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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1968)
- •• ■' Y 1 THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, June 27, 1968 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Proposed Tuition To Hurt Students Editor's Note: We publish this report in view of the in creasing interest shown by some leaders in the State Legis lature and the Texas Commit tee of Governing Boards (made up of heads of 12 college gov erning boards) to more than double the tuition for state leges ranges above $10,000, mod erate and low income families in Texas must look to public col leges and junior colleges as the primary educational hope for their children. moderate and low income families from going to college. college students. WASHINGTON, D. C. — In Texas there are 22 public senior colleges and 40 public junior col leges. According to figures re leased by the coordinating board of our state college and university system, these 62 public institu tions enroll nearly 300,00 stu dents. A recent study by the Life Insurance Agency Management Association showed that fixed costs—that is, tuition, fees, room, and board—at 28 private colleges in Texas average $1,601 per year. That is double the average fixed costs at public colleges in our state. SINCE THE TOTAL four-year cost for students at private col- In spite of this, the men who control the public college system in Texas are pushing for legis lation to double the tuition at these schools. This is a cynical move to get more revenue while preventing young people from In his June 16, 1968 Austin Report, editor Stuart Long, who has been looking into the reasons for this attempt to double tuition in Texas, reported that doubling tuition was directed not only toward raising money, but also toward “holding enrollments down.” At The Grove “Weil actually. Squirt, I guess we shouldn’t gripe too much ’bout not gettin’ any mail today—We just rented our boxes this morning!” John McCarroll 'tell you what Pd do ii;':i!.ll!H|!':il:!i'lli!ir!il|l|;i|! : M!!!|i;!.ll!! llini!lll!ll!ll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN The next time anyone asks me to lead a march on Wash ington D. C., I’m going to ask all those in my entourage to buy Federal “Golden Eagle” permits for their cars—that way we could camp in a national park, recreation area, his torical spot, etc., etc. for up to a year and no one would have to ask us to leave. ★ ★ ★ By looking at the titles of two new grants to the Meteorology Department it’s not too hard to figure out what is being planned for the future at A&M. Both grants are a result of the Army Electronics Com mand’s request for studies in weather. Actually this is a cover-up so that residents of the community will not run scared into the wind. One of the grants is titled “Simulation Research to Develop Objective Meteorological Prediction Capability.” This is a long drawn-out name for figuring the odds of incorrect weather forecasting concerning rain—also the subject of a second study to get underway here. The second grant is a deadly serious one that casual observers are apt to overlook—“Analog Simulation, Evalua tion of Atmospheric Transport and Diffusion In and Above Tropical Forests.” Chances are that many qullible people will believe that this grant is actually what it sounds like, and will take place in some far-off tropical island or Latin American country— not so. This second study is a backup for the first one when researchers find that rain prediction is next to impos sible. This second phase is set to go into effect immediately after the 4,382nd wrong guess is made that the rain will stop. Texas, as the Army evidently suspects, will become a tropical rain forest and A&M will instantly step in the forefront as the technical, research and experiment station for rain forests all over the world. Thus, another first for A&M. No one would have ever thought to make a study of atmispheric transport and diffusion in and above tropical forests in Texas. Overhead on the campus yesterday: “Sure was glad to see it start raining . . . that 30 minute drought had me scared . . The only thing that worries a lot of people is that there has not been a rainbow present following the past few showers. ★ ★ ★ It sure feels good to have the legislators behind the college students of today . . . even though a lot of educators feel that students are not paying enough to get an education. TONIGHT —“The Heroes of Telemark” starring Kirk Douglas and Richard Harris. FRIDAY—“To Be a Crook,” a film from France, and special added attraction, “We’ve Never Been Licked,” starring Robert Mitchum. SATURDAY—“Walk on the Wild Side,” starring Laurence Harvey, Capucine, and Jane Fonda plus Chapter 5 of “The Phantom Creeps.” SUNDAY — “Portrait in Black,” starring Anthony Quinn and Lana Turner. MONDAY — “Written on the Wind,” starring Rock Hudson and Lauren Bacall. TUESDAY —“Torn Curtain,” starring Paul Newman and Julie Andrews. WEDNESDAY —“The Lively Set,” starring James Darren and Pamela Tiffin. THURSDAY—Closed for Holi days. FRIDAY—Closed for holidays. SATURDAY—Closed for holi days. SUNDAY, July 7 — “Back Street,” starring Susan Hayward. MONDAY, July 8—“The Music Man,” starring Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. TUESDAY, July 9—“Murder of Silence” will be shown at G. Rollie White Coliseum—no movie in the Grove. WEDNESDAY, July 10 — “Lilith,” starring Warren Beatty, Jean Seberg and Peter Fonda. Local Teachers In Workshop Here Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. Bryan and Snook school teach ers are acquiring special skills for training student teachers in a cooperating teachers workshop at Texas A&M. The three-week Education De partment workshop directed by Dr. Charles J. Salek carries three semester hours graduate credit for participants. Teachers in the program have been or will be cooperating teach ers for A&M