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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1970)
College Station, Texas Page 3 E. R. ALEXANDER AND "BRIGHAM" YOUNG The only Profit-Sharing Dividend clause like it ever written into An Actual Old Line Contract PROFIT SHARING DIVIDENDS National Farm Life Insurance Company is organized for the primary purpose of rendering a special service to those identified with agriculture. Beginning at the end of the second policy year and annually thereafter so long as the policy shall remain in force on a premium paying basis or becomes fully paid in accordance with its terms, this policy will be credited with a divi dend from the divisible surplus. According to the charter and by-laws of this Company, such dividends to the policyholders shall comprise all of the divisible surplus each year, except for an amount equal to 10% per annum on the original purchase price of all the capital stock as the maximum dividend to the stockholders, and an allowance which may be set aside by the Board of Directors for the policyholders as an extra contingency reserve for the financial safety of the Company. (The Company it now open for EVERXQNE to there m the PROFITS!) EDITED at Texas A&M 25 Years Ago (Under this Same Old Sturdy Oak) by: E. R. Alexander (Retired Head Ag Ed. Dept) Connected with A&M Since 1919 —and William C. ' Brigham" Young, Founder & Chief Executive Thrifty NATIONAL FARM LIFE STANDS ALONE . . . Unique in America Never before has such an amazing profit-sharing plan been available!! This is made possible by National Farm Life's Unparalleled Profit-Sharing Corpo rate Structure and Dividend Contract, NATIONAL FARM LIFE'S -UNIQUE^ $10,000. SPbefewtecf university investment plan Your Equity Link For "Cost of Living" Index BENEFITS At Age 65 Extra Dividends* S 2,450 Accumulated Dividends*? 7 >000 Dividends from National Farm Life are neither „ ^1^ estimates nor guarantees; but are, in fact, the products of precise actuarial calculations. Cash Values $ 6,100 Total Cash @ 65 $ 15,550 Total Premium Deposits $ 6,900 Profit @ 65 $ 8,450 Avg. College Age ANNUAL $ 150.00 RETIREMENT INCOME , «« Premium* Sovd: BANK DRAFT $ 13.00 FOR L,FE ( TEN YEARS CERTAIN) $ 1 HERE'S HOW NATIONAL FARM LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE NON-PAR POLICY PROFITS PARTICIPATING LICY PROFITS $ C.$ "stock and MUTUAL ^ COMPANY PROFITS | UNDER ONE _ .^CONTRACT FOR YOU STOCK ^V/ESJ^ s**//Vg fo* MUTUAL COMPANY PROFITS COMPANY PROFITS CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY National Farm Life Insurance Company New Home Office on the Fort Worth-Dallas Turnpike FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 PHONE <451-9550 TO: Mr. Wm. €. “Brigham" Young, Founder and Chief Executive I will grant you or one of your Representatives the Courtesy of a Conference—without obligation. Your Unique Profit-Sharing Savings Insurance Investment Plan Interests Me to COMPARE . . . CLIP & MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! To: W. C. "Brigham" Young Founder and Chief Exec. Drawer FL College Station Texas 77840 Name _ Address- City— State. Phone. Home Address- City— State. Occupation Best time to call Phone Major. \ \ "I I I I I —l YOU MAY ALSO BE INTERESTED IN REPRESENTING NATIONAL FARM LIFE Check Box Below ?nd Clip This with Coupon Full Time □ Part Time n 4» WATCH FOR FUTURE ADS GRANT US THE COURTESY OF A CONFERENCE THE BATTALION Wednesday, May 6, 1970 Campuses Across State React to Ohio Deaths (Continued from page 1) Gov. Preston Smith issued a statement saying: “We have not interfered with peaceful demon strations on the grounds here, but it looks as if we are going tf> have to tighten up our se curity.” Elsewhere in Texas, peaceful demonstrations took place Tues day at several colleges in pro test against the gunfire deaths of four Kent State University students Monday during a rally. But such demonstrations were at only a small proportion of the 175 or so Texas campuses. One of the more dramatic demonstrations was at the Uni versity of Texas at Arlington, where some students held a mock funeral. Some bore crosses and others carried lighted candles in the Arlington memorial as students marched solemnly about two blocks from the library to the Student Union Building. An estimated 125 Arlington students out of a student body of 14,000 took part. “They exercised their consti tutional rights to free speech and assembly. Now they are dead,” Arlington student lead ers said in a eulogy. Ray DeLeon, a sophomore from Lubbock, said he had just return ed from Vietnam and called him self a “hawk” on the war. But he commented at Arlington, “If students can’t assemble, what can they do? After all, that is what we are fighting for in Vietnam— freedom.” UT-Arlington’s student con gress later passed resolutions asking that the rest of the week be regarded as days of mourn ing for the Kent State students killed, that the UT-A flags be lowered to half staff and that classes be dismissed Thursday in memory of the slain students. Dr. Frank Harrison, president of UT-A, replied that it was against UT System rules and regulations to fly the official flags at the administration build ing at half staff for such rea sons, but he said that a flag pole in front of the student un ion could be flown at half staff if the student congress