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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1970)
(Eole-3Haan SHOES 3tm 5tmncn unibcrsfitp men’g tocar , 329 University Drive 718/846-2706 College Station, Texan 77840 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 PALACE Br/pn 2* £879 TODAY THRU SATURDAY .15.3.00 - 4:39 - 6:21 - 8:06 - 9:51 kr** DkCofery-foa pmxH EIUOTT GOULD HA PRENTISS GENEVIEVE WAITE IMDRO S. BERMAN-STUART ROSENBERG NODUCTION PRODUCED BY PANDRO S BERMAN WED BY STUART ROSENBERG Screenplay by IOEIUEBER and STANLEY HART Baled on the novel WEI UEBER Music By MARVIN HAMLISCH WJAVISION* Idot by DELUXE* GO* Wednesday, November 11, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 THE BATTALION imipm NOW SHOWING 1:15-3:15 -5:15 - 7:15 - 9:15 JOE MAJMATH oi C.C. Ryder A ANN-MARGRETF at hit girl 10 tXMU> A IQMPAMY I' idB COLOR BY MOVIE LAB :o IMBASST IILIAM [8]«S» QUEEN LAST NITE—7:15 - 9:00 Adult Art “MIND BLOWERS” • a'ue '/».CI1M? VEAWS- VRri east screen at 6:io p.m. “MONTE WALSH” with Lee Marvin At 8 P.M. “CHARRO” with Elvis Presley West screen at 6.15 p.m. THAT'S THE WAY IT IS” with Elvis At 8 P.M. “SPEEDWAY” IRCLE “LOVE CAMPING” & “SLEEPING BAG” Home buys call for ingenuity (This is the second of a 12-part series on the recent best seller, “BBB Consumer’s Buying Guide, How to Get Your Money’s Worth.” The purchase of either furni ture or carpeting involves consid erably more use of the imagina tion and examination of the fam ily budget than do most other purchases that the housewife is normally called upon to make. If she chooses precipitously, she’s generally stuck with what she bought for some time. If she has purchased unwisely, she can not expect either the carpeting or the furniture to last as long as she herself had anticipated. Furniture—Studies show adults generally buy furniture at least twice in their lives. The first purchase is generally made around the time of marriage; the second when the children have reached their teens. The first set of furniture may not be expen sive but it is generally intended to last 10 or 12 years. The furniture you buy will be from three basic categories—case goods, occasional furniture and upholstered pieces. Case goods generally include dining room and bedroom furniture. Occasional furniture includes nonupholstered pieces—desks, chests, end tables and other furniture for other rooms of your home that don’t require upholstered parts. Up holstered pieces include chairs, couches and other pieces built with padding, perhaps with springs, and covered at least par tially with fabric. Complaints to the Better Busi ness Bureau involving the pur chase of furniture involve: —Delay in delivery or damage upon receipt. Examine your fur niture when it arrives. —Beware of firms which ad vertise as “warehouses.” Fre quently they are retail outlets trying to attract the unwary. —Furniture is seldom guaran teed by the manufacturer. If a salesman makes such a represen tation, get it in writing. Any “lifetime” guarantee on furniture should be approached with sus picion. Carpeting—As is the case in all areas of purchase, knowing the reputation of the carpet firm with which you intend doing bus iness is important. Since many people will want to see the car peting they purchase in the set ting of their home, many firms offer “in-home” shopping serv ice. Complaints received by the BBB allege substitution of mer chandise and selling inferior car peting at considerably more than prevailing retail prices. Prospec tive customers should check the reputation of firms to establish their record of reliability. In the choice of a carpet, the fabric is not the factor which, in itself, determines wear. Construc tion is most important. Depth and density of the pile, the weight of WOMEN NOW the yarn, balance in the weave, strength of the backing and other structural features are uniquely important. The pile means the outer surface of the carpet form ed by the interlocking of fibers which bears the brunt of traffic. The Better Business Bureau cautions you against these pit- falls: —Be careful of “three rooms of carpeting sales.” Too often the square footage advertised cannot be expected to cover three aver age-sized rooms. —Be leary of becoming involv ed in a referral sales plan