Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1968)
k : Davies, English Visitor, Maintains Heavy Schedule THE BATTALION N Tkvaday, Ao«u»t If, IMS ColUff* Station, T**n* Pn<« * Sailing Meet, DoGiador k a, founder and WINS TOP HONOR A&M student Raymond W. Jordon was recently presented the Oustanding Cadet Award for Company B, 9th Battalion, 2nd Brigade at Fort Benning, Ga., by Lt. Col. 0&n E. Schilling, battalion commander. Jordon was one of more than 2,300 college men to complete the nation’s only Basic camp to allow placement in advanced ROTC. Miami Beach, Riot Close Call For Ag r Scratch a happening and find Ron Hinds. The Texas AAM senior finance major of Midland was uncom fortably close to the friction in his latest escapade. The AAM Political Forum stu dent chairman. Bill Stephens of Houston, Ted Wittliff of Taylor and Kent Caperton of Caldwell are part of the special work force employed by CBS-TV this sum mer for political convention cov erage. They worked at Miami Beach last week and are in New York now preparing for the Democratic convention in Chicago next week. "We are working 12-hour shifts and love every minute of it,” Hinds said. Chauffeeing correspondents, film and videotape has been the four Aggies’ principal work. “I've driven Richard Salant (president, CBS news), Bill Stout, Robert Trout, Art Buchwald, Theodore White and others around,” Hinds commented. Trav el time allows the students to chat at length with the newsmen. As chairman of the 1968-69 Political Forum, which is lining up numerous state and federal figures to speak on campus, Hinds has a more than passing interest in the conventions. “I managed to get a pass and was out on the convention floor during part of the presidential balloting,” he said. “Ron will wind up where any thing k going on," observed Wayne Stark, MSC director. “He be has a knack for that And if it's some place he's not sup posed to be, he’ll find a way to get in.” Thursday of GOP convention week, Hinds was picking up film from a camera crew in the Miami Beach riot area. “I heard a loud boom, looked back and the right rear window of the car was gone. The back seat and part of the front was covered with shattered glass," the Aggie debater described. “A brick was later found in the back of the car.” He returned to the area with some equipment for the crew. “When I got out again, the ear was a real mess. It was covered with dents and gouges where rocks, bottles, etc., had hit,” the 21-year-old went on. ”A11 In all, it was pretty excit ing,” Hinds declared. *WhH» * Assorted Cotort SAFEWAY O. M. and taU Aafasl It, H and IT. k ...JbpdUt We ksesms Ike fOghl Is IMt QwesHWee. Ns Seke to Dosien A whirlwind sumaser tour of the U. S. has brought medical ■tadwt Humphrey 0. Davies of Sheffield, England, to Texas AAM for throe weeks. The English visitor k here through Experiment in Interna tional Living, a worldwide stu dent travel organisation in which AAM’s Memorial Student Canter Travel Committee participates. Chairman Davis Mayas Jr. of Fairborn, Ohio, a Junior journal ism major, assisted with local arrangements. Davies, 20, k staying with the Randolph T. Gregory family of Bryan during hk visit. Gregory, head of the Highway Safety Re search Center, Texas Transpor tation Institute, has three chil dren, Jodi, 18, Louke, 16, and David, 16. “We tend to compare H phrey with a Philippine girl