Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1970)
New look on campus—This artist’s conception depicts the proposed Memo- elude a major addition to the present Memorial Student Center, (right) rial Student Center-auditorium complex. The project is now in the final as well as completely new auditorium facilities (left) on the site of the stage of design. The tower will be devoted to “continuing education” current auditorium, activities, such as conferences and short courses. The complex will in- Richter paper tops Ronald L. Richter, dairy science graduate student, presented a first place paper during the American Dairy Science Associ ation annual meeting just ended in Gainesville, Fla. His paper was judged tops in an event listed as the National Graduate Student Scientific Paper in Manufacturing. The student’s presentation was titled “Purification of Bovine Milk Lipase By Ultrafiltration and Column Chromatography.” H e received a n engraved plaque and a check for $100. Richter is working toward his doctoral degree in dairy manu facturing. He is the son of Mrs. Fred Richter of Ledyard, Iowa. Frank Olivas of El Paso, a senior dairy production major, was elected 2nd vice president of the American Dairy Science As sociation’s Student Affiliate Di- FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED PALACE Bryan Z'SHI*} STARTS TUESDAY 1:45 - 4:13 - 6:43 - 9:15 TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION' % A PARAMOUNT P1CT0RE ^ > SUGGESTED FOR G GENERAL AUDIENCES " w " cm/pm NOW SHOWING 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Russ MeyeFs “BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS” (Rated X) QUEEN LAST NITE 7:15 - 9:15 P. M. Adult Art Series “DIVORCE LAS VEGAS STYLE” i 'Vs iiC.>i T r~ r HI l? VT ACS f Rf I WEST SIDE AT 9:15 P. M. “FANNY HILL” (Rated X) At 11:15 p. m. “I, A LOVER” (Rated X) EAST SIDE AT 9:05 P. M. “THE LOSERS” (Rated R) AT 11:00 p. m. “RUN ANGEL RUN” (Rated R) CIRCLE TONITE AT 9:00 P. M. “OLIVER” At 11:30 p. m. “RUN WILD, RUN FREE” (Both G Rated) vision. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raul Olivas of 7345 North Loop in El Paso. Other dairy science students attending the annual meeting were Camilo Suero, Otto Hamp ton and Paul Kennedy. They were accompanied by Dr. Gary Lane, assistant professor of Randolph, associate professor oi dairy manufacturing. Hutton slates grad lecture Dickey named staff member Dr. Norman E. Hutton of Iowa State University will discuss “Use of Data Processing in Bio medical Sciences” at a graduate lecture July 15. Hutton is an assistant profes sor in Iowa State’s Departments of Veterinary Pathology and Computer Science. He also is the university’s coordinator for biomedical communications. A former clergyman and law enforcement officer is a new staff member of the Police Training Division. ment of Corrections, where he was employed for the past 16 months as a rehabilitation spe cialist at the new Coffield Unit. Robert (Bob) Dickey, a Pales tine native, will serve as instruc tor for on-campus and extension courses, according to Chief In structor Ira E. Scott. Dickey comes to the Texas Engineering Extension Service program from the Texas Depart- “We are fortunate to have a man with Mr. Dickey’s back ground working for the univer sity,” Scott pointed out. Dickey received a B.S. degree in history from Sam Houston State in 1955 with minors in English and psychology. THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 8, Hi Stnrnce unibtr*itp nun** totar ISt University Drive 71S/84#47M College Btntitfa. 17840 CADE BRINGS PRICES DOWN TO EARTH... . . . During The Annual JUNE JULY SALE. (Savings up to $1,000 on some models) .. SALES FORD MERCURY LINCOLN CADE Mbtouf |RENTALS COMPANY |u 191.6A 970 i SERVICE Cl USDA CHOICE 10W PRICES EVERY MV Piu SPECIALS! ^ ir... j. - Sliced Bacon AO* Slab. Rindless. Breakfast Favorite! —Lb. Lunch Meal*HwBj£3ss, $1 Round Steak 89* Fall Cut. USDA Choice Heavy Beef (Boneless—ib.99*)—Lb. Armour Franks 69* Hot Links Muxlcoa Link Sausage -Lb. 59^ Rump Roast jbss. _89* Variety & Quality! Pork Chops 9u ?M #d 75* Pork Roast 59* Armour Bacon83* Ground Chuck rX" Ew -u, 85* Hamburger Steaks S, 69* Ground Beef Sa< & H .r dy ^ $125 Ground Round _t b 89* Top Round Steak -u, *109 Boneless Roast Loin Tip Roast Boneless RoasttS^-. 