The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 30, 1971, Image 4
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 30, 1971 THE BATTALION Cincinnati scouting report Bearcats to test Aggies with good running quarterback By MICHAEL RICE Battalion Sports Writer A game of surprises is due for many Aggie fans when the A&M footballers step onto Kyle Field this Saturday night for the game TEXAS PRISON RODEO “' Every Sunday In October GUEST STARS IN PERSON -' * 'Oct. 3—Dottie West & The Heartaches Oct. 10-Connie Smith & Nat Stuckey ' - Oct. 17-Charlie Walker TV - •/■FT' Oct. 24—Waylon Jennings Show ^ /H? - Oct. 31-Porter-Wagoner .Show - -A —TO.DER n T4CKETS NOW! Texas Prison Rodeo . -l ° ct ' —tSRDER^FICKETS NOW! Texaf Prison Rodeo ; - ^ rv -^Hunwitlc, T.xw 77340 V «'' ? inCKETS S3, $4, $5, and S5.50 TICKETS S3, S4, S5, and S5.50 ats Reserved—No Reduction For Children A - i r_ : E r. h J f ? or , ^h<r r *OctoSer—__ Performance^. Enclosed Is My Check □ Mqney Order □ For-S ________ In tires, it's not the Price you Pay It's how often you pay it. against the University of Cincin nati Bearcats. Coach Gene Stallings’s team, by all rights, should be headed to a much deserved victory against a team that has not fared so well this season, owning a 1-2 record thus far—identical to the Aggies’ tally. Stallings’ man in the hole for the Aggies for this game will be quarterback Mark Green, replace ment for Lex James, who is out with a dislocated thumb. Green will find himself going against one of the best quarter backs in the country, Albert John son (296), who will direct the offense for the third straight year. In 1970, Johnson was able to carry the ball across the line of scrimmage for 895 yards to earn himself the number one rushing spot in the country among major college QB’s. So far this year, Johnson has earned himself 228 yards on 53 attempts for a 4.3 average and three touchdowns. His favorite men for option pitches include two tailbacks who have been able to move the ball 300 yards on 62 attempts in Cin cinnati’s first three games. Tailback Mel Riggins, a senior from Charleston, N.C., has been his favorite option runner. Weighing in at only 170 pounds, Riggins has carried 33 times for a 5.3 average per attempt. His teammate, Dick James, who stands 6-2 at 197 pounds, is not far behind him. James has carried the ball 29 times for 130 yards or a 4.5 average. In the passing department, Cin cinnati is basically weak. John son has thrown the ball only 29 times in three games for 10 com pletions and no touchdowns. On the line for the Bearcats in Cincinnati’s pro I and split at tack, some positions are strong, while others are comparatively weak. The most impressive of the front line destroyers is senior tackle Ken Weingart (227), a two year letterman for the Bear cats. It will be in Weingart’s hands to steady the offensive line that has the potential to be first- rate. Joining him on the line will be hefty Tom Forrest (245), a soph omore from Washington, D. C., and veteran John Mack (221), an other player from Washington, who plays at the offensive guard and center positions. Dale Koch (250) should be at the other guard position, while it looks as if junior Craig Smith (238) will be filling the center spot in this game. One weak spot for Cincinnati is at one tackle spot where Steve Collett (230) has been a physical question for Cincy and inexperi enced Dave Lewis may be step ping in for him. Some high-caliber defenders, steeped in experience, can still be found in Cincinnati’s split 4 de fense, even though it will be miss ing the talents of All-American Bob Tell and three of the four top linebackers of the 1970 squad. And there won’t be any exception al size in the ranks on the de fensive side, either. End Randy McBride (202) and tackle Ron Bryant (206), both starters in 1970, plus tackle Craig Heneveld, will be heading up the line with their senior know-how. In the safety spot, junior Billy Hunter (179) is a gifted safety man, who was a standout in the secondary as a sophomore. To date for the season, Hunter has returned seven kicks for 47 yards and an average of 6.27. Seniors Ron Ertle (187), and Butch Alberts (200) are two other dependables for the defense, fill ing holes at the linebacker and comer positions. In the kicking department, jun ior Clem Fennell will be the main stay for the Bearcats as they have gotten 588 yards in 15 punts. In summary, Cincinnati looks impressive and strong. However, with the loss of four men from the defense, the Bearcats have had to fill the holes with letter- men that are somewhat less ex perienced than the offense. Pawn Merchandise For Sale Tape Recorders Mech. Drawing Sets Guitars & Amps. Cameras, Radios TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade PAWN LOANS On Anything of Value TEXAS STATE CREDIT CO. 1014 Texas Ave.