Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1971)
Campus briefs Students to speak tonight “What’s happening at Texas A&M” will be detailed by student leaders tonight at the Brazos County A&M Club. Student Senate president Kent Caperton of Caldwell, Corps Com mander Van H. Taylor of Tem ple and Civilian Student Council president Mark Olson of Canyon will give Brazos Aggies the re port, announced activities vice president Bob edgecomb. Club president Larry Locke said the 7 p.m. meeting will be at Wyatt’s Cafeteria. He noted that wives are welcome and reserva tions for the $2 per person buffet are required. Reservations can be made by calling 822-0189 for Esta Smith or 823-8061 for Martha Hobson. Three vet profs named toSPF Three A&M veterinary medi- Bicycle trip being planned An overnight bicycle trip to Lake Somerville will be held March 20-21. Everyone is invit ed including girls. Participants will bring food for supper Saturday night and break fast Sunday morning. A car will carry the food and anything else that is necessary. A meeting will be held Wed nesday at 8 p.m. at the fountain for those who are interested. Plans will be discussed and the time will be set. If anyone has any questions, he can contact Robert Flott, Hughes 222, 845-5600 or Andre Piazza, Davis-Gary 104, 845-6175. Aerosp space (Continued from page 1) tude, less lift and shorter flights resulted. Holt also suggested a produc tion model with small air scoops spaced around the edges and an air exhaust vane pointing down ward to increase lift. Such an idea has drawbacks, he said, be cause it “would have to be de signed for either a left or right- handed person.” The aero senior decided that “Wham-0 has done an extremely good job of designing the pres ent frisbee.” ' - v y 1 ■ r> r-* y. | , • s ■ ■ ,' > - cine professors have been ap pointed to the Texas SPF (spe cific pathogen-free) Swine Ac- creditating Agency’s Advisory Board. They are Dr. William L. Sip- pel, executive director, Texas Vet erinary Medical Diagnostic Lab oratory; Dr. William Schwartz, diagnostic lab serologist, and Dr. Mark F. Young, associate profes sor of veterinary medicine and surgery. The trio will make recommend ations to the association in con nection with certification of SPF herds. diligent engagement in scientific work and an excellence of profes sional standing.” Kuvlesky elected to science academy Dr. William Kuvlesky, sociolo gist in the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the De partment of Sociology, has been elected a Fellow of the Texas Academy of Science “in recogni tion of outstanding sociological research on rural and racial prob lems.” Kuvlesky, who has been in volved in the Texas Academy of Science for five years, was also recognized for his active mem bership in the Academy and “a Library directors meet here Friday Texas college and university library directors will convene here Friday for the spring meeting of the Council of State College and University Librarians. Forty persons are expected for sessions to be held at the library and a luncheon at the Memorial Student Center. Sessions will be chaired by John Hudson of the University of Texas at Arlington library. Library director John B. Smith is chairman-elect. He will head the council in 1971-72. Sociologists attend demographic meeting Dr. W. Kennedy Upham, de mographer with the Texas Agri cultural Experiment Station, and Dr. Robert Skrabanek, acting chairman of the Sociology and Anthropology Department, will attend the organizational meet ing of the Southern Regional Demographic Group in Oakridge, Tenn., March 18-20. LIVING IN AN 8 X 12 TENT may not be the best life in the world but it is good enough for Monica Lutz, a 22-year- old El Centro Junior College student. Miss Lutz moved into the 2-room tent last August after her apartment room mate depleted her checking account and another girl friend wrecked her car. She now lives in the tent the year around and plans to stay until she graduates. (AP Wirephoto) THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, March 17, l! 1 ': THE flednesda! College Sti F” RIDAY MARCH /9“ 6-/2 2Z 5atu«DAV MARCH 20“ m ^HO Dp EN|(u v BLACKSMITH ^ PLAYING POPULAR ► 3 DOC NIGHT, ' ► JANICE JOPLIN, » CHICAGO GREEN BEANS5”.$1.00 SHURFINE Shurfine — W.K. Vac Pak GOLD CORN 2 cat 35c PEACHES Little arenc 1:15 Skyway Yellow Cling — Sliced or Halves U.S.D.A. GRADE ‘A’ FRYERS 29 35c PEANUT BUTTER t£89c Welch’s GRAPE JELLY „„„ 39c Hunt TOMATO SAUCE 5 SL $1.00 2'/2 Cans WHOLE ONLY Campbell’s PORK & BEANS 6 16-Oz. Cans 89c Shurfresh LB. CUT UP . COOKING OIL aso,69c Family Pack — y A Loin BUTTERMILK A. F. Yz Gallon A. F. Mini - Hams i % 59c I PORK CHOPS 5g c gsss****^^ |i ADD TO YOUR SET OF A. F. Brand SLICED BACON Half or Whole PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH \ Lb. V' | “BAKE & SERVE” IjiipiVTT^C W hole Oaly OVENWARE PH It jS Lb #»*»£ QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. Tooth Paste CREST Reg. 69£ 53« Prices Good Thru March 21st. A. F. Bathroom Tissue MELLORINE Gallon 2 33c BOTH ORR’S STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 6 Charmin Roll Pack Texas Juicy ORANGES Green Onions or RADISHES AVOCADOS 5 Lbs. 49 C 2 Pkgs. 25 c 3 For 49^ SCHLITZ BEER U. S. NO. 1 — RED Potatoes Pak Glass WES1 “PO east BAG 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest