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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1968)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 29, 1968 in John Me Carroll | “tell you what Vd do” % So that there will be no misunderstanding - about the Navy To Reduce Officer Classes The Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968, signed into law on June 28, required the President to reduce Federal ex penditures in Fiscal Year 1969. In order to meet the limitations enacted' by the Congress, the Navy will reduce classes at its Officer Candidate School, accord ing to Lcdr. A. I. Nadler, Com manding Officer of the Houston Recruiting District, which encom passes all of Southern Texas and part of Central Texas. He said the reduction will affect some per sons already assigned to Sep tember, October and November classes. “I want to emphasize,” Lcdr. Nadler stressed, “that this does not mean any candidate already selected will be dropped, but may delay the reporting date of some of these candidates.” All selectees are being contact ed and asked to voluntarily re quest reassignment to a later class. “WE HOPE,” Nadler added, this procedure will take care of the greater percentage of the reductions, and keep involuntary assignments to later classes to a minimum.” Those candidates re assigned to later classes will be notified as soon as possible. The larger number of appli cants and reassignments of can didates has caused some delay in application processing. “Faced with these circumstances,” Nadler said, “we expect Officer Candi date School quotas to be reduced; nonetheless, all interested college graduates who desire to apply will be considered in competition with all other applicants.” The school, located at the U. S. Naval Station, Newport, R. I., turns out a class every month except December. In the last 12 months it has graduated 4,279 Naval reserve officers. The ma jority of its graduates become “unrestricted line” officers. The term “line officer” traces back to the earliest days of the Ameri can Navy when fighting ships were designated as “ships of the line of battle.” This was shorten ed to “ships of the line” and the officers were “officers of the line.” In time, they became “line officers.” Candidates for the Navy Sup ply Corps and Civil Engineer Corps also attend the school. NASA Publishes Martin Paper A dissertation by Dr. R. E. Martin, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Texas A&M tlniversity, has been pub lished as a technical memoran dum by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The work, “A Second-Approxi mation Theory for Sandwich Shells,” is based on findings of a NASA-sponsored research project of which Dr. Thomas J. Kozik is principal investigator. “Sandwich” construction is fre quently used in the aerospace in dustry due to requirements of high strength and low weight. The conventional sandwich shell consists of two thin layers of high strength material separated by a thicker layer of weaker but much lighter material. Martin’s paper presents equa tions based on second approxima tion shell theory to describe the behavior of sandwich shells. The theory presented accounts for several effects not considered in some of the field’s previous theories. Martin joined the Texas A&M faculty in 1967. He received engineering degrees from the uni versities of Mississippi and Hous ton and earned his doctorate at A&M. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU ST. THOMAS’ CHAPEL 906 Jersey St. South Side of Campus Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. The Rev. W. R. Oxley (49) The Rev. M. W. Selliger (62) A&M Graduate Gets Purple Heart Army Maj. Milton R. Roberts of Dallas, a 1958 Texas A&M graduate, has been awarded the Purple Heart for injuries re ceived in action in Vietnam early this year. Roberts is a patient at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston. He wears the Bronze Star medal, 12 awards of the Air Medal, Commendation Medal and Vietnamese Gallantry Cross. He studied, civil engineerng, was a cadet first lieutenant and executive officer of “A” Chemi cal in the corps. The Distin guished Student marched with the Ross Volunteers and Fresh man Drill Team. CADET SLOUCH to this office It was a col- football gullibility of this writer let’s clear the air The following information was mailed from a school in the Southwest Conference, lection of “little know facts concerning the — team.” Appropriately enough it was entitled “mini-facts.” I know, and you know, that it was mailed out just to get sportswriters and sportcasters to plug the team, but considering the way it is to be handled here it might be best if the team was left anonymous. By a thorough evaluation of all of these “mini-facts” the average player for this