education majors who practice teach in Bryan and Snook schools. Participants are developing skill in recording interaction an alysis using the micro-teaching teletrainer for improving teach ing skills and practicing super visory conferences with student teachers employing videotape-re- corded teaching. “From this experience, partici pants should be able to |supervise student teachers who have had similar basic skills,” Salek noted. Cooperating teachers are from all local public school instruc tional levels. THE BATTALSON Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising ices, Inc., New York City, Chica; Services Francisco. ago, Los Angeles and San The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for publication of all new dispatches credited to it or not ise credited in the paper and local news of s blished herein. Right rep otherv origin :ter nerem ai Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. ights of rep ai news of spontaneou ublication of all othe Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowe: Arts; F. S. White, College of Engin Titus, College of V ^ ’ lege of Agriculture. 2: Ji Liber David Bowers, College of Liberal of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col- News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 846-4910 or at the editorial office, Room 217, Services Building. For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. g or delivery call 846-6415. student newspaper at Texas A&M is Station, Texas daily < and Monday, and holiday periods, Sep May, and once a week during summer school. The Battalion, ublished in College Station, unday, and Monday, and hoi laily except Saturday, liday periods, September through Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 pe; year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject sales tax. Advertising rate furnished ear ; $6. tax. The Battalion, Room Texas 77843. school to 2% ertising i'ate furnished on request. Address: 217, Services Building, College, Station, MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR JOHN McCARROLL Reporters Mike Williamson, Hank Mills IT IS NOT the rich Texan, of >urse, who will be kept out of college. The student with a Thun- derbird parked in front of his fraternity house will still be there, for his parents will not even notice a $100 annual increase. But not every young Texan can afford this additional charge. In 1966, 84.1 per cent of Texas households had incomes under $10,000 and 46.9 per cent—almost half—had annual incomes under $5,000. Over one-fourth of our Texas families earned under $3,000. Aggie Architect Awarded Red Seal A landscape design student in Texas A&M’s School of Arclii. Lecture, Ronald Perry of Fort Worth, is a top winner in an ex- change problem involving fire universities. Sound Off Editor, The Battalion: In June 20th’s “Sound Off”, W. M. Locke expressed his opinion of the phrase “Highway 6 runs both ways”, and made derogatory re marks about the Corps. I think his opinion was based on preju dice and his remarks were based on his imagination. Calling cadets “frat rats” might refer to the unity which is typical of the Corps and other organizations that take pride in themselves. However, the de scription of the Corps as an old- fashioned, dying organization, at tempting to maintain power “by fair means or foul,” is not so easi ly supported by facts. Are Locke’s reasons for making these statements also worth printing for all to see? The phrase, “Highway 6 runs both ways,” which offends Locke, is to me an important reflection of true Aggie spirit. It is a re minder to those who are not will ing to sacrifice a little extra to maintain the image of which we are so proud, that they can leave as easily as they came. Suppose a man comes to America as an immigrant. Upon his arrival he denounces democracy, complains that Americans refuse to estab lish a dictatorship and refuses to obey our laws. Some people, wishing he would go back where he came from, might hint “the Atlantic runs both ways.” Some also would wonder why he didn’t go to ohe of the countries al ready having a dictatorship, in stead of coming here. It is in a similar spirit that the phrase “Highway 6 runs both ways” is used. I would like to tell Locke that “Highway 6 runs both ways” and ask if he has considered being a student at Berkeley or t.u. William L. Schwethe ’69 Our public colleges and junior colleges are financed by all tax payers, including those with low income. If we double college tu ition, we shut the doors in the face of thousands of young people while continuing to take their tax money to pay for the education of richer students. The answer is not higher stu dent costs that fence out young people from college. The answer lies in universal education, giving every qualified Texan a chance to reach his full potential.—Sen. Ralph Yarborough (D-Tex.) Perry was awarded a red seal, symbolic of an outstanding solu tion to a parklet design problem. A parklet, an official said, is a small park. Another student 'in the third- year class project at A&M, J. G. Lewis of El Paso, was named to travel with a team circulating solutions among participating uni- versitie,s. “Our people submitted six en- tries,” said Professor Robert White. “The problem, authored by a Penn State professor, was for a parklet site in State Col- lege, Pa.” White said the 28 entries by A&M, Iowa State, Washington, Oregon and Minnesota universi ties, probably will be displayed next spring at A&M. *For all your insurance needs See IL M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 &lIl i State Farm Insurknee Gompaniea 22) S. Msyn, Bryan 823-il6ia Home Offices Bloomington, 111, JADE EAST MEN’S SHOP 2012 Texas Ave. Plantation Center and see The Beautifully Tailored Men’s Clothes. Latest Styles and Fabrics From The Worlds Fashion Centers. STT mSHcKS’ss CdtreEm? 39 MM0PINB BANANAS! 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