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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1968)
• v-v..>//,•.: ' [GINSERIKG LIBRARY illPUS 2 COPIES be Battalion Weather •i;': Saturday—Partly cloudy, winds North- g: :£ erly 10-20 m.p.h. High 76, low 54. :§ Sunday—Partly cloudy, winds South- % •x erly 15-20 m.p.h. High 78, low 58. VOLUME 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 Number 568 Gingrich Elected Junior President By DAVE MAYES Battalion Staff Writer John R. Gingrich Thursday captured the junior class pi-esi- dency—the office he had lost in an election two weeks ago. Gingrich had protested the March 28 junior class elections to the Election Commission and the Student Senate. He had charged that lists of candidates were being distributed at the polls and said many sopho mores did not have time to vote due to long lines, drill and class conflicts. “The passing out of sample bal lots coerced a large number of students to vote against their better judgment,” Gingrich claim ed in a Student Senate meeting. GINGRICH also had presented a petition signed by more than 300 sophomores proposing the inclusion of Ginrich’s name on the runoff ballot. Although the Election Commis sion disallowed Ginrich’s protests, the Student Senate April 4 ruled that discrepancies warranted an other junior class presidential election. Runner-up was civilian candi date John F. MacGillis, who polled 130 votes to Ginrich’s 218. Another 200 votes were divided among six other contenders. Robert L. Bowling received 19 votes; Allen D. Janacek, 6; John P. Maline, 7; John C. Otto, 2; Albert J. Reinert, 15; and Collier R. Watson, 33. “WHEN THE results were an nounced at the Student Senate meeting Thursday, I nearly fell through my chair,” Gingrich said happily. Gingrich said he plans to begin soon working out plans for the expansion of the junior council, a class trip to Washington D. C., for the West Point football game and arrangements for dances af ter home Saturday afternoon football games. The election commissioners agreed that the election was conducted smoothly with little waiting for voters. “The light voting turnout was very disappointing,” Tony Bene detto, chairman of the Election Commission, said. “But, to my knowledge, no grievances were filed concerning this election,” he added. 66th Annual Aggie Muster To Be Held Here Sunday T. J. BARLOW RV Banquet Set Saturday At Ramada Inn The Ross Volunteers Company will spread its annual banquet Saturday at the Ramada Inn. Francis J. Bourgeois, RV com mander, of New Braunfels, said more than 200 are expected at the 7 p.m. event. T. J. Barlow, president and chief executive officer of Ander son, Clayton and Co., Houston, will be the speaker. Special invited guests include President and Mrs. Earl Rudder, Dr. Wayne C. Hall, academic vice president, and Mrs. Hall, and Dr. M. T. Harrington, international programs coordinator, and Mrs. Harrington. New members of the Ross Vol unteers’ permanent firing squad will be announced at the banquet. The new squad will fire Sunday at the annual Aggie Muster and at Silver Taps next year. “This year’s firing squad will participate in the Muster at the San Jacinto battelground,” Bour geois said. The 2:30 p.m. Sunday event is sponsored by the Houston A&M Club. James H. Lehmann of Bellaire, administrative officer of the RV Company, is supervising banquet arrangements. ■ A 1943 A&M graduate in pe troleum engineering, Barlow has been with Anderson, Clayton and Co. or one of its divisions or sub sidiaries since 1946. He has been production engineer executive as sistant and vice president, be coming the firm’s president in 1966. Barlow, who attended Harvard Business School for postgraduate studies, serves on the boards of numerous organizations and com panies. He is a member of the Houston and U. S. Chambers of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Produce Exchange, among others. He graduated as an ensign from the U. S. Navy Midship men's School at Notre Dame. During WW II, he served in the Pacific at Guam, the Philippines, Mindanao and Okinawa. Barlow is married and has two children. A son, Thomas Lance, is a junior aerospace engineering major at A&M. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. Texas Operators Join In Walkout Upwards of 10,000 telephone company employes in scores of Texas cities walked off their jobs Thursday in sympathy with a nationwide strike by installers at Western Electric Co. Some aspects of telephone serv ice in the state were noticeably slowed down, especially with re gard to calls handled by long dis tance operators. “We’re getting along pretty good, considering the circum stances,” said a telephone com pany spokesman. He estimated that 9,000 to 10,- 000 Texas employes walked out. Pickets went up at telephone company buildings in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin, Waco, Amarillo, Lubbock, Wichita Falls, Tyler, Longview, Midland, Odessa, Abi lene, Beaumont, Galveston and other points. FISH CAMP COUNSELOR HOPEFUL Band freshman Jim Sterling, (center), answers questions in an interview to select coun selors for this fall’s YMCA Fish Camp Sept. 7-10 near Palestine. Interviewing are over all Camp Chairman David Howard (third from left) and individual camp chairman, (from left), John Adams, Jim Stephenson, Mike Portie, Gary Anderson and Russell Tompkins. Interviews will continue through Wednesday and applications for counselor are being ac cepted in the YMCA, Howard said. (Photo by Mike Wright) Senate Elections To Be Held In YMCA, MSC Basement A&M Exes Plan GlobalObservance By BOB PALMER Battalion Staff Writer Aggies will assemble at 6 p. m. Sunday in front of the System Administration Building for one of A&M’s most honored traditions, the Aggie Muster. The campus Muster will coincide with 300 ceremonies around the world, when Aggies will