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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1968)
■ v...u uv ,-. ■ - . Che Battalion Weather Saturday — Clear to partly cloudy, winds Easterly 10-15 m.p.h. High 72, low 49. Sunday — Partly cloudy, winds South erly 10-15 m.p.h. High 74, low 53. VOLUME 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1968 Number 564 To New Election Candidates React | XCH ClaSS OffiCCFS dlOSCn In Light Voting Turnout Election Tuesday For 9 70 Prexy jJl 39 3? tt\ 5J5I u By MIKE PLAKE Wednesday night’s Student Senate decision to hold new elec tions for Junior Class President brought mixed reactions from the candidates in the race. The Senate reversed a decision made by the student election com mission Monday night to approve all the election results. JOHN GINGRICH, a Cadet Corps member, brought the only formal complaint before the Wednesday Senate meeting. “I feel the decision made by the Senate was in the best inter- ests of the student body as a whole, Gingrich said. “I plan to campaign actively in both the civilian and Cadet Corps areas before the election Tuesday.” Gingrich missed the run-off in last Thursday’s election by only two votes. JOHN MacGILLIS, one of two civilian candidates who finished in the run-offs, brought a com plaint to the Student Senate in a special meeting last night. MacGillis argued that the Thursday election results should be approved by the Senate. He said the decision by the commis- AROTC Cadets Set For Inspection Texas A&M’s Army ROTC cadets will be standing tall today and Saturday for annual federal inspection. Col. Jim H. McCoy, professor of military science, said Col. Herbert W. Krueger, Fourth Army official at Fort Sam Hous ton, will head the inspection team. The Saturday schedule calls for an 8 a.m. in-ranks inspection and a 9:30 a.m. review on the main drill field. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M. —Adv. sioners should not have been re versed. MacGillis’s reaction to the new elections: “We cannot look back. We’ve got to go ahead. I will campaign actively on both sides of the campus,” he said. “I have no animosity towards anyone; I will work as hard as I can before next Tuesday to be elected to the office I’m running for.” ROBERT L. BOWLING, the other civilian finishing in the run-offs, joined all the candidates on one point: “I hope the results and pro cedures of the past election does not widen the rift between the Cadet Corps and the civilians.” “I did feel that it was a direct slap in the face of the civilians,” he said. “However, I don’t think the civilians should start picking apart an election that has already taken place. “I hope the civilians will get out and vote again, in force, and place their candidates in office.” ALBERT J. REINERT, a Cadet Corps member, is the only other candidate considering the possi bility of competing for the office in Tuesday’s election. “I think the Senate’s decision was the only fair thing. I can understand what the civilian stu dents tried to do; I just think the methods they used were unfair,” he said. “I intend to consult with Corps members and civilians alike be fore I make a definite decision to actively campaign again.” None of the remaining candi dates of Thursday’s election will be actively campaigning. How ever, they all had comments on the student senate’s decision. JOHN OTTO, a member of the Cadet Corps, said this: “I was all for it. I’m glad some body brought up the issue. I think that the fact that people had to stay in line up to an hour (See Reaction, Page 2) HAPPINESS IS A FIRST PLACE FISH David J. Jacoby, sophomore in Company E-2, signs the telegram that will be sent to the Fish Drill Team in Washington, D. C., as Bob Keane, Squadron 9, and Richard Nance, Company F-l, Association of Former Fish Drill Team Members watch. More than 1,000 students signed the telegram wishing the FDT a first-place finish in the Cherry Blossom Festival. (Photo by Mike Wright) Martin Luther Two Suspects King Killed, In Custody MEMPHIS, Tenn. _ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1964 Nobel peace prize winner and America’s leading exponent of non-violence in the civil rights struggle, was shot to death Thurs day night, Asst. Police Chief Henry Lux said. Two unidentified men were arrested several blocks from where King was shot, while stand ing on the motel balcony. The Rev. Andrew Young, ex ecutive vice president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference haded by King, said the shot hit King in the neck and lower right part of his face. Dedicated ‘Interfaith 9 Chapel Uses ‘Assumed Name’ By DAVE MAYES The All-Faiths Chapel, at Jones and Houston Streets, is perhaps the only building on the A&M campus that goes under an as sumed name. “Although it was originally dedicated May 10, 1958, as the “Interfaith Chapel” Archivist Ernest Langfox-d recalled, “some time aftei-ward someone started calling it the All-Faiths Chapel and the name stuck.” ANOTHER name closely asso ciated with the chapel is “beauti ful.” A Tyler mother once told J. Gordon Gay, YMCA secretary and coordinator of religious ac tivities, that “one could not pass by without being influenced by its beauty.” The $225,000 structure, a gift of the Association of Former Stu dents, was designed to be “more like a shelter in a garden than an enclosed building, fitting among the existing trees and