unnamed team should stand between 5-7 and 6-5, he should wear shoes between size and 13-D. This player should have an appealing, emotion-provok ing name such as Huckleberry Finn or Holden Caulfield. He should love apple pie, “Mom’s homemade bread” and lasagna. Huck should come from a small town in Texas where at least one movie starring Paul Newman had been filmed. During the summer months the ideal — player should work as either an actor of a beef hanger. He should be a rabid comic book collector and enjoy body surfing. Perhaps the most important thing about this player is that he should have had his birthday on the same day A&M played last year. He should have broken his leg during the game and watched A&M beat his team. All of these little known facts about ’s foot ball team are listed in this “teaser” and if they ever fell into the wrong hands could be dangerously used for black mail rather than free publicity. Not All Water Pure As A Pearl ‘Now that it’s over, who did they nominate?” Jensen To Begin High School Tour A Texas A&M lecturer who will describe atomic energy, its uses and the university’s programs be gins a tour of 73 state high schools Sept. 9 in El Paso. Donald V. Jensen, manager of a “This Atomic World” demon stration lecture program, will cover a 160-mile wide strip of Texas from El Paso almost to Houston before Christmas. A&M cooperates in the pro gram with Oak Ridge Associated Universities and the Atomic Energy Commission, which de signed the 40-minute program. In the animated lecture, Jensen describes structure of atoms, ra diation, reactors and fusion in student terms. Special equipment shows radiation sources, how nu clear energy is harnessed for electrical power, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and life process studies using radioiso topes. He goes into more detail in talks before science classes and describes A&M programs in nu clear engineering, science and engineering. The TAW lecturer is frequently asked to speak to civic organizations and A&M clubs. Jensen will return this week from Oak Ridge, Tenn., where he has been preparing the lecture presentation under ORAU super vision. He will tour the program through almost 200 Texas high schools during the 1968-69 school year. Last fall and spring, he con ducted the lecture in Panhandle and North Central Texas schools. In 1966-67, Charles C. McLemore was exhibits manager for a tour of South and East Texas. He now works in the registrar’s office. A survey last fall indicated the popular program has influ enced A&M enrollment. “This Atomic World” has also appeared on campus and in local schools. Any thoroughly indoctrinated fan of television commercials is aware that certain spring-fed rivers determinedly grope their way over purifying rapids and underground through a natural filtration system enroute to a San Antonio bottling establish ment. Unfortunately, this picture does not describe all of our nation’s streams, points out Dr. Wilbur L. Meier, Jr., associate professor of Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M. Meier is principal investigator of a water quality management research project of the Water Resources Institute funded by the U. S. Department of the Interior. “Pollution of the environment is one of the important problems of our time,” Meier said. “It usually results from man’s pro duction and use of energy, how ever, so it can be described as the undesirable effects of tech nological advances.” Water quality management is the goal of water pollution con trol, Meier noted. Such manage ment would insure usable water for successive users along the stream. Governmental agencies have sought in various ways to solve the problem by imposing and implementing certain treatment standards on waste dischargers, he explained. Some of the common methods are the effluent standard, which requires all dischargers to pro vide equal treatment, the stream standard, which requires keeping the stream at a certain quality, and flow augmentation, in which waste flows are diluted from other water sources. Meier sees a growing need for methods for water quality man agement as a competing use for water. The Texas T&M research involves formulation of a multi stage model of a system, includ ing both reservoirs and waste treatment plants. Techniques are also being developed for manag ing apportionment of costs among the waste dischargers. Estimated expenditures of $29 billion nationally and $340 million in Texas during the next five years are quoted by Meier to indicate the importance of man aging water quality. “Considering these large pro posed expenditures, it is impera tive that optimum problem solu tions be found,” he concluded. The Texas A&M researcher also acts as technical adviser for the Texas Water Development