Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1970)
B-CS Boys Basketball League Organizing The Bryan-College Station Jun ior Flag Football League, which has just successfully completed its first season is now organizing a boys basketball league, an nounced David Nava, a spokes man. Nava said the league, organized and run by Aggies, needs stu dents to help coach, officiate and keep score for the youngsters of the Bryan-College Station area. There were approximately 55 boys out for the League Wednes day, Nava said. The league is playing games Monday through Thursday after noons from 5:30 to 6:30 in Lin coln Gym in College Station. Nava urged anyone who is inter ested in helping to call him at 845-6901 or see him in Room 325 Crocker Hall. ceived Thursday by the city of College Station, according to Mayor D. A. “Andy” Anderson. Manufactured in Elmira, N.Y., by the American La France Co., the two 750-gallon per minute pumpers were delivered from the service and distribution center at Houston. The units are temporarily stored in the new fire station on State Highway 6. Except for a service check-out to see that they are in good oper ating condition, they could be put into service almost immediately, Anderson said. Radios will be installed in the units within the week, he said. The fire trucks were ordered by the city a year ago at a cost of about $69,000. Some furnishings for the new fire station will be installed with in the next three weeks, the may or said. conference are County Judge William K. Vance; Bryan city manager Fred Sandlin and his College Station counterpart, Ran Boswell; CS mayor D. A. (Andy) Anderson, Bryan Mayor Jack Zubik; Jake Cangelose, county CD director; John Hill, A&M CD director; George Huebner, Col lege Station CD director, and Henry Alsmeyer, county CD ad ministrative officer. Civilian Menu Board To Meet Tuesday The Civilian Student Menu Board will meet at noon Tuesday in Sbisa Dining Hall announced Howard Perry, director of Civi lian Student Activities. Students who have suggestions or comments on the food service should contact one of the student committeemen. Student members of the board are Pat Wertheim of Hotard Hall, Bill Scherle of Fowler Hall, Shel ton Wallace of Davis-Gary Hall and Van Kinerd of Milner Hall. Junior Ball Tickets On Sale Feb. 21 Tickets for the 1970 Junior Ball will go on sale at the Student Programs Office in the Memorial Student Center on Feb. 21. The dance will be held at 8 p.m. March 14 in Duncan Dining Hall and the band will be “The Preach- Fire Trucks Delivered To College Station Two new fire trucks were re- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You St. Thomas Chapel 906 Jersey St. South Side of Campus Canterbury Association Meetings: Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Kindergarten — Nursery, Monday - Friday (Enroll now for 71 - 72) Sunday Services 8:00 - 9:15 - 11:00 a.m. Wednesdays, Holy Communion 6:30 a.m. The price is $4 per couple and includes admission to the ball and a barbecue to be held that same afternoon. Applications for class sweet heart may be picked up at the Student Program Office and must be turned in with a 5x7 pic ture by Feb. 21. The dress for the ball will be civilian—suit and tie, corps—mid night and ascot. Dates are en couraged to dress in line with the ancient Greek theme. Anyone having any questions should contact Jim Tramuto, 845- 2095, Bill Stockton, 845-3095, or John Bebout, 845-3369. Area Officials To Attend CD Confab Brazos County, Bryan and Col lege Station officials will partici pate and A&M faculty members will make presentations Monday and Tuesday in the 10th Texas Civil Defense Directors Confer ence in Austin. Secretary of State Martin Dies Jr. will make the keynote address, Attendance of 500 city and coun ty officials is expected. The annual meeting will fea ture A&M Meteorology Professor Walter K. Henry and Edwin E. (Mickey) Allen, assistant re search architect in the College of Architecture. Local officials attending the Coffee Loft Features Movie, Folk Group The Coffee Loft will present a movie and folk music by The 3rd Generation tonight. The United Campus Christian Fellowship (UCCF) sponsored program at North Gate will fea ture the movie, “Memorandum,” at 8. “Memorandum” is the story of survivors returning to the pres ent day site of the German con centration camp at Bergen-Bel- sen. The theme of the movie is that the same thing, though in a more subtle form, could possibly happen again. A short discussion will take place afterward. Scheduled for approximately 9:30 is a 45-minute performance by The 3rd Generation. This new folk group on campus will combine music with comedy on the subjects of the Civil War, the cost of dying and wishful thinking. Featured as an opening number is “Beer Bottle,” the un official Aggie drinking song. In order to help cover expenses, an admission price of 50 cents will be charged. Tonight on KBTX 6:30 Get Smart 7:00 Brady Bunch 7:30 Hogan’s Heroes 8:00 TX Friday Night Movie 10:00 TX Final News 10:30 TX Friday Late Movie “Bride of Dracula” w/Peter Casing Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student uniters only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. LETTERS POLICY MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press Mail subscriptio ear ; lies ms $6.50 per full year. All subsc Advertising rate furnished $3.50 per semester; $6 per school ibscriptions subject to 4%% Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name ivill be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77833. sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217. Services Building, College Station. Texas 77843. The Associated Press is reproduction of all news J!i 3d igm published herein matter herein are also reserved. entitled exclusively to the dispatches credited to it uction of all news dispatches ci otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontani blished herein. Rights use for