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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1968)
- ••Hi I; THE BATTALION Thursday, June 20, 1968 Page 6 College Station, Texas Club Sponsors Rally Sunday Texas A&M’s Sporty Car Club will hold a rally at 2 p. m. Sun day. The rally will be a simple time- distance run of about two hours, Alan Weckerling, club official, says. The rally will start in the park ing lot across from Sbisa Dining Hall and next to the University Hospital. The time-distance type of rally involvo|S a navigator which will keep the driver on a set course and a driver who attempts to maintain a prescribed average speed, he continued. Registration for the rally will begin at 1 p. m. Entrance fees are $4 for non-members and $3 for members of any sports car club. Any type of automobile may be entered in the contest, Weck erling pointed out. A picnic will be held at the end of the run, with food and soft drinks supplied by the club. Pre sentation of trophies to the win ners will follow the picnic. The purpose of the picnic and rally is to introduce prospective members to the club. All interest ed individuals are invited to par ticipate, Weckerling said. MSC Tourney Set In Table Tennis A table tennis tournament will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday in the basement of the Memorial Stu dent Center. The event is being sponsored by the MSC Summer Directorate. Rules of the tourney will be those of the United States Table Tennis Association and the spon sor. Dark shirts must be worn and no sandpaper paddles can be used. An entry fee of 50 cents will be charged each entrant. Awards will be given the first and second place winners. All students and faculty members are invited to participate, the Summer Direc torate officers said. B-CS Weather To Be Sunny The Bryan and College Station area hasn't had nine straight rain less days in 1968, but a longer stretch of sunny weather may come in the next 30 days. The U. S. Weather Bureau out look for the next 30 days is for moderate rainfall, around 3.4 inches, and slightly below normal temperatures. A high of 91 de grees was recorded May 24 and 25. The minimum was 56 on May 1. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU ST. THOMAS , CHAPEL 906 Jersey St. South Side of Campus Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. The Rev. W. R. Oxley (49) The Rev. M. W. Selliger (62) PARDNER You’ll Always Win The Showdown When You Get Your Duds Done CAMPUS CLEANERS I WEI GIVE PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT.—JUNE 20-21-22. Quantity Rights Reserved SIX FLAGS] OVER TEXAS . . . FIFTH ANNUAL JAMBOREE SAVE I 2 00 ON A REGULAR $ 4 5# TICKET.. > GLADIOLA Flour 5 SPAM Lunch Meat REFRESHING Morton's Tea ALMA Tomatoes SHURFINE Corn Meal PET EVAPORATED—SKIM Milk 1 5 2 Wagner’s—Breakfast Drink 4 303 Cans i 39 25 $1 Qts. | Scott — Family Allen—Whole, Canned CHICKEN : "L79c Rosedale PEAS Ranch Style BEANS Folgers—Instant COFFEE NAPKINS 2 Hunt’s — FRIUT COCKTAIL 3”89 Diet Drink 5EGO liquid 3 Cans 79 c Santa Rosa PLUMS Fresh Pound TOMATOES » 19* LETTUCE Sr d h 19c WATERMELONS . ch ‘ rl “.“ >n .. Gra !. E - h 59c ..c FRYERS SHURFINE—FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ^ 6-Oz. Cans Pet Ritz Pie Shells West Pac U.S.D.A. Grade “A” Fresh Dressed Whole U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK Corn on Cob 2 Parkerhouse or Cloverleaf A.F. Rolls 2 ^ Ore Ida F. Fries or Krinkle Cut Potatoes 2 49< 39< 69< 69 • • • • • LB Fresh Ground BEEF U.S.D.A., Choice — CHUCK Lb; 49 STEAK fc55‘ ROAST A. F.—Sliced Folding STEP STOOL $i! King Size—Deodorant RIGHT GUARD R. t 4 #i°»o 59c Top Model HAIR SPRAY i6 R oI'r."^59c Pro—Reg. or Styling HAIRBRUSH S5' BACON— l a59‘ Boneless Beef rsoneiess STEW MEAT- l k79‘ Wilkinson Sword—S. S., D. E. RAZOR BLADES Colgate—Dental CREAM 10 ct. r. $1.29 Family Reg. 95* 1 Reg. $1.29 89C 69c IT- - •/♦LCvv-vy - . • v