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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1968)
- ^7. •;''VV V.' . i . ,v , • • '.'A .v. Che Battalion VOLUME 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 Number 602 1 vote Application |Ciyilian Parking Areas Deadline Friday * ° County Clerk Frank Boriskie has issued a reminder that new residents of Texas who wish to vote in the presidential election this year must apply for a ballot at the county clerk's office by 5 p.m. Friday. The reminder is for voters who have lived in Texas more than 60 days but less than a year on next Nov. 6, general election day. This is the first time that residents of less than a year will be able to vote in a Texas presidential elec tion. A law passed last year allows a new resident to vote if he will have lived in Texas for at least 60 days on election day, possesses all qualifications required for voting in Texas elections except the normal residence require ments, and was either a qualified voter in another state immedi ately prior to his removal to Texas or would have been eligible to vote in the presidential election in the state of his former resi dence if he had remained there and complied with the state’s legal requirements for voting. Boriskie said that if the voter was registered in the state of his former residence and has a voter registration certificate or other document to prove his registra tion, he should have the document with him when he applies at the clerk’s office. Otherwise, it will be necessary for the clerk to con tact the appropriate election offi cial in the state of the voter’s former residence to verify wheth er he would have been eligible to vote in that state if he had not changed his residence. New residents whose applica tions are accepted will be notified of that fact and will return to the clerk’s office between Oct. 21 and Nov. 1 to cast their ballots. They will not be permitted to vote on anything except President and Vice President. Persons voting under this law are not required to register with the county tax assessor-collector. Voters who will have lived in Texas more than a year on elec tion day must be registered with the tax assessor-collector in order to vote, Boriskie said. Persons who became residents of Texas on or before last Oct. 1 had to register by last Jan. 31, the regular registration deadline, but those who became residents after Oct. 1, last year, may regis ter at any time up to 31 days be fore the election. The deadline to register for the general election will be next Oct. 5. If a registered voter will have lived in the state more than a year and in the county more than 6 months on election day, he will vote a full ballot in the ordinary manner on election day at the polling place for the voting pre cinct in which he lives. If he will have lived in the county less than 6 months, he will be able to vote on statewide office and issues, including President and Vice President, but not on local offices and issues, by apply ing to the county clerk for a ballot during the period from Oct. 16 through Nov. 1. To Be Changed Soon Ushers Meet Today For 4 Home Games Ushers of Texas A&M’s four home football games meet today in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Les Palmer, head usher, said the 5 p.m. meeting will be in room 232. Students that worked last year should attend the meeting to re claim their jobs, he said. ‘‘Others interested in ushering should also be present,” Palmer added. Ticket sales for A&M’s home games Oct. 12 with Texas Tech; Oct. 19, TCU; Nov. 2, Arkansas, and Nov. 16, Rice, are going well above average. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. CAC Exhibits Oils In MSC An exhibit of oil paintings by Mrs. Dorothe A. Head of College Station is being displayed at Texas A&M by the Memorial Stu dent Center Contemporary Arts Committee. The 14 paintings of a religious theme are on exhibit in the MSC lounge through Sept. 25, an nounced Donald G. Prycer of Edinburg, CAC exhibits chair man. Mrs. Head has traveled exten sively with her husband, Col. Vernon L. Head, professor of Students interested in joining the Contemporary Arts commit tee should write Chairman Tom Ellis, Box 5191, College Station, or turn in an application at the Contemporary Arts Box in the Student Programs Office in the MSC. areospace studies and the ranking Air Force officer in A&M’s Mili tary Science Department. She has studied and exhibited in Japan, Hawaii and throughout the U. S., and has received a- wards in Delaware, Alabama, and California annuals. “I strive for a spiritual quality in my paintings and often illus trate them with biblical poetry,” the talented artist said. “By verg ing on the edge of the profane, I feel I have discovered my own . . . approach to the ecstatic ut terances I wish to make as I search for the meaning and pur pose of life.” Students To Lose Nagle, Guion Lots BUMPER TO BUMPER A familiar scene in lots of lots around