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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1968)
nt Wednesday, April 8, IMS College Station, Texas Page 8 THE BATTALION Forum Speaker Says BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES t day 14 S«r word S*tf par column lech Political Announcements Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 4, 1968. For Congressman, Sixth Con gressional District: OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) FOR SALE SPECIAL NOTICE ATTBfTION I ASM UaWaraKy. Sm pear. Ml North Tous. ATTENTION JO* IMS Corroir Coras. looSeS. omealWnt a. St.MS milaa. Cell S4S-TSM after ssia ISM OMa. V-S air aooSMionod. rsSto. Goo4 oosSHioo. Phona SM-SSTS. M1U SSTtfS rorarM hr tha F If thar offar laaa waeo or fail to par half for o* artiste waea for aatpl prior to tha t soar with erarthso poj hours a with. Jaha eoi tha ISM AstesSatasta hour minimum with am after «S hour* a went f ormation. con tart t Offlea of that U. S- War* A Hour A Pi •It Profamional Bid. Sth A Waco. Taxaa 7nSl. MasSarej Act taeal mtaMam . time as4 asm he minimum he the FLSA •a -f l.M aa WANTED April M Sr Mar 1. fit* per ■fferUre ath. S4S- M1U OFFICIAL NOTICE Offteial aatiam moat arrira Is tha Offlaa of Stafaat Puhhratiaaa hrfan AasdMaa of I p. m. of tha Sar »madias pahllmNas ENGLISH PEOP1C1BNCT EXAMINATION Tha Eapihh ProfialasM MuMSfaetlaa tm oulrad of all Mslor atsdaata amJarise la Edamtlna or in Parcholaer wM hp offorad aa April t«. (Wadaaadar) from t OS to 4:M p. m. in Aiadamlt Ml. H wlU ho offorod acaia tha aoma Aar from 4 :M to • M p. m. ia Academia JOS StudaaU maj taka tha asamhmtloo aither tiaaa hr re port in* to the appointed piece at the la- dloatod time. Esamlaeoo should hrisp p pencil, dictionary and romposltion papar condition Son It ot Uniroraity Cyeie North Goto or Call MS-WTS. HURJtY -Only osa laft v Now 1MT Mua- lan*. Umo Gold, lap Gold Interior, " Air. Automatic. Kodio. Coneot*. 1 Wheel Covera. Etc Save over TTM. Ai laed Ford Daaler. Calvert Motor*. Team. Phone EM 4-SSS4. MTtfa M ease electric Coen Cola hen. Oricinally ISM sow only !M. Barkr Harprove. Phone It Pla* Pone table tops. S1S.M value anlr $11 .M ooch. Burke Harprova. Phone MltMT. / STItfa SM metal fetdiap chairs. |7.M value mly $4 each ia S l»u Barks Her croeo. Phone SM-Stn. MTtfS eugene McCarthy Supporters Will Mast Thunder. • p. m . COFFEE LOFT Paid Political aanouncaa Lydia Pulsipher »* hr Party rocort album*. Xaa Idaho atom, all kinds Hama—A**i* 7 Den. North Goto (arat to Laopofa) open I a. m. till T seven days • week— coma osa ns I (SStfa CABACE BALE 4IS Ehliacur Dr. Thursday from I OS to I :M and Friday from • :M to 4 :M. Many uabU Hama. CHILD CARE ATTENTION Research Professors / Graduate Research Assistants You may be eligible for special income tax benefits. For this and other tax problems contact. Blocker Trant 4015 S. Texas Are. Phone 844-7842 HUNPTT DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. S4M South Col lap*. State Licensed nS-Mlf. Virginia D. Jeeas. R. N. SStfa Those uadersraduata student* who have M semester hoar* of credit may pure hose the A A If Ha*. The hoars passed ot the time of tha Preltmtaory Geode Rep< April 1. 1PM may bo used la oaUafytac the M hour requirement. Tha studs qualify in* under this re*ulation may Imre their name with the Rla* Clerk la tha Roelatrar'a Office In order that she ■ check the record* to determine tl eU*ibi)ity to order the Ho*. Orders for the r»n«s wUI ho takas between April IS. and May tl. ISM. AU rin** will bo ro- turnad to this office on or about fair IS for further deltvery. The Rla* Clerk la on duty from t:M to It :M noon. Monday tkroMk Friday. MSU4 Mixed Marriages May Mean Trouble mm k s LAND la their hi*h eehool mar pick them the office of Student Puaiteatfona. a Buiidla*. SdStfn ep la All pro veterinary medicine for See* enter IMt most have t approved by their Academic form eipatf hr the Acade and llotla* approved eoars presented at rocmtratlon. the HELP WANTED LOST ('ashler-apply ia person at Collase Station Chicken Shack. Mltfa Watch left oa table oa second floor of NSC Finder leave at daak. Leave name end address and reward will he seal. Mill THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Pinal Examination for the