or not of rep< al news of spontaneou ublication of all othe 1969 TPA Award Winner Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Membe Lindse: F. S. Members of the Student Publications Board are: ?y, chairman ; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal A White, College of Engineering; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jim Arts ; Jr., F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jr., College of Veterinary Medicine; and Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, College of Agriculture. The Battali ublished in publis Sunday, Monday, , May, and once a week during summer school. througl Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San EDITOR DAVE MAYES Managing Editor David Middlebrooke Sports Editor Richard Campbell Assistant Sports Editor Mike Wright Staff Writers Pam Troboy, Payne-Harrison, Hayden Whitsett; Clifford Broyles, Bob Robinson, Tony Huddleston, Chancy Lewis, Janie Wallace, George Scott Columnist Roger Miller Photographer Jim Berry Sports Photographer Mike Wright ALL JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES Make sure your picture will be in the 1970 AGGIELAND yearbook picture schedule A-D—Feb. 16-20 O-S—Mar. 9-13 E-J—Feb. 23-27 T-Z—Mar. 16-20 K-N—Mar. 2-6 Make-ups—Mar. 23-31 CIVILIANS—Coat and Tie CORPS—Uniform pictures will be taken 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. BRING FEE SLIPS 115 N. Main UNIVERSITY STUDIO North Gate 846-8019 Civil Engineering Shamrock EMPLOYMENT SERVCE OCCUPATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AWAIT YOU, THE ’70 GRADUATE ★ “EMPLOYERS PAY FOR OUR SERVICES.’ • College Division • North Gate 331 University Dr. 846-3737 A division of ERC CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Jackets Included In Laundry List Students may add waiter’s white jackets to their laundry al lotments, beginning Monday, laundry manager George R. Hart- sock announced. On the recommendation of the student-staff University Faculty Committee, Hartsock said that students may now include in their weekly laundry bundle five shirts (knit not included) or two shirts (knit not included) and one jack et (fatigue, clinic, or waiter) or two jackets (fatigue, clinic, or waiter). THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday, February 13, IWJ GOLF CLUB SNACK BAR Best Selection of Beer on any Texas Campus Ginger (Imported) 45^ Apple 30^ Root 10^ OPEN DAILY FROM 10:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. FLOWERS Complete Store Baby Albums - Party Goods Unusual Gifts Aggieland Flower & Gift Shoppe 209 University Drive College Station 846-5825 “Yawn! It’s time to study for that quiz before class—do you hear? Hey! Do you hear me ” Bulletin Board FRIDAY MSC Chess Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3B MSC. MONDAY Business Administration Wives Club will have a tea honoring all wives of business majors at 7:30 in Room 102, O 1 i n E. Teague Building. For information call Mary Jane Roberts at 846-4628. Agriculture Communications Club will hiwe a very important meeting for all agriculture jour nalism majors and others inter ested in agriculture communica tions at 8 p.m. in Room 227 Serv ices Building. AIIE will elect officers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 207 Engineering. Engineering Technology Wives Club will hear Dr. Everett Glaze- ner outline the engineering tech- •mology program at 8 p.m. in the Medallion Room of the Bryan Utilities building. lor collectors by Chagall, Baskin, Rouault, Daumier & many others Texas A&M University College of Architecture and Environmental Design Tuesday, February 17 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Individuals majoring in Computer Science, Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical or Industrial), Mathematics, and Physics will be interviewed by Collins Radio Company. FEBRUARY 26 & 27, 1970 Some facts about Collins: l Collins pioneered many of today’s data techniques and recently announced a computer-controlled design and manufacturing service for customers. 2. The company ranks as the largest independent producer of microwave systems. 3. More than 75% of the commercial airlines use navigation/communication equip ment supplied by Collins. 4. The company designs and installs computer systems for the military and for railroads, airlines and many other industrial organizations. 5. Collins serves as the prime contractor on NASA’s worldwide Apollo tracking network. 6. The company is recognized as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of commercial broadcast equipment. 7 Collins received the first contract awarded to a single company to design, equip and build an earth station for satellite communications. Contact your College Placement Bureau for additional information. COLLINS an equal opportunity employer K (Contir universities izations. Tuesday Journal,” al ly series wi issues, dom subjects fo bates, discu and conver In additi will be lo gramniing. “The thi; said, “is str events, whic Day work: ! Disrsdays. 846- typing, full t Imtricard accej TYPING, electr: faced. Reason Typing. lie-8165. KINDERGAR' tklld can receh CAL VERY TEN. Maximum tavltt, COME S Gregor 115.4005. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schuli PEANUTS I WONDER WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO SET A VALENTINE FROM SOMEONE VOU LIKEP AND WHO REALLV LIKEP VOU... I IdONDER (OHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO NEVER, FIND OUT. BA WAN r One day . . . J< per wor Minin P Anno Subject to ocratic Pri: For U. the Sixth ( of Texas. 0LI> (1 WOR Will do typir p. m. or all day Elect CH Child care, Cai Udies jewele ' Meteorology ■ent. RE WAR College View SPEC TROPHIES Enj Ask Texas Cc 1»18 S. Tc COINS lex Bo SO! TV & R Zenith - ( All Makei 713 S. M. PRESTC Havol Enc —EV Stock al Where low Quantity Wheel Be System Water 2 Almost 1 25-4 Brake £ 2 Whe, M Other i Starter All 6 Most 1 Your Joe Fa 22( > E. 25tl