the A&M campus is the parking area behind the Services Building—rows and rows of cars and cars. Although complaints about the park ing situation have soared with the enrollment, Asst. Police Chief Morris Maddox says the parking problem would be greatly eased if students would park where they were supposed to. (Photo by Mike Wright) . New Residence Hall Program Gets Enthusiastic Response By JOHN A. JAMES Battalion Special Writer Howard S. Perry, residence hall program adviser, feels that the civilian residence hall pilot pro gram is off to a good start. The idea of a pilot program for residence halls operated similar to social clubs was endorsed last year by the university’s Civilian Student Council, A&M President Earl Rudder, Dean of Students James P. Hannigan and other members of the University Ex ecutive Committee. Three of the 17 civilian dormitories, Walton, Leggett, and Davis Gary (dorm 18), were selected as the halls to participate in the project. “THE STUDENTS who are par ticipating in the program are en thusiastic,” Perry said. “They are developing constitutions for their respective dormitories, and es tablishing procedures for elec tions, judicial organization, rules and regulations, activity programs and student club fees.” “The lounges in Walton and Leggett have been redecorated in accordance with the wishes of the students—within reason,” Perry said, in pointing out an example of work instituted under the pilot program. “We are hoping that ‘faculty fellows’ will be considered by the students as one of the programs to be undertaken this year,” he continued. “The ‘faculty fellows’ project would include faculty members in dormitory discussions and forums.” “WE WILL NOT ATTEMPT to force any programs down the students throats,” Perry said. “Edwin Cooper, director of civi lian student activities, and my self are here to help the students any way we can in whatever pro- :■ $ mTW* ijL * if ^ I iMm Hpl ,, \ gg^ ' s ... / I V*-.. jects they choose to undertake. The dorms participating in the pilot program have discussed pro jects varying from chess tourna ments and talent shows to for ums.” The residence hall program calls for an increased emphasis on the role of “resident advi sers.” A graduate student in each of the three dormitories serves as “head resident” and supervi ses four resident advisers who are each responsible for approxi mately 50 students. “We have good head residents in the program and they appear to be successful in stimulating the spirit of the others in the dorms,” Perry said. “The fresh men appear to be especially re ceptive to the program.” PERRY POINTED OUT that the enthusiasm of the freshmen is especially important in Walton Hall, which has 130 freshmen, or about 50 per cent of its occupants. The head residents of the three residence halls are Joe Hladek of Leggett, Burt Brown of Wal ton, and Darrell Kinnard of Davis Gary. Temporary or ‘ ‘ a c t i n g ’ ’ presidents of the dorms are Ed Donnell of Leggett, Jack Mac- Gillis of Walton and Earl Roddy of Davis Gary. Permanent dorm officers have not been elected for the three halls, but plans are for the elections to be held within the next month. Elections have been delayed until then to en able the dorm residents to be come acquainted. By TOM CURL Battalion News Editor The Campus Security Office is still in the process of registering student automobiles following an estimated record enrollment last week. Assistant Police Chief Morris Maddox estimated Tuesday that about 70 per cent of the avail able parking permits have been distributed. Exact figures were not available Tuesday afternoon. Many students have complained of a lack of available parking spaces in civilian parking areas. Maddox pointed out, however, that there were no cars in the student lot west of Kyle Field when he checked Tuesday moi'n- ing. THE ASSISTANT chief ex plained that the lack of parking space in the lots behind Law Hall and in the Sbisa dormitory area is due to students with green stickers parking in areas that are designated only for cars with ma roon stickers issued to junior and senior dormitory students. “As soon as we get the cars with green permits out of these Eli Whiteley Is Honored At HemisFair Dr. Eli L. Whiteley of Texas A&M was one of 14 Congres sional Medal of Honor winners in Texas honored Saturday at HemisFair in San Antonio. Ceremonies were held at the Institute of Texas Cultures, which includes an exhibit displaying the medal and naming the Texans who have received the award. Gov. John Connally was on hand to welcome the honorees, along with military and civic officials. The Saturday meeting marked the first such gathering of the Medal of Honor winners in the state. Whiteley, associate professor of agronomy at A&M, won his award in a battle with German SS troops for the fortress city of Sigolsheim, France, Dec. 26, 1944. He was one of six former Tex as A&M students awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II. Four of the