—Bryan 822-5633 BAIT PICKS STEREO CITY Original Artists, Original Releases. $099 8 Track Next to the Campus Theater Games John Curylo Sue Davis Bill Henry Mike Rice Guest Picker Hayden Whitsett Doug Killey Cincinnati-A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M UC A&M TCU-Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Baylor-Miami Baylor Baylor Miami Baylor Miami Miami Baylor Rice-LSU LSD LSD LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU New Mexico St.-SMU NMS NMS SMU NMS SMU SMU NMS Oregon-Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Tech-Arizona Tech Tech UA Tech Tech Tech Tech USC-Okla OU OU OU use OU OU OSC New Orleans-Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston NO Houston NO Washington-Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Last Week 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 6-4 7-3 6-4 Season 23-7 22-8 22-8 21-9 20-10 20-10 17-13 Pet. .766 .733 .733 .700 .666 .666 .566 Last week's Guest Picker: Jim Ferguson, Head Yell Leader r,.vr v- . . ■ r LAKE VIEW CLUB Attention College Station telephone customers... mergency Class all-star teams will be selected in four intramural sports this year Intramural all-star teams from each class in each of the four major sports will be announced this year, according to Les Pal mer, director of athletic intra murals at A&M. The teams will be announced as each champion is determined in the various sports. All-stars will be awarded a certificate for the honor. Meanwhile, intramurals are continuing into their third week of play. Women’s intramurals be gan play Monday, Sept. 27. Vol leyball and basketball are being played by the two women’s leagues and will continue through the first week in November. Displaying power in last week’s play, Squadron 12 ran over Squadron 14 24-0 in Class A foot ball. Showing strength in Class B basketball was Squadron 6 in a 24-0 win over B-2. Also in bas ketball, Squadron 5 took A-2 by a 20-2 score. Each team has played at least one game in each sport, and by today the respective league lead ers should have been determined. 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road Saturday: Tony Douglas and The Shrimpers Admission — Regular Price STAMPEDE Every' Thursday Nile (ALL BRANDS BEER 35*) Read Battalion Classifieds ATTENTION All Seniors and Graduate Students! I Co MAKE SURE YOUR PICTURE WILL BE IN THE 1972 AGGIELAND YEARBOOK PICTURE SCHEDULE A - D Oct. 4 - 8 E - I Oct. 11 -15 J - K - L Oct. 18 - 22 M - N - O Oct. 25 - 29 P - Q - R Nov. 1 - 5 S - T - U Nov. 8 - 12 V - W - X - Y - Z Nov. 15 -19 Make-Up Week — Nov. 22 - Dec. 10 NOTE: Students needing pictures for job-applications or any personal use may come ahead of schedule. CORPS SENIORS: Uniform: Class A Winter - Blouse or Midnight Shirt. CIVILIANS: Coat and Tie. PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN FROM 8: A.M. to 5: P.M. NOTE: BRING FEE SLIPS to UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 No. Main — North Gate Phone: 846-8019 KIND 4 FBI 3 YEI 2 YEJ T0DC INFA COOK TEAC White Kathy AI S' Starting tomorrow, October 1, in College Station, General Telephone offers this fast, new service for your convenience. In case of fire, burglary, accident or similar emergency, just dial “91 1". You'll be quickly con nected to the proper authority. You can still receive help by dialing "O" in case of an emergency, but 91 1 will be the primary number for emergency calls. (DORM STUDENTS DIAL 9911) |cti=l GERERAL TELEPHORE You can look through any newspaper and see water bed ads everywhere. With prices from $18.00 on up. And it’s got to be a little confusing. But the simple fact is that there are too many things that can go wrong with a cheap fly-by-nightmare water bed. And too many things that can happen with a good one, One that you won’t have to lie awake worrying about. V Because a true water bed is a serious piece of furniture, without any hazards or hang-ups. A bed that is meant to be functional, satisfying, and fun. And that’s the kind of water bed we sell. Because we know the difference between a good piece of merchandise and bad. And we’ve learned that customers don’t like to be fooled or mishandled. So we’ll sell you a serious water bed. A complete water bed. Not in bits and pieces. We’ll quote you a real price, including installation or free delivery out of that ai’ea. And we’ll sell you whatever size water bed you want, single, queen, or king. And we’ll guarantee it for life. The Serious Water Bed. If you’re serious about a water bed, come talk to the people who know about things to sleep on. People who will sell you serious water bed. Hours P.M.—9 P.M. Daily 301-C Patricia College Station 846-9974