98* _Lb 99* -l. $139 Eckrich Bologna «♦" k? 49* Arm Roast -L b 89* jsr-79* Frnsh-Frozan —Lb. $199 Smok-Y-Links Halibut Steaks Swordfish Steaks _ L b. $129 Perch Fillets Lor„. _u,.65* FlSh StiCkS FraXoakcd, Jumbo —Lb. 59* Corn Dogs & ct $l Sliced Bologna sof.w, y -Lb. 75* Hen Turkeys _L b . 45* Smoked Hams^onw^. - L b. 79* Cure #81 Hams H,l !ir.; ,,u _Lb $149 Canned Picnics wurstor 3 c. L „ b $299 Armour Franks (S * r ££i? s ; ) Kr 59* Pink, Delicate Texture! Smoked Picnics 6 to 8-Lb. Whole JfQt Average *■■■ Sliced 454 3T| ★Half or ★Wholo —Lb. ® 4 FRYERS USDA Imp. Grad* 'A' (Cut-Up—-Lb. 35«> Vi Everyday Low Price! BreastQuarters Whola —Lb. 2* \niB. Crode A' Fryen —Lb Leg Quarters • 39‘ Split Breasts -o 69* Drumsticks S'/rC* -u. 65‘ Fryer Pack SSHS? 6S* Pinwheel Pack *1.6? Baking Chickens SB _u 35« Safeway Special! Dinners Banquet Assorted. Frozen Safeway Big Buy! Tomato Soup Town House. Lunchtime Favorite! OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE - 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SAFEWAY IN TOWNSHIRE $ Cut. Stokely. Nutritious! —ISVi-oi. Can Biscuits *Sw..^,M;H.rn,..k Ccfn 8**10? 6Vj-OZ. Cans 1 150.i Box 17n'," Edwards Coffee t™ 89' oriiHt i:r'59<”V." Green Beans IQ4 Chunk Tuna 3 Cut. Stokely. Nutritious! —15</a-oi. Con JL Sea Trader. Light Meat Facial Tissues A„.r. s .!; k co..r, Charcoal Briquets POtatO ChipS Party Pride Canned Pop asso^f^, Saltines Melrose Soda Crackers Box b ‘ 21**25* ' i 1 , Salad Dressing F>.dm. n t Pork & Beans P s Cake Mixes “ La* s Ouart OTiWhy Fay Jar OI ■ 41* Twin 49* W j y g f ° V 14t”’6? 12-ox. Qi Why Fay Con O' 10* Box * 25**33? Daiiry-Deli Valoes! Rye Bread Skylark. Regular. Special! White Bread Mrs. Wright's. 1 '/j-Lb. *Reg. or 'WSandwich Sliced Loaf Half & Half 9Q* Lucerne. Pint m of <9*. Ctn. 57*) Special! Ctn. ttW VfW Buttermilk OQ* Lucerne —Quart Ctn. dni ese Safeway Low, Low Prht Bag 49 4 Soft Wove Toilet Tissue. Assorted Colors. Special! 2-Roll Pkg. 25 4 Dog Food Twin Pet. Dogs Love it! Safeway Big Buy! 15-oz. Can 7 4 ... ... Bananas Golden Ripe! Great for in Between Meal Snacks! Safeway Special! —Lb. low, Low Price*! vegeraoiesi 10 Lettuce Potatoes Peaches Red Plums Large Crisp Heads Norgold Russet. US No. 1A Yellow Freestone. Large Santa Rasa. Large. Extra Fancy —Lb. LCIIIOHS Sunkist. Refreshing! Fruit Drinks Doxen Cello Guava Pt- Dee. 494 59* Seedless. Town House. Cello /| Q4 HCtldlllO (TEN 1 Va-ex. Pkgs. In Bag) Bag Bing Cherries _i. 59* Oranges Doxen Valencia. Calif. Fancy Pak Cucumbers Bell Peppers Carrots Select Salad Sizes —Each Large. Great for Stuffing —Each Safeway 10 w Stokely Corn 1Q Cream Style IT-***. B «« M Golden. Safeway Special! Can IHII 4 Quick & Easy to Prepare! French Fries atatoes. 9-ox. I el-air Pkg. ■■■ 1 Onion Rings 37* French Fried. 6-ox. Bel-air Pkg. Lemonade Scotch Treat. Regular —6-ox. I Cream Pies Bel-air. Assorted 14-oz. 10* 29* Strawberries 07<f Scotch Treat. M... U Sliced —>10-oz. Pkg. HU m * Carnation Slender Liquid. Assorted Flavors. 11 W&BS ~ Special! —-»10 a OZ« Can Special! Mefrecal Cookies ^cinUSSSS^oxTpk*. 88 < Bonita Tuna S oiid Pack—co« 39 < Tomato Catsup Di.t D«iight—n-e<. b.hi. 29 ( Peanut Butter P . t . r pji'lV... j or 45« Fish Dinners Italian Dressing Lo coV^^bohi. 43< r w W ae! :} ; • ★ Right Guard $|09 Detergent Liquid Bleach Parade. 49-ex. Washday Favorite! Box Gallon White Magic Plastic (TWO—4-oz. Cans) Deodorant. Twin ($2.18 Value) Pak i Why Pay r 59t Safeway... Serving You Better, Saving You More! Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun., July 9, 10, 11 and 12, in We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY 38* 7k Fabric Softener ^.47*"V," Bathroom Cleaner H c.:' 59*”s7