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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1968)
THE BATTALION Thursday, August 8, 1968 Page 4 College Station, Texas Briefs... Brazilians At A&M Studying Ag Research A team of four Brazilian agri cultural officials is visiting Texas A&M this week to study the organization of research pro grams and personnel require ments. All are leaders in Brazil’s Fed eral Department of Agricultural Research of the Ministry of Agri culture. They are Dr. Nahum Isaac Klein, head of the training sec tion; Dr. Mozart Teixeira Lib eral, director of the crop sciences division; Dr. Roberto Meirelles de Miranda, director of the animal science division; and Dr. Ed- mundo Heidrich Sobrinho, direc tor of the Regional Institute of the South. Miss Betty J. Bradley, escort officer for the International Re search Institute, is accompanying the group. The IRA, which is sponsoring the Brazilians, is an affiliate of the Rockefeller Foundation. IRA is on contract with the U. S. Agency for International De velopment (AID) and is helping Brazil’s Federal Department of Agricultural Research in its ex pansion program. Texas A&M is one of four land- grant institutions to be toured by the Brazilians in their study of agricultural universtiy organi zation and research structures. Pat Hall of the A&M Office of International Programs said Brazil’s Federal Department of Agricultural Research is starting an era of expansion and improve ment. Government spending for department activities is expected to rise from the current $11 million to about $20 milion in 1973. After touring Texas A&M fa cilities and consulting with its agricultural officials, the Bra zilians will leave Friday to see the Rice-Pasture Research and Extension Center near Beaumont. The group arrived in the United States July 14 and will depart for their home country Aug. 24. Brevard Chosen Associate Editor Herbert H. Brevard, formerly Extension radio and television specialist at Oklahoma State Uni versity, has been named associate editor in the Department of Agri cultural Information. According to the announce ment by Dean H. O. Kunkel of Texas A&M University’s College of Agriculture and John E. Hutchison, director, Texas Agri cultural Extension Service, Bre vard is a joint employee of the Extension Service and Experi ment Station. He replaces H. O. Evans, who resigned July 1 to become state information chief for the Soil Conservation Service in Little Rock, Ark. i Hal R. Taylor, department head, said the associate editor will have major responsibility for coordinating the department’s mass media programs and main taining close liaison wtih media outlets of the state in support of educational programs dealing with all phases of agriculture. He will also work wth county Extension agents and staff spe cialists and research workers by assisting them in telling the story of Texas agriculture. The new editor is a native of Beckville, Panola County; a graduate of Carthage High School and attended Panola County Junior College before enrolling at East Texas State University where he received a B.S. degree in history. He then served for two years in the U. S. Army with 17 months of duty in Korea, serv ing as Troop Information and Education NCO. After his army service, he re turned to ETSU for graduate study and in 1958 was awarded an M.Ed. degree with a major in agricultural education. Brevard since has served as an inspector for the Texas Department of Agriculture; taught vocational agriculture at McLeod and Was- kom; served as a member service advisor for the Bowie-Cass Elec tric Cooperative and, prior to his Oklahoma Extension Service as signment, as farm editor for Radio Station KWKH, Shreve port, La. VAN CAMP’S 7 - $ioo m Can PORK & BEANS HUNT’S TOMATO H CATSUP 5 = $ 1 ® LIBBY VIENNA SAUSAGE. .5 $ 1 SCOT TOWELS.. 3 “ $ 1 SHURFINE BLUE LAKE SLICED jm GREEN BEANS..4 303 Cans HAIR SPRAY ,«,49 c ALCOHOL... 10 ALMA SHOESTRING mag 4^ P0TAT0ES..6 59 c POPULAR FLAVORS A.F. ICE CREAM Potatoes 'Alt. Gladiola Flour U. S. No. 1 RUSSET 10 Quantity Rights Reserved POUND BAG CALIFORNIA PLUMS BARTLETT PEARS SEEDLESS WHITE GRAPES lb. Mexican Dinners 2 Strawberries 79 PATIO FROZEN ENCHILADA — CHEESE 12-oz, Size DINNERS WESTPAC FROZEN BEANS WESTPAC F Cut CORN 3 CUT GREEN WESTPAC FROZEN 20-oz. Pkgs. VALUABLE COUPON FREE 100 EXTRA Green Stamps with this COUPON & the Purchase of $10,00 or More Excluding Cigarettes and Beer ORR’S SUPER MARKETS COUPON VOID AFTER AUG. 10, 1968 (&£4£c*l (BAi/cvn nee 190’ 20-oz. Pkgs. Wieners45 Little Sizzlers“59 U. S. I). A. Choice ORRS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest RUMP ROAST 75 A 1^ BONELESS TENDERIZED fV J I ROUND — U. S. I). A. CHOICE lb ^ A. F. or HORMEL SLICED BACON»65 U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY BEEF Brevard is a member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters, Alpha Chi and Kappa Delta Pi. Steak Full Cut Round LB 79 c