Doctoral Dear a* Name: Elhlfay. Mossed lakl Decree: PhD. In Genetics Dias motion : Gamete selection in Cora Time: Tueeday. April t. at S:M a. m. Plane: Library, Animal Industrie* Buildin* Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies r M1M TO ALL JUNIOR AND SENIOR PHTSICS MAJORS If you have not already poeeed the En*lleh Proficiency Examination administered the Dept, of Physics, you are harsh, m fled that the examination will bo offorod on Tuesday. April t. IMS or Wednoad April It, IMt bacinaia* at 4:14 p. m. each day in Room Ml of the Physics Bide. If you cannot take tha examination at ett of those times, yon are requested to contact Prof. N. M. Duller or Prof B. S. Bortokke on or before Monday April 4. 1M4. MIU FOR RENT Experienced beauty operator with estab lished clientele. Kt-44«7 or Stt-dltt 4Mt4 "ted. two or t r 1 ti Unfurnished two bed lent in Bryaa. Call ttt-ltM duplex apart- after 4 p. m. 444tfa Large furnished house. SU4 per month Call 444-4411. 44ttfn '—— — — * STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rata, near the University. 444- 4414. 4Mtfa 1 registered nursm for au to 11 shift ot Modteoa Coonty ediaouvtlle. Texas. Ex eel lent Call coileet. D1 P.J4J1. Miss Gloria lice or Mr. E. G. Clark. 444tfn WORK WANTED Typing. »4*-S*»J a. m or after 4. 44Stfn Typing. itt-MIt. THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living" Separate Adalt A Family Aron* '•Children Welcome** Model Apts, open For I expect ioe From lit# - AU Utilities Paid 1441 8. College Aveeue Resident Monager • Apt. M Phone tt4-4tM Make Tour Deposit Now tMtfa Typing Wonted, seven years experience, specialise ia scientific, mathematical and symbols. Guarantee perfect 44ttfn ■tnerrm* «t r. *44-11*0 V HOME A CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES A SERVICE KEN'S RADIO & TV 848 W. 26th 822-281* VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway botwoon Bryan A A AM Unhrorsity STUDENTS I I Need A Berne | A t Bedroom Far. A Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard t MONTBS LEASE SZ1-MSI Ml Laka Be Apt. 1 FREIGHT SALVAGE A Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliance* • Bedding A Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED A EXCHANGED CoMpletely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION lit S Bryaa —Bryaa— ttt-M74 SOSOLIK’S TV A RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color A RAW - TV All Mahes RAW TV Krpair* 712 S. MAIN 822-1941 All damaged \*> utility hr ear repairs orud to full deportment. C & D SALVAGE CO. 44ad A S. Tabor Streets — Bryaa TYPEWRITERS Rentmls-SaWB-Scrvice Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Cakulatora & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. *4* S. Main 822-44*4 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 844-5814 CM Cara Lowest Priced 849.79 per me. With Nermal Down Payment OPEL KADEffT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 47M Texao Aon. Mth A Parker 441-144* 444-1447 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Innaraace Group 44M 8. Callage IJ4-M41 WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, A Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 4X4 8. Main — Phone 424-14X8 Bryaa. Texao AUTO REPAIRS All Makes 1 : I Just Say:i “Charge If Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer CImsIc Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Enco A ( onoco 31# qt. Amalie A Havoline * 35# qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Resenred Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts-We Fit 96% of AU Cara - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.08 ex. 2 Wheels — many care Auto inns, oil 25# AC - Champion • Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 4 Volt - $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.96 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Year Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 234 E. 15U» Bryaa. Texas JOE FAULK '32 81 years ia Bryaa ENGINEERING A OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. • REPRODUCTION A MEDIA — ARCH. A ENGR. SUPPLIES • SURVEYING SUPPLIES A EQUIPMENT — OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE A SUPPLIES 442 West 25th St. Ph. 888-4*2* Bryan, Texas Now Leasing The New