awards were made posthumously. The A&M professor is a 1942 graduate and a native of George town. William G. Harrell, a 1943 graduate from Mercedes, survived the war but died in 1963. The four who gave their lives during the conflict were Lloyd H. Hughes, 1943, Corpus Christi; George D. Keathley, 1937, Olney; Turney W. Leonard, 1942, Dallas, and Thomas W. Fowler, 1943, Wichita Falls. Housing Overflow Number Cut In Half, Zinn Reports ■ \ INSURANCE BUYER June Williams and Ken Lewis, local representatives of the The policies, underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance R. M. Jackson Insurance Agency, watch as Charles Holden Co., will be offered here until Oct. 15. (Photo by Doc Ham- of New Gulf signs up for the Student Health Service and ilton) Insurance Plan being made available by the Student Senate. Officials here are still scram bling to find housing for an over flow of dormitory students, but they have cut in half the waiting list which soared to 350 earlier in the week. Student Affairs Director Ben nie A. Zinn said the university still needs more listings from lo cal residents who have rooms and apartments for rent. Zinn noted numerous residents have called in with listings, but there are still not enough accom modations to meet demands. He said the current housing First Bank & Trust now pays 5% jer annum on savings certif icates. —Adv. parking areas, there will be plen ty of room for those with ma roon permits,” Maddox remarked. Green stickers are for fresh man and sophomore civilian stu dents who are assigned to park ing lots along the west side of the campus from Kyle Field to the U. S. Department of Agri culture Building. MADDOX SAID Parking Area 19, the lot behind Nagle Hall, soon will be closed to student parking. He explained that com plaints from the faculty and staff in Nagle Hall and the Physics building have resulted in the de cision to close the area to student parking at any time. The only other area presently restricted is the lot behind University hos pital. Except for these two areas, regulations allow students to park in faculty-staff lots from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. on weekdays and from 5 p.m. Friday to 4 a.m. Monday. EXPLAINING WHY student vehicles must be out of the fa culty-staff lots by 4 a.m. each morning, Maddox said the de partment assumed that if a stu dent had to study late, he would probably have gone back to his room by that time. Maddox said the deadline used to be 2 a.m., even though stu dents studied later. The 4 a.m. limit also allows patrolmen to check the reserved parking areas and ticket any unauthorized ve hicles before the faculty and staff arrive for the work day. Immediate plans for expansion of parking areas include gravel ling the open area east of G. Rollie White Coliseum to re place the paved area directly be hind Guion Hall, which will be closed when building on the ad dition to the Memorial Student Center begins. Maddox said that the Campus Security Department has six pa trolmen for the 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift. The department also em ploys two student patrolmen. Australian First Series Lecturer Dr. R. Basil Johns of Mel bourne (Australia) University will present Texas A&M's first graduate lecture for the new school year at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Chemistry Building, an nounced Graduate Dean G. W. Kunze. Johns, senior organic chemistry lecturer for the Australian in stitution, will discuss petroleum genesis. Dean Kunze said the Graduate College presentation will be a description of an organic geo chemical study of the relation ship of an Australian commer cial oil field to the presumed source rock. Dr. Johns, the dean noted, is well known for his research in the fields of photochemistry of compounds of biological signi ficance and organic geochemistry. shortage is the most acute since 1946, when 6,600 veterans en tered A&M after World War II. The waiting list, which totaled approximately 165 students Tues day afternoon, is composed pri marily of students who applied for room reservations after the Aug. 15 deadline, Zinn pointed out. A&M’s 30 dormitories accom modate 6,500 students. Earlier this year, university officials an nounced plans to build a new dormitory complex which would house 1,000 students initially and could be expanded to accommo date 2,000. The new facilities could be ready for occupancy as early as 1970, officials noted. Five Outstanding Students Selected Five outstanding high school students of 30 in a high-ability program in engineering science were named Friday at Texas A&M. James L. Smith of San Angelo, Jack W. Reeves of Pasadena and Blackwell B. Evans Jr. of New Orleans received scholarships of $100 a year for four years. Jerry W. Anderson of Level- land and Lynn W. Cooman Jr. of Omaha, Neb., were designated scholarship alternates. Bryan Building & Loan Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. S13 & L —Adv.