desired. To the plea for dismissal of classes on Thursday, Harrison replied, “We welcome discussion on this campus of social and po litical issues in line with the function of the university, but to officially dismiss classes for such an event is unwarranted.” Southern Methodist University student leaders were consider ing a memorial service Wednes day. Minor violence occurred at the University of Houston where 24,000 are enrolled. Someone attempted to burn an ancient surplus Army carrier assigned by the university to the science and research department. The carrier was splashed with a liquid and set afire but the blaze was extinguished quickly. The Houston incident occurred a few hours after the student Senate voted to support a pro posed strike set for Thursday to protest extension of the war into Cambodia. In Denton at big North Texas State University, about 100 to 150 students lowered two cam pus flags to half mast, one in front of the university's admin istration building and the other near the student union building. A student organizer said that a march was planned for Wed nesday, beginning at 1 p.m., from the campus to the National Guard armory in Denton, a distance of about 2Vz miles. The march, which he said would be in memory of the Kent State students killed, would have noth ing to do with the Cambodian situation. He said the march would would be featured by stu dents carrying four black cof fins, one for each of the students killed. .•:< The president of North Texas State University, himself a for mer administrator at Kent State, appealed to a NTSU student gov ernment meeting Tuesday night to “seriously contemplate the ac tion you might take as a result of Kent events.” Dr. John J. Kamerick, appear ing before 150 persons, wore a black tie he said was in mourn ing for those at Kent. He offered an alternative plan to a pro posed march set by NTSU stu dents for Wednesday at 1 p.m. from the campus to a national guard armory in Denton. No parade permit has been is sued the group for the march. A memorial service is planned once the march reaches the ar mory. “You ought to at least apply for a parade permit even if you don’t receive it,” he said. The march was planned Tues day afternoon after some 100-150 NTSU students lowered Ameri can flags to half-staff on two campus flagpoles in honor of the four students who died im the in cident Monday. Kamerick suggested as an al ternative a memorial observance at 11 a.m. Thursday in the cam pus’ main auditorium with classes dismissed. “You can make your own de cision and take the responsibility of that decision,” he said. In his 10-minute speech, Kam erick said he appeared before the group without much enthusiasm because of the recent events at Kent. He served as a dean and vice president at Kent before coming to NTSU in September, 1968. “Many have called me from Kent ... I know many of those who have been injured . . . I’m terribly upset by the event,” he said. “I don’t want you exposed to the confrontation that might lead to the same thing that hap pened at Kent. Violence can often come from what was not intend ed.” An estimated 200 students and a few faculty members attended a peaceful demonstration at Tex as Christian University Tuesday night in protest of the shootings at Kent State. The demonstration in front of the TCU Student Center lasted about 45 minutes. There was a period of silent prayer and two speeches. At small St. Thomas at Hous ton, 10 students carried signs protesting the Kent State slay ings. The signs said, “Freedom of Choice. Vietnam or Cambodia or Universities. Your choice of where to die.” Bulletin Board TONIGHT Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Architecture Auditorium. Aggie Christian Fellowship will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304, Physics. Joe Wall will speak on Abraham. THURSDAY Texas A&M Parachute Club will meet at 7:30 in Room 113, Plant Sciences. Austin Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-D Memorial Student Center to elect officers. Association of Students from Mexico will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 3-B Memorial Student Center to elect officers. Texas Aggie Stage Band will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 2-D in Memorial Student Center to or ganize the band. USED Monarch Notes—Quiz Reviews You pay 25^ and a 500 deposit. Return the books with the Lou price tag and get your 500 deposit refunded. It’s A Fact — LOU Appreciates Your Business “PARENTS WEEKEND” SPECIAL Take her to see and hear SINGING CADET LOCAL CONCERT BRYAN CIVIC AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1970 “Her” can be Mom, Sis, or, Sweet Young Thing. You’ll have fun too, Aggie! Tickets: $1.50 & 750 Student Programs Office, M.S.C. Any Singing Cadet Buy your tickets early NOTICE! TO OUR CUSTOMERS: I have not sold Aggieland Flower & Gift Shoppe as has been rumored. It is true that I am in St. Joseph’s Hospital with a broken hip, but my co workers at the flower shop are very capable and are well able to take care of any flower or gift needs that you might have. Thanks for your wonderful business you have favored us with. I expect to recover and am looking forward to being back in the shop to greet you soon. Sincerely Ruth Little AGGIELAND FLOWER & GIFT SHOPPE The Red Brick Building at 209 University Drive