Luxurious Trinity Gardens for iaformatloa call: 846-2614 or 846 • 5070 Trinity Place A 8. W. Callage Statieu Parkway By JIM BASINGER Batts Hsu News Bditer Interfaith marriage problems, which seem trivial at first, might lead to grave consequences for a couple if these problems are not solved at once, D. Lance Bullard said Tuesday night. Ending the 1988 series of YM- CA marriage forums, Bullard, a sociology instructor, said that while these marriage problems may seem trivial at first, they will certainly get worse before they get better. He said that “love will find a way . . . you must adapt to each other and have love and under- ■tanding.” Interfaith marriages do cause problems, but Bullard added that these problems are not insur mountable. “People are becoming more heterogeneous .. . we’re becoming more urbanised and in doing so the social values tying people together are falling apart." Be cause of this, Bullard said that interfaith marriage has become more acceptable. Nearly every college student has attended or attends some sort of religious organisation, Bullard said. "Nearly everyone is connected with religion,” he added. “Everyone is affected by re ligion, whether they think they are or not,” Bullard continued. “You’re a product of religious values, even if you have never gone to church.” However, this religious tenden cy ia weakened with a student’s entrance into college, Bullard said. He added that nearly every college student will attend church leas while he ia ia college than he did in high school. This temporary loas of reli gious affiliation teems to cover up problems stemming from basic religious differences be tween couples, Bullard pointed out. “You are more likely, as a col lege student, to marry outside your faith.” Bullard added that once a couple is married, they are struck by reality and these seemingly trivial differences between faiths become mor* acute. These religious differences are brought to the surface by the sudden increased religious affili ation experienced by a couple after their college yea re, Bullard- commented. However, love can help resolve these problems, he noted. If a couple was really in love when they were married and still in love, Bullard said that mar riage problems caused by re ligious differences can be solved. • Bullard noted that marriages between Catholics and Protes tants are the most controversial. Differences between conception and birth control, sterilization and artificial insemination, all of which Catholics oppose, are the source of many problems between the two religious beliefs, he con cluded. MARRIAGE FORUM ENDS D. Lance Bullard, AAM sociology instructor, told last night’s Marriage Forum audience everyone is affected by religion, whether they think they are or not. Bullard’s talk on the problems of interfaith marriages ended the five-week YMCA series. (Photo by Mike Wright) Biosciences Staff Adds 4 Foreigners B-CS Bus Service Linked To Houston By DAVE SMITH Battalion Special Writer The old Aggie saying “High way 6 runs both ways” is proved every day by the Central Grey hound Lines, the bus company which serves the Bryan-College Station area. All the scheduled buses which pass through Bryan enter and leave on Highway 6, heeding for or just having left Houston. These buses from Houston are going to cities north of Bryan. A Bryan traveler can ride the bus directly to Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco, or Denver. Traveling to cities southwest of Bryan, like San Antonio or Corpus Christ!, is more trouble some. The traveler rides the Central Greyhound bus to Heame, 19 miles north on Highway 4, and transfers to a Continental bus, which takes him south to Austin and San Antonio. Fourteen buses arrive in Bryan each day. Seven go to Hearne and the Dailaa area, and seven go The depot closes at 10:30 p.m. and opens at 7 a.m. It adjoining a cafeteria. The U-totem stop is a flag stop, the buses will only stop on signal. The bus Hne offers a charter bus service. A bus can be char tered to take a group almoat any where. but a minimum of 39 passengers is required. Greyhound also offers a pack age express service in Bryan. Suit cases or trunks can be shipped by bus with the price determined by mileage and weight. A favorable