who stayed with us last year,? Mrs. Gregory said. “She was hesitant to talk to us. He k so interested and willing to volunteer informa tion." While Davies will be learning the American way of life, the throe Gregory children can broad en their outlooks. The son of a Welsh farm near Liverpool lives close to 18th Century castle where the Prince of Wales will he crowned A veteran traveler in Europe. Davies hit the ground running on arrival in the U. S. He visited an aunt he hadn't seen in eight years ia the San Francisco Bay area, traveling across the U. 8. by bus. An MSC luncheon honoring him eras attended by the Gregorys. Dr. Howard L. Gravettt, AAM pre-medicine and pre-dentistry advkor; MSC Director J. Wayne Stark, pre-mod majors Harry Snowdy of Port Lavaca and Steve PetitfUs of Galveston and biology major Charles Flowers of Hous ton. Lunch over, Davies hustled off to vkit Gravett’s biology clam. The slender, earnest Englishman will enter clinical work next year at Sheffield University, fck third in a six-year program. Aggies are arranging Davies vkita To HemisFair, several state medical schools and other points. While in Bryan, he will spend s week with Dr. A. G. McGill Jr. on calk, at hospitals and the physician’s office. In order to expand hk oppor tunity to learn the American way of life, which Davies considers quite affluent, he will retrace hk bus route to California. While there earlier, he visited Lake Ta hoe, Reno and Salt Lake City. The Wokh, French and Englkh kpeaking visitor worked on a fer ry between Wales and Ireknd last summer. He met an Ameri can family that invited him to vkit them in Pittsburgh. En- route, he plans to see friends in Idaho. Davies carries well-stkkered luggage. He stayed with a French family two summers and spent three weeks last year in an I talks workeamp. “I find it enjoyable,” he re marked. “But mainly, I want to meet Americans in their homes, especklly young Americans my age.” *■ . ] As a young ambassador, Hum phrey k on hk way. Kelvin DeGinder, a biology graduate student, won the first- member of the AAM Sailing Qub place trophy last weekend in the and competed against more than Alpha eailboat competition at 100 boats from Texas and Loutei- Austin’s Lake Travis. ana. Tor all your insurance needs So* U. M. Afexandtr, Jr. *40 til & Main, Bryan 828-8616 i Mea State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Affices Bloomington, in. BATTALION CLASSIFIED x WANT AD RATES Om 4mj *4 pm war U pm w«r< «aeh ■een>»a«l ter mate— ikiMi IS« CtaaaifM Dteptey •N pm Mkam teak HELP WANTED Calk*. Hill. Araa. mj Pam, or Cal MS-Tte# aftar »:M p. m. seetfn DEADLINE SPECIAL NOTICE IUL EOSS LODGE NO. ISSS AJT. A AM. CelkS ■Mtk« TTiuradajr Au- 1S, ■# 7 iSS p. w- Eal.ra# mtk. namlMlka uU M- kwaraft 4tprm- All E.A.'* arpad Tilk V. Hewkla*. W.M. See WaallMt. Sac. MStl StaS—l Cm tar. Slake at Ok Slake foatur*. joe awe arSw froai a prtatoS MB a. a wU. rarkty at caiofalijr .kekaS a»S wparity enpar.S food, tram lie# p. W. k Tid# p at. amk day WKMpt Saturday. Tea will be Mrrod bp protM tonal hr trakod waiter..’' Wanted, two raptetend auraw for aw- laJary. Call aolWt, D1 ft-tSSl. Mk. Klee w Mr. E. G. Clark. CHILD CARE Qroeecy’. Day NarMry, SOS BopaU. SNUB EUMmr DUMPTT CHILDREN 6EN- m. I see Seetb Cellapa, State l,le.a.k. Vlrpiak D. Jamm. R. N. eetfa WANTED ATTENTION I AAM Uakeemr. ia.1 aad .tedaate at m yea bar