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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1968)
alion ^Tigers Try To Level Record THE BATTALION Friday, November 15, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 5 The A&M Consolidated Tigers close out their season tonight in Huntsville as they try to level their season record at 5-5 when they tangle with the Huntsville Hornets. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day per word 3( per word each additional day Minimum charge—50f Classified Displa HELP WANTED WORK WANTED lay 904 per column inch :h insertion each insertion FOR RENT Three bedroom furnished apt. 200 North laswell Dr., Bryan. 846-3485. 37t2 For rent. 1, 2. and 3 bedroom apartments, lew with central air. Some carpeted. Call H6-4717 or 846-8286. 596tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I ! Need A Home i & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 812-2035 401 L«!t' St. Apt. 1 CHILD CARE Will babysit for Rice grame. 846-6383 (ter 5 p. m. 34t4 Graduate student’s wife would like to ire for two-pre-school age children. 846- 084. 26tfn Want baby-sitting in own home. College lew. 846-4810. ' 607tfn Child care, Call for information. 846-8151. 598tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery, 504 Boyett, 16.4005. 593tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- ER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 1J.8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn FOR SALE Guitar, bowling ball, radios, tv’s watches, ape decks, typewriters, record players, ten- lis racquets, movie camera—all at bargain rices. Aggie Den. 34tfn Eico Oscilloscope model 427, like new. Iriginally $139.50. Bargain. Aggie Den. . 34tfn For sale at bargains—8mm movie camera, ecord players, all kinds radios, tv’s, water (is, watches, tennis racquets, bowling balls, uitars, tape players, tapes, typewriters, ive a pile at The Aggie Den. 32tfn We sell portable washers and dryers. We lell and Wse Maytag washers. 822-1719. 601tfn LOST Reward. Lost wristwatch. Engraved, Irchie Saldin. 845-7185. 28tfn ! TRANSMISSIONS H REPAIRED & EXCHANGED 1 I Completely Guaranteed I LOWEST PRICES 1 HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 1 1 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 1 1 NOW BUYING I BOOKS LOUPOTS 1 North Gate WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-4910. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS ZENITH RADIOS & PHONOS KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, &; Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 429 S. Main — Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas Wanted, two registered nurses for su pervisor on 3 to 11 shift at Madison County Hospital, Madisonville, Texas. Excellent Hospital, Madisonville, Texas. Salary. Call collect, DI 8-2631, Mi: Rice or Mr. E. G. Clark. 461 Gloria Stfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM. ngli~ L — of all English proficiency examination required of all students majoring in Political Science who have completed their Sophomore En glish requirements will be offered from to5 p. m. on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1968 and ; the same time on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1968 in Room 319 Nagle Hall. Students should report to 309 Nagle Hall by 5 p. m., Monday, Nov. 18, 1968 to sign up for the day he plans to take the exam. 35t3 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree 1* mal Examination for the Name: Irick, Billy Frank Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education Dissertation: AN ANALYSIS OF FAC TORS RELATED TO THE LOSS AND RETENTION OF FRESHMEN STU DENTS AT TARLETON STATE COL LEGE FOR THE ACADEMIC YEARS 1964 THROUGH 1966. Time: Nov. 22, 1968 at 10:00 a. m. Place: Room 226, Cushing Library George W. Kunze Dean of Graduate Studies “All Industrial Engineering and Compu ter Science students, who have not yet the registered for the spring register any weekday from 4-6 INov. Bldg.’ ring semester, may r any weekday from 4-5 p.m. through 22, in Room 201 H, Engineering The English Proficiency Examinations lajors in Botany, Microbiology. Zoo! majors and Entomology (College of Science) be given Nov. 19 at 4 p. m. in room Biological Science Bldg. East. Exami should bring pen, pencil and dictiona inations for ogy, will 107 ry. 34 Pre-veterinary medicine students will re register for the Spring Semester 1969 du he periods as indicated: beginning G, H, ing the periods as i: Nov. 11-16 Last I, J, K, L. Nov. 18-22 Last names begrinning M, N, O. P, Q. R. Nov. 26-27 Last names beginning S, T, U, V. Dec. 2-6 Last names beginning W, X, Y. Z. The sequence of registration procedures are: 1. Make an appointment with your Aca demic Advisor. (Use the University Direc tory for phone number). 2. Secure complete information sheet showing courses and approval of Academic Advisor. (This must be before you can proceed). Pre to the Dean's Office. Check and plete information cards in packet. yoi doi one rses and ap] Advisor. (This must d) -n sheet to the Dean’s Office. Check and/or com- 4. Pick up assignment c; 6. Turn in ment card) quarters,, First (west entrance of the completed and approved rd (with yellow stripe), all cards (including a: to the Registration 1 Floor old library. assign- egistration Head- Cushing Building Biology Department. Undergraduate pre registration for the Spring Semester 1969. 