Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1968)
Virginia Parker, playing the part of Sandra Markowitz, a social worker, listens to the dreams of Murray Burns, played by Jim Weyhenmeyer, in the Aggie Players’ production of “A Thousand Clowns.” The play will run until Saturday. Sen. McCarthy Predicts Need For Price, Wage Control CHICAGO <A>)_Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, dropping into Chicago to raise some money for his cam paign, told business men Wednes day that if the Vietnam war con tinues to escalate the nation will have to plan for credit, price and wage controls. The Minnesota Democrat took part of the day off from cam paigning in Wisconsin for his April 2 primary challenge of President Johnson. He made a fund-raising appearance and a speech in Chicago—and talked by telephone wth Mayor Richard J. Daley, a supporter of Johnson. At a news conference Mc Carthy fielded questions about a A Harvard-Texas A&M debate match Monday will argue the question “Resolved, that the higher education of women is a fruitless pursuit.” The All-Fools Day A&M De bate Club presentation will begin at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Assembly Room, an nounced Robert Archer, debate director. The English Department fac ulty member said Ron Hinds, a junior finance major from Mid land, and Bob Peek of Jacksboro, sophomore in journalism, will represent A&M and argue the affirmative. Harvard University debaters Ronald Luke of Dallas and Ed ward Jones of Fredericksburg, Va., will take the negative side of the question. Luke is an inter- mini-revolt in his “children’s crusade.” Asked about the resignation of his campaign press secretary, Seymour Hersh, 30, and Hersh’s assistant, Mary Lou Oates, 23, McCarthy said: “I don’t look upon this as a serious loss to my campaign . . . We’ll survive.” Hersh is a free lance writer and a former reported for The Associated Press in Chicago and Washington. Miss Oates was a newswoman. Their duties were taken over Wednesday by Paul Gorman, 38, who had been a speech writer for the campaign. McCarthy spoke before busi- disciplinary social studies major. Jones studies government. Both are sophomores and Harvard University Debate Council of ficers. “Harvard is one of very few schools in the U. S. that offers credit courses in debate,” Archer noted. The Cambridge institution stu dents are on a 10-day tour of the Southwest. Jones and Luke will debate at seven other Texas schools, including the University of Texas at Austin and Arling ton, Houston and Rice. Archer said the audience-par ticipation debate will last about an hour and a half. Admission for A&M students, faculty and Aggiew ives will be 50 cents per person. Tickets for the general public are $1 each. nessmen at the Paper Board Packaging Council. McCarthy, a memoer of the Senate Finance Committee, said if the cost of war rises to $50 billion a year the nation would have to be prepared to move to ward some kinds of wartime con trols—and not the surtax now proposed by the Johnson admin istration. He said some action would have to be considered on credit controls and on wage and price controls. ADS To Sponsor Advertising Week “Advertising Recognition Week” for the Bryan-College Sta tion area, sponsored by the A&M Chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, professional advertising fratern ity, will be April 8-12, Winston Green, president said Monday. During the week the club will president an advertising educa tion award to Miss Mary Stewart of Smith and Douglas Advertis ing Agency, Dallas, in recognition of her efforts in the area of ad vertising education, Green said. Activities will also include an open house of the new advertis ing lab facilities in the Services Building. “Each ADS chapter in the United States sets aside one week during the year as a week to bring the advertisers, the local media and the community to gether and show that each one depends on the other two for growth and prosperity,” Jack Boggan, club sponsor, said. Harvard-A&M Debate Match To Argue Role Of Women NEW-BREAK THROUGH-FREE —Service Added- Exclusive Drip Dry Rinsing new AT YOUR AUTO-TERIA 50c AUTOMATIC CAR WASH 208 Hwy. 6 — Colleg-e Station — Adjacent to Sands Motel Applied to your car as you exit at a controlled Speed. With no chance for fallout from equipment. Excellent results may be