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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1970)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, April 7, 1970 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Listen Up the batt forum I RGcKI Cl<iSSlfl6(lS Dflll Editor: When Chip Brees calls him self “an ignorant Yankee for eigner”, I am inclined to agree. Anyone who would stay at a school he regrets choosing could not be very bright. If he thinks that “other col leges are moving forward” while “A&M is standing still”, he should come out of his room to see what has been accomplished in the past ten years under the late Earl Rudder. being built in Galveston. I could continue to sing praises for A&M all day, but my letter is already getting too long. Present construction shows that our university is not stand ing still. Chip Brees’ criticism of A&M without constructive content only provides a deterent to a progressive school. We are moving forward with the prow ess of an outstanding academic institution. M. Bruce McGee candidate according to his in dividual merits. We feel the Fifth Wheel candidates have demonstrated a desire to see that the students are effectively rep resented and a willingness to work toward this end. Kent Caperton, Candidate for Student Senate President Roger Miller, Candidate for Student Senate Vice President “As soon as you’re awake, we need to discuss your pot plant!” the graduate The school has increased its enrollment from $7,500 to 14,000 students. The value of the physi cal plant has been doubled with the addition of srfch facilities as the Cyclotron Institute, Teague Research Center, Nuclear Sci ence Center, Agriculture Build ing, Library, Plant Sciences Building, Biological Sciences Building, Information Services Building, and major additions to the veterinary medicine complex, Kyle Field, and numerous cam pus buildings. Research activi ties have been increased more than 100 per cent with an an nual research budget of $24 million. The university now has the highest ratio of graduate students in the state. The fac ulty totals about 1,000 with more than one half holding doctoral degrees. The number of colleges in the university has been in creased from five to 10. In 1962 the Maritime Academy was add ed, and a whole new campus is ★ ★ ★ Editor: Since the letter in last Tues day’s Battalion was published concerning the Fifth Wheel Com mittee, we are still getting ques tions as to the specific nature of this group. There are basic principles to which all of the Fifth Wheel Committee adhere. Foremost among these is that student gov ernment must move away from its status of being controlled by a small group of elitists who are unresponsive to your needs. It must instead incorporate the perspectives of all segments of the campus and effectively rep resent the feelings of the stu dents. Although members of the Fifth Wheel Committee agree to these basic principles, there are many divergent political philosophies within the group. We ask that you consider each J By Tony Benedetto Election fever and spring fever are hitting Texas A&M at the same time this year, so let’s hope the spring gas doesn’t carry over into the elections. By the way, if you’re tired of bitching about student government and want to do something about it, you still have until Thursday to get in volved. Having been deeply in volved in student government for the last three years, I would without qualification or hesitation urge every person on this cam pus to become a part of it. I am talking here to graduates and undergraduates alike. Filing for Graduate Student Council posi tions is being held in conjunction with the General Elections to be held April 23. There is more in formation about the elections and filing procedures in the latest issue of the GSC Newsletter, which is now available through departmental secretaries. Because of the deadlines nec essary in publication of the News letter, one of the items is now incorrect. The new G.I. Bill was passed and signed the day after the Newsletter was printed, so I shall attempt to explain the major changes. Additional infor mation may be obtained through the Veteran Affairs office in the YMCA. Benefits under the War Orphan’s plan also are included in these changes. An unmarried veteran will now receive $175 per month, retroactice to 1 February 1970 as are all changes. A mar ried veteran with no children will receive $205 per month, one child bringing an extra $25 (total $230) and each additional child bringing an extra $13 per month. The changes will not be reflected until the May 10 checks. The charge has been levied that the G.I. Bill article in the News letter was blatantly political and out of order in that publication. It was interpreted this way be cause of the mention of Lloyd Bentsen and George Bush and the omission of the other contend er in the U.S. Senate race, Ralph Yarborough. Significantly, it was a Yarborough supporter who levied the charge. He pointed out that in fact Senator Yar borough had sponsored the bill in the first place and that it had been held up in the House. It was the intention of the article to say that maybe somebody need ed a fire built under them to get some action on the bill, not to promote Mr. Bentsen or Mr. Bush or to speak ' derogatorily of Senator Yarborough. I therefore fell that there is no need to apologize for the article and in deed I shall not. Bulletin Board TUESDAY Sigma Delta Chi will meet at noon. There will be a speaker. Agricultural Communications Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the Journalism Library. All agri cultural journalism students should attend this important meeting. THURSDAY Army Cadet Wives’ Club will have a wig party at 7:30 p.m. in room V-2-L of Hensel. This is a casual dress affair and all seniors are urged to come so they will be eligible for a PHT degree. A.I.I.E. will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 226 Library. The speaker will be from the distribution di vision of Lone Star Gas Co. WEDNESDAY American Association of Uni versity Professors will hear a re port of the Feb. 25 meeting be tween A&M administrators and the national office of the AAUP concerning the Leon Gibbs case at 7:30 p.m. in Room 226 Library. THURSDAY Pecan Valley Hometown Club will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 2A Memorial Student Center. