Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1970)
P r °fes$ot 2 sponsiv f in e total ller > thei the tjg it about ;hs? it to '• c long. le eded to ' the ther ani response, general the most localities, Stay out Powderpuff play slated Thursday THE BATTALION Wednesday, November 11,1970 College Station, Texas Page 5 A rematch of last month’s powderpuff football game will be played Thursday at 5 p.m. on field 2, the intramural office an nounced Tuesday. The Ramp 10 women of Law hall won the last meeting with the team from University Wom en by a 6-0 score. The game was viewed by over 100 people and more are expected Thursday for the second powderpuff game ever played at A&M. The handball championship games for Class A and Class C will be held Wednesday at 6 o’clock. The semifinals were held Tuesday with K-l playing H-2, Squadron 2 meeting E-l, Puryear playing Keithley and Davis-Gary playing Hughes. Class C horseshoes finals be gin Wednesday with the cham pionship game Thursday at 6 p.m. The third week of class B foot ball is continuing with several teams still undefeated. They are Squadron 2, B-l, G-l and F-2 with 3-0 records and Squadron 6, Squadron 9, B-2, and C-2 all with 2-0 records. The teams looking strong in Class A basketball so far are Squadron 2, Squadron 9, B-l, L-l, A-2 and F-2. All have 2-0 rec ords. Approved texts said to be Marxist Smith named chairman of training group Chief Instructor Henry D. Smith of the Firemen's Training School has been named chairman of the Fire Service Training Committee by the National Fire Protection Association's Board of Directors. Smith replaces Chief Francis J. Sweeney of the New Haven (Conn.) Fire Department. The 20-year A&M employe was elected chairman of Texas’ nine- member Commission on Fire Pro tection Personnel Standards and Education earlier this year. He BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 64 per word Minimum charge—76 Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion FOR SALE GUitron, 14’ skiboat 60 HP tilt trailer. 822-4340. mercury. 4 lt3 1961 Honda 450, lidiided. Ne« lx, 845-6179. good condition, extras Included. Need money—will discuss price. Chevrolet, 1962. $160. Four door, 6 ijllnder, air conditioner, needs body work. 194588. 39 t4 Duplex, two die apartment TBtment. $14,500. bedroom, near University, furnished, excellent in- 28tfn 846-6321. HELP WANTED STUDENTS! $80 Plus Part-time Call 846-0501 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Today DOMESTIC COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER Excellent working conditions and fringe toiefiU. Personal interview and refer ences necessary. Personnel Office, A&M University, Room 13, System Adminis- :ration Building. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 37tfn SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADU ATES : You may pick up your graduation announcements November 13 in the Game Room at 8:00 a.m. in the MSC. Extra announcements will also go on sale in the Game Room, November 16 at 8 :00 a-m. 42t8 Part-time bartender. Call Mrs. i it East Gate Lounge. 846-9929. Norton 22tfn WORK WANTED Typing, experienced. 846-6416 after 6. 16tfn Tennis racket restringing and supplies iy!on and gut. Call 846-4477. 123tfn ■ -- full time. Notary Public, Bank- I time, Notary 1 cepted, 823-6410 c, Uank- 823-3838. lOtfn TYPING. Close to campus. 846-2934 21tfn ng. Electric, symbols, experienced. 15. 132tfn Teacher Placement Services YOUR COMPLETE DOSSIER FOR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYERS For more information: Visit the TPS office TAMU Academic Bldg. Room 442 VILLAGE PARK NORTH (Mobile Home Living in Luxury) 4413 Hwy 6 North Paved guttered street Concrete off-street parking Concrete leveling pads Fenced playground City utilities Cable television Large concrete patio Swimming pool Gas grill Telephone—8 22-5234 ) X Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone — $1.79 Gal. Winterf low — $1.38 -EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $19.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts ^ E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAUEK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan Service For AH Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodre Sales and Serrice Since 1922 1411 Texaa Are. — 823-8111 FOR RENT VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I I Need A Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 40tfn Unfurnished one bedroom duplexes. $60.00 monthly. 822-3988. 22tfn Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments. $106 to $116. Central air and tieat. Married couples only. 823-8193 University Acres. 13tfn CHILD CARE Experienced child care. Call 846-6636 from 8 to 6. 17tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. 3400 South College, State Licensed. S23-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn WANTED Part-time or full-time persons to take orders for the Fuller Brush Company. $3.00 per hour and up. For information and interview call 823-0106. 38tl2 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES Welcome to NELSON MOBILE HOME SALES 811 S. Texas Ave. 24th Annual Sale in Progress “Where Price and Value Meet” Open Daily—8-8 p.m. Open Sunday 1-6 p.m. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office ent Publicai of the day proc< of Student Publications 1 p.m, befor ceding he Oi deadline of Dublicatioi THE GRADUATE COLLEGE: Final Examination for the poctoral Degree Name: Williams, Henry Lee Degree: Ph.D. in Education Dissertation: CURRICULAR CHOICES AND PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. Time: November 24, 1970 at 1:00 p.m. Place: Room 118 in Agricultural Engi neering Building George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE: Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Abd-Alla, Salem A. Degree: Ph.D. in Plant Genetics Dissertation: INHERITANCE AND IN TERRELATIONS OF SOME SEEDLING DISEASE ESCAPE CHARACTERIS TICS IN COTTON, GOSSYPIUM HIR- SUTUME L. Time: November 24, 1970 at 8:30 a.m. Place: Room 203 in the Animal Industries Building Dean of the unze Grad uate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE: Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Dennison, Bobby Degree: D.Ed. in Industrial Education Dissertation: THE EFFECTIVENESS MILLIMETER OF FILM FOR ELECTRONIC EIGHT TEACHING SELECTED FUND A MENTA LS Time: November 20, 1970 at 3:00 p.m Place: Room 8-E in the M.E. Sb Building m. ops Dean of the unze Gradu ate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE: Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Winningham, John David Degree: Ph.D. in Physics Dissertation: PENETRATION OF MAG NETOSHEATH PLASMA TO LOW AL TITUDES THROUGH THE DAYSIDE MAGNETOSPHERIC CUSPS. Time: November 20, 1970 at 3:00 p.m. Place: Room 303 in the Physics Building George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College as The All students who are ci degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Education are, required to order hoods well as the Doctor’s Caps and gowns. e Hoods are to be left at the Registrar's Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, December 8 th (a representative of the Exchange Store will carry the hoods to the Registrar). The Ph.D. or D.Ed. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all doctoral candidates will be hooded on the stage as part of the ceremony. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the cap and gown; all civilian students who are candidates for the Bachelor's Degree will wear the cap and gown; ROTC students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree will wear the appropriate uniform. All military personnel who are candidates for a degree either graduate or undergrad uate, will wear the uniform only. Rental of Doctor’s caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders for Doctor’s rental regalia starting November 9 until will be taken noon November starting .November 9 until noon .November 21. The rental for the Doctor’s cap and gown is $7.82, tax included. Hood rental gown is the same as that for the cap and gown. Payment is required at til rd< sa: ent is required the order. Bachelor’s may be purchased at beginning Novemb price of the Bad The purchi of placing er’s regalia he Exchange Store 1970. “ achelor’s and Master’s based at the Exchang er 16, 1970. The purchase helor’s cap’ and gown is price of the Bachelor’s cap’ and gown $6.88. The purchase price of the Master’s cap and gown is $7.66. These prices in clude tax. C. W. Landiss, Chairman Convocations Committee WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - ■ OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas was named to the new commis sion by Gov. Preston Smith. He joined the Firemen’s Train ing School in 1950 and became chief in 1956. Among his many honors is the $1,000 Distinguished Achievement Award presented by the Texas A&M Association of Former Stu dents in 1964. s ★ ★ ★ Police division conducts seminar A&M’s Police Training Divi sion will conduct a three-day seminar for justice of the peace and constable officers Nov. 18-20 in Arlington. Chief Instructor Ira E. Scott expects approximately 100 North Texas office holders to attend. A&M received $31,568 from the Texas Criminal Justice Coun cil to host five seminars through out the state. The purpose of the seminar, Scott said, is to give the JPs and constables an up-to-date under standing of their responsibilities and authority. Next (Continued from page 1) everything ever written at your fingertips.” He said this would solve the traffic problem since man could do 99 per cent of his work at home and would solve the prob lem of the city since there would no longer be any need to congre gate physically. Man could con gregate by communications. Many of man’s pressing problems can be solved by space technology, he said. If man can change his mental attitude, Clarke said, the year 2001 can mark the great divide between barbarism and civiliza tion. AUSTIN tff) — The State Board of Education approved Monday three world history and four biology books that were crit icised for their treatment of communism and evolution. The seven books were on a long list of texts in numerous subjects approved by the board for use in Texas public schools. Local school boards may select books from a list of five in each subject. Five board members voted against the book that most pro tested most vehemently, “A Glob al History of Man,” published by Allyn & Bacon. Mrs. Charles Baker of Sanger, textbook chairman for the Daughters of the American Revo lution in Texas, and Mrs. Mel Gabler of Longview spoke against the book. Both appeared at the state textbook committee’s hearing in September. Mrs. Baker directed most of her criticism against “A Global History of Man.” She said her fellow DAR’s “stare and gasp” when they read it. “I am amazed the state text book committee and the commis sioner of education have recom mended a book such as this with its Marxist overtones,” she said. Mrs. Baker objected to a state ment in the text that the “Mon roe Doctrine remains a dirty word south of the border.” “I’ve lived on the border for 47 years, and they think it (the doctrine) is ‘Yankee imperial ism’,” commented board member Paul Greenwood of Harlingen. Mrs. Gabler, her voice quiver ing, said biased textbooks are “the reason our young people are revolting on campus — because they are confused.” She said “A Global History of Man” is “completely unfit for American schools.” Mrs. Gabler also spoke against a seventh grade life science book, “Life: Its Forms and Changes,” published by Harcourt Brace Jo- vanovich, and said her remarks also extended to three other life science hooks. BROWN-ALLEN MOTOR CO. OLDSMOBILE SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2400 Texas Ave. TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT DEBT PLAN FREE, Texas Grapefruit Diet Plan published by the Texas Valley Citrus Committee will be given to each customer Saturday, November 14, and Sunday, Novem ber 15. Peniston Cafeteria will be open November 14 from 10:30 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. to serve our friends who will come to see us beat Rice. “Quality First" J. C. (Jim) Harris THE BUG SHOP, Inc. 1911 Sa College Ave Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone 822-5383 Bryan's Leading Independent Volkswagen Service ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL aU* if. m CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan THE STUDENT FLORAL CONCESSION WILL HAVE BEAUTIFUL MUMS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ORDER YOURS NOW FROM YOUR DORM REPRESENTATIVE OR COME BY AND PLACE YOUR ORDER AT THE FLORICULTURE GREEN HOUSES, CORNER LAMAR & NAGLE STREETS, BETWEEN 8:00 A. M. & 5:00 P. M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY. Be Sure It’s The i . ■ STUDENT FLORAL CONCESSION "Rim By Aggies For Aggies For Over 40 Years"