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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1970)
‘Ear-Bender 9 Relates Value Of Overseas Experiment THE BATTALION Wednesday, January 14, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 lafti : : : flgj ■■ i;; : =n' ^ An ear-bending booth will be in operation in the IMiemorial Student Center post office area Feb. 11-13. When Paul Scopel of Seguin goes on duty at the Experiment in International Living display, the earnbending will get energetic. An Experimenter to Austria last summer, Scopel believes in the advantages of EIL. “It gives a broader understand ing of people,” the junior mar keting major said. “One of the reasons we have so many problems in the U. S. is that we fail to appreciate oth ers’ problems,” he suggested. “One way to improve the situ ation is to learn another lan guage.” The MSC Travel Committee chairman, who got started in Ger man through EIL, also pointed out that many leading U. S. col leges and universities require a $ CASH USED BOOKS s Help Lou Help You S semester of work overseas. Based on the concept that it is best to learn to understand anoth er people and their culture by living among them as a member of their family, EIL also offers opportunity for extensive travel. After language training at Putney, Vt., and several weeks with his “family” near Vienna, Scopel and nine other Experi menters visited Northern Italy, Budapest, Hungary; Berschtes- garten, Germany, and Austria’s major cities. He also spent three days in Czechoslovakia. “The Czechs were more excit ing, more emotional, more crea tive,” he observed. “Hungarians, in comparison, were definitely subdued.” Scopel’s father was Rudolf Jansza of Soheibbs, Austria, 60 miles west of Vienna, which “we visited five times.” Jansza, rep resentative in the Lower Austria government who also owned an accounting firm operated out of the family home, added Paul to his family of 22-year-old Use, Rudi 19 and Christa 16. Active in the MSC as a direc torate assistant, member of Great Issues and SCONA XV delegate, Scopel also serves on the University Traffic Commit tee and participated in the UT Model U.N. Conference. EIL has caused Paul to bite off more, such as more courses in psychology and German. . ■ in®* rh - # # # # # m f&m-m *«* HOUSTON VISIT THIS WEEKEND The University’s oceanographic research ship, the R/V Saturday and from 1 to 5 p. m. Sunday at the south end Alaminos, will open for public tours from 2 to 6 p. m. of the Houston turning basin, near 75th Street. Gov. Smith Will Present Plan To Combat Oil Spillage in Gulf By John Hotard Associated Press Writer HOUSTON, Tex. <A>) — Gov. Preston Smith will outline a plan to combat oil spills in the Texas bays and coast Wednesday at a hearing before the Presidential Water Pollution Advisory Board. Smith will highlight the hear- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4<f pes word 3? per word each additional day Minimum chan Classified ian?e- Displi -60c lay 90d per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication WORK WANTED FOR SALE Cay Geldint?. $160. 846-9032. Army dress blues, blouse 38, waist 32. One set winter, one Also khakis and fatigues. set summer 822-081 Will do typing. Call 832-4579 after 6 :00 p. m. 60tl Typing, full time. Notary Public, Hank- Americard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. MS-8165. 132tfn CHILD CARE Child care, Call for information. 846-8151. 598tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery, 504 Boyett 816-4005. 593tf» HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Puppies to give away. Part Beagle. 846-6366. Six weeks old. 60tl ip- ment and lowest rates — contact ANDER SON SERVICE AND U-HAUL RENTALS. T. P. “Andy” Anderson, 2010 South Col lege, Bryan, 822-3546. 59t4 Meal tickets are now available at Swanzy’s Cafeteria. 2026 Texas Avenue. 65t8 PRESTONE $1.59 Gal. Havoline, Amalie, Enco, Conoco. 32c qt. —EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - $12.95 Each Most 12 Volt - $13.95 Each Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 223 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 24 years in Bryan FOR SALE SALE 25% - 50% off selected group of Seth Thomas and Bul- ova clocks, all Beauty Counselor Products, Wall Plaques, Fashion jewelry, Bone and casual china, Table linens and gift items. You may win a 45 piece set of Eng lish ironstone Athena white china. Sale starts Monday, Jan uary 12, Thomas Clock Co. 901- A Gorden at East 33rd St. Bryan., 822-6122. FOR RENT Available January 17, furnished, two >, 1968, mobile 1 on average ' it, window air nth. 846-7929. ry i m, 1968, mobile home four miles sM on average with trees. Central indow air conditioner, washer. $115 60t3 Room for rent. Two blocks from A&M campus. Call evenings. 846-2276. 59tfn carat 3774. mg tires, transmission, clutch, radio. 822-0478. 59t4 One owner, 1966 Buick Skylark conver tible, air, power steering, radio, excellent condition. Will finance to Aggie. Call Captain Muller. 846-9211. 58t3 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air. 2-doov sedan. Good condition. Good tires. New paint job. 846-7170 after 5 :00 p. m. 57t4 12 by 60 mobile home, two bedrooms, l 1 /, baths. Central heat and air, cost $7300, sell for $6000. Available January 19. 846-6151. 56tfn Horse For Sale Gentle Call 822-3980. TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 822-1336 26th & Parker 822-1307 THERE ARE APARTMENTS. AND THEN THERE IS TANGLEWOOD SOUTH College Station’s Newest and Finest Apartment Complex ! Gracious Apartment Living For Those Who Demand the Finest 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments FLATS AND STUDIO! PRICED FROM $145 to $250 FURNISHED SLIGHTLY HIGHER Furnished or Unfurnished —2-2 1 / J Baths. All Utilities Paid! Decorator Design — Several Decors From Which To Choose. Separate Adults Only and Family Living Areas. Recreational Areas — 2 Pools. Convenient to Redmond Shopping Center and A&M University. All Electric Westinghouse Kitchens— Dishwashers—Frost Free Refrigeration. ar and Highway 30 For Rental Information Call 846-2026 HELP WANTED Two job openings. Morning hours for clean-up, and bar-tender for afternoon and evenings. Call Mrs. Norton after 12:00 noon. 846-9929 or come by East Gate Lounge. 