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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1970)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 22, 1970 THE BATTALION A gg ics receive SCONA‘payoff New sewage line and treatment plant—will replace this sewage treatment plant located near Easterwood Airfield. The new facilities will nearly double the present treatment capabilities. Water, sewage facilities undergo construction By Pat Little Major construction projects in three different areas are under way to expand and improve the exisiting university facilities wa ter treatment according to As sistant Director of Maintenance and Utilities William E. Holland, Jr. Construction is in process on a new sewage line and treatment plant and for a gas turbine gen erator. Contracts will be let and construction expected to be start ed this month on a 24 inch water Kantfn man's cologne, with the Spirit of Sweden. TOWNSHIRE / BRYAN. TEXAS 77801 COURT’S SADDLERY . . . FOR WESTERN WEAR OR FOR YOUR MARE. FOR SHOE REPAIR BRING IN A PAIR. 403 N. Main 822-0161 line to supplement the existing 18 inch line. Holland said the new sewage line is being built along with a new sewage treatment plant since the present one is not sufficient for the university’s needs. The 15-inch sewage line will run from the College View Apartment area to a new booster plant which will replace two existing booster plants, Holland said. The booster plant is necessary, Holland explained, due to a ridge which runs through the campus from the Physical Plants offices, to the Academic Building, and through Duncan Dining Hall. After the waste is pumped over the ridge it will flow the remain der of the way by gravitational pull. The present sewage plant sup posedly has a capacity of treat ing 750,000 gallons of waste a day, but is treating 1,090,000 gal lons a day. When the new plant is built, which will treat two mil lion gallons of waste a day, the present one will no longer be operated, Holland said. The sewage line and treatment plant is due to be completed in another year. The new gas turbine generator will be placed on the north side of the building which houses the present generators and water chillers, and will have a capacity of 15,000 kilowatts. The generator will be put in along with a 175,0OO pound waste heat boiler and two 3,350 ton steam driven centrifugal chilling units. The chilling units, which pro duce chilled water for buildings on campus, will add to the eight 1,000 ton chiller units. The chiller units and the generator will double the value of the plant to $14 million and will nearly double the electrical capacity. The new 24-inch water line will run from the Well Field Pump Station eight miles north west of the campus and another two million gallon gound storage tank will be built just north of the campus at the end of Fin- feather Road, Holland said. The new water line and tank is needed since 5.25 million gallons of water is used a day while the capacity of the 18-inch line is 4.84 million gallons a day. Holland said a two million-gal lon elevated water tank will be put in eventually across the tracks and will replace the 150,- 000 gallon tank standing in the center of campus. Texas A&M students expect a return on their time and work investment in the university’s annual Student Conference on National Affairs. The nature of the “payoff” might surprise Joe Citizen, whose mental image of today’s college student has been frequently bat tered. H. Davis (Dave) Mayfield III of Waco expects to put in an average 20 hour week on advance preparations for SCONA XVI, scheduled Feb. 14-17 this coming school year. The 20 hours do not include class attendance nor study time. “For the two weeks immedi ately preceding SCONA, the time requirement will probably be around eight hours a day, except that it will be done at night,” the 1970-71 conference chairman esti mated. “When the program gets in gear and running at full speed, we’ll have 100 to 150 students at work,” the graduate student in architecture commented. A December event in the past, the conference brings students to A&M from throughout the U. S., Mexico and Canada for discussion on a topic of national concern with leading government and in ternational spokesmen. SCONA XVI's topic is “Student Respon sibilities in the ’70s.” “Students get a great deal of training setting up and conduct ing SCONA,” observed Bill Lan caster, former assistant to Memo rial Student Center director Wayne Stark. “Wayne puts the burden of responsibility on them to arrive at a topic of interest to students