Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1968)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, June 20, 1968 THE BATTALION Oceanography Head Takes Navy Teaching Position Students From 48 Countries Here c Dr. Dale F. Leipper, Texas A&M oceanography professor and former department head, has been named to chair the U. S. Navy Post - Graduate School’s Ocean ography Department. He will join the faculty of the Monterey, Calif., school in the late summer. The 53-year-old professor re ceived his bachelor of science in mathematics at Wittenberg in 1937. He took the M.A. at Ohio State in 1939 and after military' service as a weather officer and oceanographer received one of the first doctorates in physical ocean ography at Scripps Institution, University of California. Dr. Leipper was A&M’s first oceanography department head, from 1949 to 1964. In research programs and instruction since, he has “contributed immeasurably to the building of the depart ment,” according to Dr. Richard A. Geyer, the present head. He has taught at Ohio State, Scripps and A&M. Texas A&M degree programs appeal to 370 international stu dents who have remained on cam pus for summer course work. The students of 48 countries are studying aerospace engineer ing, zoology and everything be tween. Better than half are grad uate student and the interna tional Visitors account for 7.4 per cent of A&M first summer session main campus enrollment. for International Development public, East Pakistan and Tunisia. International Programs brought about one-third of the foreign students to A&M under Agency contract from the Dominican Re- Due to enrollment of 66 Domin ican students, A&M has more in ternational students from the Mediterranean area (37 per cent of the foreign enrollment) than any other region of the world, ac cording to International Student Advisor Robert L. Melcher’s fig ures. Twenty-one per cent of the 370 are from Southeast Asian coun tries, 15 per cent South and Cen tral America and 10 per cent Far East. Following the Dominican Re public with the largest enrollment are India, Pakistan, China, Tunis ia, Mexico, Argentina, the United Arab Republic, Venezuela, Iraq and Canada. Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. with otvcwc £S£UUPlNe TOBACCO opfbPs 0ood <4j pieeiv wieety expires: (JUNE THIS IS IN ADDITION TO YOUR REGULARLY EARNED SAVING STAMPS f ! ! ! ! ^ IT OINK COUPON PKK FAM1I/ 5 ^ DOUBLE STAMPS ^TUESDAY withPurchase or more/ PPUCe3 Oooo- THURSDAY' FRl OAY-.3ATUROAY'0UN£ Q.O-Q.VQfl'\S^% E CREAM tafiti f/HOUS* nmt HAMS 5AIAD OIL WfAU\ e©NMte 40c*. 0TU- FRE6H, CB13P Ptoet* W100LY " PRODUCE YOU |V\OR£ TWV5 TREE TMft 'SHAMPOO PREU-- gjk RAPID SHAVE f TOOTHPASTE PtflUXfVMWf 6uaEM (pse.s&t? Paumouve - KINGSIZE SPRITE OR FRESCA 6 Btl. Ctn. Plus Dep. Limit 2 Only i -feuiW ||a 1 ONIONS MJ i IQ f CALIF ^Um\5T Cl©e.^^|||k LEMONS..© 1 1 ■ Pomaim^ lETWE..r.^l|ff S0UASH„..^IDj WHEN YOU BUY CTN. KING SIZE COKES AT REGULAR PRICE \\op- Can HACK PEPPER 29 UMOHOUICE 35 Stokely RlPRrvJ EV90ND f Real-E’inaoH & f APPLE SAUCE ci 303 or £ CansOJC TOMArO'SAUCE 88 3TOKELY fit MILK Bonnie Baker Toilet Tissue i-sta* 8 -£79c SOFTWEVE 2 2 ,r 49c CIOS& ' sV 0UABANTEEJP &)© at PI00GY W)66uY P VV\TH PREMIUM ^ TOP Aft nm y 99 8M10IN CTEAK £pV89 -• • ♦ # - • STEAK T-BONE fUAClN© FtAVGR/' S«TEAK.Sr78 Nl^NH^TTAfJ ''wi>us „4^39 mk$mr:r%lL Ghahcoauep'’ ROUND GEAR PENYBK ft#- OVEN ROAST...??®' 79-1 6»it6$?g7df|MawS 59 SWIFt3 WEPT SOUTH TfeYAS MOST MODCPW ... SEPViCe $ OUAAANTEeO U^GATCC? TEXA6Wt.<IWSfM*W WWAN‘ SSSSS. TEXAS