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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1969)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, March 18, 1969 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Another Backlash? The recent anti-disruption bill passed by the Texas Legislature was just one segment of what seems to be a growing national backlash against campus protests. A policy statement of sorts is expected this week from President Nixon; it will presumably reflect the same view as his recent suggestion that the National Governors Conference consider “what action . . . might be taken at the state and Federal levels to cope with the growing lawlessness and violence on our campuses.” University administrators are beginning to fear—with good cause—that such backlash may result in an over-reaction by legislatures, with subsequent stifling of dissent and large-scale interference in universities’ internal affairs. Roger Heyns, beleaguered chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, described the situation in a recent issue of Newsweek: “Most of these proposed laws and rules . . . are not directed toward the students but toward administrators—because there is dissatisfaction with the way we’re dealing with these situations. There’s a common belief that we aren’t really committed to orderly campuses.” Heyns went on to suggest convincingly that administrators will find themselves caught more and more between New Left elements, with their disruptive tactics, and far-right groups equally bent on seizing the university. Neither group, he noted, could care less “how good it (the university) was when they have finally destroyed it or finally taken possession of it.” At the same time, however, Heyns remains devoted to the principle that the ideals of an academic community “are qualitatively different from the law-and-order notions of suburbia.” He has, accordingly, limited the use of force in dealing with disruptions; and while his position has thus been eloquently defended, it is a quixotic one. Not so eloquent is S. L Hayakawa, acting president of San Francisco State, where quiet has been restored after combatlike resistance to disruption. “When President Eisenhower used Federal troops to open up schools in Little Rock, the liberals didn’t raise a squawk at all,” he told Newsweek. “Whether to protect the liberty of white people or the liberty of black people, you ultimately have to use force. And I, for one, am not going to hesitate to use it.” Whatever criticism can be made of Hayakawa’s stand, it is not quixotic; and therefore, Hayakawa seems less vulnerable to those of the right wing who would use campus unrest to their own ends. Ironically, he may prove in the long run to be the more effective defender of the academic community. LISTEN UP the butt forum hbbbJI Bulletin Board Editor, The Battalion: My name is Ken Black, and I am a candidate for President of the Class of 1972 for 1969-70. This letter is addressed primarily to those members of my class in terested in maintaining the suc cess that we are capable of at taining. Every class pursues certain goals during its stay at a univer sity, and ours is no different in this respect. However, certain pitfalls besiege some classes, and the measure of their accomplish ments depends upon the ability of this common body to overcome their mistakes. Everyone would like theirs to be the best, but obviously this is not possible. The effort is well worthwhile, regard less of the result, and the maxi mum amount should be exerted. My major opposition comes from the so-called Unity Party. In examining their record as of ficers from the past year, I found some rather disquieting facts con cerning the success of our class. My statements here are not for offensive purposes, but for sheer statement of fact. While occa sional high points were noted, the overall image of our fish class in student government was abom inable. In point of fact: (1) our relationship with the administra tion was slighted several times, (2) the frigid attempts to obtain class unity over the whole campus were a farce. Clasis unity is possible through powerful, not mild, attempts to work in a common bond; and weak relations with administrative of ficials only hinder our efforts. As president I will put out my all toward attaining class success. That is my only campaign prom ise, but it is a sufficient goal. My only qualifications are devotion and a true desire to work for the class of ’72. I am a member of the Corps of Cadets and proud of it, but I am an Aggie and even prouder of that. My experience as a fish has taught me that a second chance should never be necessary, but our class deserves one. Let me guide our efforts next year. Kenneth Black ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: Thursday, March 20, the Class of '72 will make an important decision. That decision will be whbm to elect to lead our class next year. The one great asset of leadership is experience. The UNITY PARTY has this experi ence. The UNITY PARTY is a group of Fish, both Corps and civilian, who have as their main goal unification of the class of ’72. This year, the first big step of the Fish officers, all UNITY PARTY members, the class of ’72 had the best and only complete Fish Weekend in A&M history. From this weekend the class showed a net profit of over $1,000! The main reason for this success was that, for the first time, Corps and civilians had worked together to obtain a com mon goal. At the end of this year we hope to have a FFF (Former Fish Function) to get everyone together for the last time as Fish. Next year, we hope to carry over what we have learned and achieved this year. Our primary goal will be to give the class of ’72 the best Sophomore Ball ever in conjunction with a full week end of activities. Also planned is a Sophomore Happening during TONIGHT B.A. Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Bank of A&M. James Dozier will speak on buy ing a home. A philosophy discussion, led by Prof. Hugh McCann, will center on the topic “Has Science Chang ed Since the Middle Ages?” at 7:30 p.m. in the UCCF Coffee Loft. American Veterinary Medical Association Student Auxiliary will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Texas Room of the Bryan Build ing and Loan Association, 2800 Texas Avenue. This meeting will be especially important; officers and “outstanding Senior Wife” will be elected. Names will be drawn for the Beef Raffle. IVCF staff member, offers sug gestions for communicating the Christian Message. Title: “Even Your Best Friends Won’t Tell You.” Psychology Club will meet at 8 p.m. in room 6 of Nagle Hall. Dr. James Preston will speak on observations made in a nudist camp. Everyone is welcome. Aggie Wives Bridge Cluli vites all Aggie wives to ph bridge every Wednesday atl: p.m. in the MSC. Interniedfe question period begins at !j p.m. Regulars, intermediates!: beginners with previous instr. tion are invited. Come play!: prizes. Port Arthur Hometown Q will meet at 7:30 p.m. inti Military Science Building, WEDNESDAY football season, where we can get together one weekend and have a big party. We also plan to be come involved in more committee work on the Student Senate and the Civilian Student Council to assure our class a fair deal in all legislation. Finally, we plan to have a larger, more active Soph omore Council fully representa tive of the entire class. Big plans, yes. Impossible, no. The UNITY PARTY is dedicated to hard work. If you want a dedicated, ambi tious, experienced, and successful group of leaders, vote for the UNITY PARTY March 20. Vote for: President, Phil Morley; Vice President, Bruce Clay; Secretary- Treasurer, A. L. Bradley; Social Secretary, Bill Loveless; Election Commission: Jimmy Alexander, Joe Anderson; M.S.C. Directorate Representative, Pat Castle. The Unity Party Orange County Hometown Club will meet at 8:15 p.m. in the lob by of the Memorial Student Cen ter. Picture will be taken; wear class “A” Summer uniform or coat and tie. Texas A&M Newcomers Club Bridge Benefit will be at 9:30 a.m. at Hillel Foundation. Tickets $1 and may be purchased are from members or at the door. Buy one ticket or make up a table. Tickets will be drawn throughout playing time for prizes. For information call 846-2920. Aggie Christian Fellowship will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the MSC. George Malone, BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Lotni ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 LET US ARRANGE YOUR TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Reservations and Tickets For All Airlines and Steamships — Hotels and Rent Car Reservations 4gisg& -Call 822-3737- Robert Halsell Travel Service 1016 Texas Avenue Bryan High noise levels affect the hearing of farmers as well as teen-agers addicted to “rocks” music. Canadian research groups report that noisy farm tractors can cause permanent loss of hearing, and advise drivers to protect themselves with earmuffs or plugs. was taken. Under the leadership Why not stop by the SBISA CASH CAFETERIA on your way to the office and pick up a fresh-o-package of doughnuts? TOWN HALL In Cooperation With ROTARY COMMUNITY SERIES Presents . . JEROME HINES Leading Bass of the Metropolitan Opera “Stunning” — N. Y. Times ‘Thunderously- Exciting” — Washington Post Wed. March 19, 1969 — 8:00 p. m. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM ADMISSION: Rotary Community Series Season Ticket — Reserved Section Town Hall Season Ticket and A&M Students General Admission Seat Single Event Ticket — On Sale At Student Program Office - MSC _______ D Jl A 1 n the la ally ' tices i declar Jud justic' the a and 1 thoug the n vise compl En; cle 1 make; son t< ises Fr Br Co Six Visiti Mond Th( neers fresh with engin throu engin said , Ea charj: ident West Unioi Systc Stam Unio: from neer, is fn OT visiti Larr Chris Powe and ] Hous Tv L. ] Chris dry. Ter Shea and ] Dalk Army Seniors CHECK AT LOUPOT’S BEFORE Th McCi Pool, and lins Forr A. I. Dalh On are ] ice Forr bell Hous THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and must be no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be with held by arrangement with the editor. Address corre spondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts ; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Donald R. Clark, College of Veterinary Medicine ; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. The Battalion, a studei published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. newspaper Texas dail; at Texas A&M is except Saturday Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services. Inc., New York City, Chic Francisco. Chicago, Los Angeles and San MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Mail subscriptions are $3.50 pei ear; $6.50 per full year. All sulx lishi ?r semester; $6 per school bscriptions subject to 4% year; $6.50 per sales tax. Advertising rate fur The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, ed on request. Address: Texas 77843. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. EDITOR JOHN W. FULLER Managing- Editor Dave Mayes Sports Editor John Platzer News Editor Bob Palmer Staff Columnists John McCarroll, Mike Plake, Monty Stanley, Jan Moulden Staff Writers Tom Curl, Janie Wallace, Tony Huddleston, David Middlebrooke Assistant Sports Editor Richard Campbell Photographer W. R. Wright SOPHS & JUNIORS ATTENTION Pictures for The Aggieland are being made for Jrs. & Soph’s S-Z this week, March 17-21. Your cooperation is necessary for picture to appear in the yearbook. You Buy Your Uniforms For Commissioning! ARMY GREENS (DACRON/WOOL - YEAR-ROUND) — 89.95 Price Includes: Blouse, Pants, Flight Ace Cap, Full Set of Brass & All Alterations. ARMY DRESS BLUES (DACRON/WOOL - YEAR-ROUND) — 99.95 Price Includes: Blouse, Pants, Flight Ace Cap, Brass, Branch Braid With Shoulder Boards & All Alterations. WE ALSO HAVE AIR FORCE MESS DRESS UNIFORMS. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Tl four in tv Ea ticip; seme Engi back scien year A] «ngi] coun the g Prob plica muni “E of tl mate as pi form PEANUTS I HAVE A LOT ^ I OF QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE, AND I'M MOT GETTIN6 ANV v ANSWERS! I WANT SOME REAL H0NEST- T0-600PNESS ANSWERS... I DON'T WANT A LOT OF OPINIONS...! WANT ANSWERS! - u ir^ PEANUTS I WANT TO KN0L)\ APOUT LIFE! I WANT SOME REAL ANSWERS By Charles M. Schuli WOULD TRUE OR FALSE BE ALL RIGHT ? I THOUGHT THAT WAS A PRETTY GOOD ANSWER ! Pei Ed Ex Ma 196 En Rei Sal Rei