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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1971)
Page 10 College Station, Texas Wednesday, August 18, 1971 THE BATTAUt A&M cadets earn honors at Ranger, airborne school Seven Texas A&M cadets heaped more laurels on the Ag gie legends this summer. The group headed by 1971-72 Corps of Cadets Commander Thomas M. Stanley of Mount Pleasant successfully completed the Ranger School at Fort Pen ning and Daloniga, Ga., and Eg- lin AFB, Fla. Two of the cadets—Jan C. Ber- tholf of Annandale, Va., and Ste phen O. Swanner of Pasadena— were named honor graduates of the 140-member Reserve Officer Training Corps class going through the Ranger course for the first time. Swanner was also the outstanding leader in his pla toon. Also earning the yellow and black tab of the U.S. Army Ran ger were Richard D. Curb of Houston; John R. Dye, Fort Sam Houston; 1971-72 head yell lead er Jimmy D. Ferguson, Garland, and Duane H. Spain, Houston. Six of the seven Aggies earlier this summer qualified for Air borne by completing jump school at Fort Benning. Dye injured his foot in early summer jump school, lost a week and planned to go back for the Airborne patch after the 10-weeks Ranger train ing. Col. Thomas R. Parsons, com mandant at Texas A&M, said Ranger School substituted for summer camp at Fort Riley, Kan. Rigid qualifications established for the Ranger tab were not lightened for the ROTC cadets, though additional training such as weapons qualification was re quired. Requirements of the course in cluded long runs over Fort Ben- ning’s red clay that turns into sticky mud. The cadets climbed across the face of Mt. Ono, look ing 3,000 feet down into the val leys of North Georgia. They slogged through the coastal swamps of Florida, where jungle survival training is conducted. “If you’ve got more like them, send them to us,” a Ranger school officer told Sgt. Maj. John R. McDonald of the A&M Mili tary Science Department. He at tended the Ranger class gradua tion. “One of the cadre didn’t know anything about Texas A&M,” the sergeant major commented, “but he does now. He was very im pressed with our guys.” The first Army ROTC group to start Ranger School numbered 240 on June 10, beginning of the 10-week course. The 140 who pinned on the Ranger tab “are Rangers in every sense of the word,” said Col. John P. Geraci, Ranger Department director when the course started. Texas A&M started seven t graduated seven, more thani other college or university,! institutions had two gr&dtu but most had one. Vol. Thirty-three Texas A&M nfj dets also successfully finiil airborne training at Benning,|| of 35 who started. Two recei minor injuries and expected) return for a later jump sd after the Fort Riley camp, _ GIVE GIVE m OP9Cefs4 »TAMR» I WE GIVE GIVE OREersi [ 8TAX4RS WE GIVE The Illustrated Columbia Encyclopedia in 22\folumes WAY UNBEATABLE BONUS BONUS AT ALL S STORES NOW AVAILABLE AT PIC01Y WIGGLY ■USCOUMT HfMTH * BEAUTY AIDS' TOOTH BASTE TAMMY SHE UST PRICE *1.09 6UEEM sstg3844 69<t GILLETTE 7-02 CAM RIGirr GUARD ‘YTgf* 98<! HEAP £ SHOULPERS 4.34Z TUBE SHAMPOO u t { ^ 1.19 SPRAY PiSINEECTAHT 7-OZ CAM IVSOl us sir S9i TOWELS 3 Jumbo Rolls $1 WEUSKIE WYROBY QT JAR . 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