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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1968)
'"S-''* .^v.-.— AV THE BATTALION Thursday, July 18, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 3 MSC (Continued From Page 1) Park, from 8 p.m. until midnight, a massive barbecue and dance is slated. Attendance is expected to be high, according to Bendele. The catered meal and dance, fea turing the “Chrome Elephant” will cost $1.50 for everyone ex cept girls who will be admitted for $1. Tickets go on sale tomorrow in the Directorate office. ★ ★ ★ Two more dances are planned for the ballroom of the MSC, said James Fletcher, dance com mittee chairman. The dances are set for Aug. 6 and 13. Briefs... Secretaries Hear Election Comments “The Presidential Election — 1968” was the title of the address given by Dr. William C. Gibbons to the Bryan-College Station chapter of the National Secre taries Association at its monthly meeting at the Ramada Inn Tues day. Gibbons, head of the new department of political science, made some predictions concern ing the coming national Demo cratic and Republican political conventions. “There will likely be a good fight at the conventions, when the advocates of one man-one vote clash with the defenders of the present system of unit rule,” he prophesied. “This election year will see the American Party candidate, Gov. George Wallace, exerting an un usually great influence over both the Democratic and Republican camps, and there is a possibility of a fourth party emerging before November, to further split the major political parties’ votes,” Gibbons continued. A question and answer period followed Gibbons’ address. Computer Science Honors Students Texas A&M’s chapter of Upsi- lon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society, will honor out standing computer science gradu ate students at an initiation cere mony and banquet Saturday at the Ramada Inn. Initiation ceremonies for new members are at 7 p.m., and the banquet at 7:30. Upsilon Pi Epsilon is made up of graduate students whose aca demic achievements and creative abilities in the computer sciences deserve recognition. New members to be initiated are Raymond O. Brock, Jr., Gary L. Gregg, Lester C. Fenter, Don ald J. Gagnon, Malcolm R. Lax- son, Miner P. Marchbanks, Jr., Colby F. McLemore, Mickey L. Ray, Ted M. Sparr, Richard L. Terwilliger, Sheridan J. West III, Julian W. Cole. SCUBA Divers Plan Club Trips A&M’s Skin and Scuba Diving Club will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Goodwin Hall. Plans will be announced for the club’s trips to Jacob’s Well and Canyon Lake. All qualified divers are invited to attend so that travel arrange ments can. be made. I.E. Picnic Set Industrial Education wives and their families will hold a picnic at 6 p.m. Friday at Haswell Park. Wives are asked to bring a main dish, salad or dessert, bre^d and tableware. Drinks will be fur nished. PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done CAMPUS CLEANERS Health and Beauty Aids — Unbreakable Plastic Beverage TUMBLERS c 1 rs Deodorant BAN ROLL-ON Vitalis HAIR TONIC Cashmere Bouquet TALCUM Get Set — Reg. Hard, Super, Medium HAIR SPRAY Hair Dressing V-0 5 16-Oz. Limit 12 1-Oz. Keg. 79< 10c 49c Reg. $1.19 7 °‘ 79c 4.0*. .>•» Reg. 49? K ; 3 t f 49c Reg. $1.09 69c — Frozen Specials — Morton’s Frozen DINNERS ^ Pkgs. For *| Shurfine Frozen LEMONADE 10c 6-oz. Can Booth — Breaded FISH STICKS 3^: $i.oo Rosedale Half Slices Grade ‘A’ Always Fresh _ __ _ _ « _ _ _ _ Doz. PINEAPPLE LARGE EGGS POTATO CHIPS KLEENEX TOWELS 3 No. 2 Cans $1 48c Shurfresh _ _ _ ..Twin-Pack SI Jumbo Rolls QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED VIENNA SAUSAGE ub bys 5 GOLD CORN .“y., 5 4-Oz. Cans No. 303 Cans $1 $1 DUNCAN HINES — Layer Cake Mix Assorted Flavors 3 1814-Oz. Pkgs. $1 MELLORINEr FLOUR™ 5 3 sr $1 39 c Kentucky Wonder I Sunkist GREEN BEANS „29c | LEMONS 6 ,w29c Seedless White GRAPES Swift’s Premium CAN HAM 5 in $4.19 Lb. 59c Blackhawk, Grill WIENERS U.S.D.A., Choice—Shoulder Heavy Beef Lb. ROAST BACON U.S.D.A., Choice—Shoulder, SWISS STEAK Lb. 59c U.S.D.A., Choice—Ground CHUCK .r Lb. 69c U.S.D.A., Choice—Boneless ROAST r.7 ... 89c U.S.D.A., Choice—Boneless Heavy Beef Lb. STEW Family Pack PORK CHOPS ^ 75c A. F.—All Meat FRANKS 12-Oz. A r ... pkg.4?5c FRYERS BARBECUE SAUCE Country Cookin' 18-oz. 33c M LOW PRICES plus tiSfyi PLUS GREEN STAMPS 2 Convenient i Locations * Downtown 200 E. 24th St. • Ridgecrest 3516 Texas Ave.