expected normally without touching your car or drying it. Spotting & Streaking are virtually eliminated by De-Ionized Water Process. White Wall Tires Given Special Treatment. STUDENTS & FACULTY SPECIAL MARCH, MON. - TUE. - WED. - THURS. — 4 P. M. - 8 P. M. Automatic Wash-Wax (Prestone Jet Spray Wax) Drip Dry & White Wall Treatment 50c Blood Transfers Keep Girl Alive PONTIAC, Mich. (A>) _ Five- year-old Sally Harrington, suf fering from an often-fatal blood disease, has been kept alive for six months with 800 pints of blood. If the transfusions—up to 50 pints a week—can be kept up, her doctors think she may be cured. The dark - haired, blue - eyed Sally lives in danger around the clock and has been confined to a padded bed since last September at St. Joseph’s Hospital in this Detroit suburb. Her mother, Mrs. Emmanuel Harrington, says it takes 50 pints of blood a week to keep Sally “full of pep and looking like nothing was wrong with her.” Her need for blood has prompt ed several hundred people in the Detroit and Pontiac area to do nate for her. She has aplastic anemia, a leukemia-like disease, in which the bone marrow fails to produce necessary blood components. Her mother says few ever has sur vived it long as Sally. But there is hope now. “If she can just stay in there long enough, they know for sure they can cure her,” said the Phi Zeta To Hold Banquet On Saturday The A&M Chapter of Phi Zeta, the national honor society of vet erinary medicine, will hold its annual initiation beginning at 7 p.m. this Saturday. The ceremonies will be fol lowed by a banquet at Briar- crest Country Club. Benjamin J. Mahaffey of the Recreation and Parks Department will be the speaker. Famed European waxworks tend to feature gruesome horror chambers. Wax museums in the United States generally recreate the important events and people of American history. mother, wife of a General Mo tors foreman. Recent bone marrow tests, Mrs. Harrington says, indicate Sally’s marrow is beginning once again to produce both red and white corpuscles, and equally impor tant, that the marrow’s platelets- making mechanism may start working again. Platelets cause the blood to clot. Without them a minor cut could cause a hemorrhage and death. The goal is to keep Sally alive until she once again makes her own platelets. Although doctors say Sally isn’t yet producing enough red or white blood cells, her mother says the chance of bleeding is, to her, the big threat. Only a nosebleed caused a scare last week. Biology Dept. Expects 170 For Meeting Some 170 participants will reg ister at the Holiday Inn Friday for a regional meeting of the American Society for Microbiol ogy. Texas A&M faculty members will host the two-day spring sci entific meeting of the Texas branch. Dr. Walter J. Nickerson, foun dation lecturer of the national so ciety, will be featured speaker, according to Dr. Willard A. Ta ber of A&M’s Biology Depart ment. Nickerson’s presentation, “Syn thesis and Degradation of Bio logical Polymers,” will highlight 35 papers to be given on subjects ranging from soil to medical microbiology. Taber, arrangements commit tee chairman, said scientists from Texas and Louisiana will attend the regional meeting. The Tex as branch is one of A&M’s larg est, with more than 600 members. The national society numbers in excess of 10,000. THE BATTALION Thursday, March 28, 1968 College Station, Texas Page 7 The battleship USS New Jersey, after 10 years in the moth ball fleet, sails down the Delaware River headed for the Atlantic Ocean for three days of sea trials prior to being recommissioned. The ship is scheduled to sail to the Gulf of Tonkin, probably in early fall, where she will be used to hurl 2,700-pound projectiles on North Vietnam’s coastal targets. (AP Wirephoto) FREE FREE FREE Delicious Dutch Kettle HASH BROWNED POTATOES One Order with each purchase of a • Dutch Kettle Hamburger and a slice of • Dutch Kettle “famous” Ice Box Pie (Good Through March 31) Good — 9 p. m. To 12 p. m. — Only Dutch Kettle Restaurant 100 Hwy. 6 — College Station — Gus Ellis ’37 i ui u wt or For Your Corsage For The Air Force Ball It’s The Student Floral Concession. See Your Dorm Salesman Or Stop By The Floriculture Greenhouse Thursday or Friday 8-5 • Carnations • White Orchids • Double Cymbidiums • Lavender Orchids Student Floral Concession “Run by Aggies for Aggies”