Board, which is analyzing the state’s overall water problems from a system concept. The board is preparing a report outlining long-range water probelms and proposing a coordinated frame work plan of project development. Meier’s work as consultant in volves developing mathematical and computational techniques for managing a complex system of reservoirs, pumping plants, pipe lines, canals and other facilities as an integrated whole. Meier received his doctorate from the University of Texas and joined Texas A&M in 1967. He serves as regional corres pondent for the Health Applica tions Section of the Operations Research Society of America. Doctoral candidates D. S. Mil ler and Nawaz Sharif also are participating in the Texas A&M study. Sound Ofj Editor, . The Battalion: There are some Aggies Vit; think that telling Aggie joko is good publicity for A&M. We have an eight-year-olj neighbor boy who received Aggie T-shirt from his Aggj ( uncle but refuses to wear it i*. cause of all the Aggie jokes lj hears. Let’s take more pride in and refrain from telling Ag^ jokes and have pity on the poo jealous souls who keep tellit| Mrs. O. L. Oliver, Jr, Wife of an Ex-Aggie Georgia, not California, toudiej off the first United States golj rush in 1828, the National Goto graphic Society says. The Amazon pours 64 bilL gallons of water into the ^ every second. Puritan Sportwear at 3>tm 5tnrm j mrn'e uunt The first fan probably was a leafy branch waved by some pre historic man to fan his fire or whisk flies from food. CARDS — JEWELRY- STATIONERY — SCHOOL SUPPLIES — SWEAT SHIRTS — LEATHER GOODS — PIPE SHOP - DECALS — RUSSELL STOVER CANDY - AND A NEW STEREO RECORD OF THE TEXAS AGGIE BAND MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER GIFT SHOP Lilly MELLORINE 3-Vs All Flavors Gal. 2 Sq. Ctns. $1.00 ’BAKOU/zT P/E! CRBm m* ail O /v f 3 p ' es JL q? This. slsoiolA SPEC/ALi rce : ThURi-F/t!I-iAr- AUG.19-30-)I, /‘fig HE/NZ. fOAK 4tfp AYI Members Hold Orientation Academic Year Institute par ticipants from 17 states and India checked in Monday at Texas A&M for the 1968-69 school year. The two weeks before fall se mester registration will be util ized by the 30 junior high science teachers for orientation, counsel ing, testing and selected tours, noted C. M. Loyd, A&M coordi nator of National Science Foun dation programs. NSF-supported study through the institute can lead to a mas ter’s degree in education or cer tification in a specific teaching area. The AYI participants will at tend a four-hour mathematics class daily during the two weeks under Prof. Roger V. McGee. A Monday orientation and walk through campus tour will pre cede the first class. They will register with the i-egular student body Sept. 13-14 and start fall semester classes Sept. 16. AYI will add about 100 to the university community this year, Loyd said. Majority of the teach ers are married and will reside in university housing. Among 50 children are 31 school-age youngsters. Opinions expressed in The Battalion ore those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neiuspaper. THE BATTALION Represented nationally by National ices, Inc., New York City, Chicag< icisco. Servic Francisco. Educational Advertising ', Los Angeles and San The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-C Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Dmdsey, chairman ; Dr. David Rowers, (Joliege of Diberal Arts; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association News contributio -4910 or 846-4910 or at Building. For adve; ions may be made by telephoning the editorial office, Room 217, rtising or delivery call 846-6415. 846-6618 Services Mail subscriptions are §3.50 per semester; $6 11 year. All subscriptions ertlsing rate furnished on Room 217, Services Buildin year; $6.50 per fu sales tax. Advertisin 6 per school All subscriptions subject to 2% The Battalion, Texas 77843. ■quest. Address: College, Station, EDITOR JOHN McCARROLL FLOUR 49 BFlNS 7J mm&pmsw COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE l-LB. CAN With $5.00 Purchase or More IROOKSUlRZ, H > kOS.<Sk/tl>E"A" EGGS45 CAUt ThHMPZOn 444PLESS ^ l GRAPES ■ 1T MT'TJDUCrjTA.rr 1 tvut ir'i/vno — ^ REFRESHING, DELICIOUS 4U. QiMuriTV R iGfprs PStefZVg D U.S.D.A., HEAVY BEEF — CHOICE COKES 6© 39 Quality MEATS Round Steak * 79 BROOKSHIRE BROS. BACON l ,59c 45c ARMOUR STAR FRANKS All Meat 12-Oz. Pkg (fticvitshiic rkcr. REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 3 Boxes Pillsbury Batter Cake Mix Coupon Expires Aug. 31, 1968. REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of Three 46-Oz. Cans Dole Pineapple - Grapefruit Drink x. ,.. Coupon Expires Aug. 31, 1968. , "^^IrEDEEM'at IbROO K S HIRE BROsT’ 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family Coupon Expires Aug. 31, 1968. y