where you are offered the carpeting with the inducement that it will pay for itself merely by referring the names of friends as possible purchasers at X number of dol lars per referral. —If you are offered commer cial or industrial carpeting and told of its wonderful stand-up-to- the-crowd appeal, be cautious. There are no standards establish ed for “commercial” carpeting and although you could be get ting a bargain, the likelihood is not overwhelming. Africa bans ‘shocking’ mini COURT’S SADDLERY . . . FOR WESTERN WEAR OR FOR YOUR MARE. FOR SHOE REPAIR BRING IN A PAIR. 403 N. Main 822-0161 4-4, Midi- and maxi- length skirts may be the fashion rage in soph isticated capitals, but the mini continues to stir controversy in sub-Sahara Africa. Women in black Africa who fa vor ultra short skirts have had a hard time for several years asserting the right to keep in style. Mini skirts and dresses might be gradually passing from the fashion scene, but there are few signs that male dominated coun tries are easing from their vigi lance. Female police clerks in Portu guese Mozambique have been or dered not to wear skirts shorter than theree inches below the knee. Tanzania, Zambia and Uganda have cracked down on miniskirts as offending their national dig nity. Upper Volta’s decree that skirts should be no higher than the knee has created unfortunate cir cumstances. An Upper Voltan newspaper reports that overzeal- ous young men used the order as an excuse for “outrageous impor tuning” and “rummaging about” inside suspect skirts. A few loopholes are left the girls of Upper Volta. Short skirts are acceptable for tennis and other sports. They can also be worn for traditional tribal danc ing, but the Minister of Security —which is responsible for the whole business — cautioned that miniskirts are taboo for modern dancing. In South Africa, lay preacher and anti-miniskirt campaigner Gert Yssei says the Springbok rugby team which toured Britain last year lost because of the “de cadent influence” of miniskirted British women. The South Afri cans recently defeated the visit ing New Zealand All Black rugby squad, but Yssei is not changing his tune. He warned South Afri cans to “stop crowing about Springbok’s victory over the All Blacks” because the demise of South African rugby is immi nent. The players are obsessed with sex, he said. H. Kamazu Banda, the bach elor president of Malawi, says he is shocked with high hemlines. His central African country un officially banned the mini about two years ago. A notice warning female visitors to keep the length of their skirts within the locally prescribed limits of decency was posted at Chilenka Airport. At least one woman was asked to leave this former British terri tory, apparently for insisting on her right to wear minis. “I feel strongly about mini skirts or any short dress at all,” Banda told a recent gathering of his Malawi Congress Party. The party faithful promptly called for legislation to outlaw the mini. The audience chuckled, but later applauded after Banda explained his position. “Most women do not realize this. When they have a skirt com ing here—when they bend down —they don’t realize it. I am deep ly offended to see a woman . . . I mean just that when I say I am offended. When a woman bends . . oh terrible, terrible.” Banda insisted he would rather have the entire civil service break down than have Malawi tolerate miniskirts. HI WADE MES IT MAM! Check these terrific savings on laundry and dry cleaning: 99' SALE SUITS: 99c (You save 36c) DRESSES: 99c (You save 36c) UNIFORMS: 99c (You save 21c) Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday Only All 6 Locations/No Quantity Limits & convenient locations in College Station NEAR THE CAMPUS • North Gate • East Gate • College Main ON THE CAMPUS • Ashbury Street • Hospital • MFC BILL. WADE One Day Service that Suits You Laundry & to a Tee Dry Cleaners ¥ Smartly tailored polyester in Holiday White and tourquoise. Smartly priced. $35. OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY TIL 8 P.M. SKI WITH US! EUROPE DEC. 25-JAN. 8 $439 ASPEN DEC. 26-JAN. 2 n 1 VAIL NOV. 25-29 $149 RUIDOSO DEC 26-JAN 2 $172 For Nonskiers CAREFREE CAPITALS of EUROPE $489 DECEMBER 25—JANUARY 8 Rail Transportation Throughout SKI UNLIMITED, INC. 823-0961