and the university, arrange speakers and roundtable chair men and plan travel-housing ar rangements,” Lancaster ex plained. “It’s quite an experi ence for a student to contact congressmen and ambassadors to appear on the program. A lot of people live to ripe old ages and never do anything like it.” Mayfield, public relations chair man of SCONA XVI under Har ry K. Lesser of Brenham, said closer rapport with Texas A&M has been his biggest gain. “In trying to obtain SCONA sponsors, it’s a matter of selling Texas A&M and telling the school’s story,” the son of a 1935 graduate declared. Former students’ interest quickly becomes apparent and “makes me proud to be an Aggie,” Mayfield said. “A sense of security that comes with this feeling makes me want to con tribute more.” “Students can make construc tive contributions,” he believes. “Unless they work for something themselves, it’s not going to mean anything to them.” £ For all your insurance needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. *40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823-0742 State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices Bloomington, 111, J. C. (Jim) Harris THE BUG SHOP, Inc. 1911 So. College Ave. Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone 822-5383 Bryan's Leading Independent Volkswagen Service HI, FIREMEN! “Take a grift home." Lsitsle Biskeris ‘The Gift House of Originals’ 4401 Milam — Bryan You do not have to be a teacher to belong to the local teacher credit union. All you have to be is a full-time employee of any school in Brazos County including Texas A&M. If you are a full-time local school employee and wish more information on your credit union, Please Write: TRI-COUNTY TEACHERS CREDIT UNION P. O. Box 646 Bryan, Texas 77801 BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Two rooms near campus. Central air and eat. Washer and dryer. 846-5378. 129t2 Furnished or unfurnished apartment for ent. 903-B Mount Clair. 846-7334. 12813 Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished partments. $105 to $115. Central air and leat. Married couples only. 846-6120. versity Acres. MSC offering entertainment, companionship LAKE VIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road PRESENTS: HANK THOMPSON Saturday, July 25, 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday and Friday Nite Live Band—Men $1.50 - Ladies $1.00 (ALL BRANDS BEER 250 GET A KICK If you get a kick out of saving money and enjoying life you will want to dine at the MSC. Special meal $0.99 each evening from 5 to 7 p. m. Compounded saving when you purchase DISCOUNT MEAL COUPON BOOK. THERE ARE APARTMENTS AND THEN THERE TANGLEWOOD SOUTH For Those who Desire Quiet Luxury Living, Excellent Location and Congenial Atmosphere. $145. - $260. (Furnished, Slightly Higher) Incomparably Beautiful SHORT TERM SUMMER LEASE AGREEMENTS Decorator Designed - 8 Decors Furnished/Unfurnished lly Carpeted/Draped - Color Coordinated Appliances—Central Fu Full 1, 2, 3 BR Flat or Townhouse - 1, 1%. 2, 2% baths Separate Adult/Family Areas Professional Landscaping Staffed Nursery - Fenced In Equipped Playground Area ;ios, or Balconies liently Located to TAMU, Parking, Enclosed >s, or uai — onveniently Locs Shopping Center Three Spacious Recreat.or Game Pools Two Laundry Areas Professionally Managed acious Recreat.on and Rooms, Two Delightful FOR LEASING INFORMATION CALL 846-2026 Dorothy Shipper Youngblood, Mgr. Dorothy Brown, Asst. Mgr. A variety of contemporary musical entertainment and com panionship is offered summer students through the Memorial Student Center “Basement” cof fee house. The regular MSC attraction has moved from next-door to the barber shop in the basement to the terrace outside the Assembly Room for the summer. Basement coffee house activi ties are available to students from 8 p.m. to midnight each Wednesday and Saturday during the summer, noted Allen Huddle ston of Houston. A year-around MSC activity, the Basement provides students professional performers off the coffee-house circuit during the regular school year. “We’ve got a lot of topnotch performers,” remarked Huddle ston, special events chairman of the MSC summer directorate. Similar live entertainment is on tap during the summer, including a Spring High School group, singer Larry Ludewig who is go ing into professional recording, and the duo of singer Mike Muel ler and guitarist John Pinno, who plays both the classical 12 and six-string instruments. Admission to the Basement is 25 cents per person or 40 cents a couple, Huddleston said. 