character istic of this type of shipping ia knowing the approximate time the shipment will arrive. The Greyhound Co. offers a 10 per cent saving on fares for round trip tickets. All fares are set by the company and not the local station. Although use of credit cards is available in some of the large cities, such a service is not available in Bryan. The Texas AAM Biochemistry and Biophysics Department has taken on an even wider interna tional flavor with the addition of four new staff members. They are Dr. Joseph Nagyvary of Hungary, Dr. Roberto Proven- tale of Italy, and Bemd-Jergen Henrici and Wolf-Dietrich Krebs of Germany. The group is fluent in English, but their accents add further va riety to an already-cosmopolitan atmosphere provided by such ear lier staff members as Dr. Nestor R. Bottino of Argentina, Dr. Ha va E. Neumann of Israel, Dr. Eberhard Haeffner of Germany, Dr. M. Bahi Abou-Donia of Egypt, and Dr. Chandra Sharms. Dr. Amando Rao and Dr. Pullar- kat Raju of India. Dr. Carl Lyman, head of the Biochemistry and Biophysics De partment, said Nagyvary has brought to AAM a new program on the chemistry of nucleic acids (components found in the nucleus of animal and plant cells). “These chemical substance form the physical basis of genetic inheritance and are undoubtedly related to the origin of life," Ly man said. Dr. Nagyvary and his staff are also synthesising new drugs for the treatment of cancer and viral diseases.” Nagyvary received his BS de gree in organic chemistry in 1964 in Budapest. His MS and doc torate came in 1961 and 1962 from the University of Zurich in Switzerland, where he worked with Swiss Nobel Laureate Paul Karrer. Next came a period with the distinguished scientist. Lord A. R. Todd at Cambridge University for studies on nucleotides (deriv atives of nucleic acids). He came to the United States in 1964 and is now a citisen. Provenzale was born in Flor ence. Italy, and received his PhD degree from the University of Florence. He haz worked on the synthesis of natural products at the Universities of Milan and Zurich- The Italian came to the United State* in 1967 as a permanent resident. • Henrici ie from Frankfurt, Ger many, aad holds a German tech nical diploma. He worked with the Swiss firm, Ciba Ltd., until 1966 when he came to the U. S. to join Nagyvary’s group. Krebs, also from Frankfurt, holds a diploma as a druggist but has worked five years in organic synthesis. He is currently re searching the polymerization of nucleotides and is in the U. S.~l as an exchange visitor. Graduate Student wrc SSWSM oixro, «ii« ooss:!! *•< | s ■ e to Houston. None of them are ex- vretS F ellOWSilip presses. They leave mostly at Pi rot J.moo HneManH presses. They leave mostly night or in the morning. There are four afternoon buses, one going to Dallas, one going to Fort Worth and two going to Houston. The main office and depot of the bus line is at 1300 Texas Ave. In College Station, buses can be caught at the U-to tern at 2806 N. Highway 6 at the East Gats. First Lt. James Hughland Lee Jr. of Dallas, nuclaar engineering graduate student at Texas AAM, has received his third fellowship from the Atomic Energy Com mission. The fellowships in nuclaar sci ence and engineering were offered to only 301 graduates this year, an A EC spokesman said. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans sad Caaveattaaal Loess FARM A HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Heme Office: Nevada, Ma li 23 Texas Ave. (ia Ridgecrest) 844-3748 Call 822-1441 ' ^ r • ■ * • ■ Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. • Two Bedroom, 1% Bath • Expert Yard Maintenance • Formal Living and Dining Rooms • All Eloctrk Built-in G. E. Kitchens o Custom Drapes and Carpets • Carrier Central Hasting and Air Conditioning • Very Large Privately Fenced Backyards a Washer-Dryer Connections in GafAge • One Block from New Elementary School • Attached Garage • Rentals $169.60 • Children and Pets Welcome. f Great Issues Speakers Series Presents DR. FRED M. BULLARD Distinguished Geologist & Volcanologist “VOLCANOS AROUND THE WORLD” Tonight MSC Ballroom i i *« v *r * . < c ' -f". | r f T * / Aggies With Activity Cards Free Aggie Wives & Public School Students-75c a m Uv 'iiK General Admission-$1.50 p.m.