35c qt. Havoline, Amalie, Enco, Conoco. $1.69 Gal. PRESTONE We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel, 10,000 Parts - We Fit 90% of All Cars Save 25 - 40%. Brake Shoes $3.19 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25tf AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - $11.95 Each Most 12 Volt - $12.95 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan Pre-r. for stration for the Spring Semester 1969. ■registration for the Spring Semester undergraduate students majoring in the ■graduate students i Department of Biology wil] during the month of November and early 11 be conducted December. Registration cards may be received in room 316 in the New Biological Science Bldg. s n accordance with the following schedule: 11 whose surnames begin with Nov. 14 Nov. 16—all whose surnames begin with D Nov. 18—all whose surnames begin with E thru Fe Nov. 19—all whose surnames begin with Fi thru Fr Nov. 20—all whose surnames begin with G 21 all whose surnames begin with Nov. Ha thru He Nov. 22—all w Hi thru Hu 2—all whose surnames begin with Nov. 26—all whose surnames begin with hru Kh 26—all whose surnames begin with -lov. I. J. thi Nov. 26—t Ki thru Le Nov. 27—all whose surnames begin with Li thru Ma Dec. 2—all whose surnames begin with Me thru Mu Dec. 3—all whose surnames begin with N, O Those undergraduate students who have 96 semester hours of credit may purchase the A&M ring. The hours passed at the time of the preliminary grade report on Nov. 11, 1968, may be used in satisfying the 95 hour requirement. Those students qualifying under this regulation may leave their name with the ring clerk in the Registrar’s Office, in order that she may check their records to determine their eligibility to order the ring. Orders for the rings will be taken between Nov. 25, 1968 and Jan. 5, 1969. These rings will be returned for delivery on or about Feb. 18, 1969. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 a. m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday, of each week. Economics Majors Pre-registrations schedule for spring Se mester 1969 : Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Registration by i appointments now, 115, Nagle Hall. Nov. 4-6 Nov. 7-12 Nov. 13-15 Nov. 15 -v. pointment only. Make vith Mrs. Hase Room m STERLING ELECTRONICS sound equipment Ampex Fisher Scott tape decks Roberts Sony Panasonic Harmon-Kardon 903 South Main, Bryan 822-1589 Watch Repair Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 Typing. Problem, Thesis, Dissertation, Math, and Greek symbols. Experienced. Typing. 822-5053. Typing wanted. 846-2145 after 5:30 wanted. Reasonable rates. Call Typing done experience. 846- IBM Selectric. Thesis 1. 30tfn STUDENTS! SERVICES UNLIMITED ^ ’ ' typing. is ready to help you with your mimeographing, copywork, printing needs, and multilithing. LET “SU WORK FOR YOU.” 1907 823-5362. S. College, Bryan, Texas. 606tfn Typing. Thesis and Dissertation ex perience. 846-8335. 603tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Wanted. Ride for teen-age son to Nacoi doches over Thanksgiving. Hoik pay expenses. 846-7775 between 8-4 p. 846-4832 after 4 p. m. 37tfn ays. 8-4 Senior car, will trade, contact any fish in Squadron 2. 35t3 Matinee BIG BENEFIT DANCE Music By “THE SENSATIONS’ K. C. Ballroom Sunday, Nov. 17 4 - 8 p. m. Sponsored By EL Club Social REVOLUTIONARY IDEA in politics SOPHOCRACY THE RULE OF THE BEST THOUGHTS The old political systems have led us to confusion, moral de cline, wars of extermination, in humanity. A new order is need ed. SOPHOCRACY j^ives out burst to creativeness and builds an INTERHUMAN society in freedom and dignity. Request information for organizing stu dent chapter: SOPHOCRATIC PARTY OF U.S.A. P. O. Box 14269, Houston, Texas 77021. 36t2 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-1941 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 Beta Sigma Phi Pi Psi Chapter HOMEMADE BAKE SALE Wed., Nov. 20 9:00 a. m. - 12:00 College Station Post Office Hillel Foundation Cookies Cake Sweet Rolls AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It’ Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT — OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED The 7:30 p.m. contest is im portant for both teams with the Hornets having the most to gain by the win. They can clinch sole possession of the second place slot in 10-AAA while a Tiger win would probably tie Consol with Kemp for second place. Consolidated comes into the game off of a 12-7 jolting last Friday night by their cross-town rivals, the Kemp Bears, and the Hornets bested La Grange, 12-6, while bringing their district mark to 2-1-1. After last week, neither team has a chance for the zone title. Coach Jack Churchill expressed satisfaction in the hustle of the team even though they were beat en last week. He felt that the defense was holding up extremely well because the Tigers have not lost a game this year by more than nine points and have given up only 75 for the year. In individual statistics, senior tailback Mike Litterst leads the team in both rushing and scoring. Litterst has toted the pigskin 188 times