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Art Room Memorial Student Center. Officers will be elected and plans for a party will be made. SUNDAY Chemical Engineering Wives Club will have a family picnic at Hensel Park 2:30-5:00 p.m. Drinks will be furnished, but each family is to bring their own lunch. Ath letic equipment for football, base ball, volleyball and horeshoes will be furnished. Numbers in ( ) denote channels on the cable. 5:00 3 (5) General Hospital 5:30 3 (5) CBS Evening News 6:00 3 (5) News 6:30 3 (5) Lancer 7:30 3 (5) Mad Mad Comedians 8:00 3 (5) Bob Goulet Show 9:00 3 (5) Academy Awards 11:00 3 (5) News 11:30 3(5) ABC Movie Week of the BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conveational Loans ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Are. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 CASA CHAPULTEPEC OPEN 11:00 A. M. CLOSE 10:00 P. M. 1315 COLLEGE AVENUE — PHONE 822-9872 SPECIALS GOOD TUBS. WED. AND THUR. BEEF TACOS, BEANS - RICE CHEESE TACOS, BEANS - RICE CHALUPAS WITH GUACAMODE CHALUPAS WITH CHEESE - BEANS HOME MADE TAMALES WITH PRIED BEANS BEEF ENCHILARAS, BEANS - RICE CHEESE ENCHILADAS, BEANS - RICE CHILES RELLENOUS WITH SPANISH RICE AND CHEESE SAUCE GUACAMOLE SALAD - 2 CRISPY TACOS MEXICAN DINNER COMPLETE TO TAKE OUT FIESTA DINNER Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Three Enchiladas, Beans, Rice Tortillas and Hot Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chips Regular $1.50 $1.19 OR DINE IN TACO DINNER Two Beef Tacos, One Chili Con Queso, Guacamole Salad, Tortillas and Hot Sauce, Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chips. QQ£ heese Dip Regular $1.25 IT’S HERE by VAIM MEUSE fM" Arise, fervent fans of fashion free dom! Express your feeling in Hampshire House, the shirts with the liberated look. We have ’em now in a big selection of richly toned stripes and solids. Featur ing the bolder Bradley collar that launched the fashion trend...and permanently pressed Vanopress that ends ironing forever. Join the Spring surge to the liberty and luxury of Hampshire House shirts by Van Heusen! THE EXCHANGE STORE "For thinking men" 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 PALACE Bryun Z'SiJI LAST DAY TODAY Show times 1:30 - 4 p.m. - 6:30 - 9:12pn “FUNNY GIRL” With Barbara Streisand STARTS WEDNESDAY ‘TIC-TIC-TIC-TIC With George Kennedy we < and . T( Gi A] N< LAST DAY TODAY ‘GAILY - GAILY’ Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Assoexatkm The Associated Collegiate Press Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 Per school LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. ittaiion, 77843. to the use tot to it or not rep rod otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all matter herein are also reserred. other Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. 1969 TPA Award Winner Members Lindsey, chai of rma the Student Piiblications Board are: Jim sey, chairman; H. F. Eilers, College of Liberal Arts ; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jr., College of Veterinary Medicine; and Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, College of Agriculture. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through daily except Saturda s. Sept May, and once a week during summer school. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services. Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. EDITOR DAVE MAYES Managing Editor David Middlebrooke Women’s Editor Cindy Burleson News Editor Pam Troboy Sports Editor Richard Campbell Assistant Sports Editor Mike Wright Staff Writers Hayden Whitsett, Bob Robinson, Chancy Lewis, Janie Wallace, Fran Haugen, Randy Murdock, Billy Buchanan, Gibril Fadika, Tommy Thompson Sports Writer Clifford Broyles Columnists Roger Miller, Mike McClain Photographers Jim Berry, David Gawthorpe, Mel Miller, Robert Boyd Sports Photographer Mike Wright I CIVILIAN WEEK-WEEKEND APRIL 20-26 STUDENTS WITH DORM ACTIVITY CARDS MAY PICK UP BARBEQUE AND DANCE TICKETS FROM THEIR DORM COUNSELOR BETWEEN MONDAY, APRIL 6 AND MONDAY, APRIL 20. Up* * by VAN MEUSEN Unchain your brain! Unbind the old bean! Now you’re ready for the fashion freedom of Van Heusen Hampshire House shirts. They’re the ones with big bold action stripes, deep and daring solid colors, and new wider spread Bradley collar, plus permanently pressed Vanopress to end ironing hang-ups forever. Join the freed breed, man, and come on over to Hampshire House. STARTS TOMORROW “THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY” (Nominated for 11 Awards With Jane Fonda QUEEN ADULT ART SERIES 7:15 p. m. - 9:15 p. m, “2069 A.D.” Siwww: Lg/M V* NIVI IN Mi k .1 M*. l PM WEST SIDE AT 7:00 P.M, PEANUTS PEANUTS ‘ANGEL, ANGEL DOWN WE GO” At 8:50 p. m. “CHASTITY” EAST SIDE AT 6:50 P.M, “GOODBYE COLUMBUS” At 9:00 p. m. “ROSEMARY’S BABY Subjec ocratic For the Si: of Tex Visit ou: “f Liquid ‘lorescent just everyl P»int Stoi 1»64 GT< 846-3801. Officers crB , size 3 Cost size: caps. p ur , only on re. Wedding sell for % 1967 Oi ,1967 Ml LENT C0I WITH hi PRICE. 8, BARGAI Used casse t v» CIRCLE api dryers, < LAST NITE AT 7:00 P.M, “JOHN & MARY” Dustin Hoffman & Mia Farrow At 9:00 p. m. Raquel Welch In “BANDELERO” STARTS WEDNESDAY “MEDIUM COOL” & “IF” By Charles M. Schoii U)HAT ELSE CAN WU £?AY TO A 5UG ? PEANUTS THAT'S THE LONSEST HOME RUN EVER HIT IN THIS PARK,CHARLIE BROUty AMP YOU WERE THE PITCHER. THAT MEANS YOOR NAME WILL 60 POWN IN THE REC0RP POORS . etc. lurplus . arm y sleep camping gq and range i aomething 1809 South also purcha Let ui Mahogan Ha I -1 We stoc Where Quai Wheel Sysl Watt Almos 2 Braki 2 V Othi Starl Joe 22# E.: - . ...