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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1971)
■ " ■■ V" • • • .■ • • • . ■ • ■ E BATTALION Wednesday, September 15, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 7 lixed kt, t 1 out and i y sheet, nt q’ By JOHN CURYLO Battalion Sports Editor Going to Baton Rouge to play football against a very mean LSU Tiger team might be enough to upset some people, but easy-go ing Steve Luebbehusen isn’t wor ried a bit. “It’ll be a big game,” the Ag gie linebacker said. “I’m really looking forward to it.” The senior, who played high school ball at Fort Worth East- Linebacker Luebbehusen ready for third battle with LSU ern Hills, doesn’t care for the idea that his two varsity letters were on on teams that finished 3-7 and 2-9. “Since I’m a senior, I want to go out on a good note,” Luebbe husen explained. “I want to play well enough to help the team win a few games.” As a freshman, he was All- SWC, and he was highly touted as a sophomore. Then, as a jun ior last season, he played most of the season with a leg injury. He’s back in good health this year, though, and he has an air of con fidence about the A&M defensive unit. “We’re running just one basic defense this year, instead of switching around,” Luebbehusen said. “It’s a setup made for us. We’ll be a very aggressive team this year.” Like his teammates, Steve is conscious of fan support. He ex pressed his thoughts about the support of the community at the beginning of practice in August. “We really appreciate it,” he said. “We need that kind of en thusiasm. It sure helps to know that everybody is behind us like that.” Luebbehusen said also that the attitude of the players is “real good” and that workouts have been going well thus far. He was optimistic about the move of Brad Dusek from fullback to safety and Robert Murski from cornerback to split end. “Brad’s a great natural ath lete,” he said. “He made some big plays the other night. Robert has a world of talent, and he’ll be a fine receiver.” Luebbehusen, in addition to his athletic prowess, is a fine stu dent. A finance major, his over all grade point ratio is 3.1. He is out of the ordinary at A&M in that he will graduate in May. His plans after that are not defi nite, though. “I guess I’ll be working in a bank somewhere,” he said. “Or maybe I’ll go to Fort Worth and find something to do there. At 6-0 and 202, the veteran won’t have to worry about what he does in the Tiger Den Satur day night—that should be LSU’s problem. PIGCLV U1IGGLV S FIIBIIL0I1S being ii ?e tope!!| inn you m the!* nwiissiotj nefit!" eousnesi Mt. y n, Texa rts. ncE in tke 0 re iLLEG! j octoril 1 ai Ptftk, ’EMEET1 ITROt. | 9 :M i •I ic NwM Collep ED SaWnttl luired. Co. "ridey- FulkrJ lour. 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