Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 30, 1971 THE BATTALION Cincinnati scouting report Bearcats to test Aggies with good running quarterback By MICHAEL RICE Battalion Sports Writer A game of surprises is due for many Aggie fans when the A&M footballers step onto Kyle Field this Saturday night for the game TEXAS PRISON RODEO “' Every Sunday In October GUEST STARS IN PERSON -' * 'Oct. 3—Dottie West & The Heartaches Oct. 10-Connie Smith & Nat Stuckey ' - Oct. 17-Charlie Walker TV - •/■FT' Oct. 24—Waylon Jennings Show ^ /H? - Oct. 31-Porter-Wagoner .Show - -A —TO.DER n T4CKETS NOW! Texas Prison Rodeo . -l ° ct ' —tSRDER^FICKETS NOW! Texaf Prison Rodeo ; - ^ rv -^Hunwitlc, T.xw 77340 V «'' ? inCKETS S3, $4, $5, and S5.50 TICKETS S3, S4, S5, and S5.50 ats Reserved—No Reduction For Children A - i r_ : E r. h J f ? or , ^h