honor their comrades who have died this year. Marine Maj. Gen. Wood B. Kyle will be the principal speaker at the campus Muster. He will be joined in the program by the Ross Volunteers, the Aggie Band, the Singing Cadets and President Earl Rudder. President Rudder also will speak at the Muster being held at the San Jacinto Battle ground, the first ever held at that site. THE CEREMONY originally began in 1903 to honor the heroes of San Jacinto on the anniversary of their victory. The Dallas Aggie Club will feature at its Muster Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, class of ’31 and father of the U. S. missile system. The major highlight of Muster is the Roll Call of the absent, with an Aggie answering “here” for each name called. “This symbolizes the presence of the absent Aggie in spirit with his comrades,” Joe Buser, special presidential assistant and coordinator of the world-wide program, said. Those whose names are to be called at the campus Muster include students who have died and victims of the Vietnam war. ACCORDING to the tradition, on April 21, Aggies, wherever they may be, will gather to remember those who have died and their school. — Civilian Weekend Tickets Available Civilian students must pick up tickets to the barbecue and dance for Civilian Weekend at their dormitory counselor’s office by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Civilian Student Council President Griff Venator announced. “After this time no more tickets to the barbecue will be available,” Venator said, “and tickets to the dance will only be available for purchase at the door.” By CHARLES ROWTON Battalion Editor The Student Senate voted last night to allow Election Commis sion Chairman Tony Benedetto to designate any additional locations besides the Memorial Student Center as polling places for Wed nesday’s general election. Benedetto contacted J. Gordon Gay, YMCA general secretary, and secured permission for vot ing to take place in the YMCA. Benedetto said the Election Commission decided to make an attempt to have more than one polling place as a result of the long lines and increased student interest in student government. PAPER BALLOTS will be used at the YMCA location, while the voting machines will be in oper ation at the MSC. Clarence Daugherty, chairman of the Senate Issues Committee, clarified the question of who is eligible to vote in the election. “All University students can vote in the general election and CHOICE ’68,” he said. Benedetto also reminded the Senate that the Election Commis sion is having a compulsory meet ing of all candidates in the gen eral elections today in Room 3D of the MSC. “Anyone not present must sub mit a written letter of explana tion to the Election Commission in the Student Program Office by today,” Benedetto said. VICE PRESIDENT Bill Carter reported that the Universities of Texas and Arkansas would not be able to send delegates to A&M’s Student Idea Exchange as results of student unrest on those campuses. Arkansas recently conducted an election in which the ballot box was stuffed and student leaders are involved in solving the problem. The Texas chapter of Students for a Democratic Society is plan ning a demonstration at Austin and student leaders there are Graduates Receive Viet Decorations Army Maj. Robert R. Gosney and Capt. Elbert A. Welsh, both A&M graduates, have been decor ated for service in Vietnam. Major Gosney received the Dis tinguished Flying Cross for aerial combat operations. The 1954 A&M graduate from Fort Worth served with the 119th As sault Helicopter Company. Captain Welsh’s second award of the Bronze Star Medal was made at Pleiku. He was recog nized for service as liaison offi cer, Headquarters, 937th Engi neering Group. Civilian Clothing Reg Vietw To Be Sought Wednesday meeting with the Board of Re gents to determine courses of action if the demonstration is conducted. Rice University will not be cause “of a lack of money.” ALL OTHER Southwest Con ference schools will be repre sented at the conference. Carter said any students who wished to attend portions of the conference would be welcome. Sid Spain, Southern Methodist student body president, spoke this morning at the opening ses sion. Spain represented the New Left in student government. William P. Kuvlesky, assistant professor of sociology, will speak Saturday presenting the sociol ogist’s viewpoint of student gov ernment. The Senate also voted to con duct a Campus Chest Drive next fall. Eddie Travis, Senate Wel fare Committee chairman, said the drive will be in effect as long as deemed necessary by next year’s Welfare Committee. Alpha Phi Omega will be called upon to help with the drive. Representatives from the Wad- ley Blood Institute in Houston were present at the Senate meet ing and complimented A&M on the donation of almost 4,000 pints of blood over the last 10 years. With blood priced at approxi mately $30 per pint, A&M stu dents have donated nearly $12,000 worth of blood in this decade. Plaques were presented to the Student Senate and Alpha Phi Omega for their parts in conduct ing the annual blood drive. By MIKE PLAKE Features Editor The issue of wearing “T” shirts, beards and shower sandals will be aired by the civilian students in Student Senate elections Wed nesday. The civilians will express their opinions on current student cloth ing regulations through ballots issued by the Civilian Student Council in a special meeting Thursday night. The opinion poll ballots will be distributed in all civilian dormi tories by dormitory presidents, according to Griff Venator, CSC president. “WE WOULD like to emphasize that in order to make much of a showing, the civilians must mark the ballots given them by the dorm presidents, and place them in the depository in the poll ing place when they vote in the Student Senate elections Wednes day,” Venator