep. William I,. Springer, R-Ill., that Congress should continually survey tele vision news and documentary pro grams and publicly criticize the networks the lawmakers think a subject has been presented un fairly. C. A. McKnight, editor of The Charlotte N.C., Observer and president of the American So ciety of Newspaper Editors, told the panel he is deeply concerned about recent developments he said could threaten freedom of the press and, consequently, the pub lic’s opportunity to get informa tion. McKnight cited the Supreme Court’s recent split decision al lowing “The New York Times” and other papers to publish the so-called Pentagon Papers about ATAttM A J* SPECIALS GOOD THUR., ERL, SAT. OCT. II, 27, 23 1*71 DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS v ** lT * ■ CUT OR FRENCH SLICED $ CHUCK ROAST BLADE CUT c USDA CHOICE BEEF a DEEP BASTING TURKEYS .™n—. 55 303 CANS FOR SWISS STEAK “•?»?!?*« 78‘ BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST‘D' „ 88‘ RIB STEAK.. .,98' FRAIIKS. c .““:. Y .!".. s :.". 0 . 1 . 48 c COOKED SHRIMPT}{,“ t ’«T 'v/98' SLICED CHEESE w 67' 58' BONELESS STEW.‘.‘.«.™. .. 88' DEL MONTE ■ DEL MONTE FRUIT CATSUP COCKTAIL GROUND BEEF.?!!wir.?.... o.Vo« DEL MONTE PEACHES !>A| m»|| 1 11 Is l| V/\ CANS j $ : f r> \ ! 32 OZ. 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AT COLLEGE AVE. ior 59 DtilVk 85 e BATH SIZE BAR SOAP LUX 22* ELK. DISH DETERGENT ALL DETERGENT BREEZE KING S 1 5 3 SIZE DETERGENT RINSO BAR SOAP PHASE III LIQUID I COLD BATH SIZE the origins of the Vietnam war. He said he was appalled at the government’s attempt to restrain the newspapers from printing the reports and distui-bed that some Supreme Court justices’ decisions lifting the injunctions were not more absolute in defending the newspapers. McKnight also said the ASNE believes newsmen have a consti tutional right to refuse to disclose their news sources. He said gov ernment subpoenas of newsmen and their unused notes and film clips have a chilling effect on news organizations. S. Vietnam Senate not to investigate election charges SAIGON (A*)—South Vietnam’s Senate rejected by a vote of 19- 18 today an opposition move to investigate charges that the Oct. 3 presidential election was rig ged. The proposal to form a special investigating committee was in troduced by Sen. Vu Van Mau, head of the militant An Quant Buddhist faction in the Senate. Mau accused President Nixon of “disregarding” the Supreme Court in Saigon by sending con gratulations to the South Viet namese president via Gov. Ron ald Reagan of California before the court had officially valid ated the election results. The action came less than two weeks before the inauguration of President Nguyen Van Thieu, who claimed a 94.3 per cent vote of confidence when he won re-elec tion in an uncontested race. Many independent senators who had voted with the An Quang bloc on recent issues, including a pre-election demand that Thieu resign, voted against formation of the investigation committee. Advocates of the resolution had hoped for passage to lend “moral support” to the Supreme Court which heard petitions from oppo sition figures demanding invalid ation of the election. i r A court spokesman said a ! ''de cision on the petitions would be rendered Wednesday “at the ear liest.” The court has until Oct. 26 to make a decision. In another development, the government confiscated editions of 14 Saigon newspapers for ar ticles “like to sow confusion among the masses.” Although the government is never specific about reasons for such confisca tions, several editors said they were aimed at articles about re cent fire bombings of U.S. and South Vietnamese government posts by militant youths. FIRST AID STATION Look For The Cliff’s Notes Rack When You Need Help Under standing Literature. Nearly 200 titles...always available at your dealer’s. AKIHtt fift* ,!• $ 1 at your bookseller UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE “At the North Gate” P. O. Drawer CT College Station, Texas 77840 .CliffSNotes. J