being visually open to the interior court or garden.” Covered garden walks, enclosed by perforated brick walls, invite secluded meditation “among na tural beauties.” ' THE SLOPING copper roof of the U-shaped building is sup ported by walls of alternating panels of glass and shell limestone of a type matching that of the Memorial Student Center. The terrazo floor and natural wood finish of the interior com plement the rustic style of the building’s construction. Occupying the Chapel’s 9,000 square feet of floor space are a 160-seat sanctuary for religious services and rites, a meditation room, a small library, a reading or waiting area and an office for the coordinator of religious ac tivities. THE COMMITTEE on the Chapel and Its Use, appointed by A&M President M. T. Harrington in 1955 to study and submit pro posals for a campus chapel, clear ly outlined the purposes that such a building should serve: “The Chapel shall be equally available to religious groups of all kinds, but not the regular meeting place of any. Chapel programs should encourage spiri tual development and expression of students and staff, supple menting rather than encroaching on activities of existing religious organizations.” IN KEEPING with the policy ALL FAITHS CHAPEL The only campus building- that goes under an assumed name, the building was originally named the Interfaith Chapel. More than 340 marriages have been held in the Chapel since its completion in 1957. A gift of the Former Students Association of A&M, the structure is never closed. (Photo by Mike Wright) set by the President’s committee, the only “regular” services held in the All-Faiths Chapel are the special student-directed programs for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. The Chapel has also been used for over 340 weddings, numerous batisms and other special reli gious services of all faiths. Gay, in charge of all Chapel programs, is assisted by a special committee appointed by the uni versity president. The committee is composed of representatives from the faculty and former stu dents, the chairman of the YMCA Advisory Board, the student presi dent of the YMCA and the civilian and Corps chaplains. IN ADDITION to attennding special programs, A&M students frequent the Chapel at all hours of the day to read religious books and magazines in the library, quietly reflect in a meditation room or play the electric organ. The doors of the Chapel are never locked. For the Association of Former Students the completion of the Chapel in 1957 was the climax of a five-year fund raising drive. AS THE primary objective of the Former Student Development Fund in 1952, 1953 and 1954, gifts for the chapel were solicited from thousands of former students, “men of all faiths, from many lands.” Motto of the fund-raising effort was: “Few or none of us could build a chapel, alone; but the gifts of all of us together can make it a reality.” In October, 1955, the officers of the Association of Former Stu dents presented the Board of Di rectors with the Association’s gift of $200,000 for the chapel con- struction. In addition, the Association agreed to assume all architectural and engineering costs. When the Chapel was nearing completion, a number of former students made a special gift to the Association of $15,800 to pro vide furniture and equipment. “He didn’t say a word; he didn’t move,” Young said. Immediately after the shooting, the civil rights leader was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he was declared dead a short time later. The long road to Memphis had begun in Montgomery back in 1955, when King led Negroes in a boycott of segregated city buses. The effort touched off bombing, street attacks and mob violence, but King considered the efforts a success when a court ruling finally desegregated the buses. From that beginning King launched into a career that made him a reputation as the father of the civil rights movement and won him the Nobel Peace Prize for “consistently asserting the principle of non-violence.” Bom Jan. 15, 1929, in Atlanta, King was the son of a Baptist minister whom he followed into the ministry. He was married to the former Coretta Scott, a former voice teacher. They had four children. By TOM CURL Battalion Special Writer Only 1,600 Aggies voted Thux-s- day in the class officer runoff election as compared to 2,450 who voted in the general election March 28. In the runoff that had only one presidential post in question, Gary J. Martin was elected head of next year’s sophomoi'e class. MARTIN, with 482 votes, de feated Michael Schilab, a civilian, who polled 345 votes. The scheduled runoff between John R. MacGillis and Robert L. Bowling for president of the class of ’70 was cancelled by the Stu dent Senate Wednesday flight. There will be a special election Tuesday with the full slate of the original eight candidates for the office. In addition to Mac Gillis and Bowling, the candidates are John R. Gingrich, Allen D. Janacek, John P. Maline, John C. Otto, Albert J. Reinert and Collier R. Watson. The Senate action resulted from complaints of voting irregulaxi- ties in the March 28 election. In last week’s general election, Beverly “Early” Davis drew enough votes to be elected senior class president. IN THURSDAY’S runoff, Bud Welch was elected vice president of next year’s senior class wtih 188 votes. His opponent, Danny McCauley, drew 163 votes. The