explained. The polling place is in the base ment of the Memorial Student Center. Students will vote by marking one of thesel statements: “I favor the current clothing regulations and their strict enforcement; I feel there should be no clothing regulations for students; I feel the current clothing regulations are too strict and should be re laxed ...” IF A STUDENT marks the third statement, he may make additional choices besides each of the current clothing regulations. A summary of the current cloth ing regulations is listed below the three statements. Thus, the student may choose part of the standing regulations, or all of them. If a student has further sug gestions for changes in the reg ulations, he can write them in at the bottom of the ballot. “The Civilian Student Council will act on whatever evidence comes from the opinion poll,” Venator said. “WE (the civilian student coun cil) will tabulate the results.” The council will submit a pro posal, based on the findings of the poll, to the Rules and Regula tions Committee of the Univer sity. “Whatever action is ultimately taken, however, lies with the Ex ecutive Committee and the ad ministration of the University,” Venator noted. This year Aggies will muster on U. S. warships at sea, in Viet namese foxholes, on the Swiss Alps and’ in North Africa. Musters will be called on every continent of the globe, including Australia. Muster chairmen include of ficers from every branch of the armed services, a Puerto Rican cattle baron, U. S. diplomats, and a Colombian Army officer. A special effort is being made to organize the Musters in Viet nam. Maj. Bill Libby, chaplain for 101st Airborne Division, is the Vietnam coordinator. UNDER HIS guidance, Musters will be held in at least 15 places in Vietnam. They include one in Saigon, one wherever the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) is, one in the Chu Lai area and one at Phu Cat Air Base. Support bases around Asia will also be having muster. Aggies will be meeting in Thailand, Okin awa and the South China Sea. This year’s Muster will have a special significance for Gen. Kyle, the campus speaker. Among the names to be called is Ma rine Maj. Gen. Bruno A. Hoch- muth, who was in the class of ’35 at A&M, while Gen. Kyle was in the class of ’36. GEN. HOCHMUTH also took over command of the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam from Gen. Kyle. Gen. Hochmuth was killed in a helicopter crash after taking over command. Gen. Kyle first saw action as a second lieutenant in 1937 when he came ashore with the 2nd Ma rine Brigade at Shanghai, China. He won recognition and two silver stars for gallantry during World War II as an infantry bat talion commander on Guadal canal, Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian. Gen. Kyle commands the 5th Marine Division at Camp Pendle ton, Calif. McAfee, Four Seniors Honored At Agricultural Convocation Tessies To Hold Informal Dance Saturday Night Residents and counselors of Stark Hall at Texas Woman’s University have invited Aggies to a dance Saturday from 8 to 12 p.m., according to Mrs. Ruth M. Crary, assistant dean of women. The dance will be held in the living room of Stark Hall on Bell Avenue in Denton, with music by a small combo. The dress will be informal, with ties and jackets. “It is always a pleasure to have men from Texas A&M on our campus as guests,” Mrs. Crary noted in a letter to the Student Senate. “We will be looking for ward to seeing a group on the 20th.” By TOM CURL Battalion Staff Writer The announcement of Dr. T. E. McAfee as Honor Professor and the presentation of four Award of Merit seniors highlighted the 1968 Agricultural Convocation Thursday night. A slide presentation was given on the future of agriculture by Reagan V. Brown, sociologist with the Texas Agricultural Ex tension Service. Awards of Merit were pre sented to seniors Juan Lopez, Da vid Boethel, Gary S. Kemph and John Moores in recognition for outstanding scholastic achieve ment and leadership work. THE FOUR were chosen after interviews before a selection board of four faculty members and Dr. R. C. Potts, associate dean of agriculture for instruc tion. Dr. McAfee, of the Soil and Crop Sciences Department, re ceived the Honor Professor Award for the second time. He has been at A&M continually since 1946 and has been an in structor here from 1939-42. He was undergraduate advisor for Agronomy students for 12 years. Dr. McAfee also has been se lected an Outstanding Professor by the A&M Collegiate FFA and received the Faculty Distin guished Service Award for teach ing. IN HIS SLIDE presentation and speech. Brown challenged the students of agriculture to pursue technology and help solve the world’s food problems. He said that the Texas Aggie is greatly sought after in the agriculture industry. “They know he is proven, that he can do the job,” Brown said of Aggies. He pointed out that 75 percent of all Texans live in 22 cities and it is the job of people in agriculture to feed the urban populations. Brown said agriculture people must help solve not only the food problem but other social prob lems. REFERRING TO raising the standard of living in America, he said that education, not a guaranteed income, is the an swer. “You’ve got to put the ladder in the schoolroom,” he remarked. Brown explained the work of the Agricultural Extension Serv ice as the method of giving the people the knowledge resulting from research here at A&M. “Our classroom is the state of Texas,” he said. Brown also said that the com ing years will be the real test of the preparation of today’s stu dents of agriculture. The attendance gavel was awarded to the Collegiate FFA for the largest percentage of members present and also for forming the largest percentage of the audience. Bryan Building & Loan Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. —Adv. BB &L