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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1971)
- » jV" - • THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, March 24, 1971 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Scientists say chance good for primitive life on Mars “She’s not really, but this way nobody fusses about pinups during room inspection!” Numbers in on the cable. 2:30 3 (5) 15 (12) () denote channels 15 (12) 3:00 3 (5) 3:30 3 (5) 15 (12) 4:00 3 (5) 4:30 3 (5) 15 (12) 5:00 3 (5) 15 (12) 5:30 3 (5) Edge of Night Sesame Street (PBS) (Repeat of Tuesday) Corner Pyle Town Talk University Instructional That Girl Bewitched What’s New (NET) General Hospital Misterogers’ Neighborhood (NET) CBS News 6:00 6:30 3 (5) 3 (5) 15 (12) 7:00 7:30 3 (5) 15 (12) 3 (5) 8:00 8:30 9:00 3 (5) 15 (12) 3 (5) 15 (12) 10:00 10:30 11:30 3 (5) 3 (5) 3 (5) Sesame Street (PBS) Evening News Courtship of Eddie’s Father Campus and Community Today Room 222 NET Playhouse To Rome with Love Johnny Cash Soul (PBS) Hawaii Five-0 They Went Thataway (PBS) Final News The FBI The Law and Mr. Jones Bingo—Weekdays at 5, BCS*TV/9. Nothing to buy. You need not be present to win. The chances of a primitive form of life on Mars appear brighter with a report just released by a trio of space Scientists at the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration’s Jet Propulsion Lab oratory in Pasadena, Calif. “Our findings make Mars more interesting for biologists," says Dr. Norman H. Horowitz, coinves tigator on the year-long tests. “They show that organic material is probably being produced by sunlight on the surface of Mars.” Horowitz, California Institute of Technology biologist, and his collaborators, Drs. Jerry S. Hub bard and James P. Hardy, named formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and glycolic acid as compounds likely to be formed on the Martian sur face. These three substances were produced by the JPL researchers in ultraviolet radiation tests un der simulated Martian conditions. These same organic compounds also are believed to have been precursors to biological molecules on the primitive Earth. The three researchers published their findings in the March issue of the Proceedings of the Nation al Academy of Sciences. The ex periments have been a continuing project of the JPL Bioscience Sec tion, which Horowitz formerly headed. He is a professor and ex ecutive officer of the Caltech biol ogy division and continues to take an active interest in exobiology, life in space. “This is the most favorable in dication for a possible Martian biological evolution that we have had in the last five years,” Horo witz said. “There are Still many uncertainties, however, which won’t be resolved until we land on the planet.” Hopes for Martian life had been reduced by the bleak pictures of the planet taken by Mariners 4, 6 and 7. The next spacecraft to Mars will be the twin Mariner orbiters, which NASA will launch in May. The first proposed lander on Mars is NASA’s 1975 Viking Proj ect. NASA sponsored the JPL Mars-simulation research. The laboratory tests were made with soil or pulverized glass in a gas mixture of 97 percent car bon dioxide, with added carbon monoxide and water vapor to si mulate the Martian atmosphere indicated by Mariner 6 and 7 sci entific findings. The ultraviolet radiation approximated the amount striking the surface of Mars, as measured by the two spacecraft in 1969. The JPL researchers reported that ultraviolet rays of longer than 2,000 angstroms in wave length produced organic com pounds in the surface or just be neath the surface of the soil, or crushed glass. Previously it was believed that ultraviolet rays this Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- student newspaper at Texas A&M, is Station, Texas, dai supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press . Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school r; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 4^4' sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Addres! The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, year sales * pe Ad ect to Add 4%% Texas 77843. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal Arts ; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jr., College of Veterinary Medicine: Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, Colle Agriculture; and Roger Mille The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the 'production of all news dispatches credited to it herwise credited in the paper and local news of spor published herein. Rights herein are also reserved. use for or not origin matt ter herein Second-Cl: ass postage paper and local news of spontaneous Rights of republication of all other !rved. aid at College Station, Texas. ure; and Roger Miller, student. lege Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising dees, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Services Francisco. EDITOR DAVID MIDDLEBROOKE Assistant Editor Hayden