irattttrw aHdl ARpliAltAA Am the italiat plea. Tb. iter, at dktbtetiva farm Kara—Waad Paraltara Cam- Mi North Tamam. Taiapboaa ItS- UTtfa rsf- WORK WANTED roomatea for Uta fall .waaater. Write R. Qiwaiial. ms Walaot. No. 1, Taaar- kaaa. Tamaa. SI RaaaHaata waated-faauk area ad tt yaar* aM. Call PL S-StSS. Lonerkw, Trxaa. SMtfn FOR RENT Call ttS-I^M after I AS Haro your typiae doaa oa 1RM Sakctric STUDENTS t SERVICES UNLIMITED la raady to balp you wltb your typiap. aMOMaeraphlae. ropy work, aad prtatke aaada. L*T “EIT WOEE FOE YOU. leer 8 Cailasa. Bryaa. TUtm. I«SU Typks. Call aad DtaaarUtioa m- tm. seetfa DEXTER HAND SEWN MOG^ 3kn StmitA SOSOLIKS TV A RADIO SERVICE Zenith . Cekr A RAW - TV All Mskee BAW TV Repairs 712 S. MAIN 622-1M1 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: Geerge Webb Farmers lasersace Group MSS S. CoRapa IM lSSl For raws. 1. I. aad I Naw with aaatral air. ese-sTiT or Ms-exes. L Call ItStfa ate. Private. OFFICIAL NOTICE Ijj^ THE GRADUATE COLLBGR Attention Summer Gredestee! Extra Graduation Announce ments on tale at Cashier's Win dow, Memorial Student Center. 9-12, 1-4, Monday - Friday. 5Mtl THR GRADUATE COLLBGR Plaai Eramlaatlap for tbo Doctoral Doeraa Namot Dynoa. Jama. Robert wrae: Doctor of Pblkaopby k ASkmi Bakaaa iMaatai b.irtattoa: Carraoa Trait Hereford Cattia Liaea: - r briwoaa Carraaa Traito aad Cartma aad Pradaetioa Trait, from a IS-yaar Eaeur- rent Salaatioa Proeraaa kwt Auruat IS, ISM at l#:M a. St. kaa: Room SM, Animal ladtaatriea Side Wayaa C. Halt , Daaa at Graduate Stodtua THE CEADUATE COLLBGR Plaai Examination for tba DortormJ Daproa Memo: Leak. Jack A Ilea Darraa: Doctor at Pkiloaopby k Machaa laai Bapk lacks Diaaartatioa: Aa Experimental laveotka- tka of Beilins Buraout tat gut pooled Carbon Tetraaklorida Under CoadHioaa of Coaotralnod Vapor Space Volume. Ttam: Aueuat IS. ISM at I :M p. m. Place: Room ret, Panaior Hall Wayaa C. HaH Dean of Graduate Stadiaa Dyae: Darter of Pbllaaopky k ladaatrial rtatka: Tba DatermkatMp of Ra- rao A Haciati.aa aad tka Poem at loo at Mm Bote tar Diaoatar gttoatiaoi aa died tkrouek Blmektka. I Aueuat It. ISM at l:M p m. » Ream Ml-C, Baer Bide. Pkaa _ _ j C. Hal) Daaa at Oradaati Stedtaa THE GRADUATB COLLEGE Flaal EVemluettoa Par tba Doctoral Doproo Nama: MaGkty Doaaldaon Draper Dwjrotjt^Doetar at Pkitaaophy k Aaimai Dkaortetlm I Pacton Arfoctiar tba Di- toottaiHty of Variatim of SoreLna Grain bp Cattia. Tkm: Aueuat IT, ISM at S:M A m. Place: Beam set. Animal ladmtrlm BWk i Wayaa C. Hail Daaa Of Graduate Stedtaa THE GRADUATB COLUSCB Fkal Examination fee tbo Deotatul Deere. Hornet Smite. Gary Chapter Ikgw^^etec of PbiEihy k A. at Matarattaaal. Phya- aa Oriae Diaaartatioa: Rff __ rtiAngf mi Caream CompoaHioa. Quality aad bllity Time: Aasuet IS. ISM st T:SS a. m. Pkoa: Llbreey, Aataaal Induetrtaa ^ Wayaa C. Hal) Doaa of Graduate Stedtaa priritaeaa. fireplace dan. T I C T O R 1 A N APARTMBNTR Midway botwaaa Bryaa 4 A4M Uaieoralty STUDENTS 1 I Need A Hama 1 4 S Bedroom Pur. 4 Uafur. Poo) aad Private Courtyard I MONTHS LRASR Stt-MSS Ml Lake St. Apt. 1 GM Cars Lowest Priced $49.79 nsr ms. With Nermal Down Payment OPEL KADPfT SgUstrom Pontiac • Buick tree Teeae Are. s9th 4 Parker StS-ISM . SSS-1SST THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU ST. THOMAS’ CHAPEL 966 Jsrssy SL South Side of Csmpus Sunday Service* 8:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. Tba Iter. W. R. Oxlsy (49) The Raw. M. W. Sslllgur (62) TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Saka-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators % Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. iff S. Maim 8!2-6eee NOW OPEN U-HIT-EM GOLF DRIVING RANGE Oa Hwy. M between ASM 4 Airport Weekdaya — 4 p. m. . it p. m. Weekend. - 1 p. m. • It p. m. THR GRADUATB COLLBGR Pinal Examination tor tbo Doctoral Doaroe Name: Loaebotham. Jack Henry - jroe: Doctor of Pbilooopky k Educatka Dta.wt.tkm : Tbo Um at A Bkcbboard by- Wire Electron ta Commuataatton Syatem aad Proeramamd Materiata tor tbo Ea- rtabmeat of M.tKematta. Tear bine In Blitted Texm Scbooia. Tima Aueuat M. ISM at 1 :N p. m. Place: Room 10.. Architecture Bids Wayaa C. Hall Doaa of Graduate Stud tan THE GRADUATB COLLEGE Plaai Examination for tbo Doctoral Deere. »: Huaktar. Richard Pradriek _mt Doctor at Pkiloaopky la Bduaattoa Dim arte tkm: Aekleeaoaaat at Strtk Gtpda Pupil, k Modern Matbamattaa aa Ballad te their Tear her.' Haibamaitau Prepare THE CEADUATE COLLEGE Plaai Examination for tbo Doctoral Doeraa Namo: McGuire. Strrike W. Doeree: Doctor of Pblkmopby k Stettattaa Dtaaertetion : Scanake Paoeodarm for Non. lladBMathamatical Piwsrammiae: Lam- DiawdUlonal Non-Coaeex rnihlama Tima: Aueuat IS. ISM at !•:•# a. m. Pkre: Room Itt. Oik E. Tmrua Bide Wayao C Hall Daaa of Graduate Stedtaa THE GRADUATB COLLBGR Plaai Examiaattoa for tbo Doctoral Daproo “ a: Taba. Mohamad Samir Pabkt oa: Doctor of Pblkaopby In Geaattaa DtaaarUtioa : A Cytoeoaatia Study at Dtf- ferentiatlon kaiwma G. Hire .tarn aad C. Bark.dimi Cbrnmoanmia uake Hatero- tyeoua Tr.aaioc.tkm. Involek* Certain Cbrnmnaamaa of the A and D Genome. Ttam: Aueuat IS. ISM at S:M p. pt. a: Room t. A economy Bide. Wayao C. Hall A Doaa of Graduate Stedtaa " WE RENT TYPEWRITERS EUctric, Manual, A Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S «» S. Mala — Phone Ml-IMS Bryan. Trxaa THE GRADUATB COLLEGE Final Examination for tba Doctoral Doproo Name: Mouflah, Sami? Pacha Mohamad Safari Deere. Ph.D. ta -Genet tarn Diaaortatka: Mitotic Aborratkma ta Vtak Paha U Cbrnmmamm Induced by Sodium taMTAucuat M. ISM at I :M p. m. Pkaa: Room ttS, Animal IqdmtltM Bide Wayne C Hall Daaa of Graduate Stedtaa TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED A lUlCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION US S Bryaa Bryaa SM-SST4 THR GRADUATB COLLBCB Pinal Examination for tba Doctoral Deere. Name Eotap, Cary Dotaa avroa: Doctor of Phlkaophy ta Poultry Science I Genetic.) Dim .nation: The Relation of Phyiioal Strew to Serum Chotaateroi Lee eta at Selected Blood Group Oaaotypm in DotiMwiic Fowl. Time: Aueuat IS, ISM at t.-M p. m. Place: Room Ml. Ayr). Bide. Wayao C. Hall ’ Deaa of Graduate Stadias THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Pinal Examination far tbo Doctoral Doeraa Name Babl, Batty Aan Doctor of Philosophy hi C hem la try r of Vai r PABDNER You’ll Alwxy. Win The Showdown When You Get Your Dud* Done At CAMPUS CLEANERS • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gstc 846-6816 HOME A CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES A SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 803 W. 26th 822-2819 ITHMUMO RLSCTQorgic* ■ ic Am pet Fisher Scott Upo docks Harmoo-Kardoo Roberta _ So«y 963 Sooth Mala, Bryaa 822-1689 