contest for vice president of the class of ’70 was won by Jerry Dunham with 270 votes while Kenneth R. Graeber, a civilian, polled 217. The vice president of next year’s Sophomore class will be Michael J. McKean, who had 440 votes. He was trailed by Charles R. Hoffman with 380 votes. In the runoff for seci’etary- treasurer of the class of ’69, Bob Foley defeated Lonnie H. Mc- Gaughy. Foley polled 261 votes to 117 for McGaughy. Daniel L. Swords, a Corps mem ber, was elected secretary-treas urer of next year's junior class by defeating Bobbie Van Ness. Swords drew 289 votes to 194 votes for Miss Van Ness. THE SOPHOMORE secretary- treasurer will be William E. Shepard. Shepard polled 462 votes to defeat Paul Scopel, who had 367 tallies. In the runoff for social secre tary of the class of ’70, Ronald Bruce Smith defeated James St. John. Smith and St. John had 252 and 212 votes, x-espectively. Next year’s sophomore class social secretary will be John H. Speer, a civilian. He polled 433 votes to defeat Michael E. God win, who drew 381. The position of senior historian was won by Don Wayne Bonifay with 216 votes. Ronnie Wise, a civilian, had 157 votes. DR. MARTIN L. KING Last Opportunity To See A&M Film Last chance to see “We’ve Never Been Licked,” the only film ever made of Texas A&M, is a 8 p.m. tonight in Guion Hall, accord ing to Dave Mayes, chairman of the Memorial Student Center Travel Committee. Starring Robert Mitchum, the film depicts the A&M college life as it ws “back in th days of Old Army” in the 1940’s. Mayes said the proceeds from the film will go to finance travel loans for nine A&M students touring Europe this summer. Bryan Building & Loan Association, Your Sav ings Center, since 1919. —Adv. JS&jL MacGillis’ Nixed By By CHARLES ROWTON Battalion Editor After almost two hours of de bate, the Student Senate Thurs day night defeated a motion by Student Senator Wayne Prescott that would have reversed the de cision reached at Wednesday’s special meeting that provided for reholding the election for the presidency of the Class of 1970. The motion was defeated by a vote of 15-9. Thursday night’s meeting was called after John F. MacGillis, candidate for the office, protested the action taken at Wednesday’s meeting and the lack of advance notice about the meeting given to persons involved. AT THAT MEETING, John Gingrich, a candidate who missed winning a place in the runoff elec tion by two votes, presented a fox-mal protest that certain facets of the March 28 election were not properly conducted. MacGillis asked Gingrich to elaborate since he had not been at the first meeting. Gingrich reasserted his opinion that elec tion campaigning regulations had been violated by the passing out in the Memorial Student Center of ballots containing only the names of civilian candidates and that some people did not have an opportunity to vote because of long lines, Army drill, or class conflicts. AFTER HEARING Gingrich’s argument, the Senate had passed a motion proposed by Bob Collins, a civilian graduate student, which said: Since the Election Commis sion has handled the election fairly shoddily and at an inop portune time, I move that the election be held again. The motion passed 22-1, with Election Commission Chairman Tony Benedetto dissenting. This decision means that x*e- turns from the March 28 election for the office of president for the Class of 1970 will be thrown out and all candidates would be placed on the ballot again for the new election. IN ADDITION to Gingrich and MacGillis, candidates include John C. Otto, Albert Reinert, Col- Protest Senate Her Watson, John Maline, Robert Bowling and Allen D. Janacek. MacGillis contended that the campaigning in the MSC was done without his consent or knowledge and, because of this, he did not thixxk Gingrich’s complaint was valid. Benedetto told the Senate that election regulations as they now read do not allow campaigning for a candidate by anyone on election day within 50 yai'ds of the polling place. ELECTION Commission regu lations also state that . . . “If- a c"^didate or an election commis sioner wishes to charge a candi date with a violation of the elec tion regulations, he shall file a written charge and explanation to the Election Commission with in ten calendar days of the elec tion. The Election Commission will investigate the charges and forward its recommendations to the Student Senate. A majority vote by the Student Senate will be required for approval of the Election Commission’s recom mendations. Some students questioned the fact that only one race was being questioned when violations of campaigning regulations could have affected every race. Student Senate President Jerry Campbell told the meeting that this was be cause it was the only office about which a formal protest had been lodged. Gerald Geistweidt, Election Commission member, agreed with Daugherty but expressed discon tent with the criticism given to the Election Commission by the Senate. “We have tried everything in our power to discourage the prac tice of campaigning at the elec tion site, but it is impossible to watch everyone.” Geistweidt said that a list of candidates was placed on the entrance to the room in the MSC where the runoff elections were conducted yesterday but was con fiscated by an Election Commis sion member. First Bank & Trust now pays 5% per annum on savings certif icates. —Adv.