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 Rent Used Maytag $9.00 a Month 408 Carson 822-1719 Nice one bedroom furnished apartment. Air, cable, phone, carport. Couples only. No pets. 700 West 26th. 822-9079 before B :30 a. m. or after 6 :46 p. m. 123tfn YES 1 you can afford to move in no For only $57.40 per student. All the finer For only $57.40 per student. All the riner things — carpeted, draped, electric West- Inghouse kitchen, individual air-eondition- * g and heat. Two swimming pools. One id two bedrooms. All utilities and T.V., ble paid. Exclusive Co-ed section. itAVIS HOUSE APARTMENTS. 505 cable p TRAVIS Hiway 30. Phone 846-6111. $140 - $215 73tfn VILLAGE PARK NORTH "Mobile Living In Luxuary’ 4413 HWY. 6 NORTH Paved & guttered street, concrete off- ieveiinp fenced playground, city utilities, cable itio, swimmii iarl pla; con pool, gas grills. ig pads. Telephone DAY 822-0803 NIGHT 822-5234 45tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS 1 ! Need A Horn* 14 2 Bedroom Fur. 4 Unfur. Poo] and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline o4 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Franklin, George D. Degree: Ph.D. in Education Dirrestation : A LONGITUDINAL ANAL YSIS OF CHANGES IN COURSE OF STUDY BY COLLEGE STUDENTS. Time: July 30, 1970 at 4:00 p. m. Place: Room 402-A in the Academic Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Harp, Stephen J. Degree: Ph.D. in Entomology Dissertation: THE BIOLOGY AND CON- ssertal TROL OF THE PECAN WEEVIL, ARGAE (HORN) IN TEX- gURCULIO C Time: July 30, 1970 at 2:00 p. Place: Room 203 in the Bioloi George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College m. gy Bldg. WORK WANTED Tennis racket restringing and supplies nylon and gut. Call 846-4477. 123tfn FOR SALE MOON LIGHT MOVING SALE 1 7 a. m.- midnight Friday and Saturday. Clothes, Igs, curtains, gadjets and toys. 4304 Nagle, three blocks north Circle Drive-Inn. Japanese made electric guitar. Three pickups, vibrator and case. Worth over $100.00 but selling for S56. 845-2803 129tfn Good cross bred roping calves, will make good gentle cows. Call 822-3980. 4 and 8 track tapes and tape players, >e players and tapes, reel type s, all sizes, radios, record play- cassette tape tape players, all sizes, radios, record play ers, watches, cameras, girlie films, shot guns, TV’s - Fantastic bargains—AGGIE DEN. 307 University. Colli Texas. lege Station, 122tfn ANN MARGRET VIETNAM PHOTOS. 8 X 10 COLOR, LIMITED SUPPLY. $6.60 EACH. LIMITED SUPPLY—AGGIE DEN. 119tfn SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION SUMMER GRADUATES You may begin ordering your Gradmtio: Announcement on July X, 1970, thru M 17. 1970. 9-12. 1-4. Mon. - Frf., at til M.S.C. Cashier's Window. 121t(i KINDERGARTEN ENROLLING NOK FOR SEPTEMBER. Maximum ratio 1H raeher. Preparation CALVARY BAPTIST KINOES' nth ium Certified teacher. Preparation for fW grade. GARTEN. 822-3579. HELP WANTED Registered nurses. Positions availabk 3-11, 11-7 shifts, full or part time. Excel lent employee benefits with added shill differential. Call Personel - St. Joseph 1 ! Hospital. 822-4313. 128t! TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Custom Bookbinding, Plastic Binding, and Gold Stamping of Books, Journals, Theses, Dissertations, and Reports. UNIVERSAL BINDERY 311 Church Street, College Station — 846-3840 llltfn Typing, experienced. 846-5416. 9Itfn Typing, full time. Notary P ▲mericard accepted, 823-6410 ie, 823-3838. lOtfn TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfz Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 46-8165. 132tfn CHILD CARE RN operating small nursery would like to care for your children. , Excellent facilities. Call 846-3928. 128t2 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith * Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Com Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822^5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 Havoline, Amalie, Enco, Conoco. 32c qt. -EVERYDAY- We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Starters - Generators Most $13.95 each Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK J 32 24 years in Bryan ELLISON RADIO & TV SERVICE RCA & MOTOROLA SALES We Service All Makes Bryan, Texas 2703 So. College Ave. 823-5126 NOTICE! THE EXCHANGE STORE Will be closed for Inventory SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY 25, 27, 28, 1970. The Exchange Store will be open for business WEDNES DAY JULY 29 at 7:30 a. m. Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - • OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas (