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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1968)
Texas To Play Big Roll In Beef Belt Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, August22,) Large scale feedlots will domi nate the beef production scene and will lead to a “Beef Belt” in the plains states within the next 20 years, Dr. L. S. Pope of the Texas A&M University College of Agriculture predicted here Monday night. The associate dean for admin istrative affairs said the Beef Belt is already emerging along a line stretching roughly from the Midland-Odessa area to northeast of Omaha in Nebraska, “the most extensive and specialized area of livestock production in world his tory.” Pope was banquet speaker dur ing the 18th annual Beef Cattle Short Course Aug. 19-20 spon sored by the A&M Animal Sci ence Department. His talk cen tered on expected developments in the beef cattle industry be tween now and 1988. Texas, he said, will have a major role in the Beef Belt. In just a few years, the state has jumped to a third ranking posi tion nationally. But there is a big obstacle now and in the years ahead in beef production. That, Pope said, is the lack of control over the gen etic ability and background of feedlot cattle. Here is the reason so many large feedlots are using computer methods to break down the source of superior cattle and why tney are so interested in “pre-condi tioned” calves, he said. “Make no mistake, tomorrow’s premium will be paid for cattle coming from performance-proven herds, properly ‘packaged’ to go on feed with a minimum of shrink and death loss,” the dean said. Another change will be in the type of cattle preferred. The day of the “Okie” steer is about over. In his place will be a large, framey, muscular animal that will grow to 1,100 to 1,200-pound weights without excess fat. And tomorrow’s steer will likely be a crossbreed. The revolution that has and is sweeping feedlot operations could well set the pattern for cow-calf herds, Pope said. There may be gravitation toward one of two poles — large, integrated opera tions versus small, part-time herds. There is already corpora tion ownership and cow-leasing. Swimming Pool Closes For Breal; Future cow herds will probably have to have more than 300-500 head to permit efficient use of labor, capital, equipment, more elaborate breeding plans and marketing opportunities. Cross breeding in cow-calf setups will continue to grow in importance. Wofford Cain swimming pool closes Friday at Texas A&M for the two-week class break between the summer session and fall semester. The Olympic-size pool reopens Sept. 9 and will remain in opera tion through Oct. 12, announced Dr. Carl W. Landiss, Health and Physical Education Department head. He said the fall schedule will be from 2 to 6 p.m. on weekdays, 10 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays and 1:30 to 5:30 Sundays. An average person <An s: 2,000 different odors. Traj sniffers differentiate some { scents. m ADMIT ONE HOUSEWIFE fTl ks m UUmULP /WISOMVWCH PIGGLY WIGGLY jMIQ-QiVO'fl^inuToorcotiroN sAviNcsltTfroT)0(RiWr THIS COUPON WORTH '/ &OLV 100 ^ l WITH THEPUPCHA^p OP 8 STAMPS ! ! 1 giMMSSJ EXPIRES: AUGUST 24.12X&3 THI» H IN ADDITION TO YOU* REGULARLY KARNID RAVING SYAMPi Mill t onk coi i’ON- 1-i n | EFFSCfive-. THUf^PAV' f f4 PAT'-S/MTJ PPAY - AU<3. Q/1-4Z-1A- - N/ 1 - Ml. ' hm ' ® • <5PAPE| rraiY &Oi.( 4W i I I.illTs " $11 ICE CREAM \(1 i/ 2 -Gal. “TO Round Ctn. 7 1 *SK9W gpoSioiS ^ IS> / ■ ? 00 / 9l.\CZV XV.HMC6 wripoutp^A mm CU7 ENRf«’ mxCHoa% -^Quantity pi^ht^ pe^epvep- Tmw/ttwfi Te takii Sept Con the C< byC Guti exec first Squi ers and 0 and R St N fron port elec Sep' Si fice Res. of I uni' C plic; 65 day at t Stu< D US! bra; Wa day the Rue C <U1 chi< fail spe of S Wa ass siol He -