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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1971)
ilWifllM ....W,. ,. r vv ION THE BATTALION Wednesday, August 18, 1071 College Station, Texas Page 5 impott a sin. reasinj i adop. 'Ut coj. Peri ic beej ? mon s. dlot op ists at- Brazilian 72 NSF professor at A&M Dr. Jose Candido de Milo Car valho of Brazil will visit Texas A&M during 1972 through the National Science Foundation’s Senior Foreign Scientist Fellow ships program, A&M President Dr. Jack K. Williams announced Thursday. An authority in entomology, Carvalho will be at the university for five months next year in a visiting professor status. He is one of 59 senior foreign scientists receiving NSF awards for teaching and conducting re search at U. S. universities. Through the program, the dis tinguished scholars from other countries will lend their talents to improvement of scientific re search and science education in the United States. The fellows were selected by NSF from nomi nations by U. S. science dectorate- granting institutions. Carvalho is one of the fore most authorities on the insect order hemiptera and has had ex tensive experience in tropical bi ological problems according to Dr. Perry L. Adkisson, Entomology Department head. The chinch bug is typical of hemiptera. The visiting professor is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, served as director of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro and on the Advisory Council for Research on National Resources for UNESCO. He has more than 226 publications over the last 32 years. Carvalho will conduct seminars and lectures in the Entomology Department and other related areas. The Brazilian will cooperate with Dr. Joseph C. Schnaffer, associate professor of the A&M entomology faculty. Multiple highway land use approved The Texas Highway Commis sion has approved an expanded program for multiple use of high way right of way. The policy provides for the construction of parking areas, recreational areas and public parks beneath overhead structures or certain other areas of right of way. Recreational facilities may in clude hike and bike trails, nature trails, bridge paths; basketball, handball or tennis courts, chil dren's playgrounds or mini-parks and boat launching facilities. Generally, the Highway Depart i ► _ m Education is a great thing, aui wm » ... — 1 ^ A we'd like to help out a little. // I ■■ ■ CT I Stop in at your local Skaggs Drug Center and sgve money ■ ^ • on a || sorts 0 f back-to-school merchandise. $1000 SCHOLARSHIP OR CASH 20 - 2nd PRIZES: $ 150 CASH 30 - 3rd PRIZES: *75 CASH CONTEST El SO - 4th PRIZES: *25 CASH Vr.r-%“-w'S : *"• 15 200 - 5th PRIZES * hmka" ENTER TOUR CHILD NOW ! ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiniiiiiniiiiiiininiiiiiii|iiiiimmiimiiiiiiiiniii P The boxes from pH the Skaggs stores will be delivered to our central offices in Salt Lake C-ty where they will be placed in a big drum. And on September 21, the P res '^* n V° Skaggs will reach in and pull out 14 first place, $1,000 win ners. Plus hundreds of second, third, fourth, and fifth place winners. All winners will be notified by mail and will be pub- ENTER TOUR CHILD NOW CONTEST ENDS SEPT. 15th * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY : ‘• v - : r One-A-Day Sunbeam 'fellies Vitamin Percolator "air Spray Ladm^ *159 $ <P ig|' $ iqp ;rv«wTHiui t p ” c ,t MUIU /.TAMINS IOOCT: CUPS MODEL AP32 R F G U L A R O R E X T R A REGULAR 'O lllllllllft 11 REGULAR OR EXTRA I REGULAR P RICE 5 TO Skillet Set Shave Cream CFNTURV 3 PIECE CAST IRO'g 'SKILL FT SET — PRACTICAL AND /ERSATILE TROL L\ A R B F R SHA/E CRF A • RF-GUl A‘ MIEN I- OR LIMt 20 O? ECONOMY SIZE. mmiiimiimiiimm Corningware COOK AHEAD SET—BAKE ^ FREEZE AND ^ SERVE IN THE SAME DISHES. OPEN STOCK /ALUE $18.45 Tussy Deodorant BIG 7 OZ. SIZE- SPRAY DEODORANT. ANNUAL SALE Panti Hose LONG WEARING BREVONI HOSE IN CHOICE OF SHADES—ONE SIZE FITS ALL. M m h >^L mam w rdf y k O r 1 w km NOBODY BUYS FOR LESS NOBODY SELLS FOR LESS ment will be responsible for con struction of the site, but local governmental units will provide playground equipment or other recreational facilities. Cooperative agreements will be concluded with city, county, state and federal authorities on request. State and federal agencies- will participate in use of right of way for purposes relating to law enforcement, vehicular weights and measures control, safety in spection of trucks, immigration control, special gas tax inspection and other official functions. The policy is subject to the condition that should the Depart ment conclude that the facility has become a hazard to traffic safety or to be not in the public interest, the cooperative agree ment may be modified or termi nated.' Study (continued from page 1) Science; Larry W. Christian and David G. Woodcock (co-coordina tor), Architecture and Environ mental Design; Willis H. Clark, Programs; J. W. Handin, Geo sciences; Lannes Hope, Educa tion; J. W. Huff, Veterinary Medicine; W. B. Mansfield, En gineering; G. M. Watkins and John Holcomb (co-coordinator), Agriculture; and Arthur V. Wolfe, Business Administration. Named college editors were: T. W. Adair III, Science; T. E. Dan iel, Business Administration; John Holcomb, Agriculture; Lan nes Hope, Education; Lyndon W. Kurtz, Veterinary Medicine; Clif ford J. Leabo, Liberal Arts; Lea- tha Miloy, Programs; Willis E. Pequegnat, Geosciences; J. F. Thorlin, Engineering Experiment Station, and Richard E. Vroo- man, Architecture and Environ mental Design. “It (the self-study) is an ex amination of the university’s plans, propositions, weaknesses and strong points—both present and future,” Barzak said. “It will be a thorough inside-out study of Texas A&M. “It is conducted on a pyramid basis. The students and faculty, along with the department heads, make up the grassroots. Then, the deans and the associate deans take all the data they gather from every department here on campus and compile it to book form,” Barzak explained. “For example, we have a chance to review all the different colleges that have been created since the last self - study was made in 1963. The effective date for the next study is 1973.” After the self-study and the committee visit are completed, Barzak said, a report will be re quested each year on the imple mentation of self-study and visit ing committee recommendations until it is determined by the com mission that additional such re ports are not needed. Five years after reaffirmation of accreditation (1978) an in terim report must be submitted in the form of a brief essay de scribing recent developments, new programs, and plans for the future. A seventh-year (1980) report will provide information about current-fund expenditures, faculty, and the library. “The ten-year survey is only one of the self-study sort of things we do. For example, TAMU has its own program 'Cen tury Study,’ that is being carried out to map the progress A&M has made and will make up to its centennial — 1976,” said Barzak. fjminn {(it*/ c {?€ r Jlatnotif/ 331 UNIVERSITY DR we have a layaway plan that will enable you to get a ty/am . TiYfiy Q'-tatnowi at the retail jeweler’ wholesale The Episcopal Church WELCOMES YOU ANY SUNDAY St. Andrews, Bryan 217 West 26th Services June: 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. July & August 7:15 a. m. and 10 a. m. St. Thomas, College Station 906 Jersey St. South Side of Campus Services 8:Oo a. m. and 9:15 a. m. Adult Class 10:30 a. m. Try kindness toward your home planet and its residents, and smile, God believes in you.