Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1968)
: M$C !e Pting applicatj,, ie Chairmen and a ;ions on its Coii* ate. Of course, j be in a position i Jt anyone with id a e by filing foroft, ,ne of their founs ! time to think ak holidays, for app! be accepted m; further informal!! } n forms contact! trams office at ti ENCY 3U RANGE rational Loans I ACTION 846-3708 utes Eat-In HUT ve. Pot: hSAX 0-21 W 1TV AighiI ’ CLOSE) CmiTHS THE BATTALION ' - - - •-'■•I.c.v.-'.V-*.' Thursday, December 19, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 3 Computer Provides Brains In Marriage With Cyclotron While Onassia - Kennedy and Nixon-Eisenhower dominate the nuptial headlines, A&M is quietly preparing for a marriage of its bwrf —between a cyclotron and a computer. Nuclear scientists feel it’s a perfect match. A giant “atom smasher” is grand, they agree, but it’s even better if it has a “brain.” Other cyclotrons have flirted with small computers, notes Dr. John C. Hiebert, who is presiding over the marriage, but none has involved the magnitude of the A&M operation. The university’s 88-inch vari able energy cyclotron — largest nuclear research installation of its type in the Southwest — will be paired with an IBM 7094, a highly sophisticated second-gen eration computer. The 7094 served as the main data processing unit here before delivery of a new IBM 360/65. A LARGE portion of the inter facing equipment came from NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Cen ter at Houston, courtesy IBM. The NASA equipment, phased out of the space program follow ing installation of more power ful computers, required exten sive modification to meet A&M’s needs. It isn’t, however, a shotgun marriage. Quite the contrary. the mating of the two multi- million-dollar machines has been planned since 1966, with the courtship beginning a year ago, shortly before the cyclotron was placed in service. Formal date for the wedding has not been set. Dr. Hiebert, associate professor of physics, confides the event could come next month but will likely be sometime in February. Several “data acquisition” tests have been successfully conducted, he adds. ON-LINE DATA acquisition is the first of three relationships which Cyclotron Institute person nel visualize for the marriage. They emphasize that initially the computer will only be interfaced with the cyclotron’s experimental equipment, rather than with the cyclotron itself. Within a few months, Hiebert foresees an expanded role for the computer, possibly controlling some of the experimental para meters. Still further in the fu ture — perhaps five years — the computer may be used to control the entire cyclotron. One obvious question crops up when assessing the marriage: which of the machines is the male and which the female ? Without drawing conclusions, it can be readily ascertained the 300-ton cyclotron furnishes most of the brawn, while the computer has visions of running the show. “The big advantage of mating the two devices,” Dr. Hiebert ex plains, “is that we will be able to accumulate the data in the computer in real time, display and analyze it instantaneously.” While the marriage may not be the year’s social sensation, many observers feel it may more than make up for it in scientific sig nificance. C£EAN 5ppAy “^300 ..CW 49 KRAFT MAf&WtW CREAM KIT (uMlT ^PlSASE) CAN !30NHi£ 0AKJE1\ ROLLS DRAFT'S PI+IUAP^PI-MA if i TflOWL PIGGLH Wir m K- 14- Lb-AM ^ me. F0R lOUR HOUDAV FEASTING...CHOSE pflOM THE ftmt MGAT5 IN TOWN--A-WATS ,gdcUeu*... a£?\$&X TWET3 18-io IS- AV&- X * % XX HENTfflffiYMmiN ..... Hi 2/9 HAM FHW-CCOKED HAM shank W- H£tF COFFEE 39 tw NH6 //X?P£0/£*,'T£~ iiWTif i ^ W WALNUTS 35c 49c RAISIN* MIX&PNUT3 ssbpi«s 35c 59, WHIPPING CREAM ^ 37c PISCOW RtiOS CM HeAWH 4 At OS Hix\$e?r\c cfca. AJOt MICRIN U-OV‘ tyVTH T&te mr mopew 'SKPgPMAPi'ET-KRVcek SATlSFfCTtgJ gdAfm'gE.p ■k Quantity i Rights res£R\/&p; cotPI ■ATH^e prices <a*p THUM - FRI -SAT ovfyr <>■ > - tI I [0O free SOLO W\TH fDRCH/^fc cT \Q 0 - 0 OR MORE (bkcldpe 'Sp^KjCP) Plc3(3LX WW361-V tf/WX ^51 DEC- ZeTyC THE* t\ in ADOI1IOM to «, -. • • t - . i v . . ^ • .4114!r/X- coupon THIS COUPON WORTH \Ok ^ic^L FLOUR 39f(cW T 49/) AT v<J(<?66Y -.. (DfvJuY expires: r7^C -z- (. ^>9 THIS IS IN ADDITION TO YOU* REGULARLY EARNED SAVING STAMM ! ! 1 COUPOM PER FAMILY I THIS HAPPY NEIGHBOR AGREES: ^ /T’S EASY TO STRIKE GOLD! winners every day! Get in on the fun and the fabu- prizes! No purchase necessary. trV 5TAMP5WSTY TUESPAY v&nFt t^pcHAse, Of i'LSOOH MORE' ’H^HPAY 5/MA3 WITH ?6&rfWWW'S OPAHSBS VALEKaA _ _ Lft, .M" ^ • i /SB CEL6RY 2 19 CAC/FCpKl* PASCAL vt^aiNIA REPRPMe APPLES WPA FANOf M3. BWAMJE^AS