ENGINEERING A OFFICE SUPPyV CORP. • REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES • SURVEYING SUPPUES k EQUIPMENT — OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE k SUPPLIES 482 Was! 25th St. Pk. 828-6989 Bryaa, Taxaa TBS GRADUATB COLLBCB Plaai Exam! aa: km for tbo Doctoral Docroo Namo: CampboU, Dnaalil Harvey Daorm: Doctoral la Geoiogy,, Petroioey of tbo Early Crataoooua Yucca Pocmattaa. Soutbrm Quitman Mountalna aad "ll III III. Tl—a ITT* A^t SL IMS at »:M a. m. - TIMS a. ah km: Room 1SS-A, Cootacy Bide. Wayao C. Hail 0 Dean of Graduate Stedtaa DtaaeMotion : "A Study doetaa Conatltution of arkktaa Affaot- jrtlm aad Holm A.phaltta Mate- ke the Rhooiov>caI Proportlm nad lfota- cular — . i = Time: Aueuat IS. ISM at 1:11 p. m. Place: Room Ml-A. Petroleum Eng Bide Wayaa C. Hall Daaa of Graduate Stedtaa THE CEADUATE COLLEGE Pinal Examination for tba Doctoral Doeraa Name: Pegram. Joe Donald -reea: Doctor of Phlkaophy k Stettattao Dtaaertetion Global Uptfmaaation at Non- on vex Soparabio Program, so: Aueuat IS, IMS at S:M a. m. Place: Room 1S1 .Oita E. Teague Bldg Wayne C- Hall Daaa of Graduate Stedtaa . _ . THE CEADUATE COLLHCE Plaai Examination for tba Doctoral Deere. Name; Hmtbariy. Henry Edward Degree Doctor of Pbilmopby la Mat emaHaa Dtaaartetion: Embedding of Naar-Ring. Tkm:; Auguat IS. 1»M at t:SS p aa Place Room tSS. Are demit Bldg. Watna C. Hall Daaa of Graduate Stedtaa Trinity Gardens Duplex Apartments • Two Bedroom, 1H Bath • Export Yard Maintenance 4 Formal Living and Dining Rooms |9 All Electric Built-in G. E. Kitchens • Custom Drupes and Carpets • Carrier Central Heating and Air Conditioning • Largo Privately Fenced Backyards • Wash er-Dryer Connection in Garage • One Block from New Elemen tary School • Attached Garage • Children and Pete Welcome. for infonuatiou call: 846-3988 * J- Trinity Place — Lawyer Street College Statiea AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: "Charge It” u Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer Auguat tl. ISM at S:M e. m. Pkeo i Room ^MA^Architecture Bldg Doaa of Graduate Stedtaa td* fStADUATX COLLBCB Plaai ExamlttaHon tor tba Doctoral Dogroa Name: Afao-Elghmt. Mohamad A. Doeraa: Ph.D. k Cbamtatry Dtaaartetion Tbo Effect of Sotacted Soi- eeau on tbo Vtaeoaity aad the Oxygot, aad Traea Motel Content of AaphaH. Tlam: Auguat II. ISM at I4S p. pl Pkco: Room Ml-A. Patroidum Eagr. Bldg Wayaa C. Hail Daaa at Graduate Stedtaa , wtabtag «• plaoa a ISST AGGIE- LAWD k their high aehoai may aiafc thorn ta the office of Btodaat Pufallcationa. riom Building. SSStfa Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Encoy Conoco, Amalie A Havoline 35c qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts-We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $3.19 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25# AC • Champion - Autolita plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.96 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just cheek our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 22S E. 25th Bryan, Texes JOE FAULK ’32 II yean la Bryaa AGGIES- V - INTERESTED IN A PART-TIME JOB? Immediate Opening For AIR CONDITIONING SERVICEMAN Part time during school year, full time in summer. Some experience, good character necessary. CENTRAL TEXAS AIR CONDITIONING CO. 427 DeUwood Bryan, Texas Contact: Mr. R. H. Roberts’ - 823-0945