69t3 EMPLOYMENT SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity available for mature, permanent resident to join staff of Texas A&M University Personnel Department. Requires Bachelor’s degree, PREFERABI Requires Bachelor's degree, in Personnel Management, and minimum of one year related working experience. Employment interveiwing background '’s degree, PRE nagement, and mini: a ted working experi mployment interveiwing aining helpful. Must ha tions talent and superior capaibinty both written and oral communicati public n ability rela- for Campus experience and wide acquantance with University personnel desirable. Re sponsibilities include recruiting, interview ing and referring applicants for campus employment. Current starting salary $478 ply artn employment. Current starting sal with range to $640. Apply in person: University Personnel Department, Room Administration Building, Col- 13, System lege Station, Texas. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OFFICIAL NOTICE Official not! of Studi 1 p.m. VILLAGE PARK NORTH “Mobile Living In Luxuary” 4413 HWY. 6 NORTH Paved & guttered street, concrete off rking. co ygn c( pool, gas grill street pai fenced playground, city TV, large . conci ng, concrete levelir utilities, cab concrete patio, swimming ing pads, itilities, cable Telephone DAY 822-0803 NIGHT 822-5234 46tfn Two bedroom apartment, unfurnished, $95, furnished $100. Central air, married couples only. University Acres. 846-5120. 34tfn WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. • REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES • SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - • OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas Move in today, TRAVIS HOUSE APART MENTS, 505 HWY. second semester, furnished and 30. Reserve now for One and two bedrooi and unfurnished, carpett draped, all electric kitchen, individual air conditioning and heat. All utilities paid, swimming pools. From $140 to $215. >m, rpeted, la 1 pools Specia 846-6111. Special rates for students. Ex clusive co-ed section. 16tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS ! ! Need A Home 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 At 8:00 a. m., Thursday, January 16, there will be posted in the foyer of the Richard Coke Bldg., a list of those mid year candidates who have completed all academic requirements for degrees to be conferred on January 17, 1970. Each can didate is urged to consult the list to determine his status. R. A. Lacey, Registrar 57t4 January Graduates may pick up Grad ’s Wind< so. Deadline January 16, 1970. ’iry uraduates may tion Invitations at the Cashier MSC. Als ua- e Cashier's Window, extra invitations are on sale. 56t6 WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share large 2 bedroom apartment at Casa del Sol for 2nd semester. $42.60' includes rent and all utilities. Call 846-3262. 60t3 WANTED: 846-9036. studious female roommate. 60tfn TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 ing — which may run into Thurs day — where representatives of industry, municipalities, state agencies and others will tell what is or isn’t being done to abate water pollution in their areas. Carl Klein, assistant secretary of the interior for water quality and research, chairman of the advisory board, will conduct the hearing. Monday Klein took a helicop ter tour of the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, call ing the channel one of the worst polluted channels in the nation. While he was making that tour, the members of the advisory board visited the Beaumont-Port Arthur-Orange area. The board then flew to Corpus Christi for a boat trip up the Corpus Christi harbor to con- Dial 845-6311, Hear About Coming Events Students may learn of upcom ing campus events by daily dial ing 845-6311, according to Logan E. Weston, coordinator of religi ous life and general secretary of the YMCA. Telephone announcements re corded on a tape deck communi cations system in the YMCA of fice are prepared to relay any information of general interest to the student body, Weston said. Announcements will be taken from the University Calendar and offices of the Athletic Depart ment, Commandant, Director of Civilian Student Activities and Student Programs. Weston said that additional announcements may be made by calling the YMCA at 845-1626 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. the day before the event occurs. elude two days of fact-finding along the Southeast Texas Coast and inland waters. At Corpus Christi they learned about a contingency plan that city is developing to clean up any oil spill which may occur such as the one last summer off the beaches of Santa Barbara, Calif. The nine members said they were impressed with the clean water and docks in the Corpus Christi harbor which contrasted to Monday’s boat tour up the polluted Houston ship channel. Klein said Tuesday night that the Houston Ship Channel Indus tries have some safety measures to prevent gross pollution, but there are no failsafe measures. He pointed out that industry would have to bear the full brunt of any accidental spills. Also, because of the nature of the raw and refined products of the petrochemical industry, there is a built-in danger, he said. The assistant secretary said that if a state does the job, then the federal government has no complaint and added that a com bination of state and federal forces abating water pollution made a good team. “Let’s stop the studies and get the job done,” he said. Gordon Fulcher, chairman of the Texas Water Quality Board, told Klein that his board “can and will do the job down here.” Klein said his objective to abate water pollution was to hold the quality of the water where it is now and then enhance it. The advisory board’s visit is the first since the summer of 1967 when the board pointed out that the Houston Ship Channel was “grossly polluted.” In December Smith invited them back to the state to see what improvements have been made. AIRLINE RESERVATIONS & TICKETS MEMBER 312 EAST 25TH 823-0%l MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER 846-3773 30-Day Charge On Your Personal Account Or Use Your BankAmericard Free Delivery & *W\.. tours (f3everii^ (J3rale . . . travel Bonded ASTA Agent Ralph's pizza SMORGASBORD All You Can Eat 5 to 7 Monday Thru Thursday ■. ■ :■ East Gate Only wvv^VWWWbVAV-WW.V-WWVAV.vS mm p s You'll Find The Most—At Lou's Trading Post