Whitsett Managing Editor Fran Zupan Women’s Editor Sue Davis Sports Editor Clifford Broyles COUNSELORS WANTED Like Working With Children? CAMP w LONGHORN 46 America’s Number I Camps” CHOICE OF 3 TERMS — JUNE 5-28, JUNE 30-JULY 24 JULY 25-AUG. 18 $150 to $225 per term (Room, Board and Laundry Furnished) INTERVIEWS-COLLEGE MEN by Director Tex Robertson PLACEMENT OFFICE-MARCH 24 10:00 A. M. ’TIL 4:00 P. M. wavelength would be incapable of producing such compounds. “It would appear that radiation over a broad range below 3,000 angstroms can cause organic com pound formation,” the authors said in their paper. The ultra violet reaching the surface of Mars is above 1,950 angstroms. All shorter wavelengths are be lieved absorbed by the heavy car bon dioxide content of the Martian atmosphere. (An angstrom is one- tenth of a millionth of one milli meter). “Our findings suggest that ul traviolet presently reaching the Martian surface may be produc ing organic matter,” their report continues. “The rates of produc tion would be limited by the low partial pressures of carbon mon oxide and water in the Martian atmosphere, but the amount of product formed could be consid erable over geological time.” The experimenters said formale- dehyde and acetaldehyde are “im portant starting materials for the synthesis of a variety of organic compounds, including sugars.” The fine soil and powdered vy- cor glass samples were sterilized by baking at high temperatures before being used in the tests. The ultraviolet sources were a high-pressure xenon lamp and a low-pressure mercury lamp. Bulletin Board TONIGHT Junior Class Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 113 of Nagle Hall. Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 2B of the MSC. Intervarsity Christian Fellow ship will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 304 of the Physics Building. THURSDAY Texas A&M Model Airplane Club will meet at 8:15 p.m. in room 202 of the Physics Building to discuss the spring contest. Wildlife Science Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the her petology lab of the Biological Sciences Building for a short course on ecology by Dr. Jack M. Inglis of the Wildlife Science Department. Texas A&M Motorcycle Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 2C of the MSC. Nonmembers are welcome. SATURDAY Engineering Technology Wives Club will have a garage sale in Hensel Park from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Clothes, books and other articles will be sold. Chemistry Wives Club will have a wine-tasting party at 8:30 p.m. in the Casa del Sol apart ments party room. THE WEDNESDAY SPECIAL BURGER CHEF CHEESEBURGERS FRENCH FRIES HAMBURGERS . 5 for fl . 7 for$l 7 for |1 DON’T FORGET TO REGISTER FOR A FREE SUZUKI 250 & A BONANZA MINI-BIKE BURGER CHEF Family Restaurants Across From The Holiday Inn things go better,!' c* t SAvyais TV\OSLS sAt -'t-l i^ia i cr s PQr WH- "top \ojwole CORN \t_i- QoMvrrc^ fc\<z>rtTS LA Q U \ £> moKi VL\H6, C. opp uNfcfcc TON~r v o Ki fc.vj KPotiNTtO R\LK 5-89? AHTftLQUPES 3 l i \?° Trad at m now NEW YORK the traditional Bride” played The couple played for dii gether—-E 1 s a from Wagner) And you wf Mendelsson pi leave the chun ten for the mi girl to a sat) horse. Some churc ing couples to these “traditi choose hymns propriate clas "It’s the ha courage some them,” says a one church. "I suspect wouldn’t feel without the says a Broo) adds, “Occasi for trash li “More” or “I These sen and flowers frowned on 1 “The interest went out 20 churches are wedding is t BA WANT One day . • 4C per wor Minimui Class! $1.00 pe eacl: DE 4 p.m. day JAM .cm v^o ^ V-SELECT DMNtff&l 00 HtlllCS'35 miR ami /ii ^OL G^E fc'S foereu-GewJT mm-io C5J GU\KiT l^VTCUE'H SLICED GV.m F01 1966 Chevy IV W/W, factory a! malic - console. )148, 846-84 0 7. Two silver arul Shepherd puppies 123-2144. 1966 VW Fasti) New paint. $950 Water B louble (53x75) 1 only $44.95. 1 seams. Cheek I Bed. Co, PO I NC 27614. Sell Motorcycle tra 8(6-6693. Cadillac Fleetw late, full power control, tilt whee CHI Will babysit, year old. Call 8 Wynken, Blyk ines for a lim This nursery is nurse and it is care by appointn HUMPTY DU TER, 3400 Sout 823-8626. Virgin SPEC Sell the shirt a new Widjet March 28th. Ti For sale inforn 5401. Guitar strin Strings for mot service. Lange College. 822-233 Hoover’s Tenn of tennis courts 846-9733. Sei Chrys Body V Fr halsell m Dodge Sales 1411 Tex: Kd . 3£>3 CAM REDEEM THIS COUPON FOR To*MK\0£s4 50 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With Purchase of Any Size WHEATIES Coupon Expires March 27, 1971 REDEEM THIS COUPON FOR 100 EXTRA S&H G R E E N SIAM PS ° ne Per Family With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) Coupon Expires March 27, 1971 ‘Jliccbi/tiic ‘Thus. PEANUTS By Charles M. Sc <£ — HE JUST STOPPEP W TO SAV fl . Havol Cono« Prestoi —EV We stock a Where low Quantit Wheel Be System Water ; Almost 25-'= Brake £ 2 Whe H0LLE~ \ C Other A $19.i Starte: Ma- Your Joe F 22 0 E. 251 JOE Our £