for 734 yards and a 4.0 average. He has also tallied six touchdowns for 36 points. Full back Richard Marshall has car ried 62 times for 205 yards, to back up Litterst in the real estate category and Leroy Clark with 24, Rob Schleider with 23, trail him in the scoring race. Clark still has the best punting average in the district with a 42.2 on 38 kicks. Quarterback Paul Madeley has attempted 85 passes this year and connected on 29 for 409 yards and five touchdowns. In the re ceiving department, Clark is the leader with 10 catches for 165 yards and three TD’s. The games for the Tigers this year were losses to Mt.Carmel, Klein, Del Valle, Brenham, and Kemp. They have defeated Cy- press-Fairbanks, LaGrange, Hous ton Furr, and Navasota. Undefeated Brenham, with the zone crown just about in the bag, hosts winless LaGrange tonight Intramural Round-Up The Intramural Story for Friday: In Class B football, H-2 improved their record by defeat ing- Sqd. 5, 6-0. They are now 2-1 for the season. Sqd. 4 re mained unbeaten as they romped over Sqd. 12, 22-0. -They need just one more win to clinch their league championship. G-2 beat E-l to tighten up the standings in League B. There are now four teams in that league with one loss. F-2 completely dominated their game with D-l never letting them inside their 20 while scoring 13 points them selves and Sqd. 11 downed Sqd. 3, 12-8, to round out the schedule. In Class A basketball, the White Band lost to C-l despite a 21-point offensive display by Bill Howell. The Band, down 18-6 at the half, surged toward the lead but ran out of time. Sqd. 1 crushed Sqd. 12, 45-14 in other action. H-2 won their first league game by downing Sqd. 2 in a high scoring duel, 46-38. At the same time on an adjacent court, a defensive battle between Sqd. 13 and Sqd. 3 was in progress with Sqd. 13 managing to hold on, 18-16. In Class C basketball, the Lions won their second straight game by burying Parks and Recreations, 32-9. In the other game Hotard Hall lost their second consecutive game to Crocker Hall, 45-22. Class A handball, Sqd. 12 ran over Sqd. 13, three matches to none. They will now go on to meet Sqd. 4 in the semi-finals. A-l managed to get by F-2, two matches to one to advance to the semis against G-l. In Class C handball, Schumacher Hall moved to the finals by defeating Hughes Hall, two matches to one. They will compete against Law Hall on Monday afternoon, who won over Walton, also two matches to one. The Class C horseshoe winners were Milner over Walton, Hotard over Hughes, and Mclnnis, Schumacher, Fowler, and Parks & Recreation all failed to show up for their matches. Autocross Set The Texas A&M Sports Car Club will have a meeting Sunday, Nov. 17, in the Montgomery Ward Parking Lot at 10 a.m. for regis tration of the TAMSCC Auto- A&M Rugby Club To Have Clinic Between 50 and 100 entrants are expected and the entry fee is $3.00 for TAMSCC and SAE members and $3.50 for non-mem bers. Call Alan Werkerling at 845-3005 for details. The Rugby Club of A&M will have a clinic Sunday at 2:00 p.m., on the field next to DeWare Field House. Anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of Rugby and wants to come out for the team is welcomed to attend. If more information is desired, contact Greg Schwei, phone 5-4760, or come to Walton 1-4. OUTFIT PICTURES AGGIELAND ’69 Uniform will be Class A Winter. Outfit C.O.’s will wear sabers; Seniors will wear boots and mid night shirts. Guidons and award flags will be carried. All person nel in the outfit will wear the billed service cap issued by the university. The type of cap worn by underclassihen to and from the picture taking area is left up to the discretion of the out fit C.O. Outfit should be in front of the System Administration Building by 7:30 a. m. on the appointed day. Nov. 12 — D-2 & E-2 13 —F-2 & G-2 14 —■. H-2 & A-l 15 — B-l & C-l Nov. 18 — D-l & E-l 19 —F-l & C-l Note: Athletic Outfits H-l and Sqdn. 14 will be scheduled for the first week of December by C.O. with University Studio. ATTENTION: ALL COMMANDING OFFICERS Commanding officers of all Out fits and Staffs will have full length portraits made in boots and midnights for the Military Section, according to the above schedule. Deadline Dec. 31. PLEASE MAKE INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENTS WITH UNI VERSITY STUDIO FOR THESE FULL LENGTH PORTRAITS FOR THE MILITARY SEC TION. ATTENTION: All other staff members (including Juniors), Outfit executive officers, and first sergeants will have por traits made for the Military Section in G.H. caps and Class A Winter (blouse), according to the above schedule. Deadline Dec. 31. Individual pictures made at the University Studio — North Gate. emA • Stationery, books, cards • baby albums • shower invitations • baby announcements • shower centerpieces • napkins, cups, plates etc. AGGIELAND FLOWER AND GIFT SHOPPE 209 University Drive 1S1I ^ ( H ..| i G. Rollie Whin, Colistum November 15,1968 RESERVED GEN* ADM. iSi ; * -v..-''.■r mu AGGIES $ 3.oo M '•y 45;% 4:,/. AGGIE DATE f PATRONS I . | OTHER STUDENTS 3.00 l 3.50 *1.50 1.50 2.50 2.00 - i j , SOUL....of oil the rhythm-and-blues cats, nobody steams up the place like SAM & DAVE, wherever they stop, they give completely.* time Tickttr on tale at flISC Student Proaram Office.